Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I eat popcorn but only dry popped either in an air popper or in a microwave popper. My husband on the other hand eats microwave popcorn that is reduced fat and low-sodium. His problem is that he doesn't understand that the bag holds three servings.


    OK, tried the blue box thing, lets see if it works, I am going to try and drink more water, and only eat one of those mini bags of popcorn a day....
    I know that I am suppose to watch the sodium.... I dont' cook, so it's hard for me to do that... I make a steak, that is about it...
    had left over chinese chicken and veggies, 1/2 cup of brown rice, for dinner last night and 1 cup steamed broccoli...
    Drank 10 glasses of water, that is ALOT for me...

    DiDN"T WORK, the blue box!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good morning sneakers, hope everyone is having a good Day.
    Maddie, glad you are improving, dont count your chickens too soon, be careful, no stressing. Prayers for your Mom, that is giving her health a big boost right there!
    marie, Heidi is on vacation, hopefully bringing back lots of photos. They are on a seven day cruise.
    id like to be on a seven day cruise in my back yard!
    Im glad Jerry got a good report from his dr. I know you will be glad when he is finished so you can have him back home with you.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Natalie you must be a 'think outside the (blue) box' kind of person! Lol! JK
    You'll get it. We can still read your posts, thats what matters.
    that sodium is tricky. Do you like to use the microwave? Instead of buying chinese ckn and veggies, buy vegetables unseasoned, steam them, keep a little ginger root on hand, a quick grating of just a little added to vegetables before you microwave them. Make a big pot of rice to eat all week. I microwave mine in a popcorn bowl(microwave kind) as for chicken, they microwave easily but you can check out some of the frozen cooked options. Tyson makes a good one. Dont know if it is t high in sodium. The trick is to get the results you like so you will be more likely to keep it up. Those steamfresh vegetables are good. There is one with edamamae in it. Goodprotein source. Watch out, there are a couple that are seasoned, asian style I think.
    Buzz has written letters trying to convince fda to 'lose the salt', I think. She has lots of good advice.

    The other day, my aunts doctor told her to cut sodium, and when she told her friends about it, they said, 'you are going to lose some weight!', so there is something to this.
    look at how much sodium kids get, and understand why childhood obesity rates are soaring
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome, Donna! Marie told us to expect you. Loma Linda is in Calif. Isnt it? I havent looked at your profile. That is tough about your tire trouble and ending up being towed. Glap you had good auto club coverage, these days I dont think Id want to be without it.
    You are doing great so far. Do you eat out much? It really is tough to do without getting boring, grilled chicken, sauted chicken, baked chicken, oh fish! Lol, and then the vegetables. I nearly fell over when I saw that Dennys added spinach to their choices.

    Thanks Phoebe! Yes, Loma Linda is in So's a little over an hour away from my house. I go there 4 days a week for cardiopulmonary rehab exercises and classes. It has helped me tremendously. Haha...yes, I get my moneys worth out of AAA. Yes, I eat out often...too makes it really hard to control my sodium intake. We like to go to Sizzler once a week and I splurge on a steak. It's pretty much the only time I eat beef. My hubby loves mexican so we eat that about once a week too. I usually get a salad tho cause it all has too much sodium for me and I make the waiter take the chips basket away cause I can't resist Yeah I had Denny's spinach but didn't really like it as it was kinda greasy with baconbits and tomatoes...I think they gave me the wrong one??? I peaked at your profile and you're a cross country truck cool is that??? I have always thought that would be a nice job! Looking forward to getting to know everyone on here!!!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone,

    Just a note to WELCOME Natalie, this group will help you get thru this difficult time during the weight lost, I know you don't like to cook but chinese food is very high in sodium so if you could stay away from chinese for a while and maybe eat more green vegetables and fruit for snack and don't forget this special rule no eating after 8:00 PM, so glad you are going to be part of this amazing group:heart::heart: :heart:

    I'll be posting again later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Donna i got you birthday off of your post. i do beieve you are the first dec. birthdate in Dec. we have.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I KNooowww, those chips, they call to me! I try to order fajitas, but get too much seasoning there too. Trie ckn tostada, the chicken was shredded, not seasoned. But those chips, irresistable!
    glad you are getting supervised activity to be safe. These sneakers have lots of good ideas.
    I'm doing WW which is why Im not posting my food here. I update my weight when I can.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I am new here, HELLO, I am Natalie, been on MFP since March 7, and have been having a tuff time of it.. I log all I eat, exercise, and well, I gained 2 lbs weighed this morning..from last weeks weigh in... I had lost 3 lbs, and now, I am up 2 again, so total lost in a month and a week is ONE
    Frustration has set in....
    I weighed myself abotu 30 min ago, I am up from this morning by 4 pounds, is that possible?
    Maybe it's the scale?
    I drank so much water today that I think that I am floating!! 10 glasses...

    Hello Natalie, I thought I recognised those ears!! :bigsmile: How is little Zoey getting along? To be honest I thought when I was viewing your diary the last couple of days the calories had shot up along with everything else. I didn't say too much as I assumed you were dining out and finding it difficult to avoid the treats and, as I commented on Sunday, I'd eaten a huge piece of chocolate cake so couldn't exactly be critical!! The advice is already pouring in so I know you will get lots of support here and hopefully get back on track.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here's one for the animal lovers, which I think is just about everyone.

    I do hope you can watch it in the US as it's on my broadband servers site. Fingers crossed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I love that video of cat and dolphin. Will show it to dh today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So did I . I think Buzz post it the other day.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    Hello Natalie, I thought I recognised those ears!! :bigsmile: How is little Zoey getting along? To be honest I thought when I was viewing your diary the last couple of days the calories had shot up along with everything else. I didn't say too much as I assumed you were dining out and finding it difficult to avoid the treats and, as I commented on Sunday, I'd eaten a huge piece of chocolate cake so couldn't exactly be critical!! The advice is already pouring in so I know you will get lots of support here and hopefully get back on track.



    Yes, I had a bad weekend, and that is why my weight went up the 2 lbs I am sure... has anyone ever heard of HCG diet?
    I was reading anout it.... wondered if anyone had heard of it?
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good morning everyone,

    Just a note to WELCOME Natalie, this group will help you get thru this difficult time during the weight lost, I know you don't like to cook but chinese food is very high in sodium so if you could stay away from chinese for a while and maybe eat more green vegetables and fruit for snack and don't forget this special rule no eating after 8:00 PM, so glad you are going to be part of this amazing group:heart::heart: :heart:

    I'll be posting again later.


    Didn't realize that we are not suppose to eat after 8 PM.... who decided that? Is that part of MFP?
    Have you heard of HCG diet?
    I was reading about it, wondering if anyone has ever been on it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    I guess I have been posting to another thread and thought it was
    this one. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
    I will have to catch up again.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley so good to hear from you again.

    Natalie do you go to your doctor for a regular check up If not you need to. tell the doctor all you have told us. he or she might can help you. You need some blood work done. to see if anything is wrong. Please see your doctor/ I think everyone here will agee with me. take care.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello everyone,

    Firstly I would like to welcome Natalie and Donna. I am new here myself, just joined in the last couple of weeks. You will love it. They are such a friendly bunch and I see you have been getting lots of advice already. They have given me lots of tips recently, which I have tried to follow (including the sodium) and it must have worked because I lost 4lb this week! I was amazed:bigsmile: I think almost everyone on here also do some form of daily exercise.

    Maddie: So relieved to hear that you are feeling better. You will be dancing in no time, but take it easy for now. It's good that you have spoken to your mum and that she is feeling better too,:flowerforyou:

    Connie: A big well done on your weight loss. Have you got far to go now for target?:drinker:

    Irene: It's good to hear from you and that the trial is going well for you:bigsmile:

    Marie: It's good to know that the doctor is pleased with Jerry. You must be very happy:flowerforyou:

    Buzz: How is your son doing? Has he started any form of diet/exercise yet?

    Sandy: Thank you for your continuing support and advice, it really helps:flowerforyou:

    Wow some of you have been here since 2008:drinker: I did'nt realise it had been going for that long. No wonder you are such great friends. Have any of you met up with each other?

    I finally put some pictures on my home page (well my daughter did). They are just some photos of my family. My profile photo is my grandaughter no 1 Jessica. She is actually now 2 1/2 but I just love this photo, it always makes me smile.

    I hope that all of you who are experiencing extreme weather are all safe.

    Deb x
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    :bigsmile: Hello everyone,

    Firstly I would like to welcome Natalie and Donna. I am new here myself, just joined in the last couple of weeks. You will love it. They are such a friendly bunch and I see you have been getting lots of advice already. They have given me lots of tips recently, which I have tried to follow (including the sodium) and it must have worked because I lost 4lb this week! I was amazed:bigsmile: I think almost everyone on here also do some form of daily exercise.
    Thanks for the welcome, ;)
    I have had blood test, my A1C (fasting blood sugar averrge over 3 months) is DOWN from the last blood test, was 7.3, now 5.9, whooooo, andn my colesteral was 189, down from 209, LDL was 120, now 104, HDL is fine..
    I am diabetic, and fasting blood sugar is always high, 240'ish, they are watching the A1C to regulate.. I am on LOTS of oral meds for it... They are watching it, but I feel great on this diet, just CAN"T LOSE..
    Has anyone heard of HCG DIET?
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    No, sorry Natalie, I have never heard of it. Whats it meant to be like? Where did you get to hear of it?

    It's good that all your test results are down. It just shows how much our diet can affect us, and how quickly eating the right foods can affect our health. It must be a lifestyle change and not a diet I think.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    No, sorry Natalie, I have never heard of it. Whats it meant to be like? Where did you get to hear of it?

    It's good that all your test results are down. It just shows how much our diet can affect us, and how quickly eating the right foods can affect our health. It must be a lifestyle change and not a diet I think.

    IF you google HCG diet, or searxh on here, it's a 21 day diet that you take drops under the tongue, and eat 500 calories...
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneaker ladies,

    I can't remember where the recipe thread is. Could someone remind me please. I am after Connies coleslaw, or cabbage salad as I believe you call it. Thank you