CLOSED - Summer Biggest Loser Challenge (With Eliminations)



  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    Good Morning teammates!! hope everyone has a great day!!! I`ll post later what i get done today:happy:
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    yay! I am excited. I do work Sunday morning so I'll probably post my picture SUPER early, like 4 am EST. I'll post what workouts I've done so far this week in a bit. and what I do today
  • mzmags
    mzmags Posts: 11 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great day. I did not do well on my diet yesterday while at my son's baseball game but am determined to do better today. Walking tonight with a friend after work.
  • Christieherron
    I am not feeling well today so i am going to fo go the work out to see if i can get better
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Hi everyone, hope it's all going well for you guys.

    I did some strength training this morning and a fightclub class at lunchtime. I burned 725 cals in total and I've pretty much eaten everything back today so I feel quite pleased with things today.

    Getting a bit worried about Sunday though!

  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    You guys, I was terrible today. I ate chocolate and went out to lunch with a friend. I'm going to have to do some kind of major workout to make up for that.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Sure nevermind!!! Don't panic!!!

  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi folks,

    Regretfully I need to resign from this competition. I'm heading out on a ten day trip and will not have access to my scales and to use any other scale will not reflect an accurate weigh in. Apologies for the inconvenience and not remembering this from the beginning.

    Hope you all rock it!!!
  • Christieherron
    Hi all well i am finally feeling better so lets see how my workout goes this afternoon. hope you all have a great day.. Drink your water.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Hi folks,

    Regretfully I need to resign from this competition. I'm heading out on a ten day trip and will not have access to my scales and to use any other scale will not reflect an accurate weigh in. Apologies for the inconvenience and not remembering this from the beginning.

    Hope you all rock it!!!

    Thanks for letting us know. I hope you have fun on your trip. If you'd like to still follow along with us on the weekly challenges when you get back that would be okay with us! We're here for support.

    Friends, since we have a resignation, we will only have ONE eliminated player this week. Don't fall below that RED LINE! Watch those Independence Day cookouts and beer! They'll get ya! :smile:
  • Christieherron
    I burned 1094 Calories this afternoon, by ridding my bike, doing 10 minutes of 30 day shred, and jumping jacks. it feels good to be able to breath well enough to work out again.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I've burned off 4,000 odd calories this week through exercise, but I doubt I'll be doing much more today and tomorrow though. Today I weigh 175 pounds so I am feeling nervous but kind of ok about the weigh in tomorrow morning. I am in the UK and I'm not sure where everyone else lives, so maybe there's different time zones or something, but I'll log on asap to record my weight tomorrow xx
  • Christieherron
    I will not be in town tomorrow until late so i weighed in this morning
    My starting weight was 248 (for this challenge)
    my current weight is 246
    i lost 2 pounds this week. for a total of 15 pounds lost.
    I burned 6553 calories since last Sunday.

    good luck to everyone tomorrow i hope this is enough to keep me in the game.

    Ilovedrinkingtea - hey lady dont stress about the weigh in stress will affect weight loss in a bad way. you are doing great. you have a good calorie burn just keep it up.

    BIG QUESTION ARE WE DOING THE PICTURES OR NOT? (can the leader of the group please answer this for me?) I really dont understand how to upload the pic's
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I've posted twice on how to upload pictures...see the second post
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Yes, I think we should post pictures. If you don't understand how to post it into the thread you can just add it to your photos on your profile (just like you did your original thumbnail picture of yourself) and let me know to find it there. In fact, that's what I have done in the past. I change my profile picture for the day.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Also, ilovedrinkingtea, don't worry about the time difference. It's okay, sister! Those of us in the States are all over the place too. Just weigh in tomorrow morning and post it before the end of the day. No big deal.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    On Monday I was 174 pounds - garr, if only I was still that!!!

    The last few days, from Wednesday onwards it's been 175.4 pounds - I didn't re-read the thread before getting on the scales, so I've not taken a picture and now I've had a pint of water and two slices of toast. Will I do another weigh in tomorrow morning, weigh in again and upload a picture then? Massive sorries!!!

    Actually uploading the photo like the thumbnail is a great idea, and I love the idea of having it as a profile picture so I think I'll ditch my profile photo and have a picture of the weighing scales instead!!!

    Next weekend I am away at a hen party all weekend so I'll have to do my weigh in before I go on friday morning.

  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    SW: 355
    CW: 353.8
    Loss = 1.2 lbs
  • throttlboy
    throttlboy Posts: 23
    This week's weigh-in: 357.0
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    This week's weigh in for me is 273.4. See profile picture. I think it's easier than photobucket. But either way is fine.