30 DS Starting 08/01 - Does anyone wants to join me?



  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    So tired and headachey. Don't want to do this tonight. Will nap. See what happens.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Even though no way did I want to do it tonight, I did it. Day 6 complete! Very proud of myself.
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Day 6 L1 DS done! Couldn't do my 20 min workout from Turbo Jam after because my 3yo decided to wake up earlier than usual today, I'll definitely do it at some point later on, I might even do the 40 min punch, kick and Jam instead :) It goes to show me that I have to wake up between 5:00 and 5:30 even on the weekends so no more sleeping until 6:00 for me. Still on modified push ups but I went from doing max 6 on the begining to doing 12 today! Yay! Definitely getting stronger! I might try do a couple of real ones next time :) The front raises are still hard, though I can do almost all of them now. I hope you all have a great day. How is everyone else doing? Remember to make good choices and drink a lot of water! Happy Shredding!

    P.S.: I'm so very proud of all of you for pushing yourselves and sticking to it! I can almost see the great results we are going to get! We can do this girls just 4 more days left for L1! Yay!!!
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Finally finished the spread sheet :) here is the link for it: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgNtaBVQxU5ldHFoLWY0ZTRESzhaZXM4bHhkUTBET0E&hl=en_US#gid=0

    Please let me know if you can view it. Also if your name is not there and you just posted on the thread send me your measuraments by message there are a lot of messages in this trhead and I don't want to have to go through all of them :) if there are any measuraments missing next to your name please send them. If you just joined you can add me as a friend and send in your measuraments :) Last but not least weight in and updated measuraments are due after you are done with each level, so day 11th, day 21th and day 31th. I'm sorry I didn't reply to your messages one by one I just got really busy :( If you have any question please message me I'll try to get to eat ASAP. Thanks everyone! Great job so far :)
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Finally finished the spread sheet :) here is the link for it: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgNtaBVQxU5ldHFoLWY0ZTRESzhaZXM4bHhkUTBET0E&hl=en_US#gid=0

    Please let me know if you can view it. Also if your name is not there and you just posted on the thread send me your measuraments by message there are a lot of messages in this trhead and I don't want to have to go through all of them :) if there are any measuraments missing next to your name please send them. If you just joined you can add me as a friend and send in your measuraments :) Last but not least weight in and updated measuraments are due after you are done with each level, so day 11th, day 21th and day 31th. I'm sorry I didn't reply to your messages one by one I just got really busy :( If you have any question please message me I'll try to get to eat ASAP. Thanks everyone! Great job so far :)

    Did I really say get to "eat" ASAP? WTF! I meant get to "it" LOL. I was probably half asleep :D
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Finally finished the spread sheet :) here is the link for it: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgNtaBVQxU5ldHFoLWY0ZTRESzhaZXM4bHhkUTBET0E&hl=en_US#gid=0

    Please let me know if you can view it. Also if your name is not there and you just posted on the thread send me your measuraments by message there are a lot of messages in this trhead and I don't want to have to go through all of them :) if there are any measuraments missing next to your name please send them. If you just joined you can add me as a friend and send in your measuraments :) Last but not least weight in and updated measuraments are due after you are done with each level, so day 11th, day 21th and day 31th. I'm sorry I didn't reply to your messages one by one I just got really busy :( If you have any question please message me I'll try to get to eat ASAP. Thanks everyone! Great job so far :)

    Did I really say get to "eat" ASAP? WTF! I meant get to "it" LOL. I was probably half asleep :D

    Or maybe I was hungry!!! LOL
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    So... I just started 30DS today and I couldn't even make it through the whole workout. :frown:

    Sat 08/06/11 11:31 AM

    You will get there just push yourself and stick to it!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    taking the weekend off then starting day#6 level one on Monday and will finish level one that Friday

    I did my crosstrainer for 45 min this morning though to keep me moving
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    About to knock out D6 here! Wow, Day 6. Last time I tried 30DS I couldn't make it past the first 10 minutes of the 2nd day. Yea!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Just done day 12 (13 because I missed 1) and 30 mins just dance.
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Just done day 12 (13 because I missed 1) and 30 mins just dance.

    Im doing 20-30 mins of Just Dance behind 30 DS too:happy:
  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    Day six down...over halfway through with the first level! Yippee!!! Looking forward to level 2, but kind of scared at the same time.
  • futurekilousky
    Finished day 4! Sorry I have had crazy stuff going on but I am back on track =] got bad news from a scale, apparently my starting weight is 6 lbs heavier than I thought( way inaccurate)...
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Day 5 done! Barely...Lol! I was pooped today. All I could think about was food while I was working out. NOT GOOD!
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Day 5 done! Barely...Lol! I was pooped today. All I could think about was food while I was working out. NOT GOOD!

    Well at least you got it done! Great job!
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Day7 30DS + 20 min Turbo Jam workout done and I'm going for a walk as soon as it stops raining :) Had to have a talk with my old lazy self today. She as like "what is Sunday I don't want to get up 6:00 am" and I said "get over it! I don't care what day it is we are getting up and doing this! I'll show you who is the boss!" Well I gave in a little bit and got up 6:15 :) 30DS is getting a bit easier. Still on modified push ups but with much better form and doing more of them. Maybe is time to try a couple of real ones? Let me know how you are doing. Hope you all have a great Sunday and Happy sheredding! Oh and just 3 more days until rest day and then Level 2! Yay!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    great job all I`ll be on day #6 tomorrow morning looking forward to getting level one out of the way and moving onto level 2 on the 15th
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    It was so hard to make myself do this today, too! I did it, though. So glad it's over! Great job everyone!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Day 13, hungover, not a great experience blahhhhh