


  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    Well the person who requested it is in military army and so he has alot of gun training.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think guns are for shooting things, they can and are used to kill and injure people and animals. This is not something that makes a suitable Christmas gift.

    Yes, and then we eat them. (The animals, not the people. The people are hauled inside after being shot.)
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    I am also from the UK, cultural differences and all that, so I cant really comment on that part of the question (personally wouldn't each to their own). But isn't a gun more like a tool, like getting someone an iron or a frying pan for christmas? I know lots of people who would have a problem with recieving a 'tool-esque' thing for christmas. but then, if they asked for it, i dont see any problem. But yeah, if its a gun, make sure of the safety elements, get taught to actually use it (it cant protect you if you dont know how to use it, bit of a chocolate teapot). and keep far away from kids.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    If you are knowledgeable about guns, there is nothing wrong with owning them.
    Be educated and smart about them.
    We own two :)

    I couldn't agree more! We own three and go to a range pretty often but if you don't know what you are doing and have no desire to learn the proper way to handle and clean a gun, it may not be such a hot idea.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    That would be an AMAZING gift to give!! We have at least 3 in our house at all times. I keep mine right above my stove :) I've been asking for a shot gun for years...the pump action ones! I like the sound they make ;)

    My bf and I have a mossberg pistol grip pump... I freaking love the sound it makes when I pump that thing. Lol!! I can't shoot it though, I'd end up on my *kitten*. My bf said that if someone breaks in and I absolutely have to use it to put my back up against a wall.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Well the person who requested it is in military army and so he has alot of gun training.

    If they are in the military, they probably aren't a deranged psychopath who is going to shoot you as soon as he opens the gift... seeing as he is trusted with weapons much more powerful than the one you will get him.

    I don't see a problem as long as gun safety is the highest priority.
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm in Canada, and I grew up eating bear, moose, and guns? Yes, for hunters.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    are scary /:

    i know someone who was playing around with one and accidentally killed her boyfriend /:
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    We are very Pro 2nd Amendment here.

    Seriously look at Ruger10-22's. The new ones.....not so much.....Ruger is resting on its laurels. But one a couple of years old is an awesome first choice. My dad has one that's had tens of THOUSANDS of shells run through it and it still functions perfectly.

    Have a good hard case to lock it into when not in use and get some training from a knowledgable person.

    Good luck!!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I tend to agree with the Brits (fteale and co). I live in Belgium and it's really unusual to have a gun here unless you are a hunter or a policeman. I really don't feel the need to own one! The possibility something tragic happens outgrows the probability that I have to use it to defend my family, imho.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    MY DISCLAIMER: I am not posting anything with regards pro gun or anti gun groups or individuals. I am not interested in debating the subject of gun control due to the fact that my opinion is exactly that, my opinion. I respect and defend the right for
    each person to be able to express their opinion. This also include the pursuit of happiness and yada, yada.......with that being said

    Since you asked a personal opinion type question, In my humble opinion, guns are great home protection as long as the following is met:

    a. If you have never owned a gun...take a safety class. I'm not talking about uncle Bob who is a sharp shooter, a real qualified
    and licensed trainer. And DO YOUR RESEARCH....

    b. Have a safe and secure place for storage...I hate taking burglary reports and people tell us...." I had guns all over the house
    and now they are, no I dont have a safe".

    c. If you have kids...dont make guns taboo. Let them shoot, then make them clean them. It is much safer if they have

    d. You have to be prepared for any confrontation. You don't need your gun taken away from you and used against you. There
    are several books out there about the psychology of deadly force On Killing or On Conbat by Lt Col Dave
    Grossman. There are also several self defense training classes which train in alternative less leathal self defense tactics.
    Also some local law enforcement agencies offer a civilian police academy which include a firearms portion.....note: some
    offer. No....I dont know which ones....

    e. You also need to educate yourself with regards to federal as well as your local jurisdiction laws with regards to the use of
    deadly force.

    There are several thing folks may not be aware of when it comes to the subject of the use of deadly force in self defense. Hopefully this information was not to confusing and was somewhat helpful...... Good luck and no matter what you decide, be safe.

    But yes...if someone would like a gun, you should buy. As long as the above is being met.....

    ^^THIS. I have multiple guns and they are fun but should be used responsibly and children should be taught about guns & safety.

    OP- Go buy one but I would recommend a handgun for home protection and like others I recommend a safety class.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Hubby bought me a gun for our wedding anniversary this past June. I took a concealed weapons class and will be applying for a conceal to carry permit soon. Guns are NOT EVIL and guns do not kill. People do! When you take guns away from law abiding citizens, there is nothing to stop evil from prevailing. Criminals will get ahold of a gun no matter what laws are on the books and when they do, how do law abiding citizens defend themselves???

    Also, as far as having kids in the house, I have four. Everyone of them were taught to handle and shoot a gun. They know what it can do and they have a healthy respect for it. The kids who get curious enough about them in order for an accident to take place are the kids whose parents hide them and try to keep the kids away from them.

    Call me a redneck if you want to. I live in the south (USA). It would make a GREAT gift!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    It is really so sad that all you people feel you need to harbour a gun (or 2 or 3 of different types) and so sad that you need to lock your guns away or teach your children to handle a gun.

    It is even more depressing that you would consider giving a gun as a gift.

    The thing is that society has made it all acceptable and that crime has got to such a level that most of you think that it is a good gift and if you teach your kids to use a gun then everything is OK.

    The thing is these gun toting people are related to somebody somewhere and could be your kids. So maybe (apart from the odd lunatic) we should be taking a bit more care with our kids and teaching then that guns are a bad thing????
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    are scary /:

    i know someone who was playing around with one and accidentally killed her boyfriend /:

    I am sorry that happened but no one should ever be "playing around" with a firearm that is really dumb.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Without guns, the Brits would be speaking German, and the USA would be speaking Japanese.

    Guns are merely an instrument. It takes a person to make an instrument dangerous.

    Without guns, the Germans wouldn't have invaded Europe in the first place.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    are scary /:

    i know someone who was playing around with one and accidentally killed her boyfriend /:

    This is what causes gun accidents - ignorance.

    Anyone who has taken a basic safety course or proper training knows:

    1) ALWAYS assume the gun is loaded.
    2) NEVER point it at anyone unless you intend to shoot them- point it in the safest direction
    3) Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

    Gun cases can be found and opened, safetys can fail. Education saves lives.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    All guns belong locked up. Even if it is for home protection, you can get a finger print safe that only you, or a family member can open. Guns are not for kids. I have been a sportsman for many years, and I was trained in the service. Careless storage is as stupid as texting while driving. If you are inexperienced take a class if your state doesn't require one, you'll be glad you did, and so will every one in your home.

    There are lots of places that are crazy with gun laws, and others that don't have enough, be a good and safe gun owner. If guns kill people, than all my are defective.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I feel I need to protect myself and my family (when I have one).
    I rather be overprotected than under protected. A German Shepherd can only protect me so much.
    EDUCATION about PROPER gun safety is key.
    A gun is not bad; it's when it gets into the wrong hands.

    It is really so sad that all you people feel you need to harbour a gun (or 2 or 3 of different types) and so sad that you need to lock your guns away or teach your children to handle a gun.

    It is even more depressing that you would consider giving a gun as a gift.

    The thing is that society has made it all acceptable and that crime has got to such a level that most of you think that it is a good gift and if you teach your kids to use a gun then everything is OK.

    The thing is these gun toting people are related to somebody somewhere and could be your kids. So maybe (apart from the odd lunatic) we should be taking a bit more care with our kids and teaching then that guns are a bad thing????
  • sandhillcrane
    I have a license to carry. (.380) and have several other guns. I love to shoot and have gotten quite good at it. I do believe in education for anyone is going to own a gun!! A 12 gauge shotgun is rather intimidating for home protection...and fun to shoot! :glasses: