Do you still drink milk?



  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    I drink milk all the time, though I have cut down on how much I drink since I started counting calories. For me, it goes in cereal in the morning and with dinner at night (and with lunch, if I can afford the calories and have some milk at work). I drink 1%, though I like 2% too...I can tolerate whole milk since that's what we had at my house when I was younger, but I can't do skim milk. Anything that turns grey in cereal is not my friend. I have no beef with soy, almond, rice, or other faux milks, but to me it's just not the same. If I want to drink something straight up, I want moo juice.

    I don't really understand these "milk is not for adult humans" people. If someone is experiencing digestive distress caused by milk, they should stop drinking milk (or cut back, or just deal with the symptoms if that's their choice). I get about half of my daily protein from milk, and it helps make me feel fuller than if I were drinking just water, so it helps me keep to my numbers and it makes me happy. Since changing my diet to be healthier (cutting out a lot of fried or otherwise fast food, reducing overall intake, limiting serving sizes, rarely drinking full calorie soda, etc.), I have had some mild digestive problems which have been completely eliminated by a probiotic (acidophilus pearls). Considering my milk intake has slightly decreased, I don't think I can blame the milk for that. In any case, believe what you want, but I'ma go have some milk.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    So, apparently, only by the grace of God has the human race been able to survive -- and thrive -- for thousands of years while drinking cow's milk? Wow!

  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    To answer the question about why you shouldn't drink milk after the age of 6...most people cannot properly digest milk. In my nutrition class they listed it's 80% of adults but this article claims 60%. Either way, most people lose that ability to properly digest it and although most people don't have significant reactions, the body can still react badly without any symptoms.

    Just a it the ability to properly digest the dairy OR all the chemicals they give the cows??

    I wonder if people would have the same reaction to Organic cow milk...
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    1-2 8 ounce glasses of skim most days. Born and raisedin Wisconsin. Whole milk sometimes right form the cow when I was younger. As my husband gained weight we began drinking 2% then , 1% and after my fouth baby I switched to skim. Oddly enough that is when I started putting on weight. Hmmm. Love it with pancakes or chili.
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    I cannot believe people are actually arguing about if drinking milk as an adult is right or wrong.
    It’s simple people: Your body needs a sufficient amount of calcium to prevent osteoporosis. If you do not have a healthy level of calcium & vitamin D, your body will take the calcium from your bones, causing osteoporosis.

    If you like milk, drink it.
    If you do not like milk, do not drink it, but be sure to get your calcium supplement somehow.

    There…problem solved.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    i drink 1% organic milk with cereal. I drink Vitamin D chocolate milk after hard workouts.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    So, apparently, only by the grace of God has the human race been able to survive -- and thrive -- for thousands of years while drinking cow's milk? Wow!


    Only difference now is the milk isn't nearly as natural...
    I still drink it....meat I've already converted to only organic, dairy products next lol
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I only drink the finests breast milks
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    So, apparently, only by the grace of God has the human race been able to survive -- and thrive -- for thousands of years while drinking cow's milk? Wow!


    Only difference now is the milk isn't nearly as natural...
    I still drink it....meat I've already converted to only organic, dairy products next lol

    This could also be the reason so many people can't digest it, seeing as before the industrial age people drank fresh milk straight from the source. Straight from the source would never last as long as store bought milk.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    So, apparently, only by the grace of God has the human race been able to survive -- and thrive -- for thousands of years while drinking cow's milk? Wow!


    Yes, and the head-up-butt syndrome is alive and well in the forums today!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?
    I have heard of it and agree to some extent!
    But why? What harm is there?

    If you have ever seen Forks over knives you would understand, basically think of it this way, America consumes more dairy than any other country but we also have the highest rate of osteoprosis and other problems proving that all that dairy isn't doing anything for us!! Many people grow up healthy and strong without cow milk.

    ^^ What she said. Also, if you want to lose weight, drinking milk regularly isn't really the way to go. It's designed to make a 20 lb animal grow quickly into a 400 lb creature. I drink it on VERY rare occasions, but generally go for soy-milk.
    Thank you, at least someone can agree with me, thats all I needed!

    I agree with this also. Just because tv ads tells us dairy is good for us doesn't mean it necessarily is for everyone. People who produce these products are the ones putting out the adds. You have to do research and find out what you really should's as simple as that. And of course there are people who are going to disagree and go by what others tell them is right without a question.

    I don't need someone to tell me what is right or wrong about what I eat or drink. I am a big girl and can make that decision for myself. I happen to know that cow's milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and potassium and therefore, choose to drink it. If you want to avoid drinking it because someone told you that it MIGHT be bad for you, then that is your choice.

    I didn't say you were right or wrong. Simply stating that there is a lot of research out there that I have read about milk.I am a bio major, so nutrition is a big interest of mine. Plus I was lactose intolerant as a child, so after I dropped dairy from my diet I lost 9lbs in less than 2 months. Just my experience and opinion.

    Sorry for being so sensitive. I just took offense to your allusion that people only drink milk because an advertisement says its good for them. Milk actually is good for you if your body can handle. Peanuts are good for you too if your body can handle that. I honestly don't believe that any food is really bad for you unless eaten in excess or unless your body has some unique set of circumstances leading to allergies or intolerances. The only thing that makes food bad is the additives that get put in it.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?
    I have heard of it and agree to some extent!
    But why? What harm is there?

    If you have ever seen Forks over knives you would understand, basically think of it this way, America consumes more dairy than any other country but we also have the highest rate of osteoprosis and other problems proving that all that dairy isn't doing anything for us!! Many people grow up healthy and strong without cow milk.

    ^^ What she said. Also, if you want to lose weight, drinking milk regularly isn't really the way to go. It's designed to make a 20 lb animal grow quickly into a 400 lb creature. I drink it on VERY rare occasions, but generally go for soy-milk.
    Thank you, at least someone can agree with me, thats all I needed!

    I agree with this also. Just because tv ads tells us dairy is good for us doesn't mean it necessarily is for everyone. People who produce these products are the ones putting out the adds. You have to do research and find out what you really should's as simple as that. And of course there are people who are going to disagree and go by what others tell them is right without a question.

    I don't need someone to tell me what is right or wrong about what I eat or drink. I am a big girl and can make that decision for myself. I happen to know that cow's milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and potassium and therefore, choose to drink it. If you want to avoid drinking it because someone told you that it MIGHT be bad for you, then that is your choice.

    It's not just about the makeup of the food, but how your body absorbs it. Milk contains protein, potassium and calcium but it has been found to be less bio-available than other sources, meaning you aren't getting all the nutrients you think you are. Many people have problems digesting milk (because we lose the enzyme lactase as toddlers) which creates other digestive problems unrelated to the nutrient absorption. If you choose to drink milk, organic milk from pasture raised grass fed cows without hormones is the only way to go.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?
    I have heard of it and agree to some extent!
    But why? What harm is there?

    If you have ever seen Forks over knives you would understand, basically think of it this way, America consumes more dairy than any other country but we also have the highest rate of osteoprosis and other problems proving that all that dairy isn't doing anything for us!! Many people grow up healthy and strong without cow milk.

    ^^ What she said. Also, if you want to lose weight, drinking milk regularly isn't really the way to go. It's designed to make a 20 lb animal grow quickly into a 400 lb creature. I drink it on VERY rare occasions, but generally go for soy-milk.
    Thank you, at least someone can agree with me, thats all I needed!

    I agree with this also. Just because tv ads tells us dairy is good for us doesn't mean it necessarily is for everyone. People who produce these products are the ones putting out the adds. You have to do research and find out what you really should's as simple as that. And of course there are people who are going to disagree and go by what others tell them is right without a question.

    So you have done some research and you base your opinion off what someone has "told" you, or what you have read.

    There are many studies out there that show either pros or cons of dairy consumption, so you go by what you were told as will others...
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member

    Sorry for being so sensitive. I just took offense to your allusion that people only drink milk because an advertisement says its good for them. Milk actually is good for you if your body can handle. Peanuts are good for you too if your body can handle that. I honestly don't believe that any food is really bad for you unless eaten in excess or unless your body has some unique set of circumstances leading to allergies or intolerances. The only thing that makes food bad is the additives that get put in it.

    I simply meant that people should do research versus listening to what advertisers tell them. I like my science, especially nutrition. You are right, if the body can properly digest and handle things it's not going to have that effect on them. I just know that there are some people out there who think milk is good for them while they are having adverse reactions and its not making their bodies happy! I know I am one of these people.

    Guess I didn't quote that statement right. sorry!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good topic, sure is fun reading what everyone has to say! I use a few splashes of 1% milk with coffee in the morning, that's about it. Once in awhile I have it with cereal. I don't dip cookies in it because I can't eat just one, lol. I do use milk for cooking, though. Cream of Broccoli soup, Fish Chowder, ahhhhh, delish. I've read some horror stories about the chemicals in milk these days, it's kind of scary. Switching to organic. Thanks for reminding me!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I drink at least one glass of fat free milk every day. It is one of the best ways to help your body recover after exercising (refer to this article. It is a scientific study taken from a scholarly publication: I always drink a glass of milk in a post-workout smoothie or on it's own. it's also a good way to bring your blood sugar up quickly and help you stabilize if you are feeling faint from low blood sugar, for example. Milk is one of my best friends on my weight loss journey! Drink up! :drinker:

    ^^ This!! Except I drink 1% with a tablespoon of Hershey's Syrup post workout.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?
    I have heard of it and agree to some extent!
    But why? What harm is there?

    If you have ever seen Forks over knives you would understand, basically think of it this way, America consumes more dairy than any other country but we also have the highest rate of osteoprosis and other problems proving that all that dairy isn't doing anything for us!! Many people grow up healthy and strong without cow milk.

    ^^ What she said. Also, if you want to lose weight, drinking milk regularly isn't really the way to go. It's designed to make a 20 lb animal grow quickly into a 400 lb creature. I drink it on VERY rare occasions, but generally go for soy-milk.
    Thank you, at least someone can agree with me, thats all I needed!

    I agree with this also. Just because tv ads tells us dairy is good for us doesn't mean it necessarily is for everyone. People who produce these products are the ones putting out the adds. You have to do research and find out what you really should's as simple as that. And of course there are people who are going to disagree and go by what others tell them is right without a question.

    I don't need someone to tell me what is right or wrong about what I eat or drink. I am a big girl and can make that decision for myself. I happen to know that cow's milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and potassium and therefore, choose to drink it. If you want to avoid drinking it because someone told you that it MIGHT be bad for you, then that is your choice.

    It's not just about the makeup of the food, but how your body absorbs it. Milk contains protein, potassium and calcium but it has been found to be less bio-available than other sources, meaning you aren't getting all the nutrients you think you are. Many people have problems digesting milk (because we lose the enzyme lactase as toddlers) which creates other digestive problems unrelated to the nutrient absorption. If you choose to drink milk, organic milk from pasture raised grass fed cows without hormones is the only way to go.

    Okay you summed up what I meant to say. Guess I need to learn to choose my words a little more wisely. Although I don't mind if people don't agree either. lol
  • never. :sick:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    So, apparently, only by the grace of God has the human race been able to survive -- and thrive -- for thousands of years while drinking cow's milk? Wow!

    Only difference now is the milk isn't nearly as natural...
    I still drink it....meat I've already converted to only organic, dairy products next lol
    This could also be the reason so many people can't digest it, seeing as before the industrial age people drank fresh milk straight from the source. Straight from the source would never last as long as store bought milk.
    isn't the issue the lactose, though, that some folks are intolerant of? Did milk not have lactose in the past?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?
    I have heard of it and agree to some extent!
    But why? What harm is there?

    If you have ever seen Forks over knives you would understand, basically think of it this way, America consumes more dairy than any other country but we also have the highest rate of osteoprosis and other problems proving that all that dairy isn't doing anything for us!! Many people grow up healthy and strong without cow milk.

    ^^ What she said. Also, if you want to lose weight, drinking milk regularly isn't really the way to go. It's designed to make a 20 lb animal grow quickly into a 400 lb creature. I drink it on VERY rare occasions, but generally go for soy-milk.
    Thank you, at least someone can agree with me, thats all I needed!

    I agree with this also. Just because tv ads tells us dairy is good for us doesn't mean it necessarily is for everyone. People who produce these products are the ones putting out the adds. You have to do research and find out what you really should's as simple as that. And of course there are people who are going to disagree and go by what others tell them is right without a question.

    I don't need someone to tell me what is right or wrong about what I eat or drink. I am a big girl and can make that decision for myself. I happen to know that cow's milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and potassium and therefore, choose to drink it. If you want to avoid drinking it because someone told you that it MIGHT be bad for you, then that is your choice.

    It's not just about the makeup of the food, but how your body absorbs it. Milk contains protein, potassium and calcium but it has been found to be less bio-available than other sources, meaning you aren't getting all the nutrients you think you are. Many people have problems digesting milk (because we lose the enzyme lactase as toddlers) which creates other digestive problems unrelated to the nutrient absorption. If you choose to drink milk, organic milk from pasture raised grass fed cows without hormones is the only way to go.

    Okay you summed up what I meant to say. Guess I need to learn to choose my words a little more wisely. Although I don't mind if people don't agree either. lol

    Okay but not everyone loses the ability to make lactase. Sure, there are some that do not realize that they are experiencing symptoms due to lactose intolerance, but that doesn't mean that a blanket statement "Milk is bad" is appropriate.