MFP Runner's Club



  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,407 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I want to be sure to properly hydrate, as I know that is something I don't do correctly. The weather is supposed to be beautiful!! I don't tend to drink during the races because I choke and need the bathroom :blushing:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Basketball and a suuuuper slow 5k for me today.
  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    Got in 5 miles this morning on the road. I run so much slower on the road than the treadmill. My time was 48 min. My treadmill times are usually around 45. It's also very humid here in South Mississippi. We've only lived here for 2 yrs, and i have yet to get used to the humidity-- don't think I ever will. I hurt when I run. Does anyone use a Garmin, and is it acurate?
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Hey everyone!

    I did a 4.5K run/walk with my friend tonite. Our running pace was pretty fast, she's got a wicked stride. Good for me to up my endurance and speed!!

    Have a great nite all!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Weather was great today so I did a 7-mile run with my wife and added a 30 mile bike ride. The only kicker was a nasty red-wing blackbird that actually dive bombed and hit me 4x on the bike. Nasty fella. It's been a few years since I actually had a direct hit. :grumble:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Friday. I ran 5 miles this morning with a couple of friends. I did step into a pothole so my ankle is a little sore but other than that, it was a good run :smile:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Today is a rest day for me. No running.

    Enjoy the day
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I posted on another thread y'day, but ran 5 miles (tempo run) and then 700 yd swim.

    Today will be weights, then tomorrow run again. :bigsmile:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Does anyone use a Garmin, and is it acurate?

    I've used the Garmin Forerunner 205 for almost a year now. I LOVE it and find it to be quite accurate.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning!
    did 5.5 miles today -- felt great -- was supposed to be an easy day but my brain was not ready for that -- had to run --- fast :) Tomorrow is my long run!

    rainman -- i'm training for my first 1/2 marathon in September. My workouts are Tu/Th weight training -- M/W/F 5.5-6 miles per day -- and Saturday is my long run 10.5 miles. Feel like I'm okay to do the 13.1 today -- but would like to do better on my time. Is it okay to continue this schedule and just continue to try to speed up?
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Got in 5 miles this morning on the road. I run so much slower on the road than the treadmill. My time was 48 min. My treadmill times are usually around 45. It's also very humid here in South Mississippi. We've only lived here for 2 yrs, and i have yet to get used to the humidity-- don't think I ever will. I hurt when I run. Does anyone use a Garmin, and is it acurate?

    As for humidity :sad: just think of it this way -- it will help when you come to Virginia for the Rock 'n Roll! It's very humid here! I run on treadmill most of the time and have just started training outdoors. I did a 5k and thought I was going to fall out from the heat! I'm getting better and hopefully will be ready by Sept. Let's just hope the ocean breeze is blowing!!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Glad the advice helps! Good job on the brick workouts, the legs sure do get wobbly bike to run transition. It's good you are working on it already. Feel free to ask any Tri-questions, T1, T2, Shoes, gears, whatever. Try eating a banana an hour before workouts, it's amazing how it can help. It converts very quickly to energy, without adding a ton of cals to the overall diet. I'll try to get a post on how to train and loose weight, it's tricky.

    Looking forward to hearing the tricks to training AND loosing weight. Tend to get frustrated with the whoel weight issue. Not that I want to loose a ton but figured at this level of exercise I should be loosing SOMETHING!!! Send insight quick :sad:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I walked our 3 mile route with one of my running buddies. I also made an appt to see a sports medicine doctor next Friday. I can't take the pain in my shin anymore. I am not even sure it is a bad shin splint anymore. When I touch the bone in a certain spot I get a blinding pain that shoots out from that area. Also, now I kinda walk with a little limp because putting any pressure on my leg hurts.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    OMG! Did a test run of the upcoming 5k race route. We decided 2.3 miles was close enough for today!
    My last 5k time was 30:15, it took us 27 minutes to complete the 1st 2.3 miles of this course. The hills are ridiculous! Going back Tuesday for the whole thing.

    Dealing with humidity here as well. Not too bad though...I'd rather be hot and sweat like a hog anyday over dealing with midwest winters!

    Sherry, definitely sounds like a visist to the doctor is in order. My friend just went to sports med guy and he told her that full shin length pain indicates shinsplints, severe, localized pain often indicates a stress fracture. I so hope that isn't the case for you!

    Good job everyone! Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I walked our 3 mile route with one of my running buddies. I also made an appt to see a sports medicine doctor next Friday. I can't take the pain in my shin anymore. I am not even sure it is a bad shin splint anymore. When I touch the bone in a certain spot I get a blinding pain that shoots out from that area. Also, now I kinda walk with a little limp because putting any pressure on my leg hurts.

    Get well soon Sherry:flowerforyou: Let us know how the doctor visit goes.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Good morning!
    did 5.5 miles today -- felt great -- was supposed to be an easy day but my brain was not ready for that -- had to run --- fast :) Tomorrow is my long run!

    rainman -- i'm training for my first 1/2 marathon in September. My workouts are Tu/Th weight training -- M/W/F 5.5-6 miles per day -- and Saturday is my long run 10.5 miles. Feel like I'm okay to do the 13.1 today -- but would like to do better on my time. Is it okay to continue this schedule and just continue to try to speed up?

    Great goals for a ½, and tri too, but NO, just adding speed to every run is not the best approach. Let’s try to optimize a plan to find the superstar inside. Here is a proposal, but the key is to pick two runs in the week where you try to stretch yourself.

    Mon – Easy 5 mile run and stretch. Perhaps upper body strength

    Tue – Pick some pain, either hills, speed work, tempo run, and stretch yourself. Shoot for a hard run of 5 to 7 miles. When you get home add some leg strength when finished. No need to go the gym. Grab some light weights (5, 10, 15 lbs max) and do leg drills directly after the run. 20 to 30 squats, 20 lunges per leg, and finish with a wall squat (place back against wall, bend legs to 90 degree, hold for 30, 60, maybe 90 second). Repeat this 3 times and you should have a difficult time with stairs. HeHe That is the ONLY leg strength you need to do on a weekly basis, trust me.

    Wed – Upper body strength, walk, but let those legs rest!

    Thu – Easy 3-6 mile run and stretch, good chance for cross train too (cycle, elliptical)

    Fri – Cross train, Upper body strength, or light run. Try to keep this day light for legs and be fresh for the long run on Saturday.

    Sat – Long Run, make this the marquee workout each week. Always start the run easy and get 4-5 base miles in. Take the next several miles and shave 20-30 seconds per mile. Take the last 2 miles and try to finish strong, really push yourself. Feel free to increase this to 13 to 16 miles too. It’s all about finishing strong.

    Sun – Cross train, walk, stretch, or Weight Train upper body, drink lot’s of water.

    Some general comments about strength training and recovery:
    Legs = take 2-3 days to recover, only need to do once per week
    Chest/Shoulders/Back = take 2 days to recover, try 2 good workouts per week
    Arms, Calves, Abs = 1 day to recover, it’s OK to fit 3 workouts in per week
    So many people overdue strength training and never allow enough time to repair/rebuild, be smart, be strong.

    This program will make you fast and get you quick results in tone too. It will also prep you to finish strong, which will make race day a delight as you pass everyone you see in the last 3 miles.

    Hope it helps, and keep going forward!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    This program will make you fast and get you quick results in tone too. It will also prep you to finish strong, which will make race day a delight as you pass everyone you see in the last 3 miles.

    Hope it helps, and keep going forward!

    Oh -- inner superstar COME OUT!!! :happy:
    Thank you - thank you - thank you! I have been waiting to find someone who could give me a good routine. I am very good at sticking to a plan -- just haven't had one until now. I love it! I will start on in immediately...and will keep you posted. I am set for a long run tomorrow. I usually don't check in on the weekends so I'll report back on Monday. thanks again for taking the time to help -- you can't imagine how much I truly appreciate it!

    Think this plan will also help boost my weight loss???

    I'm psyched about having a new training plan -- may as well fix it all at once :laugh:

    Happy Friday to you all!
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    I did 5K today in 23:24! (My fastest time outside!) I'm excited! I have another race (my 2nd ever) coming up on June 12! I'm excited!:bigsmile:
    Rainman- thanks for the advice on training for a half. I have one coming up in October.
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  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Thanks so much for the info....can this apply to anyone else as well? Right now I cannot run 12 miles, but I would like to try to follow your program - just tone the miles down until I get better. Thanks for all your advice...I'm really happy to have you here.

    Sherry, good luck to you! Hope the dr helps you with your pain!

    I'm running this evening though I did get up early and did a quick run to see how it would be early in the morning. It was pretty great...except this weird, red haired, mohawk, barefooted half naked guy walking down the street (our street is very private except for my few neighbors and the occasional college kid during the school year who park at the bridge to smoke weed - lol, at least that's what I think they are doing).

    After my run this evening, I'm taking the kids to the carnival that's in town. I'll have to be strong and fight against the urge for an elephant ear :tongue:

    Good evening everyone!!!!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Thanks so much for the info....can this apply to anyone else as well? Right now I cannot run 12 miles, but I would like to try to follow your program - just tone the miles down until I get better. Thanks for all your advice...I'm really happy to have you here.


    It does change. I consider running to be a 5-phase program and I will try to tailor advice accordingly. That plan was for a Phase 3 person. Let me know where you fit, your goals, and I'll get you a plan.

    Phase 1 = Newbie going from couch to jogging
    Phase 2 = "WOW, I am a runner" phase where you try to continually go farther
    Phase 3 = Race ready, finding races to stretch yourself
    Phase 4 = Hardware collection, trying to be that age group contender
    Phase 5 = Forrest Gump, I just love to run (where I am now!)

    Let me know and I will be happy to help.
