Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,446 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well there was no softball being played yesterday, the city wouldn't allow anyone on the fields. The rain made them really muddy, so they where concerned that the fields would get rutted. I didn't go to the picnic, because I had a ton of work to finish. I want to make sure everything is up to date before I leave. Yesterday after work, I got in my garden to weed a little. All this rain makes the weeds grow fast. :o This morning I did KCM's Cardio Pump Premix #1, and I did everything low impact. I love the fact that she has the modifier in the workouts.

    Laurel, Awesome job on doing those Muscle Meltdown body parts. I was wondering how long of a workout that combo would be. Great job on your cardio choice also. It was really nice to see the sunshine yesterday afternoon, but it was really muggy also. Of course the mosquitoes are now out too, so those are now bothering me on my morning walks. ;) The complete yoga rotation is something that I have wanted to try for a while, so I guess it has worked out for the best.

    Tami, Sounds like a really nice time with the golfing, and refreshing drinks afterwards. Nice job with the Pyramid workout and the spinning. I guess you where the one to understand that the fields would probably not be up to par. :D The city has a fairly decent field close to our plant, so that is where we usually go for this picnic. I think they should change it from softball to bean bag toss. :D One year two people had to go to the hospital because they collided and one person was knocked out. ;) I stopped playing when I pulled a hamstring one year. Not worth the injury.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your lupus didn't flair up, but so sorry to hear that dry mouth is not going to go away that quickly. The side effects from that medication don't sound enjoyable. I have that one commercial running around my head right now that has the 90's boy band singing the symptoms. :/ I put skim milk in my smoothies in the morning, I wonder if that would be a way to help with the consumption of the milk? Normally I would use some type of nut milk, but I ran out, and needed to use up the milk before it expired. :D I bet you are really enjoying not taking that position, if the employee's are not the best. Sorry to hear that you are getting all this rain too. We are pretty soggy in this area, and one of the rivers is suppose to crest today. Some people have posted picks of water in their basements, so glad that ours was just nothing compared to what they have.

    Have a great day!
  • Crazypotato982gtu
    Crazypotato982gtu Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ladies! Thanks for the tips. Sadly, shipping to here is crazy expensive so I will have to wait a little while. Meanwhile, I am experimenting with three apps: Fitstar, Nike+ Training, and YAYOG. I must say, I am not so crazy about the just-do-the-same-four-exercises a zillion times style of YAYOG so far...I may need to create my own workouts with that one. I will visit the States in about 3 months and will get new DVDs then, unless someone else from here visits before and can bring them to me. That is how I got my Cathe DVD in April.

    Tami, I am glad that your AC is probably fixed by now. Here, I have gotten used to living without it. Temps are often in the 90's but only a few places in town have AC, and it is rare to see it in a private home. I use fans, drink cold water and try to stay inside in the hottest times of day. Thank you for the X10 tip! Can't wait to order it when I visit the States.

    Thelma: I am also sorry to hear you were feeling sick, but I am so glad that you feel better now. Weird about the DVD mixup. Things like that happen to me all the time.

    Laurie: Bridal shower sounds like fun! Also yikes about the flooding! Uff. Also glad to know you use your Fitbit to track your sleep. I have been enjoying mine so far. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I got it.

    Laurel: Your workouts...what can I say? W. O. W.

    Great weekend, ladies!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another fun workout today. I started with another Cathe Live workout, this one from a couple weeks ago. It was call 'Oh My Quad', and it was fantastic! My legs were screaming by the end. For whatever reason, Cathe's Live leg workouts are much more challenging than many of her recent DVD leg workouts.....and I am loving them. I finally started tracking the Live workouts I have done so I can remember them better. I have only done 16! Something like 140 to go. :o For cardio, I did Cardio Slam Scrambled premix, which starts the workout with the step portion, then goes floor and then mat. For good measure, though, I added a second step section at the end. Just didn't feel like stopping yet. I also know my legs are going to be really sore tomorrow, so it may be a light day for me.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your time on the driving range and with your friends. Sounds like a fun evening. I can't believe your AC isn't fixed yet. I hope it stays cool enough to be bearable with the patch they did. Maybe that and the fans will keep it less stuffy. I highly recommend doing the Muscle Meltdowns in a string. My arms are seriously feeling it today. I went heavier than Cathe in most exercises, so I am sure that is part of it. But it really is a great test of endurance. Just takes a lot of time.

    Thelma, I am SO relieved to hear you are not suffering from a flare up of your lupus. I hope the medication for the Sjrogen's symptoms isn't as bad as predicted.....and that it gives you some relief from the dryness and some of your fatigue. I'm glad you saw a doctor, though. It always is nice to know you are not alone in something like with that guy at work! I am a master at second-guessing myself, so seeing the manager like that would have made me feel better, no doubt. Hope you don't get any flooding!

    Laurie, it's too bad your softball/picnic day was impacted by the weather. Probably wise to spend the time catching up on work. The Muscle Meltdown string was about 90 minutes, and that included the warm-up from Metabolic Total Body. I did them in this order: chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. When I do it again, I may try for a different order just to see how it feels. I think putting the chest, shoulder and triceps work together would create even more of a challenge than I felt I will have to work up to that. Like I mentioned to Tami, I am definitely feeling that workout today.

    Amy, I completely understand about the shipping situation. Even here in Alaska it is crazy, and we aren't being charged international rates. Hopefully you can keep trying some apps and find some you like. YouTube is also a good source for workouts if your internet connection supports it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was pretty good last night considering only 7 of us were there! With these HOT sunny days it makes attendance very low as usual. Katy was upbeat and gave us a great workout though. This a.m. was High Reps and tonight I am going to head home to get the lawn mowed. DH might be home tomorrow evening so I want to make sure it is done. Otherwise he will feel the pressure to do it himself. Bernie will like having company an hour earlier as well. By the way ….. the temporary fix they did on the A/C yesterday is working! So I guess another part was installed and it is truly working! WooHoo.

    Thelma: I am glad you were able to get some new medicine and hopefully it will help. Like Laurie said, the side affects (potentially) don’t sound fun, but maybe none of them will happen and you will enjoy the benefits instead. So great that happened at work and she was able to experience Mr. Challenging herself! I bet it was so nice to know he is not “your” problem. LOL

    Laurie: Good that the city shut it down if the fields were in that bad of shape. As you have witnessed, even on a good day anything can happen. Yikes! I bet it felt nice to get some weeding done forsure. I can imagine with your rain it is all growing very fast. Great job getting in KCM Cardio Pump #1 …. I am sure it felt like a great workout even low impact.

    CP: I can only imagine how expensive shipping is. I am sure you can find some online workouts like you have been doing to create some variety as well. Good that you will be able to purchase some in a few months. Yes, the AC is finally fixed and as you mentioned you have none I feel very guilty for even mentioning it. LOL

    Laurel: AMAZING workout(s) today! My legs feel tired hearing about them. Love the name “Oh My Quad” for that Live workout. LOL As I mentioned above, it is working today. It feels so much better and not SO loud in here with fans going at every corner. I hope to try that workout one day soon. It has been on my mind (the muscle meltdown ALL combination) I will have to do it on a weekend.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies, a quick update. Was super tired tonight so I just walked on the treadmill. So far I've only taken one of the saliva producing capsules a day because of the diarrhea fear so it hasn't helped much. I can't really eat apples right now. I love nectarines so those are risky too. I'm OK with bananas, watermelon.
    I will be eating more yogurts those are good for people on chemo who also may develop dry mouth. I'll try to add milk with dinner since I can't eat an apple cause they are drying right now.

    Have a meeting with Mr. Challenge on Monday with the other two people to see if he got our recommendations.
    My boss who is the other this guy's boss will have a meeting for the team I'm leading (8 including myself). He will basically talk about his expectations of the team basically supporting what I'm doing which is wonderful.

    You're all doing a wonderful job with your workouts!
    Good night ladies and have a wonderful weekend.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,446 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did Yoga Warrior Freed Warrior, this one was all about the hips. It is surprising me that these workouts run between 50-60 minutes, and the time flies. It may be because he has you hold the poses for a good length of time, so you are not constantly doing the same thing over and over. I can already tell a difference in my upper body, so I'm happy with that.

    Amy, Well noe you have something to look forward to, and will love the workout(s) that much more. ;) Have you looked at the Jillian App? From what I understand it is free for 7 days, so at least you can try it out. The workouts are suppose to be similar to her Body Revolution and Body Shred, depending on what workout level you choose. I like all the information that the fitbit app has available.

    Laurel, Glad that you had such a great workout. Interesting that the live workouts are so tough, wonder if it is because she keeps everything moving along. Hopefully you are not to sore from today, but then it may be an upper body day for you today. After that upper body workout you did with the MM workouts, I have to wonder what you have created for today. :D Someone mentioned that the picnic was pretty boring, so I'm glad I stayed at work.

    Tami, So happy to hear that they have functioning A/C, that has to be a relief for everyone. Great job with the High Reps and Spinning. I leave the lawn mowing to DH, I just don't like doing that chore. I stick to the gardening, which DH has no interest in. :D

    Thelma, I'm sure that you will be experimenting with many different foods to see if they help or not. I love yogurt, and usually have it everyday. Guess Mr. Challenging will have to get on board with the program, he is really making it very clear to higher ups that he may not be cut out for the job. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I went home as planned and mowed the lawn. It was pretty warm out but all is good I’m used to heat this week; it looks good and glad it is done. Found out that DH is not going to make it home afterall so I won’t see him until next week. Kind of how it goes when he is gone on these trips. But at least the yard is done and I don’t have to worry about it. It was long after just 6 days. I am planning on doing my workout after work tonight since there is no spinning on Friday. I have a much needed hair appt tomorrow a.m. and I am hoping to take Berni for an early walk prior to that. Will get in some good workouts too and next week I am planning on doing S90 into my LGI8 rotation so I will also get that penciled out.

    Thelma: I hope you find some natural remedies that can help with your mouth right now. Yogurt is so good for so many things, I hope that helps as well. Fingers crossed for Monday that Mr. Challenging gets with the program! Sheesh, he sounds like a real pill for everyone.

    Laurie: Great job again with your Yoga workouts! Flying by?!?!?! That has never happened to me on a Yoga workout, other than maybe Bob Harpers. Still not flying but “faster” forsure than most. That is so good and I am sure with all that you have been doing it is becoming more of a routine with patience and enjoyment …. Excellent! Yes, DH is normally the yard guy in our house too but this time of year when he leaves I take it on OR I will need to borrow someone’s goat! LOL

    Hi Laurel ~ I am sure you killed it in the workout room today!

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, surprisingly, I am not at all sore today. :o And that despite a bad night's sleep. One of the problems with 24 hours of daylight is some people forget the time and do things like......mow the midnight. :# Anyhow, our neighbor was loading a dirt bike on to his truck right outside our bedroom window late, and then came the thunder and rain and the sprint around the house to close the windows. So it was well after midnight before I got to bed, and was up with DH at 5:30am......full of energy. Weird. Anyhow, I reached back in the archives of Cathe Live and pulled out an upper body workout from 2014 called Strong Upper Body and Core. This workout is composed of super sets or giant sets for each body part with each set composed of between 2 and 4 exercises. You repeat each set three times (quickly) before moving on to the next body part. Good, tough workout. Since it was my first time through, I did go lighter in some areas than I could have, so I repeated the workout but doing each set twice. This ended up being about 60 minutes long, and my arms are done! The core work was pretty much like RWH Core 1, which was good. For cardio, I did Cardio Kicks which was the perfect intensity for today......and helped ease my arms up a bit!

    Tami, great workouts, as always. I am so happy to hear the AC is working. I bet that takes the dread factor of going to work down a notch or two. Hopefully you get a permanent fix next week......and some cooler weather. I am sorry your DH isn't going to make it home this weekend, but at least the lawn is done. I used to love mowing the grass, but DH doesn't like me to do it for some reason. And since that is really his only consistent chore around the house, I don't fight him for it. :p We work together in our garden. We are really enjoying the little garden we have this year. We have had fresh lettuce for salads every night for a couple of weeks, and are starting to get some cherry tomatoes in now. It has been fun for a garden thrown together pretty hastily a bit late in the season.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear you are still not quite up to par. I think yogurt would be a great addition to your diet. Like Laurie and Tami have indicated, it is good for so many things. I eat a cup of yogurt every day. Hope you get some relief soon from the dry mouth.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. I didn't realize those yoga workouts were that long! Great job with them, and, like Tami said, the idea they fly by is amazing. That has rarely happened for me and yoga.....just like Tami. Meant to thank you again for previewing Cathe Live for all of us. I don't know how much longer I will keep the On Demand portion of my monthly subscription, but Cathe Live is staying. I love the variety it is adding to my routine. I feel like I doubled my Cathe workouts over night......and that is a very fun thing!

    Amy, hope you have a good weekend!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • Crazypotato982gtu
    Crazypotato982gtu Posts: 14 Member
    Not much time today but let me say...

    Tami, tons of goats here. Just sayin'. In case you need one...LOL. I see them every day. Also I never thought I could live without AC until I had to, but my bedroom is cool in the middle of the day so that is how I manage. Some houses are like ovens. My kitchen is, so I stay out of there from about 2-5pm.

    Thelma, I love apples too. And yogurt. Hope u can have some soon. I gave up apples for 18 months when I had braces from 2014-2017.
    Laurel, I feel you on the sleep thing. In this culture, everything is accomplished through noise. The trash truck plays a LOUD song for you to run outside with your garbage (no curbside pickup here), the bread man screams EL PAAAAN at 6:00 am and 9:30pm, the tamale car plays an obnoxious loud ad inviting you to come out and buy tamales, there are churches with loudspeakers that broadcast really bad singing on get my drift. I rent from a family of seven who slam doors and holler because it is not bad manners to them, only to an American brain. I turn on my fan full blast and also white noise on my computer speakers sometimes. I also have earplugs if it is really bad.

    Laurie, have toyed with the idea of Cathe Live but I cannot connect my tv to the Internet. I do connect my laptop to the tv to workout but the port for Internet and for the tv is the same port. Also why YouTube is not such a practical option, but I am ok with using my IPad for fitness apps. Less important to see the screen all the time with those.

    Thanks ladies for the tips. Will try some out!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. I was supposed to have been studying but instead relaxed way too much! On Friday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Spinning, Stretch.
    I ordered a wobble board from because I read that they help with plantar fasciitis issues. I'm loving that thing! I found a leg/core workout on YouTube and did it on Saturday. I gave myself some nice inner thigh and glute DOMS! I followed the wobble board workout with XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Treadmill, Stretch. I was able to go heavier on some of the exercises which is wonderful.
    Today I did Popsugar Fitness belly & booty Cardio/wobble board balance and planks.

    My cathe DVD's arrived on Saturday.
    The saliva producing medicine is helping a little. Thankfully no side effects except for urinating a little more frequently. I bought skim milk and I'm actually enjoying the cold milk with my dinner.
    We're going to have rain free week. 80's all week. it was pretty hot today.

    Laurie, great workouts! Great news on the yoga workouts! I hope you have a great time in Albuquerque!

    Laurel, I'm so glad you're getting your money's worth out of that Cathe Live membership! You're making want to join but I just don't have the time.

    I'm glad I saw the doctor too and I'm so relieved is not lupus. I hope I am able to get my mouth back to normal soon.

    Tami, glad you had a great time golfing! Awesome job with your workouts too! I'm sure Bernie is enjoying those walks!

    Amy, great job with your workouts! So glad you'll be coming to the US soon and will be getting new workouts! So excitng

    Have a wonderful week!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,446 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Busy weekend, and DH is officially done with our deck. It looks fantastic! He is picking up the granite counter tops today, so he will be making a grilling space for me also. On Saturday I did Fluid Warrior from Yoga Warrior, this one had my hr going crazy fast. And I loved it! Sunday was Gentle Warrior, this one is all stretching and felt great after the Fluid Warrior workout. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Strength & Stamina Combined Burnout Premix. Our plane leaves in the early afternoon tomorrow, and then we have about a 2hr layover in Denver. I have my book ready to read! I don't know if our friends have internet, so don't know if I will be checking in to much. Planning on bringing my Yoga Warrior DVD's, since that can be played on DH's computer.

    Tami, Glad that you where able to get the lawn mowed, I guess I would have to do that also if DH wasn't going to be around for a long length of time. ;) Don't know what Rocket would do if we had a goat! :D Awesome that you will be doing the S90 workouts for your superset week. I love those workouts. So far I'm enjoying this series, and Rudy Mettia is just the type of personality that I like in a yogi. He is gradually getting us ready for the more difficult poses, so right now everything is familiar. I just love that I'm getting DOMS with just bodyweight.

    Laurel, Oh my on the bike loading and window closing experience. ;) Sounds like a great live workout, and different than what you get on the DVD's. In the newsletter they said something about having over 100 live workouts. Maybe I read that wrong, but that is amazing. Got to love that Cardio Kicks also. Even though the clothing is dated, the workout still is effective. So far this is a good experience to me. I'm finding that I'm starting to enjoy the vinyassa flow. Of course Rudy doesn't rep you to death with them either, except for the Fluid Warrior. ;)

    Amy, LOL on the amount of goats, I'm sure that there are a lot of them in your area. ;) Oh my on all the noise that goes on, I would have to have those ear plugs in also. I wear them at night because my DH is snoring so bad. You are finding ways to cope though. As a person with 6 other siblings, the loudness might be part of a big family. I know that I learned how to tune things out, and people at work are amazed by it. I think it comes from being in all that noise growing up. ;)

    Thelma, Now I have to check out the wobble board, because I have no idea what it is. ;) Glad that you are enjoying the workouts. Nice that you are not having bad side effects from the medication. I'm hoping we have a good time also, just dreading the heat right now.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. We had a nice one here. Saturday was gloomy, so we did some work around the house, then took a drive through the hills north of Fairbanks. It seems like every other day we start considering buying a house here, then every other day we say 'nope!' But the area north of Fairbanks has some nice homes on decent sized lots, so we decided to check it out. It is beautiful up there, but it would be tough on the hilly unpaved roads in the winter, not to mention DHs 30 mile commute to work. So.....still considerinf. Yesterday was another lovely day on the golf course here.

    I worked out both days this weekend. Saturday was S&S Total Body Giant Sets--Lower Body only x 2 premix. For cardio, I did another fun Cathe Live workout from a few years back. It was Hi/Lo Cardio and Core, which was a combo of her older steady state cardio moves, a little bit of current drills and good core work. Yesterday's workout was the Giant Sets upper body x3 premix, followed by Party Rockin's Step 2. Today I started with RWH Plyo HiiT One, right into ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with Blizzard Blast, Muscle Meltdown Shoulders and Core. Today is the start of the second half of my 20 week LGI8 rotation!! It is flying by. I am tempted at the moment to add five more weeks, but do the rotation with non-STS workouts for that final section. We'll see......but I am still loving the versatility and variety.

    Amy, wow on the noise! The weird thing up here is sometimes it is just so quiet. We get no traffic noise, no sirens, little aircraft noise, etc. And then all of a sudden the dogs are out, the mowers and 4-wheelers are running, people are partying, etc. And this time of year.....all that sometimes happens at 3:00am. Last night it was the kids of their trampoline until the wee hours of the morning, followed by somebody loading a camper at 4:00am. :o I have to understand because it is good for people to be enjoying these long days while they can, so I try not to get frustrated. But.......still. Anyhow, most of the places I have lived have not had AC......but no place nearly as warm as you. I would say the warmest we were was Italy. There are valid reasons why places have siesta (riposo in Italy). Those 2-5 hours in the afternoon are best avoided for sure.

    Thelma, great workouts. Those balance boards are no joke! I used one in physical therapy at one point.....and never came close to mastering it. Until that point, I thought I had decent balance! I am glad you aren't having too many problems with the medication so far. Hope that continues and your mouth starts to heal.

    Laurie, your deck sounds fantastic! I have always wanted one of those permanent grilling areas, with a full counter and everything. I won't be too far behind you hitting the Denver airport!! I am leaving tomorrow night to spend a week with my sisters. Hope you have a great time in Albuquerque. Like you, I will be armed with a good book and my workouts! About Cathe Live, I think there are something like 157 live workouts. It is really kind of amazing.

    Did you all see Cathe is filming again? Sounds like another good, versatile series. No doubt I will be buying. :)

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Bernie and I had a very quiet weekend together. I did get my hair done on Sat. a.m. and got my workout in when I returned. Sunday I went into work for a few hours, which was good to get a head start. “Filling in” on Friday afternoon and today again for that other dept. So it was nice to not be behind in my regular dept. Workout: Sat I decided on PH Training Extreme Pre-mix to end the High Reps week; felt that qualified and rounded it out nicely. LOL Then yesterday started SuperSets with Supreme 90: Chest/Back + Core Dynamics. I remembered liking Core Dynamics and now I remember why. Good Stuff. I did forget how crazy fast they go through the workout; so I basically get the moves, pause, do my 3 reps of 12 of each exercise and then “play” again. Its funny how he is saying I want quality not speed and they are flying/almost racing each other through the workout. LOL It will be a good change of pace for the Supersets week forsure, always good workouts there. Today is going to be BootCamp after work.

    Laurel: I can’t even imagine the all daylight and trying to sleep. That would be so tough, plus like you say. Why not work on the truck or run the weed eater at midnight. I’m up. Sheesh! Would be quite an adjustment. Fantastic job with your workouts and the combos you are putting together! Again, those LIVE workouts sound amazing and well worth the price of admission. I can see why you would want to add on some weeks to this LGI8 rotation. I am behind you by a week or 2 but amazed at how fast it goes. Yes, the A/C working is so nice. I brought Bernie with me again and it was a whole different experience for him as well. LOL Its funny you say that about your DH wanting to mow the lawn instead of you, even if you don’t mind. Mine feels guilty when he is gone and always wants to hire someone or someone’s son to do it for me. Very thoughtful, but I am fine. Not my favorite of chores but feels good to be able to do it forsure. It is already looking like it needs it again. I think I need to go shorter this time. I read about the NEW CATHE WORKOUTS today! Like always, it is a given that I am going to go for these. Funny I was just thinking the other day, wonder if she is going to come out with another series sometime soon; eventhough I have 2 new ones. But yes and they sound really good to me. :smile:

    CP: Funny about the goats there. They are funny little creatures and can definitely mow through a lawn in just hours of time. So far so good on keeping up with my new chore, as I told Laurel it is already needing it so one night this week after the gym I will be out there again. My hubby comes home this weekend but it will be way too late. Did you find any new online workouts?

    Thelma: Sounds like you are getting in some good workouts! That’s great. Wobble Board sounds interesting …. Great for the core I am sure. Yahoo for your Cathe DVD’s arriving. Happy for you that the medicine is helping a little bit. That’s great.

    Laurie: I bet that feels amazing to have your deck finished!!! Now you can sit outside and enjoy it (weather permitting). Great job getting in some good workouts prior to your trip. Safe travels and have fun! Enjoy that book too.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,681 Member
    Hi Ladies - long time no write! Sorry for my really long absence. I read several of the 116 posts that I have missed for the last few weeks. And, welcome Amy! I used to be quite active with this fabulous group of ladies, but I have gotten busy with graduate school. Thank you for the work you are doing in Mexico, and that is a good idea to not bring too much attention to yourself with the Fitbit. I hope you are still enjoying having a Fitbit.

    I have been doing my Cathe workouts, but not as consistent as I was. Jogging is still going well. My latest thing is to walk on the treadmill when I am doing homework. I find that I can focus a lot better when I am walking at a slow pace. I read the articles that we have for homework and brainstorm ideas for my discussion board/papers. It's not weight training.....but it is better than nothing. I was able to do STS this morning, and it felt so dang good!

    Laurie - Wonderful job on all your workouts these past several weeks. I've noticed that you've been doing a lot of yoga lately (on our newsfeed that I see everyday). So, when I finally came to this Cathe thread, it looks like you purchased a new yoga series (did I get this right?) I hope you are enjoying it. Since I have stopped Bikram yoga, I haven't been doing yoga. I can feel it in my hips, knees and spine.......I have got to force myself to do more. It helps so much. I feel really stiff. I bet you are getting excited about the wedding. Is your oldest still enjoying the new house and unpacking? I bet you are enjoying the new deck, too. Your husband is probably happy to be done.

    Laurel - You are such a rock star! Awesome job with your workouts and being so consistent. The 2014 Cathe Live workout sounded really good (Strong upper body and core). Your trip to Valdez sounded wonderful. It sounds like your weather has been up and down. I am glad you got a golf game in.....your story about the green that used to being flat is too funny. I bet it is hard having 24 hour sun. Is it safe to guess that you have black out curtains?

    Thelma - Great job with your workouts. I hope you enjoy your new dvds. I saw that you were having issues with dryness and your mouth; I hope you are doing better now. Wobble board? How do you like it? I may have to look into this now.

    Tami - Amazing are doing awesome! Has Katy been kicking your butt still? Sounds like your husband has been gone for awhile. I am sure you are keeping yourself busy though. So, you got the fit tower workout series? I hope you are enjoying it.

    Amy - Great job with your workouts. I do not have Cathe's "To the Max". There is one thing these ladies will get you to do, and that is buy a ton of DVDs. My collection has increased quite a bit, but always buy them on sale. I have gotten so much stronger because of this group.

    I am probably missing so many other things that you all have written. Sorry for my long absence.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, Treadmill, Stretching.

    OMG I just read Cathe's e-newsletter yeah I found out she is filming again! It's a good thing I got the new DVD case! I have enough room for a heck of a lot more DVD's. I love the idea of this new series!

    Laurie, congrats on the deck! Wow sounds like with addition of the grilling area it will be beautiful! Awesome job with the yoga workouts! You're hooked now! I like the idea of the yoga instructor getting you ready for the more difficult poses. I was just watching one of his videos called Yoga Warrior 365: The Gathering and I LOVED how he takes you into chaturanga! That is how I first hurt my shoulder but that was totally doable in baby steps! I may just have to try his videos cause learning to do yoga is definitely in my bucket list!
    The setting reminds me a lot of the Travis Eliot The Ultimate Yogi workouts. Now this guy is totally going for the advanced version. I'll have to read about Rudy Mettia to figure what workout to start with.
    Did you check out the wobble board? I was actually doing the airplane yoga pose on the board!

    Laurel, I used to watch one of those home buying shows I think it was called buying Alaska. The homes there with those amazing views were beautiful! Funny how now you're actually considering buying a home when just a short time ago you were missing your FL home! a 30 mile commute during a snowy day could be quite long! How much traffic would he encounter on his way to work?

    Fabulous workout combos! 24 hours of daylight! YIKES! I remember when I went to Finland for work during the summer for 2 weeks many moons ago. It was like that! We wouldn't go to sleep because the hotel didn't have those blackout curtains. When I went for another 2 weeks in the winter I never saw the sun until we were flying over Iceland.
    I used to use a wobble board for physical therapy too but I held on to something. I'm not holding on now.

    Tami, sounds like a great weekend with Bernie. Did you take him to work with you? Great workouts!
    The wobble board is definitely good for the core.

    Hey Becky! Wow! I can't believe you can actually study while walking on the treadmill. I don't know if I could focus but I imagine you're going really slow so it might be doable.
    STS felt long because it IS LONG! That is what I don't like about those workouts. They are long and feel extra long when you don't have enough time. I like Body Beast because the workouts are less than 45 minutes long.
    My mouth is doing better with the medicine to help me produce saliva. I am liking my wobble board. Great for balancing on one foot. I definitely need to strengthen my right ankle. This should help.
    You're too funny telling Amy we will get her to buy a ton of DVD's! It's so true though! I only had a few Cathe workouts when I joined and then I ended up getting most of them so I could do the rotations with them! LOL

    Amy, I missed your comments to Laurel about the noisy mornings in Mexico. HAHAHAHA! That's exactly what it's like in El Salvador. EL PAAAAN! or EL DIARIOOOOO DE HOY!! TAMAAAALES!! Then the roosters and barking dogs!

    Good night ladies!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hi Ladies! Did a fun combo of workouts today. I started with S&S Bootcamp, which I think may become my favorite Cathe Bootcamp workout over time. It just flies by for me. After that, I went right into Fit Tower Bootcamp. This is my second time through with this workout.....and it isn't kidding around. Granted, both times I have done it, it has been a follow-on. But it is surprisingly tough in some ways. Definitely a good one. I finished up with Muscle Meltdown Biceps and the Fit Tower Bonus Abs.

    Tami, sounds like a nice weekend with Bernie.....and some great workouts. I used to love that Core Dynamics workout too. I need to remember to pull it out again. Those S90 workouts are so solid, but I have to admit.....the speed of them did put me off. I like your idea of just getting the move then doing the sets on your own. Because, again, they are straight forward, solid, no-nonsense workouts, and I like that. Our grass is growing quickly too. And you should see our tomato plants. :o They have taken over! Now they just need to give us some more tomatoes. :p We got a few last weekend......but not enough to make a good salad or anything.

    Becky!!! So good to see you! No doubt you are busy right now with everything going on in your life, but I am so glad you checked in. I like the idea of walking and studying. I used to get so restless studying, and I think it would actually have helped me move around while doing it. We do have blackout curtains.....but they are in a closet because they are so ugly. B) But we have both blinds and curtains, which keep much of the light out. Next summer the blackout curtains may go up again, but I just couldn't bear looking at them when we first moved into the house. And there is no way I would have blackout curtains up for the winter! We are going to need all the light we can get!

    Thelma, great workout! Like you, I have changed cabinets for my workout DVDs and have all the room in the world now for more workouts! So Cathe can keep filming. :D Never mind the money. :D:D Oh, I still seriously miss our home in Florida, but that is one of the reasons we are considering buying. This rental home is really falling apart, and it is sad. Just yesterday I had a guy here because our roof shingles are falling off, and that won't be good this winter. Sadly, the landlords may not be willing/able to pay for it.....and that may seriously impact us if things get worse. So our choice may be another rental or trying to find a home to buy. And we change our minds about that every day. I don't want to own a house in Alaska, to be honest. But if we are going to be here for more than a few years, it may become our best option. But we won't make that decision until we are through with this winter. I think this winter and DH's job (which is partially outside) will give us a much better idea how long we want to stay here. The commute for DH wouldn't be a lot of traffic if we move into the hills......just a lot of darkness and icy roads.

    Well, I am headed to Denver tonight for a week with my sisters. We are coming up to the one year anniversary of mom's death, so we decided to get together and celebrate family and life. I will check-in if I can. I hope to workout most days.....but we will see. Take care and enjoy the week!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s BootCamp was similar to the week before with 1 minute rounds of each exercise in groups of 3 + a core then break and new round of 3 with 1 minute each + core, etc. She did let me and a few others know that tonight is the Running Marathon at the local High School track …. Remember last year we did it and it was 98 degrees outside. Well it is much cooler this year but she is doing a “repeat” and wanted to let me know in place of Insanity Class that is happening. I talked with another lady who used to be a regular as well, I haven’t seen her in a very long time. Come to find out her knees have both been really bad with all the running we were doing; so she had to stop coming. Needless to say, she isn’t going tonight either. So today’s workout was S90 Legs and I will decide on doing something tonight or mowing the lawn when I get home.

    Becky: Amazing you!! Great job with all you are doing with your graduate school, running, swimming and workouts! I see your daily posts/goals and always thinking you are kicking butt yourself! Katy does kick our butts forsure and I don’t know if you read through the posts but I had made a plan to stop going to her Tuesday night class forsure due to it becoming just RUNNING pretty much; well she hated that idea and a few others stopped going as well so she promised if I came back it would be no running. (Other than tonight’s Special class away from the gym). So yes, I am getting my butt kicked forsure by her but in a really good STRONG/CORE/HiiT style that I love.

    Thelma: I know YAHOO on those new DVD’s! I was carrying on to Laurel yesterday about it. I am so excited and from what I read I will not hesitate to order. She has never steared me wrong in her workouts and I am sure this set will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Loving the FitTower workouts, have you tried one yet? Yes, I took Bernie with me and he was such a good dog. He enjoyed the temperature so much more than the weekend before when it was so hot and stuffy. He curls up under my desk and every time I get up to go to the copy machine, he goes. Which is a lot of trips back and forth. So funny. Maybe he thinks I am going to leave him here at work. LOL Great job with your BB Bulk workout and of course stretching.

    Laurel: What an absolutely FUN combo and tough stuff you put together today! Just in the 2 Fit Tower workouts I have done, I agree. They kind of sneak up on you in a tough but good way. Sounds like buying may be a great option for you guys in AK if that rental continues to have problems, that is never fun. Plus, it might make things more like home having your “own”. Have a wonderful time with your family in Denver.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow – Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Stretching. Upsetting day at work. Problems with my problem children. Things with Mr. Challenge blew up again so things have been escalated and write ups and warnings will be given. I was so upset that I didn't feel like working out. Eventually I dragged my body to the basement and did my Bulk Arms workout. I am really happy with the fact that I was able to up my weights in the last two weeks and the weights are not so much of a struggle in the last reps.
    I will be working from home on Thursday as a study day and I'm taking Friday off but I will have to dedicate a good part of my weekend to studying because I have to take the exam on August 2. Remember how my saliva med is having a diuretic effect? Well this is a problem during a 3 hour exam! I also need to drink water and that's not allowed. Supervised bathroom breaks are allowed but the 3 hour clock doesn't stop! I can say I flunked cause I had to pee! LOL

    Amy, I forgot to comment on your comment about apples and braces. I never gave up anything when I wore braces, not even mangoes! I learned to cut everything into small pieces and to eat pizza with a fork and knife. I still eat pizza that way.
    So funny about having to run out with your trash so you don't miss the trash truck. Exactly as it is in El Salvador. Of course you never know which day they will show up so you better be home. People are so loud and they play that loud music all day long! The traffic noise is bad too. I've lived in the US the majority of my life and I go crazy with the loud music. This 'cult' family used to live next door to my aunt's and OMG when they had services there. Talk about never ending bad singing. Not sure if Mexico is the same but it seems to me that in El Salvador they call certain religions cults which is not the same as the cults we know of in the US. They're really some kind of a hybrid religion.

    Laurel, amazing workouts! WOW! I wish I had a little bit of your energy!
    I can totally understand why you guys are considering buying a house in Alaska. Too bad the landlord is not willing to get the roof fixed.
    Your husband's work is partially outdoors? Seriously? OMG with the cold temps in Alaska!!!
    If you owned a house there would you have to do your own plowing or would you be able to easily hire someone to do it for you? Seens that with all the snow up there that should be a great business. I can understand why you don't want to own a house there. Hopefully now that you're there you can find a better rental.
    OMG with those noisy neighbors in the middle of the night! At least you know they won't be out there when the temps are cold and it's dark outside.
    Funny you got a new DVD cabinet too! Secretly I was hoping Cathe would give us a break this year but the lady doesn't stop! This new series sounds awesome though.

    Laurel, I hope you have a wonderful celebration of family and life with your sisters. I can't believe it's almost been a year since your mom's passing!

    Tami, awesome job with your BC! That was really nice of Katy to let you guys know that tonight was going to be a running night. I'm always amazed at how many people run in this country. There is no way they don't develop foot and knee issues with all that pounding.
    I haven't tried the FitTower workouts yet. I am thinking that maybe I wil do one of those instead of BB Bulk Legs or maybe I can get a double workout in this weekend but I can't afford to get too tired because I have to study.
    I'm glad you took Bernie to work with you! He sounds like such a good boy! I'm sure Bernie made a good photocopy supervisor!

    Good night ladies!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Enjoyed my evening at home and did the front yard mowing. Tonight I will do the back when I get home from Spinning. This a.m. was S90 Shoulders/Arms ….. Spinning for cardio tonight.

    Thelma: Way to get your Bulk Arms workout in, despite the day you had. Sounds like Mr. Challenge needs to hit the road forsure. I hope that is in the works for all of your sanity. LOL Yay on working from home and then OFF on Friday. Except you will be studying mostly it sounds like. Hopefully it will give you quality time to concentrate. I thought it was really nice of Katy as well. I could tell she didn’t really want to tell me but I would have known what was up as soon as she said “at the high school”.

    Hi Laurie, Laurel, Amy and Becky :smile:

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. I left work at 7:30, got home at 8:15 and was on my way back to the office at 8:30! I have a new laptop and I was given a new power cord to keep at home. When I got home and tried to plug the laptop to the power supply I discovered that the power cord didn't fit! CRAP! DH volunteered to drive me back to work. We got back at 10!
    My poor DH is such a sweetie even though there are problems at his place of employment with new management trying to change the culture. I managed to give him advice that he seemed to like and by the time we got home he was in MUCH better spirits. It's sad that this job that has been so good to him and he loves is all of a sudden an unhappy and threatening place. I told him that no matter what we would be OK. Of course now that retirement is so much in my mind I can't stop talking about it. Just Saturday I told him: "let's drop everything and move to NC". Of course now he's thinking about it and it sounds like a very tempting idea. I told him that I at least have 3+ years of job security if my project doesn't get cancelled. Needless to say I won't be retiring next year! I can't retire next year knowing DH is in a moment in life where he doesn't know what his job will bring tomorrow.

    I managed to get Friday as a study day too so I don't have to use my own vacation time. I will be also studying next Thursday and Friday, and on 8/1. My exam is scheduled for 8/2 @ 9am. Trying to get these people to allow me to drink water during the exam! Insane! Thank God my boss is giving me these days as study days.

    Tami, looks like we have to hold the fort! LOL. Glad you enjoyed your night at home. I'm sure Bernie loved it too! Great workouts! I'm glad Katy found you were skipping her class due to the running. Can't she find a different way to kick your butts?
    I hope I can achieve a lot of studying while the next 4 days. Mr. Challenge (MC for short) needs to hit the road but that's not an easy task these days.

    Good night!