Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited August 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday I did Yoga Warrior Versatile Warrior, and helped DH with the landscaping part of the deck. On Sunday it was gloomy, but I got in YW Responsible Warrior, and pulling weeds/cleaning the house. We had intermittent rain yesterday, and I had to stop pulling weeds because of it. DH and I decided to go to the home improvement store to get the last of what he needed for the landscaping. He is down to electrical for my frog fountain. This morning I was a little more adventurous, and decided to do ICE Metabolic Total Body. So far so good with the knee, and I was good with the weight selection. I used the same weights Cathe used. Will be doing the next yoga workout after work.

    Becky, Awesome that you can check in with us when you are able, I have no problem with that at all. Glad that you where able to find that HasFit program, and that it is working so well for you and the amount of time available. LOL about shopping with your dd, mine always had fun with that part of the school year. The shopping for supplies was harder. :D I'm really loving the yoga, and the fact that I'm getting more flexible everyday. Really enjoying Rudy's style, he doesn't make any of these DVD's so complicated that you fear coming back to them. The only thing that I have been avoiding with weights, is with the lower body. I have been doing light or no weights for the lower body work. Didn't want to put to much pressure on the joint, and it seems to have worked really well. This is the same knee that I had problems with when I was doing to many step workouts, and just this morning I realized that it feels the same. ;) I'm getting very excited for this wedding, I went shopping yesterday and purchased a clutch. So I'm all set with accessories.

    Laurel, Sounds like you and I are having the same type of weather. Great job with your workouts and now I would love an updated version of MIS! I love that workout, but tend to avoid it because it is older. Does she use a barbell and dumbbells like in MIS? That is a very long workout. Interesting information, and probably something that is a good idea. I just tend to go for an hour, but maybe will try that option out at some point. It is only once a month. ;) Right now everything new to try with workouts is going to be after the wedding. :D

    Tami, Great job on your workout, and mowing the lawn in that heat! :o I don't blame you for opting for the shower. Those extra overtime $$ really come in handy. I'm probably going to be doing that when we have our shutdown. I have to get a stockroom organized, and I only have a week to do it. At least the shutdown is after the wedding too. :D Everything seems to be that way. I'm very glad to hear that you had a much better week this week, and nice that we all where able to help you during it. If I didn't have you all, I probably wouldn't have thought that I could do something else when the knee flared up. The last time I had the knee issue, I just stopped working out.

    Thelma, Well not doing your test study, you got in some good workouts. Sounds like you found some great workouts on HasFit too. Now I really have to check out those workouts more since both you and Becky like them so much. KCM will have all the premixes from her workouts on the youtube channel also, I forgot to say that. It makes me think that she might be charging a subscription. ;)

    Here are a couple of pic of the deck, DH really did a awesome job. We did everything that is in the front of the deck this weekend.


    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! We had an absolutely beautiful weekend weather-wise. As many up here are feeling, I think it may be about the last really nice weekend for several months. Yesterday as we were driving in to Fairbanks, I noticed the leaves on the trees are already starting to yellow. They will be long gone within six weeks. :o So the six hours (!) we spent on our SLOW round of golf on Saturday wasn't as painful as it otherwise would have been. B) That is about two hours longer than I like to be on a golf course, but I couldn't blame other people for being out and lingering in the 80 degree temps.

    Thankfully I took Saturday off from workouts because we actually walked the course on Saturday, meaning lots of time just standing around. Tired legs wouldn't have liked that. But yesterday I was back at it with the start of endurance week. I did STS Disc 7/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps followed by Cathe's To The Max Extreme premix. Today was STS Disc 9/Legs followed by a fun cardio combo. I started with X10 Fat Burning and then went into Cathe Live Lift It Hit It Live. It is the fourth time I have done that Live workout, and I absolutely love it. I also spent my morning coming up with a rough plan for my next six months of workouts. :o Laurie posted a rotation several weeks ago that was like LGI8, except each week is done for four weeks. So you do four weeks of heavy, followed by four weeks of high reps, etc. I think I will use that as a guide for my winter month rotation. I feel better having a plan for 'what's next'......even though I am a few months away from starting it. :p

    Tami, sounds like it was hot mowing your lawn. Glad you called that your workout! Hopefully things are cooling off for you soon. We drop to highs in the low 60s by the end of the week, so I will try to send that your way. Hope you got a chance to enjoy your weekend even though you were working.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your brunch and didn't spend the weekend locked up studying. Glad you are enjoying those HasFit workouts. I am going to look at them to see if they might work for my next rotation. They sound good!

    Laurie, great workouts....including the gardening. Glad to hear your knee seems to be doing okay after doing Metabolic Total Body. Hope that continues. I truly understand just wanting to get past the wedding before trying anything too outrageous. Is it one or two weeks away? I know it is coming fast! That Cathe Live Total Body Sculpt workout I did uses both a barbell and dumbbells. She used the barbell for most of the leg work, but I don't like having a barbell across my back, so I used dumbbells. She used mostly dumbbells for the upper body work, so it was easy for me to be prepared with the barbell on the few occasions I used it. One of the things I like about MIS is she does all the leg work first then upper body. I think it is her only DVD structured that way......and this mirrored that format. I will do it again because I was feeling it in my body on Saturday for sure! Love the look of your deck!! What a great place to spend a quiet evening. You and your DH did a fantastic job with it!

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did HasFit Legs, 8 Minute Abs, walking on treadmill, stretching. I had a really good workout tonight. The ab workout had me almost in tears. It was good! The HasFit instructors are a husband and wife team.
    They wear the same outfit during all their workouts. All workouts are free.
    I need to lose a few lbs before our vacation next month! Remember the 6lbs I gained last November? I'm still trying to lose them. I've lost 2 of the 6 lbs. Hopefully I'll be able to lose them before 9/2 when I'll be with my sister! LOL.
    This morning when I woke up the temp was 53 degrees. The mornings have been very crisp lately. Fall is definitely in the air! We've had a very cool summer which I love. More rain moves in tonight and it will continue through tomorrow.
    I finally heard back from the exam center. They'll let me take the exam for free. I was asked for 3 dates/times I wanted to take the exam on in order by preference. My first choice is next Monday morning. I don't know when I'll take the exam but it will be next week.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm so glad your knee didn't mind the ICE workout! I LOVE your deck and what you guys did around it! WOW! Great job! Please post a picture of your frog fountain when you get it going!
    If KCM is going to have her premixes on her YouTube channel then she might charge for the price of admission.

    Laurel, glad you got out on the golf course. Wow that was a long game but like you said people are trying to make the most out of the last few summer days you have left in the season.
    Great workouts! I think it's a great idea to start planning your next rotation. I must've missed that rotation Laurie posted but I like the idea of doing each week for 4 weeks. It will make you feel better to have a plan given you were worried about gaining weight now that you live in Alaska.
    You might find a few HasFit workouts you can add into your rotation.

    Hi Tami and Becky!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, oldest dd came over to have me look at the seating chart to make sure that she had a good mix of people on our side of the family. Most of the people coming are from our side. :p This morning I did YW Freed Warrior. My knee is fine, and I probably could challenge it more. Not going to happen, but it is good to know, that after the wedding, I can start taking it up a notch. ;)

    Laurel, How nice that you could enjoy your golf game in those temps. Funny how it took so long though. You are right, everyone was probably enjoying those temps before they are gone. Wow leaves turning already, that can be a bit depressing. ;) Awesome job on the workouts! Of course I really love the sound of your next rotation, and I'm still wanting to do that type of rotation myself. It would be easy to do with yoga included. :D I'm going to suggest on her forum to do an updated MIS, it sure can't hurt to request it.

    Thelma, Great job with your workout combo! Now that sounds like a tough workout, and how are the DOMS? I'm no where near what I wanted to be at for the wedding, but I'm okay with that. My arms are looking good, and with that dress it will be perfect. You are having the same temps that we just went through, so expect some awesome temps. I have been enjoying this summer a lot. I will post the frog fountain when DH gets the electrical set up. Right now it is on the patio, but it is going to be great to have it running to make the noise from traffic minimal.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. Weekend was really quiet again without DH but Bernie and I spent a lot of quality time together, he’s sure my little pal. We went for a walk on Saturday a.m. before the heat and smoky air boiled in. I ended up cleaning and running errands later in the day and then Sunday I started with HEAVY week and did LIHI Back/Bis/Shoulders XTreme premix, yesterday was Katy’s BootCamp, which was a little different format, but good. Reminded me a little but of Insane Abs + Heavy squats, KB swings and cardio with the bench + we also ran the stairs in between rounds. DH arrived home yesterday so it was nice to see him and he was very happy to be home. Today’s workout will be Insane X after work, I woke up a million times last night so when my alarm went off I was not ready to get up. So tomorrow will be LIHI Legs.

    Thelma: Congrats on the 2lbs down! That is great. Sounds like a nice plan for your next exam. Give it a little time and the weekend to study. Great job with your workouts and the HasFit workouts sound like you are really liking them.

    Laurie: Your deck looks AMAZING!! Such a great job you guys did on that and I love the lights too. Looks like a perfect spot for a.m. coffee or evening glass of wine! LOL Great job with your workouts and the Metabolic Total Body addition, glad your knee felt good for that. Yes, I love getting the checks that have our OT hours on it.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a gorgeous and much needed weather weekend in AK! Yay for that and the golf too. Fabulous job with your workouts on Sunday and yesterday as well; as always …. Some tough combos! OMG it was very hot mowing last week. I am happy DH is home so he will be up next. He will be here now until end of September when he leaves for his Fall season. I ended up just working on Sunday and put in 4 hours. Was glad I did because I would have been very far behind yesterday. Didn’t get to what I had originally planned but that’s ok.

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 8/Back and Triceps. For cardio, I did a really fun Live workout. This was Boxing with Leg Drills from two years ago. The first 30 minutes is high energy boxing combos, which were really fun. Again, this is what I hoped for from MMA Boxing. The second 30 minutes I would compare to ICE Lower Body Blast but more intense. It is quick cardio drills followed by leg work in rapid succession. I kept the weights light on legs because I worked Lower Body yesterday, but even then it was still a really good cardio workout. So another keeper Cathe Live workout!

    Thelma, that is good news about the test. I hope you can get it out of the way on Monday. I think you are doing great with your 2lb weight loss given everything you have been going through! Congratulate yourself on that because you have been through some tough work and health issues recently. We are headed to highs in the 50s and lows nearing the 30s this weekend. :o I just hope it stays warm enough for a few more weeks for us to get all our vegetables grown and off the plants. We have tons of tomatoes and cucumbers that just aren't quite ripe yet. Would make me sad to lose them now.

    Laurie, sounds like a fun time with your DD. Glad to hear your knee is holding up okay. Hopefully as you come back after the wedding it keeps feeling better. I am really looking forward to this next rotation. I think doing each style of lifting for four weeks will give me a better idea of what my body is responding to these days. And I am definitely still planning on Yoga Saturday! I keep reminding my DH that I will be working out both days on the weekend this winter. I have so many projects and plans lined up for the winter right now that I am almost looking forward to it. Almost. ;)

    Tami, glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend and your DH made it home safely. I hate those nights where I wake up every ten minutes.....or so it feels. Definitely understand skipping the morning workout. Great workouts, as always. I decided to extend this rotation for five weeks (will take me to early November) but do those last five weeks with workouts other than STS. LIHI is definitely on my list to do. I am interested how the rotation will feel with other workouts.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout tonight. I came home late from work and was mentally dead. I had to spend about 3 hours in the afternoon with this woman who is very difficult and I had to work very hard mentally to not lose it with her. I think that left me mentally drained. I just couldn't get myself to workout.
    DH and I continue to be very distracted with the retirement idea. We've decided that we will start getting the house ready for the day we decide to sell. This means start getting rid of things. So tonight we started by emptying out a bookcase. These were books that I've read and many books I will never read. At least not any time soon so it doesn't make sense to keep them. The attic is kind of our storage room but it is finished and can be used as a bedroom. Right now it's a mess. It's full of things that we definitely don't need since some things have been there for years and we haven't needed them. Talk about out of sight, out of mind! I think I will enlist my aunts to help me with this clean up task in November when they're here. Now I have an incentive to start getting rid of things we don't need and I have a long time to do it. I will need the time because I'm going to want to see everything that's in those boxes.
    I got my exam confirmation email for Monday at 9am. I will definitely be studying this weekend. I have Friday off. I may ask my boss to see if I could have Friday as a study day. Not sure I will get it this time though.

    Laurie, so glad your knee continues to tolerate the workouts. I'm glad you're not going to push it until after the wedding. Great job with the yoga workout! These HasFit workouts are actually causing me DOMS. Clearly coach Kozak ( It's kind of weird that he calls himself coach) is doing different moves than the ones my body is used to. This is the change my body needed it. Thankfully because I do a lot of stretching and massage with the lacrosse ball my DOMS don't last too long.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad you had a good weekend and that things went much better with your DH this time!
    Thanks on the 2 lb loss. I had a goal to try to burn through workouts at least 400 cals a day. So much for that tonight!

    Laurel, nice workouts today! That live workout sounds awesome!
    Thanks so much for those encouraging words on the weight loss and for reminding me what I've been going through this year. Wow that is a big change in temps from one weekend to the next! Will you cover the vegetable plants at night in case of frost? It would be sad to lose the veggies due to frost. Let me tell you it doesn't take much to damage the tomatoes. I wonder if you could make some kid of an A-frame kind of tent with sticks and then throw a tarp over the sticks to protect the plants at night?

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was YW Honed Warrior! Had to deal with dd's frustration after I got home from work yesterday. She is a little stressed, but that is only to be expected. I'm going to take care of the place cards and programs for the wedding. DH is figuring out the selfie station. The more we can take off her hands the better. ;) Thanks for all the kudos on the deck, I told DH and he just smiled. :D

    Tami, Bernie really is enjoying all the love. Awesome job on the workouts and class. Glad to hear that your DH is home, I'm sure that he is tired and ready to get back into a normal day. ;) I actually have enjoyed a glass of wine on the deck, it sure was nice. It is good that it was a bit chilly out, because I think the mosquitoes may have bothered me more if I had skin exposed. :D But it was lovely, and I'm ready to try it again.

    Laurel, Again some fantastic work on your workout selections. Dang your temps are getting cold. Those are usually our Sept/Oct. temps. I'm glad that you are still on for the yoga, I know I was reluctant to do them, but they sure did help with this knee. I think it had a lot to do with my right hip, and the yoga help a lot with that. I'm trying to think of what I can go with when I start back up, I don't want to go to fast and hurt myself again. ;) So this is going to be something that I need to investigate a little more. I really liked the feel of the metabolic workout, since it gets your hr up, but you are not jumping around. I know for sure that if I try something like the ICE series, it will be all low impact.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you had a difficult person to deal with yesterday. Sounds like a solid plan for getting yourself ready for retirement. We have a corner of our basement that is like your attic, and I'm hoping to get that taken care of this winter. We just need to clean the space up and get rid of things. I will be looking at those workouts when I have some time, just to see what I can use. I'm sure they have something that will work.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ last night’s class was a good one. She (Kathy) is meeting with the head trainer tonight to put a plan in place for a Tues/Thurs. Insane X at our gym. With that being said, she has a plan of doing a Circuit/HiiT/Killer Combo together for both nights at 3 weeks then change it up. So it was a minute of: Mtn Climbers, Burpees, Candlesticks (stand, roll down backwards, legs shoot up and as you roll forward you stand up without using your hands) it is similar to that move Laurie loves on the CCC workout with Cathe. LOL, Bicycle Abs, Planks w/ variations…. Then you do a combo of 21-15-9 of 3 strength moves but repeat the first part before moving on to the 15 and before moving on to the 9. Then Repeat but change the 3 strength exercises. So it was pretty tough stuff. We were told to grab HEAVY weights; I think only a few of us listen to her on that. LOL Today was LIHI Legs and headed to Spinning tonight .

    Laurel: Fantastic job with your STS and Live workout yesterday! The combo of all of it sounds really tough but great! So good you extended the rotation, its hard not too really. It can just keep going and going; especially for subbing in whatever workout you want for each style of week, like I have been doing. I love the variety of that and with your help and Laurel’s on which ones for those couple weeks I was stumped on it has made it really nice. I would have to look and see exactly what week I am on. I just keep going and going. I am sure here pretty quick I will decide what “else” I would like to do.

    Thelma: I can imagine the drained feeling you must have had. Sometimes just a REST and no workout is good for your mind/body as well. Love that you and DH are starting to go through some things, regardless of retirement plans it feels great to get rid of things you aren’t using and/or needing. Thank you on the workout kudos and DH. I think last time it was a combo of both of us being tired and the transition of being back into a couples routine vs. our own. He is very thankful to be home and enjoying it until his next season starts up (end of Sept). Which will be here before we know it.

    Laurie: Another great Yoga workout! I bet your flexibility is noticeably different to you nowadays?!?! Sorry about your DD, it is so natural for that feeling and I am sure she is doing really well. So good of you to take whatever you can off her plate. Good on you for enjoying that wine on your new deck. Our weather is still 90’s and gray/brown skies of smoke. Its awful for sitting outside. Supposed to cool down into the 80’s next week. No sign of clear skies for a while though.

    Have a great evening ladies ~


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Disc 9/Legs, which felt surprisingly good on some tired legs. I followed it with STS Extended Stretch and the core work from Muscle Endurance (which is so good!). Then I took a little break to get my legs back to 'normal', and did another new Cathe Live workout. This one is from three years ago and is IMAX Live. It was a combo of her IMAX workouts, some RWH moves, some very old step moves (pony on the step!) and 45 minutes of fun! I can honestly say I haven't found any of Cathe's IMAX workouts fun......until this one. As far as intensity, I would put it between IMAX2 and 3, but I did it on a 6" step. On 8", it would give IMAX3 a serious run for its money......and without all the dangerous moves I dread in IMAX3. So definitely another keeper for sure.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about another long, annoying day at work. And, believe me, I feel your pain in attacking the house in preparation for your future move. I often wonder what our house would be like if we didn't move every couple years :o and, even then, with every single move I find myself opening a box and thinking 'why do I have this?' :# It is taking us forever to downsize, without a doubt. The good thing about moving like we just did is we actually know the weight of our household goods. And somewhere between the move from Colorado to Florida and the move here, we did downsize by a couple thousand pounds, so that is the good news. The bad it is still too much stuff for two people!! So I feel your pain. Our garage is our nemesis area. B) Thank you for the tomato suggestions. They have taken the weather temp predictions up for the weekend a bit, but it looks like we will be staying cold for awhile. So I definitely want to be prepared if we do need to cover those plants up here soon.....and we might.

    Laurie, no doubt your DD is beginning to feel overwhelmed. I am just glad she has you to turn to right now. Yes, we turn cold fast up here. By October, the average high will be about 30. I am trying to hold on to the heat as much as I can. I think today will be our last glimpse of the 80s until next May or June. :'( I just have to keep reminding myself it can be warm like this as the winter drags on. I understand your concerns about coming back from this knee injury. I think ICE would be good because at least it has some modifications in most workouts (though the BC workout on that step may be tough). Did you get the Fit Tower workouts? Oddly, the intensity level of those would probably be good and they are easily modified. In addition, for the cardio moves in BC, she uses the bar as a stabilizer, which might help you so you aren't struggling with balance (which can put that knee in a wonky position unintentionally). Not that I am trying to enable you (again), :) but they definitely come to mind in thinking of Metabolic workouts that can be modified somewhat. Maybe the enabling is payback though since I have been on Amazon today looking at the Yoga Warrior program. >:) I haven't hit purchase......yet.

    Tami, sounds like a tough class......and a great plan for Tuesday/Thursday. I bet it would be nice to kind of know what to expect for class in three week increments. Sounds like enough variety but not too much, if that makes sense. I am with you on thinking this rotation could go on forever. I think the only reason I am changing it is because the rotation Laurie recommended is just like it......just with each week being four instead. But I would not be surprised at all if I return to the one week each format of LGI8 for next summer.

    See you tomorrow.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had to drag myself to the basement tonight ladies. I was very tired but I got a workout in. I did HasFit Back and I walked on the treadmill for a little while.

    Laurie, great job with the yoga workout and for helping ease your DD's pre-wedding stress! We've been in this house for 10 years. If I can make a big dent in that attic by the end of the year it will be HUGE! I hope you find something in the HasFit website that you can use in your routines.

    Tami, great workouts Tami! Sounds like another killer class! Will you be attending those newCirtcuit/Hiit T/Killer combo classes?
    So glad your DH is happy to be home. I'm sure you're right and last time it was a combination of things. i hope I can make a dent in that attic by the end of the year.

    Laurel, what a great combo!

    Good night ladies!
    You are lucky you have moved so much. I really need to start working on the attck soon after I come back from NC. You're very welcome on the tomato link!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today's workout was YW Stalking Warrior. ;)

    Tami, Great job with that class and your lower body workout! LOL about not everyone grabbing the heavy weights, but it does sound like it was a class that kept everyone on their toes. I'm sure the dd will still have some things that she will wait until the last minute, but I have taken some time off the week before so it should be good.

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts. I can only imagine how tough that Imax workout was if it was between those two workouts in intensity. Glad that it had moves that where different, but body friendly. Wow, to bad about those temps. We can still enjoy those warm temps for a little longer. LOL about the Fit Tower workouts! I knew that I probably should have ordered those workouts, but I have this big blah about barre workouts. If that isn't how those workouts are, and I have read everyone's reviews of them as you have done them, then I will have to consider them. The Yoga Warrior series is very good, and I'm happy that I purchased them. They are expensive, but I had the chance to purchase them last year for $50 from Collage Video. This is really the first opportunity I have had to use them the way they intended. I think they will be a staple in my rotation going forward, because I really don't want to lose the flexibility that I have gained.

    Thelma, Great job getting in a workout even though you where tired. Sounds like you have a good goal timeline for attacking the attic.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! I started today's workout with STS Disc 7/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I went as heavy as I could, so I didn't quite get all the reps in.......but it felt really good to push it a bit today. For cardio, I decided to take it down a notch and did Step Moves. But at the end I was like 'is that it?', ran and grabbed my iPad and did Cathe's Live class from this morning. :o It was also a steady state step, so the intensity wasn't way up, especially with the learning curve that always comes from step choreography. But it ended up being a much longer workout than I anticipated......but it was fun! We'll see what my body says about that later. :#

    Thelma, good job getting a workout in despite being so tired. I watched a couple of those HasFit workouts. They look really good! I need to take some time to really explore their website, but I am amazed how many workouts they have out there. Very impressive.

    Laurie, love the name of that yoga workout. :) That is really a good deal on the Yoga Warrior program, because it is twice that on Amazon. That is one of the reasons I didn't purchase. I think I am going to be patient and see if this 'Yoga Saturday' is something that I am going to stick with beyond winter (and maybe expand to other days) before investing that much. Regarding the Fit Tower workouts, there is a barre element to each workout. Outside of the Legs, Glutes and Core workout, they are short segments used when working the lower body. I thought the Legs, Glutes and Core workout was going to be like LIS Turbo Barre......which can absolutely bore me to tears. But it isn't. While the type of exercise is the same, the duration isn't nearly as painful (mentally or physically). But, yes, there is a Barre element to all of them that may not be what you are looking for. That being said, if you are looking for more Metabolic workouts like Metabolic Total Body, Cathe Live is an option. There are quite a few of them there. :p

    Tami, hope you are having a good day!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Ended up not going to Spinning last night afterall. I was just tired and felt like easing into my evening instead of rushing to make dinner, shower, visit and head to bed. Tonight however I am going to the STRONG class after work.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workouts …. As always you amaze me with what you put together! Sounds like another great LIVE Class. My mind goes to the choreography challenges in those IMAX workouts …. LOL I remember there is one that I have that I haven’t done forever but I did accomplish it and was so happy ~ tough forsure though. Excellent workouts today as well. So you do these with your Ipad??!! How do you see what is going on? Yes, the Tues/Thurs will be good. It will kind of be like doing an actual program to improve strength/endurance is what she was saying. Of course a gazillion burpees will be in there like we did the other night. LOL

    Thelma: Good on you for dragging yourself down to the basement ….. I felt guilty about not dragging myself to the gym but I was glad with my decision. Funny DH was feeling the same way (minus not having a workout planned …lol) was just one of those long days and the relaxing evening was perfect. Yes, I will be planning on going to Katy’s Tue/Thurs combo staring in September. IT should be good. The only downfall is on Thursday it is in our old studio type room that is super small. But she can make anything good in any of the space we have + no running camp forsure on Thurs then.

    Laurie: Great job with another Yoga workout down. So good you have enjoyed this series so much and want to continue one way or another as you move into other things again. I am with Laurel on those Fit Tower workouts being a good “modifier” or not as far as intensity goes. I put off ordering until the end for that very reason that “Barre” style workouts are not my favorite, thinking that’s what the whole system was, but it truly isn’t. As Laurel mentioned, the lower body/core workout does have some segments forsure in there but not the whole workout. I too am bored beyond if I do just Barre style workouts. My mind wanders like crazy despite it being good for me. LOL 

    Have a great rest of your day ladies! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did HasFit Home Bicep Workout with Dumbbells + Triceps and I walked on the treadmill for a little while. These two arm workouts fried my arms! Really good ones! I love that these workouts are really working my triceps like no other workout has done in a very long time.
    In case you're interested here are the links. You're on your own for warm-up and cool down but they have links on each workout page that point to a warm-up and cool down routines.

    I managed to get tomorrow as study day as opposed to taking the vacation day I was scheduled to take. Not only do I have to study for the exam. I have work training due and I have to review a document that is so badly written that I already have lots of anomalies to report.

    Laurie, great workout! I hope I can stick to the attic goal! I googled how many days till 5/31/2019 today and I have 657 days till retirement! LOL. This doesn't mean I have 657 days to clean up the attic.

    Laurel, wow! What a combo! Great job!
    I'm so glad you checked out the HasFit workouts! Some are really, really good. I like that he does the exercises in different positions than I'm used to. They do have lots of workouts and they are free! I discovered that they also have a 90 Day muscle building rotation so I printed it out for later. I am thinking that I might want to do that next.

    Tami, good for you for allowing yourself a relaxing night. Katy is going to love you attending her other classes! I hope you really like them!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a little motivation issue this morning but finally convinced myself not only to get up :) but to workout....and I am glad I did. Today I started with STS Disc 8/Back and Triceps. I expected it to be brutal since I pushed my upper body so hard yesterday (and I didn't feel like working out anyhow), but it flew by. After mentioning Turbo Barre yesterday, I decided to pop that in after and do the floor and core work, which I love, from that workout. For cardio, it was pure fun with Rockout Knockout. So good stuff to end a week of some tough workouts.

    Tami, I imagine enjoying a quiet evening with your DH was nice. Is it still hot and smoky? I hope that eases off soon if it is. No doubt that can impact the energy levels. I will be curious what the program Katy is putting together looks like. It sounds like each week will be a progression, and that sounds fantastic. I wonder if it will be something like STS where you focus on one style for a few weeks before moving on. And yay for no running in the small room! Regarding the Cathe Live workouts, I have an adapter to plug my iPad into my TV, so the workouts play on the TV through the iPad. I think I will gift myself with an early Christmas present of a smart TV for my workout room. I used to have one in my workout room, but with this move, we had to switch TVs around.....and I was left with the one non-Smart TV for my workouts. When I get the smart TV, I will hopefully just stream the workouts from the app or Cathe's site.

    Thelma, sounds like another great workout. The one thing that impressed me about the little bit of the HasFit workout I watched was their form was good, their pace seemed good, and they seemed thorough in their explanations. I think I was expecting something a little less put together for this number of free workout (like maybe being filmed in a living room or something like that!). Very impressive stuff. Hope you are getting some good studying in, but also hope you get a break sometime this weekend to relax. Good luck on Monday!

    Laurie, I imagine you are getting into wedding crunch time now. Hope all is well.

    Off to the Artic Circle this weekend if all goes well. We didn't make it up there last time, and I refuse to live much longer within 200 miles of the circle not to go there. Wish us luck on the rough, isolated road! We will be armed with a CB radio, two spare tires and extra food.......just in case. :o Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a good weekend. I can't say that I did because I was studying. Friday I actually worked so I didn't get to study but at least I got work stuff done that I'd fallen behind on.
    I feel that I a really good food and workout weekend though. I can't say that about my studying. I don't feel as prepared as I did two weeks ago which means I've forgotten stuff! YIKES! I hope I pass!

    On Friday I did KCM 30MTF Amped Up Cardiovascular Live I. I wanted to get a second workout in but I was exhausted by the time I finished working. On Saturday I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body TS #1, Has fit 17m Legs/Butt, Treadmill, Stretching. This was a really awesome combo and my legs felt it the entire day. They 17 minute workout sounds easy but it wasn't! Today I did another awesome combo S&S Cardio Slam TS #4, HasFit 25m Chest & Triceps, Treadmill, stretching. OMG I love the way Coach Kozak makes my triceps burn! He does pushups in ways I've never seen before. I also love the fact that these workouts are short, yet very effective. This allows me time to get some cardio in.

    Laurel, I'm glad you managed to motivate yourself into working out! What a wonderful combo!
    Coach Kozak and Claudia definitely use good form and of course it is nice that she does the modified version. Thanks for the good luck wishes! I will need it tomorrow.

    Hi Tami and Laurie!

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    I passed!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be pretty short. I'm super busy at work, because I only have two days of work. I will post as much as I can, but it is going to be a busy week before the wedding. No workouts this weekend, it was just to full of wedding things.

    This morning I did GHUTV Barre Boxing. Fun workout, and I did it low impact.

    Thelma, Congrats on passing the exam!

    Laurel, Hope you had a good time at the Artic Circle!

    Tami, Having a relaxing evening is a great option, the workouts will always be there.

    Keep up the awesome job on all the workouts!

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy Monday ~ Weekend felt kind of busy and I worked 4 hours yesterday so it was here and gone before I knew it. Saturday evening was a Birthday party for a friend of DH's who just turned 50. We didn't stay real long but he was glad we made it. I did get my workout in on Saturday, which was S&S Total Body Giant Sets + Abwork. yesterday I got up and showered and went to work so by the time I got home I had to do groceries and meal prep for the week. Today's workout will be BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: I knew you would pass!!! Congratulations, that is so awesome.

    Laurel: Sounds like a great workout on Friday! Way to go. Hopefully you had a nice weekend.

    Laurie: Hang in there on your busy day at work! I know about those all too well (as you know). Great job with the Barre Boxing workout; sounds interesting forsure.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami