Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another good BootCamp class last night; it was in similar format: 1 min/45 sec/30 sec/ 15 sec.; each time moving faster. Lower Body, Cardio, Lower Body, Cardio exercise, then Upper Body, Cardio, Upper Body, Cardio. This a.m. was XT Bi’s/Tri’s and tonight I may head home to mow the lawn; poor DH is still down and the yard is “goat grazing material” right now.

    Laurel: LOL on me inspiring you to do the “triple lower” – it is a killer forsure. Not one that you have a desire to do very often is right. Amazing that you followed it up with CCC, WOWSA. Great job with yesterday’s workout as well! DH is feeling only about 10% better he said this a.m. I feel so bad because until the pain goes away a little bit more he can hardly move. I am surprised it hasn’t loosened up really much at all. Poor thing has been just sleeping, hot bath, hot pad, sleeping, “rinse and repeat” for 3 days now.

    Thelma: Sounds like you got in a nice combo yesterday! Way to go. WOOHOO on the shopping in the attic moment and the white capris coming out of hiding. That is so great Thelma! I am beyond thrilled for you, nothing like hard work paying off. Sing away! Thanks for the well wishes for DH; yes, he is using the hot pad every day and hot bath in Epsom salt too. Nothing seems to be giving him much relief. He was going to call his doctor this afternoon and say “what should I do next” to see what they say.

    Hi Laurie :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. Because my legs felt tired still from that Sunday marathon leg workout, I put together a really different but good combo. I started with Fit Tower Bootcamp, and did the Cardio and Legs only premix, then I went right into Fit Tower Total Body and did the Legs Only premix.....then right into Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Core and did the Glutes and Core work. I know it sounds monstrous, but the leg work rang in right at 60 minutes (including the warm-up) and with only the Total Body work using weights, was tough but perfectly manageable. Definitely feel worked but not over-worked. For cardio, I did IMAX Live, which is still way too much fun for an IMAX workout. Love it!

    Thelma, sounds like a great combo to me!! Yay on the attic shopping! I love that feeling when those pants fit on the body again. I understand everything you are saying about HasFit. Honestly, I feel like I am getting a similar boost, oddly, from Cathe Live. While it is the same instructor, the workouts are very different. In some ways, I feel stronger than I ever have, especially in my legs. Somehow the form pointers she gives in her Live classes combined with her incredible energy has me just hitting things a little harder. Now.....I need to do something about the food. But I mentally gave myself this summer to ease up a bit on my nutrition as we settled in up here in Alaska. I figured I didn't need the worry of calories to add to my already stressed brain. Luckily I haven't gained much weight. But I do feel very puffy at times, which means cutting back on sodium and some carbs. And I am ready to do that. I am tired of feeling 'puffy'.

    Tami, sounds like a great Bootcamp class. Love the sound of that format. Sorry to hear your DH is still in so much pain. I hope he gets some relief soon. I truly feel for him.....and you. I know taking care of somebody who can't move is no fun at all.....not to mention how much it hurts to see somebody you love in so much pain. Take care of yourself too!

    afcgirl, glad I could help! Again, please feel free to ask any more questions.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did not feel like working out. I felt very tired. Long day at work as usual. I finally forced myself to go to the basement by telling myself that I should do the workout using light weights. So I did XT CBS w/u, HasFit 20 Min Dumbbell Chest Press + 20 Min Shoulder Workouts, Treadmill, Stretching. I just realized I'm the last week of this 30 day rotation.

    Tami, sounds like another killer BootCamp class just the way you like them! Nice job!
    Thanks so much for being thrilled for me. I'm excited. I definitely feel like I have to do some serious ab work. At least this has helped me see that I can't ignore my abs the way I've done for so long.
    Did your DH call his doctor? I hope the doctor was able to come with some other treatment strategy for him. Sounds like he's doing all the right things. Did he get any muscle relaxers? I hope he's feeling better tonight and even better tomorrow!

    Laurel, what an awesome combo! I really loved that Fit Tower Total Body. I wasn't that crazy about the Fit Tower Leg/Ab workout.
    It is such a good feeling to be able to fit into pants you could not longer wear. I can understand why you're also seeing different results than with the Cathe DVD's. It really sounds like the live workouts are different. Cathe does have serious energy. Do you know how old she is? I'm sure you'll figure out the food situation soon Laurel. Sounds like you already figure it out!

    Hi Laurie!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with XT Burn Sets upper body premix. I went as heavy as I could and was really feeling it at the end. It seems like forever since I last did this workout and really enjoyed it today. For cardio, I tried a new Cathe Live. This one was from last year and was called Boxing, HiiT Blasts and Core.....and was exactly as advertised. It was a fun workout. Tough but not brutal.

    Thelma, sounds like you managed quite a workout even though you didn't feel like it. I can't believe you have been doing the Has Fit workouts for almost 30 days! Time flies. Cathe is 53. She mentioned it in her live class on her birthday last month. For some reason, her being about my age does inspire me to keep pushing. I will figure the food out. I know what I need to do and not it is just a matter of doing it. :) I am good most of the time......and then a piece of chocolate will mysteriously hop into my mouth. :p I got to stop that! :D

    Thelma, you asked me to post a photo of a moose in our yard if we ever had one. I didn't think we ever would because we have no trees around us. But guess what was in the yard this morning? I took a quick photo of mama and her baby as they were walking through. You can see how big the adult moose is in relation to our shed. That is a standard doorway and the shed sits about 10" off the ground. The moose are big!


    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Later check in today. I was asked to train a girl on our new system this a.m. so I was in her office all a.m. It felt like a great compliment to be asked and the co-worker told me I was a fun teacher! LOL
    No workout yet today, I was going to go hit golf balls with my 2 golf ladies and they cxld; so I don’t have my gym bag (should have known better) :/ but DH said he would go lay on the other couch if I wanted to workout. He knows I would want too. Mowed the lawn last night and he felt horrible being inside. But he did go to the Physical Therapist he saw for his knee for so long since they became friends in that whole time. He really feels it is just muscle/tendon strain and/or pull. He is going to do some “manipulation/stretching” of his muscles to see if he can help to loosen it up. He said ICE, ICE and more ICE. Heat just keeps it in a swollen state …. So hopefully by Friday maybe he should feel some relief. Even today he is feeling a lot better; especially being concerned it was a bulged disk in his back. Justin really doesn’t think so from his examination. So yay for that.

    Laurel: Fabulous workouts yesterday and again today!!!!! You are seriously killing it day after day in the workouts. The moose are so cute and funny creatures. I bet you were surprised to see those out your window. Thank you for the well wishes and sympathy for DH. It can be very hard forsure …… especially the more frustrated he gets and the “cranks” start happening. We both feel like we just went through this with his knee. He is again re-thinking his physical fitness and lack of. I just listened and hope he will at least start stretching, moving and doing something to help his body on a daily basis. He said he wants to put this in the box of “never again” forsure. LOL

    Thelma: Sounds like you got in a nice combo after not wanting to workout. WOW! Already in the last week, that’s great. Time flies when you are having fun forsure. Thank you as well for the well wishes on DH. Yes, he went to the Physical Therapist and still may see his doctor on Friday; he has an appt. with him set right now. We will see. But thank goodness he was able to get some guidance.

    Hi Laurie :)

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I didn't want to workout tonight either and again I talked myself into working out. I'm so glad I did because tonight was a really good combo. So I did XT CBS w/u, HasFit 20 Min Bodybuilding Back + 20 Min Butt Workouts, Treadmill, Stretch. The butt workout was really good and I love how these trainers have moves I've never seen before.
    I'm off on Friday. I can't wait!

    I was taking a close look at the HasFit 90 day muscle building rotation and discovered that the videos are 4 minutes long yet they list a bunch of exercises. I didn't watch the videos but I can only deduct that they show you once how to do the moves and then you're on your own. I don't like that. So disappointing! I'll watch some of the videos during the weekend to see if I want to just incorporate them into another rotation.

    Laurel, good job for going as heavy as you could! Great combo today!

    Thanks for posting the moose picture! Wow! That thing is huge! It makes the shed look so tiny!

    I can't believe this rotation is almost over. I have enjoyed it tremendously. I think I'm going to look at the bodybuilding workouts they have to see if I can create my own rotation.
    I can't believe Cathe is 53! I'm also 53! She is definitely an inspiration!
    Funny about a piece of chocolate misteriously hoping into your mouth! I can't resist chocolate either!

    Tami, I think it is definitely a compliment that you were asked to train someone on the new system. I honestly think everyone there would be lost without you because you do so much there.
    Sorry your friends cancelled the golf session! Sorry your DH didn't move and simply offered to move if you wanted to. Mowing the lawn is a workout though. Glad he went to the Physcal Therapist. I am sure he will be able to help him. Maybe some electric muscle stimulation. OMG and your DH has been using heat and the PT says ICE is what he needed. I guess it depends on the injury. So glad he already felt relief and that the PT doesn't think it is a bulging disk!

    Time does fly when you're having fun and I fun I've had with this rotation.
    I hope the doctor agrees with the physical therapist about the injury being a pulled muscle.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited August 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Finally caught up at work. On Monday I didn't workout, because I was just tired and had sore feet. :D On Tuesday I did KCM's Quick Fix Workout 1, Wednesday was KCM's RAW Lower Body & Kettlebell (really liked this one), and this morning I did GHUTV Walking Shape Up with Resistance Band (first time trying this one, and it was good too). My knee seems to be holding up okay, but I'm still going to take it easy. Still haven't figured out what rotation I'm going to attempt.

    Laurel, I still have not had time to look back at all the posts, but hope to get to it this weekend. What rotation are you trying out? Love the picture of the moose. ;) Sounds like a great live workout with that combo, because a workout is even better with some boxing mixed into it. The GHUTV workout I did this morning had some boxing.

    Tami, I'm so sorry to hear that your DH is suffering, hope that he will get some relief from the PT. We can only hope that our DH's will start anything that involves exercise. It will only help them in the end. ;) I love how you called it the cranks, we all know how those cranks truly are. :D Great job on all your workouts, and getting the lawn mowed. Nice that you where asked to do the training, and of course making it enjoyable.

    Thelma, Awesome job on those HasFit workouts. Glad that you enjoyed them. I have taken a peak at some of the workouts. Which rotation did you try out? When I workout with Chris Freytag, she mentions that she is in her 50's. She mentions her knees not moving like they used to, and in this workout she says that the walking workouts are really good for non impact days. She only does 2-3 days of impact workouts, and the rest are all lower. So I'm taking a cue from her, since I just turned 54! Nice that you have a day off on Friday, have a great time with your 3 day weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body day, so I revisited a Cathe Live workout, which was Lower Body Bootcamp. This was one of the first Cathe Live workouts I did, and I remembered really enjoying it. I felt the same thing today. Tough stuff! For cardio, I did Cross Fire Extreme premix, but skipped the core work since there was core work in the lower body workout.

    Tami, sorry about the missed golf session....and the missed workout. Bet you were itching to do something but understand not wanting to force your DH to move as well. I am glad he saw his PT and it sounds like a muscle issue and not something that might require surgery. I am glad he is feeling better and hope this inspires him to take better care of his body. Like Laurie said, we can only hope our DHs who don't do something figure out it is best for them if they do. I know my DH keeps talking about it......but that is as far as it goes.

    Thelma, another great workout! That is strange about the muscle building rotation, though. I understand the concept to a point, but I am one who doesn't do well working out 'alone'. So it wouldn't suit me either.

    Laurie, good to see you back! I imagine it is taking a few days to get back to normal now. Great workouts! Glad to hear your knee is holding up okay after what must have been quite some time on your feet over the weekend. I am still working my way through my LGI8 rotation. I am getting ready to start the five week cycle over again next week, and this will be my last one with STS. I am going to do one or two more cycles of it without STS and then move on to that rotation you posted from the Body Building site which is like LGI8, except each different format is done for four weeks instead of one. I figure that will get me through the winter.....and it is flexible enough that I can incorporate Cathe's new workouts into it as they come out. And I am with you....any workout with boxing is already a better workout. :)

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Long day at work. Didn't get home till 7:30 and then I had a few things to do around the house. Interestingly I had some energy left. Not enough to lift but I knew that I could do some low impact cardio. Needless to say Jessica Smith was the way to go so I did 30 Min Latin Spice Walk, Treadmill, Stretch.

    I'm going to be getting my clothes ready for our vacation. This won't be much of an active vacation. It will be a retirement location research vacation. There's a style of home we love so we'll see the houses in person to see if we love in person as much as we do online.
    We will be going to see 2 houses in NC on Monday afternoon after my sister and her girls leave. In the afternoon a friend who moved to NC from NH will join us to go see the houses. On Tuesday the plan is to drive down to Blue Ridge, GA which is at the border with NC on the western side. We have found 6 houses we'd love to see but we
    don't think we'll have time for all of them so we will pick our top 4 just in case.

    Hi Laurie! Welcome back! Great workouts! I'm glad your knee is holding up okay!
    I'm doing the 30-Day Muscle Building rotation

    Last Saturday I discovered this program

    Wow even Kris Freytag babies her knees! HasFit has a lot of low impact workouts!

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job! I don't like.
    I need a trainer telling me what to do the workouts with me! LOL

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did the stretching workout from KCM's Athletic Conditioning. Still need to take that one day a week just for stretching, it sure felt great. Will be looking at the different options this weekend to determine what rotation I'm going to do starting Sunday. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, and doing one that you remember enjoying so much. I thought that you where headed for the home stretch with the rotation, so it is good to know that I will hopefully be back into the swing of things by the time you are getting into the next rotation. I still want to try that bodybuilding format. The new workouts sound like the 4DS workouts, but I'm hoping they don't use a lot of equipment. That is one of the reasons that I don't pull out those 4DS workout to much, my workout space looks like a disaster afterwards.

    Thelma, Nice job with the dance workout. Have a great time in NC, it sure sounds like you will be busy taking tours of homes. I hope you find one that you really love. Thanks for the link, that rotation really looks good. It is only 4 weeks, so that just might be the ticket for me getting back into the workouts. Boxing Abs, now that really is a workout that appeals to me.

    Hi Tami!

    Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check-in before the weekend and you all think I fell off the planet! LOL

    So yesterday was Giant Sets Total Body when I got home from work. Tonight will be PHA Training. DH is doing a little better today and went to his regular doctor for a look and he said to keep going to PT, that it should just get better; also confirming that it is just muscle/tendon strain, doesn't feel an MRI is warranted and used the words "welcome to old age". Poor DH.

    Fabulous workouts ladies ~ I will check in on a normal chat Monday. I've been training with my co-worker again and filling in for the other lady who left early today.

    Hoping for a little more excitement this weekend but we will see. At least a coffee date with a friend to get me out of the house.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    [quote=" I am going to do one or two more cycles of it without STS and then move on to that rotation you posted from the Body Building site which is like LGI8, except each different format is done for four weeks instead of one. I figure that will get me through the winter.....and it is flexible enough that I can incorporate Cathe's new workouts into it as they come out. And I am with you....any workout with boxing is already a better workout. :) Laurel[/quote]

    Can you ladies remind me which one this is?!!? :smile: I'm starting to think ahead as well.

    Thanks again!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Here is the link. It is a lot like the LGI8 but you do each segment for four weeks
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. I was busy but it was good. Friday I was busy moving clothes that are too big from my closet to the attic. Then of course trying to figure out what I would take on my trip. I also took Friday off from workouts. I just relaxed and it felt wonderful. I picked my clothes for my trip. Everything has been ironed. I just need to get my underwear but for I have to wait till the end of the week. I will pack Thursday and Friday night. I never got to do my toiletries though.

    Saturday I did a really good workout Body Project Boxing Abs, HasFit 30Min Legs, Treadmill. I was drenched in sweat after this workout. I really love this Body Project Boxing Abs workout. It has become one of my favorites.

    Today I tried another YouTube workout and it was awesome! Another sweat fest!
    30-Minute Cardio-Boxing and Core-Tightening Workout Class - FitSugar. The trainer looks a lot like Lindsay Lohan! She's Christa DiPaolo, creator of Equinox's The Cut, a cardio-boxing workout.

    Laurie, great workouts!
    We really will be busy during our vacation. So far we have 11 houses to Monday 9/4 - Wed 9/6. We won't be buying a house this time around. We're there to see the style of homes we've seen online that we think we like and to check different areas out.
    The rotation is really good and if you pair it with cardio you'll get great results. The Boxing Abs workout is so much fun. I think you would love it. You would also love the Cardio Boxing I posted above.

    Tami, awesome workouts as always! You should try those ab boxing workouts I posted. They're a lot of fun and both have all kinds of burpees and planks.

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout on Saturday, just wanted to do nothing for a day. On Saturday I tried out KCM's RAW 888, that one is fun. You do 8 different exercises for 8 reps, and do those for 8 circuits. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Meltdown #1, really enjoyed this one too. I didn't do the jump over my bench, just didn't trust my knee on that move, but I did do the low impact version. Worked fine, and I am adding two more KCM keepers to my list.

    I'm probably going to combine KCM's Raw workouts, with the Hasfit rotation. Most of the KCM workouts are metabolic, so should work well with the weight work. It is either that or do the 4DS weight workouts. ;) Will see what happens when I get home.

    Tami, Good news for you DH, and it will just take time to heal. Yep that old age sure does a number on our bodies. :( Great job on the workouts, I was tempted to do those this week also. I'm still up in the air as to what I really want to do.

    Thelma, Great job on getting your clothes sorted. Sometimes we thing, Oh I will wear that again, and it just sits around. Hope that you are able to narrow down the type of home you would like to retire into, you sure have given yourself a lot of options. :D I think I have tried the 45 min. option that she has on PopSugar, and it was a good one too. I tried this one out a little while back and it was a good one too.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all on Friday. DH's boss surprised him with the day off, so DH and I chose to use that to our advantage and ticked a couple more rental home improvement tasks off the list. We painted the kitchen and guest bath on Friday, and, boy, does a coat of paint make a difference in some rooms. Much improved for sure!

    I worked out each day this weekend as well. Friday was a bit of a mix. I started with Cathe Live Upper Body Bootcamp. For cardio, I was going to do a long step workout, but DH kept distracting me with questions about how to prep the rooms for painting, so I decided to do a workout that I didn't think needed as much attention. It was Cathe Live High and Low Impact HiiT. But the cardio part ended at 30 minutes (she added core work), and since I had worked my core in the BC workout, I went to Cathe Live Quick Fix Cardio and did 20 more minutes of cardio. Good combo. Saturday was a short cardio workout.....Cathe Live Hard Strikes Low Impact Kickboxing, which was a very manageable workout.

    Yesterday's workout wasn't quite so manageable. :o I am on circuit week, so I have chosen LIHI to do my one upper body part a day, which I like to do during Circuit week. Yesterday was back work. Then, for cardio, I did X37 right into another Cathe Live workout called Sweat Jump and Pump. This workout should never be confused with the Step, Jump and Pump me. It was an hour of completely random moves and very, very tough. Few breaks, no pattern in terms of reps or times and totally exhausting. After I finished the workout, I was wandering around the upstairs of our house cooling down and muttered 'holy ****' under my breath.....or what I thought was under my breath until I heard my DH, who was at the bottom of the stairs burst into laughter. Oops. :# That was a tough one. Anyhow, I took it down a big notch today and did LIHI Biceps, followed by ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast. For cardio, it was Rhythmic Step. Much more reasonable!!

    Tami, I hope your DH continued to improve over the weekend. That is good news from the doctor......except for the 'old age' comment. Great workouts, as always.

    Thelma, more great workouts! Great job getting ready for your trip. Sounds like it will be busy, but hopefully you will get some answers and be able to come up with a plan toward retirement!

    Laurie, glad you took a bit of a break. Sounds like you are doing great on the workouts. Hope the knee continues to cooperate. I was thinking Cathe's new workouts sound like 4DS as well. But I agree about the equipment. I also hope the cardio is better. I love the strength training in 4DS, but the cardio (outside of the Kickboxing) is just kind of okay for me.

    Let me know if any of you want to do the bodybuilding rotation together. I have just a rough outline of workouts I want to do during each phase and no real start date. I was thinking about starting out with the Body Beast Bulk workouts during the first phase and doing them over the Christmas/New Years since they are short, but I am very flexible on things as long as we start in early November (though I could be talked into early October as well!)

    Off to get my hair looking more youthful. See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was pretty good. I met my girlfriend who I haven’t seen all summer for coffee on Saturday a.m. and was able to catch up with her, which was fun. Then it was errands, cleaning and caring for DH. He is doing a little better, slowly but surely he is getting there. A little bit better each day. He is at least being able to now bend slightly so he can start stretching some; which is going to be helpful. Yesterday after I mowed he went down the driveway with the blower to get the grass off. LOL It was helpful and made him feel like he was doing something. No workout on Saturday, the day just got away from me after all I was getting done but yesterday before I came into work I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body + Abs. Tonight will be BootCamp.
    This week is Upper/Lower combination. So lower body tomorrow.

    Laurel: Fabulous workouts as always! How great you were able to do some painting, that does make so much of a difference. Just feels better I think. When are you going to be starting that LGI8 rotation?

    Laurie: Thank you for posting that link again. The KCM RAW 888 workout sounds good. Is that an online workout or DVD? Great job with both workouts! Way to keep it low impact as well to make sure that knee is doing ok. Yes, DH is pretty frustrated forsure and for his fishing season he is thinking a back brace to strap on might be in order, just for support. Said it makes him feel old but he doesn’t know what he will do if his back goes out during all those trips he has scheduled. Poor guy.

    Thelma: Your weekend sounds very productive and nice! Packed already, that is great. Great job with your workouts as well and sounds like you are still thoroughly enjoying those online HasFit workouts! Thank you for the links. I will have to check those out.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! I made more progress with packing. I got all my toiletries packed! This is a miracle for me! LOL
    Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, HasFit 20m Biceps, 17m Triceps, treadmill, stretch. Great little workouts! I really fried my triceps tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of my 30 day rotation. I think for the rest of the week I will choose the 20 m bodybuilding workouts so I can do more cardio and abs.
    We're up to 12 houses! 7 in GA!

    Laurie, I hear you on wanting a day to do nothing for a day! Exactly what ended up happening on Friday with me and you know what? I feel great. It seriously relaxed me.
    Great workouts the rest of the weekend and today! The KCM workouts will work perfectly with the HasFit rotation. I did a few days with KCM and HasFit and it was good.
    I have been so busy this summer that I hardly did anything other than study it seems. Now that I lost weight I have more choices which is great. Of course I'm like oh I like that but can't take it because I took that last year! LOL
    Thanks for the link. Another good PopSugar workout!

    Laurel, what a nice surprise from your DH's boss and great use of his free time! I'm sure you're loving the new and improved kitchen and guest bath!
    Great workouts too! Wow Laurel that Sweat Jump and Pump sounds like a killer one! HAHAHA about the 'holy ****' comment and your DH hearing you! LOL
    Our trip will be very busy but we are really excited about doing this 'research'.

    I would love to do the rotation with you but I would need to customize so that my body building workouts are short so that I can do some cardio too. This combo is definitely working for me. The BB Bulk workouts are definitely short.

    My plan for now is to repeat this HasFit rotation but I will be better about incorporating more cardio into my days.

    Tami, I'm so glad your DH is doing better. Too bad about the doctor calling him old with that 'welcome to old age' comment! Great workouts!
    I did have a very productive weekend. Thank God! For a change I won't be up all night the night before my trip packing!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Afternoon Ladies ~ Last night’s BC was another good one. We did a format that we did not too long ago (earlier in the summer) and it was fast paced and good stuff. Lots of lower body, cardio spurts, Bi’s/Tri’s and more lower + Abwork mixed in too. This a.m. I did NOT get up. I had a feeling I might not, went to bed a little later than my normal and I could not fall asleep last night, tossed and turned (which is not my usual) and started thinking heavily of Emma. Couldn’t get her out of my mind and felt the sads as well. Not sure what that was about, probably still part of just missing her daily and grief. So at any rate, no workout as planned this a.m. But will go to Katy’s class tonight. DH woke up feeling even better this a.m. so I think he is on the upward climb, nearly at the top I would like to say. We will see.

    Thelma: Excellent job with the packing! That has to feel so good. How exciting that you guys are going to be looking at houses for your retirement home. So amazing. Great job with your workouts! I am sure you don’t have any doubt in repeating this HasFit rotation since you have loved it so much and seen/felt the benefits. That is awesome Thelma, very happy for you!

    Hi Laurie and Laurel :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a good workout today. I started with a Cathe Live workout for my circuit workout. This one was called Verticle Loading. Cathe did a bit on this style of workout last fall in her newsletter, and this Live workout was done in conjunction with that. In essence, it is a strength training circuit where you start at the top of your body and move down in six sets of exercises, repeat that, move on to another six sets, repeat.....for a total of three patterns. She did the exercises in the order of shoulder, bicep, triceps, chest, back, and legs. The reps varied, the style of lifting varied, the lifting pattern varied so it was always changing. It wasn't as cardiovascular as PHA Training, but it was sneaky tough. I didn't realize how hard it hit the muscles until I was following it with the LIHI Triceps work.....and my arms did not want to lift those weights! I took a bit of a long break before my next workout, which was Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing. This was a repeat for me. And even with the break, my arms were tired with my little boxing gloves on! But I love this kickboxing workout! It is 50 minutes of good kickboxing followed by 10 minutes of some of Cathe's best core work. And my arms were STILL fried trying to hold a plank. So that verticle loading works!

    Tami, sorry to hear about your tough night last night. Grief is like hits in unexpected waves. Glad you took the morning off and got some rest. Also glad to hear your DH is getting better. I was wondering how he was going to handle his next fishing excursion. Hopefully the back brace works, if only to make him feel like he has some support for the back so he can relax and do what he needs to do without focusing on it. I originally planned on taking my current rotation into November and then starting the rotation Laurie posted in December. But since you and Laurie (and now Thelma!) have expressed an interest in doing it (YAY!), I would love to see if we can all come up with a time that works for us to do it together. I can start as early as the first of October, which is when my current rotation ends. So let me know! I would love to do another group rotation that takes us all through the holidays and the bulk of winter. You guys could hold me accountable through my winter doldrums. :)

    Thelma, sounds like another great workout! My toiletries are always the last thing I pack......because I hate packing them, especially when flying. So great job getting that done early. What I like about the rotation Laurie posted is it comes with recommended exercises, but, ultimately, it is a highly flexible program. I, of course, prefer to use DVDs as opposed to doing things on my own, so I have done a rough outline of the workouts I want to do for each segment. And I would think all of us could do the same. In fact, you probably could use some of the HasFit workouts for it. I just love the idea of doing one style of lifting for four straight weeks, including styles I normally shy away from doing for that long (like circuits). I think it will give me a much better idea of what my body responds best to than I currently have (since I have a tendency to do a hodgepodge mess of stuff). I am keenly aware that I am getting older :o and I think it is time to figure out better efficiency in my workouts than I currently have. I am hoping this rotation gives me the focus I seem to be missing to do that. Anyhow, yay for looking at all those houses! DH have toyed with looking in the same area. We are also toying with the Tennessee/Alabama border area between Huntsville and Chattanooga. We looked at some property there when we were driving to Alaska, and it is a beautiful area.

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    Until tomorrow.
