Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout again, when I got home I was making dinner right away. Oh well, hopefully next week isn't so busy. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Meltdown #2 which is boxing tabata. LOVED this one! 20 sec. punching, 10 sec off for 6 tabatas. Then she did a 20 sec cardio. I used my 1# weights, since I don't have a heavy bag. Kelly used the sparing mitts, those are the same things that was used in the Les Mills Body Combat.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, I know how much you like Intensity. You are ticking off the live workouts! Sounds like bananas really do a good job of helping other items ripen. You can put your avocados with them to help them ripen too. My mom always had tomatoes sitting out to ripen, we usually had some that needed to stay on the vine longer but the weather didn't cooperate. We have only been in the 40's for our lows, but I'm sure that the 30's will be here sooner than we would like. We had our first fall rain this morning, it is funny how different fall rain sounds vs summer. I think it is the way it sounds coming off the leaves of the trees.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm going to be busy cleaning my house.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    HI Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you both yesterday. Just busy at work and kept right on through my lunch hour. So busy I forgot it was my MIL’s Birthday! This has been a constant anxiety for DH and I over the years because about 10 years ago or more we both forgot. Don't know how we did it again. DH talks to them every single day. She seemed fine this a.m. when I talked to her but she will not let us live it down. Mostly my FIL will not us live it down; his BDay is on the 14th so we HAVE to not forget. So back to 900 reminders on our calendars, phone, etc. :neutral:

    No workout yesterday but this a.m. I did Cathe’s Circuit Blast workout, which has been a while and I always enjoy. Probably no workout tonight ….. Fri Evening Spin starts back up next Friday!

    Laurie: Excellent job getting in that workout this a.m. It does sound like a great one! Glad you enjoyed it. I always love the variety that she offers in all her workouts, a lot packed into the time forsure.

    Laurel: As always, you are on FIRE with the workouts and intensity! Way to go. Thank you for your nice thoughts about all of our fires/smoke in the area. As of right now they are not predicting any change as far as we can see ahead in the weather reports. Other than a little cooler temps. Very sad for everyone and so many beautiful areas being destroyed. Our new rotation will be much needed for me! I am anxious to be back in the group with the accountability and visiting about it! Not that we don’t on a day-to-day basis but it is always fun to be in the same rotation together. BB will be fun to revisit as well!

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ I am getting my hair done tomorrow afternoon! Thank goodness, I'm ready for a hat if I don't get it done soon. LOL


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! All the talk about PHA Training this week had me wanting to do it I did. So I started my workout with PHA Training and S&S Core, both of which are just so good. I decided to stick with Slow and Sweaty, and did my own 'scrambled' mix of Cardio Slam, which had me doing the sections as follows: warm-up, mat, floor, mat, step, stretch, for a good 64 minute workout. I needed my workout today because as this week has gone on, I am getting more and more concerned about my in-laws (and lots of friends) in Florida. I made my DH call my in-laws bright and early this morning to let them know if they need anything, I will be on the first plane down there. I guess they are best as one could be. At least they are not near the shore, so we aren't worried about the storm surge as much as high winds and possible tornados. So my workout gave me two blissful hours away from the weather channel. :)

    Laurie, sounds like a fun workout! I have grown to enjoy tabata Kickboxing/boxing. Took me awhile, but Cathe does it a bit in her Live workouts (using a bag), and it really can get you winded! After weeks of rain, we are finally enjoying some sunshine. I think the next time we get significant moisture, it will be in the form of white instead of clear. :# So I am enjoying the sunshine now! I went internet shopping yesterday......and bought Jillian's Yoga Meltdown. :) You can't knock the price on her DVDs, that's for certain. Of course I had to order some workout clothes to go with it. B)

    Tami, sorry to hear about the busy day.....and missing your MIL's birthday. I know how that feels because we have done that a couple of times. Not good since my MIL is somebody who always has our cards to us two weeks early. happens. Great workout! I was writing down all of Cathe's circuit workouts this morning (still working on the rotation) and was thinking I need to try that one again since it has been a few years. I remember it as short but effective! So glad we are doing this rotation together too. Couldn't have come at a better time.

    Thelma, hope you had a great trip!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. DH and I had a great time in NC. The vacation was definitely a research trip. We fell in love with one of the houses. I could tell it was the house for us the moment DH made himself at home in the living room. Thankfully the house had gone under contract the week before or we could've gotten ourselves in trouble. We hope to be ready to purchase in about a year or so. We learned a lot about log cabins and the area. We learned that the houses with amazing mountain view mean high elevations which = seriously steep roads. Scary steep, like straight up! I would need lots of practice to drive up/down those roads. We also found that GA is not for us. We're thinking NC for sure around the Maggie Valley/Waynesville areas which are near Asheville.

    I hope we're able to go back in the spring again. From now on our vacations will be about finding the right place/home for us. It was great when DH sat down on the couch at that house we loved. He is my gauge when it comes to finding the right house. The house we live in today was determined on how right it felt for him. We loved the house in Maggie Valley so much that we thought about building one just like that! It felt so right for us. Now we're back at finding an already built house.
    We went zip lining with my sister and my nieces. We had a blast with the other family in our group. One of the zip lines was 3600 ft long and all the lines were 400 ft above the ground. One had us traveling at 65mph and this one did scare me a little bit.
    OMG I developed a rash all over my neck and chest and shoulder area due to the CVS brand sunblock lotion I was using. I had to send DH to get me some hydrocortizone cream early one morning. The itching was killing me!
    When we got to Asheville the afternoon of 9/2 I dared my 18 y.o niece to workout with me so I got my iPad and started my favorite Boxing Abs workout. I kicked her butt ladies! It felt so good. She said she kept thinking I had serious power! LOL

    Since we spent lots of time in the car I came back feeling seriously lazy. I've had to force myself to workout. I did cardio because I just don't feel like lifting weights and today I took off. I've been glued to the TV watching the news on FL and praying for all those people and their pets.

    Thanks for the congrats on reaching my weight goal. I definitely put a couple of lbs back on but starting tomorrow I will get back with the program.

    Laurie, glad you had a nice weekend at the cabin! Sorry you've been so busy at work! Good job getting your workouts in whenever possible and happy to read your knee is now able to take hight impact workouts! I LOVE the name of this workout you did GHUTV Barre Boxing. It sound like fun! The breathing thing with Pilates is hard. I don't think I can ever get it right. Specially when you do the 100's.

    Laurel, OMG with all those rocks! Awesome workouts too!! Thank God you don't live in FL anymore. I forgot your in-laws lived there. I hope the're OK. My good friend is in Tampa and they lost power 7:20 this evening. If your in-laws are not near the water and they were not ordered to evacuate they are probably OK. My friend is not near the water and a couple of shelters are in her neighborhood so I hope she will be OK.
    Remember the circular house? it wasn't nearly as nice in person. We learned that sometimes the photographers use photography tricks to make a house bigger or better than it really is. This house was in a thickly settled area. It was surrounded by lots of vegetation, no mountain view and the neighbors were pretty close. The house smelled too! I think they needed a dehumidifier since they don't seem to get a lot of sun there.

    Are the rotation ideas you posted on 9/5 for the new October rotation?
    How fun that you went internet shopping! I have that Yoga Meltdown workout too. I should do it some day! I believe she offers different levels on that one.
    I went internet shopping last night but for a new phone. We have AT&T and they no longer have good phone deals now that they've merged with Direct TV. Now to get a deal you have to buy Direct TV. Give me a break! I can't wait to get my new phone. At least I was able to get a little bit of a deal by trading my old phone in.

    Tami, how are you guys doing with those fires? I read in a post that you're dealing with the smoke from the fires. OMG on missing your MIL's bday! You definitely have to do recurring phone reminders. That is the only reason I remember any important dates!
    Great workouts!

    Back to work tomorrow. I really feel like I've been off work for more than one week which is great.

    Good night ladies and have a great week!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice Saturday, but was busy doing housework. My youngest cut my nieces hair in the afternoon. She shaved one side of her hair, and then did a balayage highlights. She really looked cute, and had a huge smile on her face when she left. My sister said that they had to get some ear bling for her, on the way home from our house. On Sunday I did KCM's Cardio Sculpt, this is a more tame version of Cathe's Imax workouts. ;) So my knee survived the step, but I did do all the step portion low impact. I didn't want to push it. This morning I did KCM's RAW Cardio Crush. This one is another tabata 20/10 for four tabatas, and then she moved onto a different exercise.

    Tami, Nice job on the workout. I never remember my MIL's Birthday, and it is two days before my Dad's. ;) I require my DH to handle his side of the family for bday's, and I will deal with my side. It works. :D Kelly posted that her new RAW youtube channel will be $10/Month. It will be coming up sometime this month, and she is also filming her workouts this month.

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts! Like you I have been thinking of the PHA training because we where talking about them. I may include them into my rotation at some point along with some of the ICE workouts. I hope that your In-Laws are doing okay with the hurricane, it sure looked like a scary experience. Do enjoy that sunshine, having that white stuff fall from the sky can stay away for a while. ;) Glad I could enable you to buy a workout, I think that you will like that one. I like that they are short, but effective.

    Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that you both found a style of house that you loved. Hopefully when you finally get to the point of buying, you find that perfect one again. I don't know if I would be comfortable with driving those steep driveways. ;) So sorry that you got a rash from the sunscreen, sounds like it was uncomfortable. Nice the you kicked your nieces butt with that workout! Always nice to know that you have the endurance.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a good weekend here. Saturday was on the golf course for what will most likely be the last round of golf until next June. :'( Two of the three courses up here close after next weekend. The other (the one we play most) may be open for a couple more weeks. But we have quite a bit to do around the house to get it ready for winter, so I don't think hours on the golf course is our best use of time. But if the sun is out next weekend and the temps are good......I may be persuaded otherwise. ;)

    Yesterday I spent focusing on hurricane news. Right before I went to bed last night, a former neighbor of ours in Florida posted photos of our street flooding. Thankfully it appears the damage is minimum for most homes though. And, then, there was the news that the eye of the hurricane was passing right over the top of my in-laws. :o My in-laws live in a retirement community that is, in essence, filled with mobile/modular homes, so the idea of 100mph winds hitting them straight on had me tossing and turning all night. But DH was able to get through to my MIL this morning. They lost their phone line but had power. They were out surveying the damage in their community, and there was some. But their house was fine. So good news there, for sure.

    I didn't workout on Saturday, taking my usual day off. Yesterday's workout was STS Disk 10/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps, followed by Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast (a repeat for me). After the sleepless night last night, I am a little lacking on energy today. So today's workout was STS Disk 12/Legs, followed by Cathe's newest Live workout.....Sweat Blast. This was a great, short (44 minute) Metabolic workout where she alternated cardio with resistance training for a total of 15 rounds (2 exercises each round). She even incorporated core into the last few rounds. Great stuff. I will definitely repeat this one.

    Thelma, welcome back!! Glad you had a good time on your trip. I am glad you got a better idea of where you want to look for homes when you get a chance to go back. I am not too surprised the photos of that round house were misleading. We have looked at too many homes that look great in photos.....but are definitely not great in person. The zip lining sounds like fun! And yay for working out with your niece. Bet that was fun. Yes, the rotation I posted last week was for the first month of the next rotation. Are you going to join us??? I hope so!! Glad to hear your friends in Tampa are okay.

    Laurie, great workout on Sunday. I am glad to hear your knee handled the step okay. Glad your niece likes her new hair style. Sounds cute!

    I continue to work on the rotation. As I mentioned last week, I am going to be doing P90X for the second month. Ideally, I would be doing STS Meso 1, because it is a better fit. But having done STS pretty much since February......I need a break. Month 2 is higher reps/lighter weight, and I know P90X is versatile enough that I can do the 15 rep option (as opposed to 8-10 reps). I know you all may not join me in this P90X month, but just in case, here is what I have come up with. It is actually a blend of P90X and X2, but the latter workouts being core-focused.

    Sunday-X2 Core
    Monday-P90X Chest/Back
    Tuesday-Cathe Lower Body work
    Wednesday-P90X Shoulders and Arms
    Thursday-X2 Balance and Power
    Friday-P90X Legs and Back

    As with the first month, I will add cardio to each day.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    HI Ladies ~ Pretty good weekend! The sky has finally improved. We saw our first set of clouds and sky yesterday and today is BLUE sky! The first time in like 75 days or something crazy like that. It might be temporary but I will take it. Workouts were good both days: Sat was KCM Lean Body Circuits and then I ran a few errands before my hair appt in the afternoon. Yesterday I did XT Burn Sets Back/Bis + MM Back + Abs to start off my heavy week rotation. Tonight will be BootCamp with Katy.

    Thelma: Welcome back and so glad you had a great trip! Sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like your time off felt great too. OMG the smoke has been horrible here. We are surrounded in every state by horrible fires so it has filtered in to us for a very long time now. It was at the “hazardous” stage last couple of weeks straight. Telling us to not go outside, bring your animals in as much as possible, etc. Sky has been a complete haze for so long.

    Laurie: Sounds like a productive weekend, which is always a great feeling! Way to get in your workout on Sunday and glad your knee continues to do well. It has kind of been that way with his parents, he calls them first and then I call later. Well over the years we have had a million reminders and just didn’t last week. Not sure why?! At any rate, all was forgiven and now we have to remember his dad’s Birthday on the 14th or we will not be forgiven forsure. LOL Thank you for the KCM update!!

    Laurel: Yay for being on the golf course for a little while before you can’t anymore. I bet it was fun. I am so glad for your in-laws being safe and limited damage. How scary. I thought of that during my absolute frustration with living in smoke and thinking, it could definitely be worse. Such good news to hear they are ok I am sure for you both. Fabulous job as always with your workouts! Congrats on the new JM Yoga DVD purchase and clothes too …. Of course! I do like that one of hers, it will be on my Sat list with you guys.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body TS #1, Has fit 17m Legs/Butt, Treadmill, Stretching. Things didn't go well in the food department. We had a working lunch and pizza was provided! I was in meetings from 9 until 3! Talk about a very sedentary day. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be more of the same because I'm going to a conference an they will provide our meals. Hopefully they'll have some good food choices.

    Laurie, great workouts and congrats on the knee improvement! Sounds like an adorable hair cut for your niece!
    Thanks for letting us know about KCM's youtube channel monthly fee. I guess she realized there is a business opportunity doing the youtube thing.

    I hope when it's time to buy we find a good house too. There are lots of houses but that magestic view we want is not always available but most importantly the house has to feel right. The rash was very uncomfortable. It felt really great to kick my niece's butt at my age!

    Laurel, so glad you got to play golf again this season! What do you have to do to get the house ready for winter that can't wait till the golf course is closed for the season? OMG how scary that the hurricane was over your in-laws' community. So happy to read that they and their home are OK! My friend got power back this afternoon. Awesome workouts! That Sweat Blast workout sounds really good!
    It's really hard to look for a home in another state over the web. I need to find us a good realtor.
    I would love to join you on the new rotation. For now I've copied what you've posted so far to a document so I can read it when I have more time. So are we doing one month of each of the Sun-Sat workouts you've posted for months 1 and 2? I haven't done a P90X workout in what feels like years (probably because it's been over one year!) so it will be good to do those again. You refer to this workout as having different parts. Does each part represent a month worth of workouts of a certain type?

    Tami, fabulous workouts! So glad you saw an improved sky! Wow that is scary that the smoke situation got to dangerous levels. Did you have to leave Barney inside during the day? Do people wear masks?

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did KCM's RAW Hips & Glutes workout. Loved this one too, and next time I'm going to go heavier on my barbell and put ankle weights on. My butt was screaming without the weights, but I think I can handle a little more for the next round. ;)

    Laurel, Glad you could fit in a round of golf before they all close. I'm so glad to hear that your In-Laws are okay, and that they didn't have any damage. Awesome job with the workouts, all those live workout sound great. Love that P90X rotation information. I will have to decide on that one or doing S90D for that segment. I know those workouts would work really well for that 4 week segment also. I would do the STS Meso 1 workouts, but the thought of pulling out all that equipment isn't appealing. :(

    Tami, Nice that you had some blue skies for a day, hopefully those fires will get under control soon. Great job with your workout also! Like the added back work you included with the MM workout. Hope your boot camp class was a good one.

    Thelma, Sounds like the ICE workouts are the theme of the week. I'm hoping to get one in after work. Hopefully I'm not working late again. Dang on the food, and I really do understand having to deal with that. I'm so happy that my knee is working better. We will see how things go as I progress through trying different workouts. It is interesting how different instructors are doing the whole social media thing.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Really good BC class last night. She did (4) 1 minute rounds each of Upper Body, then added on a HiiT style format of 20 sec on 10 sec off of the same moves but for speed; so you were in failure mode working the move as fast as you could. Then lower body, abs mixed in and of course some cardio at the end, but not a bunch. This a.m. I did XT Burn Sets Chest/Shoul/Tri’s. Insane X tonight after work.

    Thelma: Way to get in your Chiseled Lower Body workout + HasFit. Dang on the food dept being not so healthy. Hopefully today and tomorrow are better choices for what they bring in. They buy lunch for us here at least 1 time a month and it is usually pizza so I always pack a lunch no matter what because I usually don’t know what they will have. So just in case. LOL We had Bernie outside part of the day and in part of the day. During the worst of it all was when DH could hardly leave the house so Bernie was in with him. So that worked out for Bernie I guess! LOL Then in the evening he was in and during the night.

    Laurie: Excellent job with KCM’s RAW Hips & Glutes, I bet it was a great one. Good that you were feeling strong and know to go heavier next time! I’m with you on the Round #2 if I will do P90X or not so I will be exploring either S90 or Meso #1 sounds pretty good too since it has been a while for any STS workouts for me.

    Hi Laurel – I am sure you killed it in the workout room again today! Thank you by the way for posting Round 2 of our upcoming rotation . . . I am deciding on which I might do but as I told Laurie I might do Meso #1 instead.

    Forgot to tell you guys yesterday ..... my mom got a new dog on Saturday!!!! She was really feeling lonely and needed a companion. I am proud she knew that right away and went for it. She decided on a Yorkie. and it's a puppy - SO CUTE! She is only 8 weeks old. My sister went with her and helped research the breeder, etc. She was pushing for a Rescue Yorkie but mom had a color in mind and one thing led to another and they stumbled on the perfect one. Plus how do you resist a puppy when you go to just check it out. LOL Her name is Cocoa. So mom is in way better spirits and busy with potty training and all that goes with having a new puppy. LOL

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! A good workout today as I have more energy than yesterday, for certain. I started with STS Disk 11/Back and Triceps, which felt really good. I followed it with RWH Plyo HiiT One into Cathe Live High Low HiiT from a few years ago. This made for a tough but enjoyable 60 minute combo that included a surprisingly tough abs section at the end of the latter workout. Love the combo of high and low impact in that workout as well.

    Tami, so happy to hear your air quality has improved. Hopefully it isn't just temporary. Love the sound of the Bootcamp class! Sounds tough! Like Laurie, I toyed with doing the S90 workouts for that second month of the rotation, but I can't get past that ridiculously fast Chest/Back workout (I think it was that one). So......I went with P90X. But, ideally, it would be STS. But I have been doing the STS Meso 1 workouts twice in the weeks I have been doing this rotation.....and I am ready to put them away for awhile. But I don't mind spending some time with Tony Horton for awhile either. He always makes me matter how many times I do the workouts. :) Yay for your Mom's new puppy! It sounds like she found her perfect friend. Bet they are both happy.

    Thelma, great workout, but I understand about the food. :/ I have finally improved my eating (after four months of horrible choices), and it is amazing how much better I feel. DH suggested pizza this weekend and I was like 'NO!!' I think it surprised him, but I like feeling good. Here is the rotation we are using. We are doing one month of each section. The sections are (roughly):

    High Reps/Lighter Weights
    Double (hitting the body twice a week; once heavy, once lighter)

    The rotations I have posted are what I am doing for the first two months. Still working on the other three, but know I will be using Body Beast Build workouts for the fifth month, and Cathe's Slow and Heavy for the fourth month. But still working those through. Hope that makes sense!!

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout. I didn't realize how sore my booty from yesterday's workout was today until I started in with those squats in the RWH warm-up. Yowza! Never a bad place to work and hurt, though. ;) Like I said to Tami, I toyed with the S90 workouts too for that month, but I get such good results from P90X that it won out. We'll see if it was the right choice when I get to week four of so many pull-ups!! :o

    Until tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. If I slept two hours last night that was a lot. I fell asleep at the conference a few times toward the end of the day. So embarrassing! I just could not stay awake. The food choices available weren't good. It was a really long day! 7:30-5:30! We stayed for the cocktail until 6:30. Of course I don't drink but I stayed to avoid rush hour traffic. Tomorrow more of the same!

    Laurie, great workout! is that RAW KCM workout one of her youtube ones?
    ICE is a really good program! Social Media is the way to go now with everything so these older trainers have to get with the program too! Listen to your body. If that knee starts to protest stop what you're doing!

    Tami, fabulous workouts! Great job! We rarely get free lunches at work. The only reason why we got a free lunch on Monday was because my co-worker paid for it! Today and tomorrow is because we're offsite attending a conference. The only time I eat pizza is when someone buys us pizza at work which is rare. I had my healthy lunch on Monday but I had been craving pizza for a long time. DH can't eat it now that he is sensitive to some foods.
    I'm glad Bernie was indoors during the worst of the fires. So happy for your mom and her new puppy! She sounds adorable! Can't wait till we retire so we can get a puppy too. Of course HD would say one or a few dogs! YIKES! I don't know that I can handle that since I'm only used to cats. LOL

    Laurel, another great workout combo! Glad you're feeling more energetic and are doing better with your food! I'm feeling like a blimp!
    Thanks for posting that info about the rotation we'll be doing! I've yet to read all your posts but I will do it soon!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I actually had time to do a workout last night, so I opted for ICE Bootcamp. I did it low impact though. ;) Still got in a good workout doing it that way. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Meltdown #2, that one is making me want a heavy bag. :D

    Tami, Your boot camp class sounds a lot like the Kelly workout I did yesterday. I'm guessing yours was a lot tougher. :D Great job on the Cathe weight workout also. I love that your Mom got a new puppy, and yes they are very hard to resist once you go see to them. Love the name, and I'm sure she will be plenty busy with a puppy around. I'm sure leaning in the S90 direction, but we will see what happens after doing a Beast Bulk month. :D

    Laurel, Nice workout combo! You really are getting those live workouts knocked out. If I do the S90 workouts, I'm going to do the 2nd set of workouts that they made. So I will be doing Back & Bi's, Chest, Shoulders & Tri's and the Leg workout. I too don't really like the pace of the Chest/Back workout. The other ones are longer, but have a much better pace. I like that they include ab work at the beginning of the workout, so then I don't skip doing ab work. ;) Kelly included some cardio into the boxing this morning, so that loosened up the lower body this morning. I really felt the lower body with the ICE workout.

    Thelma, Dang on the long day, and that you didn't have a good night of sleeping. Tough to go through a conference and not fall nod off. ;) Yes all the RAW workouts are on her youtube channel. So far still free to use. She just posted yesterday that she just filmed another RAW workout, this one is your exercise equipment and weights. I'm sure this one is going to be on her new subscription channel. Will let you know when that happens. Will do on the knee, so far so good.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disk 12/Legs. Even though my legs were still feeling this workout from Monday, it felt good and flew by. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD, which felt fantastic today. I always go into this one thinking of it as a moderate workout.....and then finish in a puddle. :) Love that!

    Thelma, that sounds like a long day. I am sorry to hear about the sleepless night. Hope last night was better. I can't stay awake during conferences even when I have a good night of sleep. Can't imagine how difficult it was to stay focused for that long day.

    Laurie, great workout. That ICE Bootcamp workout is tough. Glad to hear your knee is holding up with all you are doing right now. Seems like you are almost back to 100%. Bet that feels good. I may be joining you with S90 after I try P90X! :D Like I said yesterday, those pull-ups....... :#, we'll see. But I do want to try it now that I have my Fit Tower.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    Okay, here are my thoughts on Month 3/Circuits of our new rotation. As I said before, I struggle with circuits and feel like I don't get a 'complete' workout. So this reflects a hybrid of my mental need for traditional strength training combined with my love of metabolic circuit training. Here is the rough draft:

    Sunday-Cathe Metabolic workout (ex. Metabolic Total Body, XT Super Cuts, LIS Athletic Training, etc)
    Monday-cardio HiiT
    Tuesday-Body Beast Total Body, Body Beast Cardio, H&C Total Body Chisel
    Wednesday- Cathe Metabolic workout
    Thursday-cardio (steady state)
    Friday-PHA Training

    A couple of things.......this is going to be done in December, so I wanted the workouts to be short but ' Christmas cookie' effective. :) I put in the BB/Chisel workouts because of my wanting more strength training AND because I am doing Cathe for the other workouts (so this gives me some variety). I plan on doing BB Total Body twice because it is so good. As far as the metabolic workouts, I will probably do Cathe Live workouts. She has so many options out there. But I think any of her metabolic, circuit or bootcamp workouts would probably work. Tuesday and Wednesday are both days with weights, so, for me, what workout I do on Tuesday will impact what I choose for Wednesday.

    Anyhow......just some thoughts. I would appreciate all feedback and ideas!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a good Insane X class last night. She did include her BIG lap around the complex after every round but myself and 2 others did rowing 400 meters each time instead of the run; she said that was harder than the run but I was happy to do it! It was not overly brutal at all for the format. She did 35 squats, 10 sit-ups, row or run, 25 squats, 15 sit-ups, row or run. . . .etc. So decreasing the squats but adding more on with the sit-ups. Then we did Heavy KB swings starting with 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and push-ups in between. This a.m. was Legs, I did Giants Sets Lower – Dbld. No spinning tonight, we are going to a fundraiser dinner.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workout yesterday! Sounds like a great combo. Yes, we are so happy with our improved air. Now it has cooled off as well and even cooler next week. Might even get snow in the mtns they are saying. That would help put some fires out forsure. Again, I appreciate so much that you have posted what you are doing. I have an easier time following the lead of you and/or Laurie than figuring out what to do each day.

    Thelma: Sounds like a much needed rest when you got home last night was in order. That is funny you fell asleep …. Not funny but you know what I mean. I hate being that tired that you just cannot keep your eyes open. Hope you were able to get a good night sleep. Hope today was better.

    Laurie: Great job getting in your ICE BC workout and then this a.m with KCM! Katy’s was pretty tough, but good stuff. I really enjoy her BC class; she really tried to mix it up. It is super cute that my mom got a new puppy forsure. Keeping her very busy. She said she was on the couch waiting to take her out again the other a.m. so lots of “wake-ups” right now. She is training her on the pee-pad as well since she is in a condo.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just a quick workout for me tonight. My allergies are killing me which means my allegra and flonase nasal spray are not working! I've been sneezing all day long and my nose and eyes are soooo itchy! The conference finally ended today and again I noded off. This time because the presenter was soooo boring. Back to work tomorrow!

    Laurie, great workouts! I love that Meltdown workout! I would love a heavy bag too!
    Note to self: Don't go see any puppies before you retire!!
    I did pretty good yesterday at the conference but I ran out of gas at the end of the day.Today they had this guy who was really boring and he spoke twice! Once in the morning and at the end of the day! I'll have to check out those RAW workouts!

    Laurel, great workout combo! I think thought of knowing that I had to be at the hotel at 7:30 got me nervous and was afraid I'd be late. I had set the alarm up but I always worry as if I didn't know that my phone alarm works! I was actually focused most of the day. The presenter was awesome. He was really teaching us how to use a software automation tool.
    Thanks for the rotation! Are you doing those 3 workouts on Tuesday?

    Tami, great workouts! Great job! Glad Katy gives you choices if you don't want to run!
    I really needed to rest last night! I did sleep better last night! Thank God! I'm sure it was funny watching me node off! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday we went out to eat with DH's best friend, he just turned 55. We took him to the smokehouse that my co-worker started. He said that he will be coming back again, it really was delicious. This morning I did the KCM RAW Upper Body workout, another awesome workout! This one is 20 sec./ 10 sec. of each exercise done four times. So she started off with a 25lb barbell, mine was 20lb's because this is the first time I had tried it. Twenty was plenty! My arms are feeling the workout right now. So I have tried all the RAW workouts that she has posted so far, and all of them are really good. Production value is very poor, but if you don't mind that aspect, you get a great workout. Also she really doesn't do a warm up. Most of the workouts she starts out slow enough that you really don't need to warm up a lot. I would say the one that you probably would need more of a warm up is this Upper Body workout. Some jumping jacks and punches would be good to do before you start.

    Laurel, Great job with your workouts, and getting to the puddle of water state. ;) I would say that I'm pretty close to 100%. I was experiencing some discomfort with kicking moves, but one of the workouts I did this week I didn't feel anything. Makes me feel good that I'm able to try things out, but still can go low impact when I feel that it is necessary. I know that I'm still getting a good workout. I think that pull-ups are the main reason I shy away from the P90X workouts also, but they are better with the tower for sure. I didn't have the tower the first time I did P90X, and that made those moves tough to get through. Nice rotation for the circuit. I may put in some KCM for that portion of the rotation, because she really does have some good total body workouts with cardio.

    Tami, Another solid workout from Kati, and love that you did the rowing instead of the running. At least with the rowing you didn't have to experience any discomfort in your feet. Nice workout with the giant sets, how did you like that premix? Oh yes that part of having a puppy is tough, with them wanting to go out at all times of the night. Here is my rotation (following what Laurel has for P90X but with S90 workouts)

    Ultimate Ball
    Back & Bi's
    KCM Split Sessions Workout 2 (lower body) & Bonus Floor Work or Cathe's Pyramid LB
    Chest, Shoulders & Tri's
    S90 Legs

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that your allergies are kicking in, and that you had a boring presenter for your conference. Those presenters are difficult to handle, and then you had to endure it twice in the day. :o I was looking at heavy bags yesterday on Amazon, but didn't hit the buy button. I just don't have the room for one right now. DH and I have to do some organization in our basement this winter, so I'm hoping that I will be able to get one after we deal with some of that. LOL about the puppies!

    I'm off work tomorrow, DH and I are headed to Rochester MN for a four state car show. I have no idea what time we are leaving in the morning, but I'm hoping to get in a workout before we leave. If I don't post tomorrow, have a great weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disk 11/Back and Triceps. My triceps were still feeling this workout from Tuesday, so I took some of the weight back down a notch. But it still felt tough! For cardio, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from ICE Metabolic Total Body, then went into a Cathe Live workout that combined kickboxing and metabolic work (with a little core). It ended up be a good but reasonable 65 minute workout. I've done 48 of the Live workouts now, and just signed up for a year subscription. I continue to love the variety it has given my workouts.

    Tami, sounds like a great class. I am happy she gave you an option for running. Again, she really is a good, responsive instructor. Glad I can help with the rotation. I love having an idea of what I am going to be doing for the next several months. DH and I are toying with the idea of going to Hawaii in February, so hopefully this rotation will help me get my body beach ready if that is what we decide to do! Glad your mom is enjoying her new puppy.

    Thelma, sounds like another long day. Sorry to hear about the allergies. Hope you feel better soon. In the rotation I posted yesterday, I am only doing one of those workouts each week, and repeating one twice. That would be a lot for one day! :o;)

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. So happy to hear your knee feels nearly back to normal. You were so patient in letting it heal. I so admire that because I have a tendency--against my own better judgement--to rush recovery, only to pay for it later. Love the look of the rotation you posted using S90! I love that Ultimate Ball workout and really should do it again sometime soon. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We ended up not going to the fundraiser after all last night. DH was way too busy getting ready to leave this a.m. so he cxld out. At any rate, it was a busy evening getting dinner ready and helping him in between, didn’t want him lifting heavy stuff by himself so I helped. I decided since I have the house to myself this evening I will work out when I get home.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your allergies. Hopefully today was better. That speaker sounds like he was very boring. Yikes! That makes it even tougher to stay awake. Yes, I was happy Katy gave me an option. Running fires up that ankle pain forsure. I am going to tell my doctor about it at my physical this year and see what she thinks.

    Laurie: Great job with the workout this am.! Thank you for posting your rotation as well, this helps me so much as I mentioned to Laurel, so thank you. Have a fun trip.

    Laurel: Your combo today sounds so amazing ….. lots of fun in there I bet. I’m not surprised you signed up for a year of the Live workouts. You have been loving them it seems and so much to offer there. Katy is good, she enjoyed giving me a little grief over it but she smiled and “high fived” me while she did it. LOL Hawaii!!! That will be super fun. We are going to go to Mexico again this year in January with our same friends I think. Looking forward to it, and like you …. Come on bikini body. Hopefully this new rotation will do the trick. LOL

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to try one of KCM's RAW workouts so I did XT CBS w/u, 30-Minutes to Fitness "RAW-UPPER BODY BLAST". This is a really good upper body workout, 4 sets of each exercise, you do as many reps as you can in I think 10 seconds. I believe it was 20 seconds on, 10 off. The allergies were much better today. Thank God! I am also back eating good now that I'm in control again.

    Laurie, we did the same workout! Great job! I started with the barbell at 26 lbs but on the 3rd set I dropped it to 21lbs! LOL. My arms and back are feeling the workout. I agree about the production value being poor. What I didn't like is that there wasn't a warm up or coold down so technically it wasn't a 30 minute workout.
    The presenter was bad. I wish I could fall asleep as easily when I put my head down on the pillow at night! I should've recorded him! LOL
    Enjoy the car show!

    Laurel, great combo today! Feeling better already! Thanks! I wouldn't be surprised if you did all 3 workouts listed on that rotation for Tuesdays! LOL

    Tami, awwww! You're such a good wifey! Yikes is right on that horrible speaker. I think it's a good idea to tell your doctor about your anckle pain when you run.

    Good night ladies!