Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. My weekend was spent shopping for exciting things like gloves and snow shovels ;) and then doing some household chores. Nothing too fun but nothing stressful either. I took my usual Saturday off from workouts. Yesterday, I started my 'recovery' week with one of my favorite 'moderate-ish' combos.....S&S Bootcamp into Fit Tower Bootcamp and core. Worked the body nicely without over-working it. Today was Cathe's Push/Pull which is such a good maintenance full body workout followed by Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast. Fun stuff there on a gloomy day.

    Tami, hope you had a great weekend! Anxious to hear if you were able to snag another big fish! Hope Bernie enjoyed the trip. Bet DH was happy to have a little 'home' brought to him for the weekend.

    Thelma, great workouts. Glad you got your new phone up and running. I am sure you will a pro at it in no time!

    Laurie, glad you rested this weekend, especially with a cough. I have learned the hard way to let that cough get better before working out. Twice now I have had a relatively minor cold turn into bronchitis by pushing myself too early (yes, I am a slow learner since it took twice to teach me!). So I definitely recommend continuing to take it easy and you will, no doubt, be ready to hit the rotation next week.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi ladies, XT Legs for me tonight. I really got into this workout tonight so I may have some DOMS tomorrow. It hurt so good in the right places!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today's workout was much better as far as coughing goes. I did GHUTV Bodyweight Circuits, which is a tabata workout. There where 8 circuits, two exercises for each circuit each done 20 sec on 10 sec off. for 8 tabatas. Dripping with sweat through the whole thing.

    Laurel, Great job on your recovery workout selection, just love Push-Pull. ;) I do remember you having difficulty with those colds, but had forgotten that it happened twice. I'm planning on just doing morning workouts, and then Rocket and I will be taking some walks after work. The fresh air feels so good right now.

    Thelma, Enjoy your DOMS from your leg workout! ;)

    Tami, Hope everything is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Fun workout today. I started with Cathe Live Metabolic Mashup. This one was more like ICE Metabolic Total Body than the other Live metabolic workouts I have done so far. By that I mean it was much more focused on weights than cardio bursts, which was exactly what I was looking for today. It did get the heart rate up, but there was no jumping. Good stuff. For cardio, though, I did plenty of jumping with Cathe Live Keep the Cardio Coming.

    Thelma, great workout! Hopefully you are able to walk today. ;)

    Laurie, glad to hear the cough was better today. I love those Tabata workouts, and that sounds like a good one! Yes, the first time I pushed a cold too far was about 7 years ago when I was down for a month, and I promised myself I would never do it again. The second time was during the move this spring when I was so desperate for normalcy that I worked out when I shouldn't have. Thankfully this spring I was never so sick I couldn't do anything, but I was on cold medication for seven straight weeks. :o That's a hard way to learn a lesson, for sure. Enjoy those walks. We have snow in the forecast for two days next week.......and I know you won't be too far behind us! :#

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in for me today. I was super busy yesterday since I didn't get to come in over the weekend, worked right through lunch. Today I have been training another employee again so haven't been at my desk as much PLUS catching up when I am there. LOL

    Weekend was super fun! I caught my limit both days again this year!!!! 25+ was my biggest one. I will post it on here once I get it on my phone from DH. Bernie was a great traveler and super in the boat as well. Didn't even freak out or get excited when the fish came in the boat. LOL DH was really happy to have us both there and I thought he might even want Bernie to stay. But he didn't, Bernie was excited to go with me and those would make for some long days him being in he boat all the time. He slept in the car both directions.

    Finally was able to workout yesterday after work and I got in PHA Training!! LOVE and it felt fantastic. I will be getting in another workout tonight after work... circuit of some sort.

    Great job with your workouts ladies! Sorry I can't stay long but didn't want you to think I drove off the highway or fell out into the Columbia River or something :smile: Will hopefully be a more "normal" day tomorrow.

    Have a great afternoon!


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi ladies, I was up all night stressed about work so not much of a workout for me. I did Jessica Smith's Latin spice and walked on the treadmill. Not sure what happened to my post last night because most of it is missing! I definitely have deep flute DOMS!

    Laurie, glad you're feeling better, great workout!

    Laurel, sounds like a great workout!! Great job!
    I was able to walk and felt the DOMS too.

    Tami, glad you had a good weeked
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Everyday is a better day with this cold. I just can't stand being sick. Had a nice walk yesterday with Rocket, and we did get some rain again. Have more walnuts scattered on the lawn, but at least the majority of them have been handled. This morning I did GHUTV Pyramid Power, which she did an exercise for 30 sec., then 30 sec rest. She then added on another exercise, so you where doing those exercises for 30 sec each then a 30 sec rest. Overall she did 7 different exercises, it was a really good workout.

    Laurel, Love your metabolic workouts! The live workouts sound like they are fun. Oh my on the first snow headed your way, I'm really not ready for that. I think it is probably because we have been having some warmer weather this fall. I can still go outside in my bare feet, since we haven't had frost yet. I forgot that you had been sick when you got up to Alaska, didn't remember that you had been sick that long though.

    Tami, Glad to hear that you got in such a good workout. I love that Bernie had such a good time, and that he is so good in the car. I'm sure that he was having fun just being with the both of you in the boat too. Seriously glad to hear that you didn't fall into that great river also. ;)

    Thelma, Nice that you got in a workout even though you are having such stress at work.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Cathe's Supersets from her Body Blast series. Both this workout and Push/Pull from Monday are workouts I did not enjoy at all when they came out.....some 14 years ago. :o I have done each rarely. This week, I am wondering what I was thinking. B) This felt like such a great workout today, and it flew by. Glad I decided to revisit them this week. For cardio, I did a fun one.....Party Rockin' Step 1 74 minute premix.

    Tami, so glad you had a good time!! And yay for the fish! That is amazing, especially during a tough season. Glad Bernie enjoyed the trip. Sounds like it wore him out though. :) No doubt the workout felt good after the weekend away.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the stress at work. Doesn't ever seem to end for you, and that makes me sad. Glad you were able to get a workout in though. Take care of yourself!

    Laurie, glad to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like another great workout. I hear you on hating being sick. I am definitely not good at it. I probably didn't talk too much about my cold this spring because I knew I made it worse for myself and I was too busy whining about being in Alaska. :#:o Not a good combo! We had our first frost a few weeks ago already. The good news about the possible snow next week, though, is we haven't spent too much time below freezing yet, so there is a chance it won't hit the ground and still be there in April. But in another week or two.....different story.

    So I have finished my rotation plans for the fourth and fifth months. Here they are:

    Month 4/Doubles

    Sunday-S&H Chest and Back
    Monday-S&H Legs and Shoulder
    Tuesday-S&H Biceps and Triceps
    Wednesday-one week each of one of the following: XT Disc 1/Chest/Back/Shoulders; LIS Trisets Chest/Shoulders/Triceps premix; GS Chest and Triceps; LIHI Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
    Thursday-one week each of the following: XT Cardio Leg Blast; LIS Trisets Lower Body; GS Legs; LIHI Legs
    Friday-one week each of the following: XT Disc 2/Biceps and Triceps; LID Trisets Back/Bicep premix; GS Back/Shoulders/Biceps; LIHI Back/Shoulders/Biceps

    Month 5/Supersets

    Sunday-Body Beast Build Chest and Tris
    Monday- Build Legs
    Tuesday- Build Back and Bis
    Wednesday- Build Shoulders
    Thursday-Week 1&3 Fit Split Legs and Glutes; Week 2&4 Fit Split Push*
    Friday-Week 1&3 Fit Split Metabolic Conditioning; Week 2&4 Fit Split Pull*

    *I want to add Cathe's new workouts to the next rotation which is tough since she hasn't even filmed them yet. :) But reading the descriptions, I think they may be just fine during these weeks. In the actual Body Beast rotation, Sagi starts repeating the Build workouts during the week, but I don't want to do that since we are doing this for four weeks (and he does it for three). I definitely think the Leg workout and Metabolic workout (which is supposed to be more upper body focused) will be no problem here. My concern is the 'Push' workout, which is chest, shoulders and triceps. In fact, per the descriptions, she is going to work shoulders in both Push and Pull, probably like she does in the LIHI upper body workouts. So it may be too much shoulder work. If so, I will do the other body parts and skip shoulders......and do the legs and metabolic workouts for the duration.

    Anyhow.....just FYI. I am still working on Month 6/Upper and Lower. I want to do one Upper and one Lower workout once a week for all four weeks as a benchmark, and I can't figure out what I want those workouts to be. So......more on that later. And all ideas welcome!!

    Enjoy the day.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout today. I had to stay late at work. I left when I realized my lower back was killing me. Tail bone, hope, the works. Too much sitting today. The hard drive finally arrived. DH will take care of it during the weekend.
    Laurie, so glad you're much better! Great workouts!

    Laurel, great job with those workouts! The stress level will get worse going forward I think. My team and I have been waiting for software to test for over a year. It looks like we will finally get something this month.
    Thank you so much for posting that rotation! This will save me a lot of time! Great idea to add the new workouts in!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did GHUTV Butts & Guts and Cardio Kicbox. This was a bit longer of a workout time for me, but I managed to get my butt out of bed early enough. The B&G workout was two exercises for the glutes, and two exercises for the abs, repeated. She did 4 circuits of this. Love her kickboxing, and this one was short and sweet.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and that you had a chance to enjoy some workouts that where just so so when you first tried them out. I had that same feeling about those two workout when they first came out, but now I really love them. Guess it depends on the amount of weight you use. We had cold temps this morning and the moon was shining bright enough to create a shadow. I really love walking in the dark when that happens, but I didn't enjoy hearing the coyotes howling. :o I love your rotation suggestions for those two months. The shoulder work in that last month could be a concern, but you are probably correct in choosing the non shoulder option. I really love the Month 4 doubles, it gives some good variety.

    Thelma, Sounds like the tension is in your back from the stress level you are going through. Hope that you have a chance to destress at some point soon. ;) Take good care of yourself.

    Hi Tami :)

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Yes, another busy day at work! It's amazing how busy we continue to be, which is great! One day it will slow down and we will all be a little nervous about it slowing down too much. LOL

    So last night was Spinning, great class as always. This a.m. was ICE Metabolic Total Body. I will either get something in tonight or mow the lawn. I am trying to push the lawn until the weekend so we will see.

    Laurel: Thank you SO Much for another wonderful post of what you are doing in our new rotation. I have printed each one out so I can follow along week-to-week! I do love the idea as I said last week of incorporating an upper/lower into it as well! Fabulous job with your workouts as always.

    Laurie: Glad to hear you are feeling better and able to get in some workouts. Sounds like you had a good one this a.m. Our weather is absolutely turning to FALL. Very cold in the a.m. higher 30's but still ... Yikes! Sunny and warmer through the day and then cooling back down.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about the back pain and yet another loooooong day for you at work. Hope today is better for both!

    I will check in with you guys tomorrow! Yahoo for Friday and our new rotation staring up! Vball starts on Sunday too. I bet I will feel it on Monday.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a really good combo of Cathe Live workouts today. I started with Kick Punch Cardio, which I have done once before. It is a solid moderate kickboxing workout.....nothing fancy but fun. From there I went right into a new one for me which was Summer 2016 Kickoff. This workout started with 30 minutes of tough cardio which is a combination of kickboxing and step.....very different. She does a 'standard' kickboxing drill, a blast and then go to the step for a segment, leaving the boxing gloves on. The step segments were out of Athletic Training or To The Max so, in other words, no choreography but tough.....especially with the gloves. After that, it was about 5-8 minutes of metabolic work, then lower body followed by upper and then abs. So there was a lot packed into the hour! It was tough but nowhere near brutal for sure. I really enjoyed it!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about another long day. Hope things calm down soon. Hope the rotation ideas help!

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout! Definitely sounds like you are feeling better for certain. We now have snow forecasted for four days next week. :o It has turned fast! I keep hoping the forecast changes but when it seems to be adding snow days instead of taking them away. But we have been enjoying that brilliant full moon too! And we had our first good look since we have been back of the Northern Lights a few days ago. Never ceases to amaze me. Glad you like the rotation ideas!

    Tami, great workouts! Definitely sounds like winter is headed your way too! I am so excited for this next rotation! I am still working on that upper/lower month. Since four of the five months have some pretty heavy lifting (Body Beast, S&H and P90X), I am leaning towards using more endurance based workouts (one upper, one lower) as my 'benchmark' for the four weeks of that last month. But I want to use something that is also focused on strength and not just over-repped to death. I think for upper, I will probably use Pyramid Upper Body. I love that workout and know I will have no problem doing it four weeks in a row. But I am less certain about Pyramid Lower Body, so still trying to figure that one out......and the other workouts for the rest of the days of the weeks! Any and all ideas are welcome!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi ladies, I actually had energy for a little workout tonight so I did XT Bi's & Tri's. Had a better day at work today.
    Laurie, sounds like a fun workout! Great job!

    Tami, great workouts! Hopefully you will always be busy at work so you don't have to worry.

    Laurel, that is a fun workout! Great workout! Wow I can't believe you're about to get snow!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did GHUTV Circuit in 6, another good one. This was 6 exercises, each done for 1 min. and then you get a 1 min. rest. Total of three circuits. I will use this one again as an add on, it was only 22 min., but it got the hr up.

    Tami, Kind of figured that you where busy. Great job on the spinning and ICE workout. You will have a very busy Sunday, fun that you have vball starting up. I do enjoy having the cooler temps while sleeping, so I'm really looking forward to that.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, and that live one really does sound fun. See the northern lights up in Alaska must be way better than what we see down here. That is something that I would really love to see. I have to remember to print out my sheets for the BB workouts, have to have those to do strength improvements. ;)

    Thelma, Nice that you had the energy for you workout, great job. Glad to hear that your day was much better at work.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with a different Cathe Live workout. This was Compound Giant Sets-Light Weights. It was seven different compound moves done back to back for a total of four rounds. There was a brief standing Core segment to end the workout. Cathe used 8# for the workout, and during the first round I thought I could go heavier. By the fourth round, with my heart rate up, I was able to go to 10# for two moves......but it was a tougher workout than I gave it credit for being at first. At under 45 minutes, no equipment except 8# weights and working both muscles and heart......this would be a great travel workout if access to weights. Definitely a keeper. For cardio, I did Cardio Slam but skipped the step section and went into Cathe Live Lift It HiiT It Live for a great 70 minutes of cardio.

    Thelma, glad to hear your day was better and you had more energy. Great workout!

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. Thank you for reminding me to find my Body Beast workout sheets! My luck, I would realize I hadn't pulled them out yet when Sagi was reaching for his first weights Sunday morning. But now I am ready to go. The big difference between our views of the Northern Lights is, if I am correct, your view is on the horizon. Ours is straight overhead, so the entire sky can be covered. Truly amazing.

    DH is off work both Monday and Tuesday, so if you don't hear from me on those days, that is why. But hope you all enjoy the weekend. Can't wait to kick off this rotation!!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a pretty good weekend. Finally got a little rain today. My laptop was dead so on Saturday we went to BestBuy and got a Lenovo Yoga laptop. Pretty cool little two in one laptop. This means it is a laptop/tablet so the screen is a touch screen. Very nice display too. I worked on my rotation for the first two months. I have a concern about month #2 though. I want to do the P90X workouts but they are so long and two of those weeks are the weeks my aunts are here. I really need shorter workouts for those two weeks. I'm hoping you ladies can suggest shorter workouts for those two weeks. I was thinking that I may do the HasFit workouts for those two weeks.

    On Friday I did Cathe's XTRAIN Legs, on Saturday I did Body Project Boxing Abs cardio and today I started the new rotation XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, XT Bonus Core I.

    Laurie, great workouts! I hope you were able to get rid of that cough!

    Laurel, awesome workout on Friday!
    What's your weather like now? It must be amazing to see the Northern Lights in Alaska! I definitely used my Body Beast worksheets today. I need to get P90X worksheets though. Enjoy the time with your DH!

    Hi Tami!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So our rotation has started, and I did BB Bulk Chest, and a long walk on Sunday. This morning was BB Bulk Back, and I'm hoping to do something else after work. May just be something short, or another walk with Rocket.

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts, sure sounds like that Live workout was really good. Glad that I reminded you about the workout sheets. I love having those available, because I want to see if I can increase that weight periodically during this four week stretch. Correct, we see the northern lights on the horizon. I bet it would be really awesome looking at it overhead. The effect has to be stunning. Enjoy your time with your DH over the next couple of days.

    Thelma, Interesting laptop, I bet that will be nice to have. There might be some good hasfit workout that you could use, I'm doing the S90D.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in before running out to a much needed hair appointment. Hope you all had a good weekend. We are enjoying our long weekend. No snow yet, which makes it better!

    I started Yoga Saturday on Saturday. DH and I decided to paint two more rooms in the house, which will probably be the last of the significant rental home improvement projects we do. So I decided to do yoga to get my body ready for that. I did Cathe's Yoga Max. It felt great. And then yesterday I started the rotation with Bulk Chest and, for cardio, did RWH Plyo HiiT Two into Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit Live. Today was Bulk Back and To The Max Extreme premix. Absolutely loving being back to Body Beast right now!!

    Thelma, great workouts! Your new laptop sounds great. We are definitely chilly up here, but the temps stayed above freezing so we have had a lot of rain but no snow......thankfully. Next week the temps drop further with highs in the 20s. So snow is definitely right around the corner. Regarding Month 2, you could use the XTrain (Discs 1 and 2) workouts, though I am not sure they are much shorter than P90X. Do you have the LIS Trisets workouts? The premixes from those workouts (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps, Back/Bicep/Core and Legs) are all under 40 minutes and all would meet the bill for higher reps/lower weights. And, as Laurie suggested, S90 workouts would definitely work too.

    Laurie, great workouts! I especially like the sound of a long walk with the pup. Enjoy the autumn weather while you have it for sure! Thanks again onnthe BB workout sheet reminder. Even with them I still felt a little behind Sagi these past two days since he does move pretty quickly. Without them, I would still be setting up my weights! Also made me happy to see I am lifting what I did when I finished the program last time. Makes me want to see how much further I can go with it.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    Enjoy the day!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a really nice combo tonight XT CBS w/u BB Bulk Back, ICE Low Impact Sweat Blizzard Blast, Icy Core II, Stretch. I hope to be able to do more of these blizzard blasts in this rotation because they are short which are perfect for my limited time.

    Laurie, great job with the rotation workouts! Is P90S different than P90X? I just googled it and I can't find it. Do you know if KCM has a high rep workout?

    Laurel, awesome workout combos!! I'm glad you haven't gotten any snow yet! I don't think I ever started the BB rotation with the Bulk workouts and I am loving it. I pushed myself tonight really hard (I had the energy for a change!) and it felt really good. I think I'm going to enjoy doing this rotation.
    Thanks so much for your suggestions for my 2 week of shorter workouts. Maybe I found the wrong P90X workout lengths but I don't see anything shorter than 52 minutes.
    Laurel, I do have LIS Total Body Trisets and one called High Reps. It looks like LIS total Body Trisets will be the way to go. Thanks so much! You have a really good memory! I used to have a Tony Horton workout program that I don't think I have anymore. It was an easy workout compared to his P90 series. I can't remember what it was called and I don't have anymore which means it must have been in VHS form. Total Body Trisets will have to do. I also have a workout called Squeeze. She uses high reps and baby weights and they kill. I could probably do one of her premixes.

    Hi Tami!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did Jillian's Killer Body Ab workout, which was perfect for the rotation. Got in some cardio and abs. This morning was BB Bulk Legs, sure is a good one. Will probably do something after work. I do have some errands to run, so we will see.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and really nice that you could use the same weight that you ended your last rotation with. ;) Doing the BB workouts is a nice change of pace, I'm sure. I love that you got in your yoga. Hope you had an awesome hair appointment also. I think our weather is changing today, because it was a cold one this morning. Still not in the 30's, but colder than it has been.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Those blizzard blast are really good add on choices. I don't think the Supreme 90 Day workouts are available anymore, the workouts are shorter than P90X. You could do the P90X workouts, but only do one round. That would make them shorter also. If I remember correctly, he does all the workouts, and then does another round. Just a thought. The only workouts I can think of that would work for KCM is her Weights, Split Sessions, or Muscle Definition.

    Have a great day!