Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Treadmill and stretch. I pushed myself really hard so I know I'm going to have some DOMS. Great workout!

    Laurie, great job getting those workouts in! No wonder I can't find that P90S program! I thought it was a typo! LOL. Great suggestions to just do 1/2 the workout and the KCM workouts too.

    Hi Tami! Sorry you're so busy at work! Great job with the workouts and VB! Sagi is one funny guy.

    Hi Laurel!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did Jillian's Killer Upper Body. This morning was BB Bulk Shoulders.

    Tami, Sounds like you had a busy weekend, and nice that you had an impromptu visit with your BFF. Makes for a nice break. Three wins is good since all of you have not been together playing since the last season. Great job on your workouts, great mix. I have to agree with you on Sagi, he really does make me laugh. Will have to remember that Hammer Plyo for the future. I'm really enjoying matching these up with Jillian. She doesn't use heavy weights, so it just seems to be a good compliment to the heavier workouts. Check in when you have the chance, we all know how busy your day can get.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts, we all enjoy those DOMS! Hope that you are able to come up with some workouts that you will enjoy for the next month of the rotation.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I'm having a more normal day which I will appreciate for at least today and tomorrow. Fri - Tues my other dept that I work in, she is going to be gone on vaca for a few days. :( good for her but stressful for me. That is the dept. that is just like I am a "helper" so I don't know really a lot of the questions people ask/things they might need, etc. I mostly know posting payments, bookkeeping things I do. But I will make it, that's what I tell myself each time she is gone.

    Workouts: I did get in BULK Legs last night and then BULK Shoulders this a.m. followed by BEAST Abs. Planning on heading to Spinning tonight after work for some cardio.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts and pushing yourself. Hopefully not too sore if you get some DOMS.

    Laurie: Way to get in your JM workouts to compliment the BB rotation. That sounds like a great plan. Shoulders was a great one this a.m. for me as well, enjoyed it ..... again laughing at Sagi and his nicknames for those guys; I forgot until I did legs how LOUD that guy is. Yowsa! LOL

    Hi Laurel - I am sure you have put together an amazing workout combo today! I was reading back on your last post and you said to Laurie about Sagi's speed. I agree ..... He says to go heavy and take your time. Then his rep count is crazy fast. I will try to stay true to my weight and speed and if I have to I pause to concentrate on my form. Deadlifts ring a bell right now from last night. LOL Any snow there yet? They are calling for some in our nearby mountains very soon. Not ready for that at all. Definitely still very cold am. and evenings but the days have been sunny. Last night it rained and today is a mix of sun and clouds.

    Thanks for your understanding ladies ~ I love chatting with you guys, so I hate to miss a post; some days it is just the way it goes right now. Have a great afternoon/evening.

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all yesterday. DH and I headed into town so I could look for some good winter boots, and it proved a little harder than I anticipated. I was looking for something waterproof that I could easily put on/take off for shoveling snow (which will be an almost every day), and most boots were one or the other.....but not both. But I finally found a good pair that is also good to -22, so they should be okay. Luckily no snow yet......but tons of rain! Really weird for this time of year, but the constant clouds are keeping the temps up which is just fine by me right now. They are supposed to drop by about 20 degrees next week with highs in the 20s and lows near 10. Ack!

    Anyhow, I have gotten in some good workouts. Yesterday was Bulk Legs followed by Cathe Live Jabs and Abs from a few weeks ago. Good fun. This morning......definitely feeling that leg workout from yesterday :o ....I did Bulk Shoulder followed by a new Cathe Live combo. I started with Crush It Low Impact Live, which was 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio. Then went into Low Impact Cardio and Strength with Step, which was 30 minutes of some pretty intense cardio on the step, 15 minutes of moderate upper body weights (I went really light on them) and core. Really enjoyed this workout.

    Tami, sounds like a nice weekend and good fun being able to see your friend for awhile. I think three VB wins after such a long break is great! Sorry to hear about how busy you are at work, though......and having to fill-in on top of that. No doubt you will handle it wonderfully though. Yes, Sagi is good for a laugh! I am definitely enjoying the change of pace right now though. But I think a month of Sagi followed by a month of Tony Horton will have me begging for Cathe. :D He definitely goes faster than me on deadlifts, so I always do those at my own pace. The one workout I just can't keep up is tomorrow's Bulk Arms where he just screams through the triceps work at the end (kickbacks). The good thing about these workouts being shorter, though, is I really don't mind taking the extra time to work my own pace.

    Thelma, great workouts! I love the sound of the BB/Ice Blizzard Blast combo! Great stuff. This is the first time I have done the Bulk workouts before the Build workouts too, and I love the change. You are right about the P90X workouts being in the 55-60 minute range. Laurie gives a good solution of doing just one round instead of two. Another suggestion is to do a shorter warm-up since the P90X warm-ups are 8-10 minutes long if I remember correctly. And you could also use High Reps for that week/those weeks. You can do the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep work one day, the lower body premix one day and Back/Biceps one day, and, with the warm-up, they would all be under 35 minutes (especially the upper body). You would have to skip to the right chapters for the upper body work, though, since there are no premixes like that.

    Laurie, great workouts! I was like :o when you wrote you did a Killer Upper Body......because I am definitely feeling these Bulk workouts and am not remotely feeling like doing anything 'killer' on my upper body right now. :p So thank you for saying that at least the weight Jillian uses isn't as heavy, but! No snow in our little valley yet, but there is snow all over the hills surrounding Fairbanks. Every time the clouds lifted yesterday we caught glimpses of that white stuff. Trying to gulp in the last glimpses of ground (and color) we will see until April right now.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Shoulders, BB Abs, Treadmill. I was very tired but forced myself to workout. I'm glad I did! I have some very painful inner thigh DOMS and my quads are tight! I love Sagi's Sumo squats and OMG the split lunges nearly made me cry! I think I have DOMS all over! LOL

    Laurie, great workouts!! I hope that for month 2 of the rotation I'll be able to do P90X for the first 2 weeks, then I'll switch to the shorter workouts. Total Body Trisets does sound like a good choice and I love your suggestion of just doing 1/2 the P90X routines!

    Laurel, awesome workout! Sagi does go pretty fast. I can't change my weight plates as fast as they do so I have to pause. That leg workout is a killer.
    I am loving the Bulk phase as the start part of the rotation. Thanks so much for the workout suggestions. I am saving all these suggestions so I can plan better over the weekend.
    Wow that is a big change in temps for next week! I'm glad you found a good pair of boots because it sounds like you will need them soon!

    Hi Tami!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster Premix. This is all cardio, and about 40 min., good workout though. This morning was Bulk Arms, sure do love this workout!

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. I'm sure that any help you can give that other department will be greatly appreciated, just to bad that it has to add stress to your life. ;) Oh that guy in the leg workout actually bugs me a little, he makes way to much noise. I think it even annoys Sagi. :D

    Laurel, Really nice workouts! So now you have to give me information on what boots you got, are they good for walking in also? I need a new pair of boots for walking in the snow, since mine are getting worn. There is nothing killer about any of Jillian's workouts as far as strength, I consider them all metabolic. She does get my hr up while doing strength moves though. I think her body weight strength moves are what make me like her workouts the most. She does a really great job on the core section. Since I'm not one that likes to do a "just abs", doing her workouts, I get core and cardio at the same time.

    Thelma, Nice workouts. I still have some lingering DOMS in the inner thigh area too. I'm glad we where able to help you with some workout choices for the next month. I agree with you on doing the BULK first, it really has a different feel to it.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a full Spin class last night and it was great! Lots of energy and Katy did a great job as always. This a.m. was BULK Arms and I plan on getting in a quick workout tonight when I get home for a little “add-on”.

    Laurel: BRRRR on your temps and I am glad you found some good boots. They will definitely be necessary for you. Fantastic combos you are putting together. Thank you for your constant suggestions as well … I am also taking notes as we move along through this rotation. :smile: I won't be doing P90X unless I change my mind at the last minute. I think we all agree that BULK was a great start. I am feeling each workout but surprisingly not too sore. Monday my chest was sore but I had also played six games of volleyball. LOL Thank you for your encouragement and faith in me to do well while my co-worker is off. I can only do what I can do and will ask for help when I need it forsure.

    Thelma: Great job ~ minus the DOMS all over! Although if they are not too severe it is a great feeling to know that you have worked hard and making an impact on those muscles. Those Sumo squats side-to-side after the Deadlifts are killer. With the SelectTech’s too they are much wider of course than standard dumbells to hold in that position; I have (2) 15's that I usually use that are standard OR I decided to try ONE heavier and it felt better.

    Laurie: Awesome job with your workouts!! I missed where you said Total Body Trisets; I will try to read back and see ….. since I love that one I was wondering which part of our rotation that is suggested?!? I won’t be doing P90X so I am taking notes from you and Laurel on suggestions. LOL Loved the Bulk Arms this a.m. as well, so far I am really loving all the workouts and thinking they are a great change for my body. Yes, he is annoying forsure. I had to stare at the TV for a moment to see which guy was making all the noise and laughed because I had forgotten about him until then. LOL

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with Bulk Arms and despite its rapid pace, it remains one of my favorites in the Body Beast program. Love how it gets my arms quivering! I followed it with another Cathe Live combo. I started with her workout from this morning which was Mixed Impact HiiT with bonus abs. I did the cardio section, which was about 30 minutes of tough but not insane cardio, then went into another Cathe Live workout, this one from a few years ago titled 'Cardio Strength Blast'. This was about 25 minutes (after the warm-up, which I skipped) of HiiT blasts and compound strength moves alternated, finished with about 10 minutes of just compound strength moves. I then went back and did the ab work from the first workout. It ended up being about 75 minutes long, but it felt great.......tough but nowhere near brutal. Just what I was looking for today.

    Thelma, great job getting the workout in despite being tired. I definitely felt DOMS all over my lower body yesterday. Thankfully it was much better today!

    Laurie, another good workout! I definitely like the sound of Jillian's workouts. I always have liked Jillian, but for some reason.....I just don't mesh with her workouts very well. I keep trying though! But what you said about the core work is interesting. One of the reasons I like these Cathe Live workouts is because she has a tendency to add short, simple core work at the end. Some workouts have long core work. But many have just a few minutes, and I seem to prefer that anymore to 15 minute core sessions. The boots I got are Baffins. They come to about three/four inches above the ankle so would be fine unless you walk in deep snow. They are very light, which is nice. Not like a heavy hiking boot or anything like that. For long walks, I would prefer something a little sturdier around my ankles (since these are slip on, they aren't tight). But for anything less than 30 minutes, I think they would be great. They were pricey ($115), but given the environments we live in, if paying more means I don't lose my toes....I am good with it. :) Let me know if you want more info. I haven't had a chance to try them in the snow yet......thankfully. :)

    Tami, sounds like a good spin class. I am toying with buying a spin cycle. :o I don't even know if I could find one up here, but I think I would love the option of a tough no-impact workout as the years go by. Any thoughts??? Laurie and I recommended the LIS Trisets workouts to Thelma for Month 2 workouts that are shorter than P90X. I may find myself reaching for them if I can't handle Tony for a month. B) But, seriously, if this week is any indication, these months are going to fly by.

    I have finished my rotation plan! Well.....until I change it that is. :D But here is my rotation plan for Month 6/Upper and Lower

    Sunday-Pyramid Lower Body
    Monday- Pyramid Upper Body
    Tuesday- one per week of: RWH Lower Body Circuit; Fit Split Legs and Glutes; XTrain Cardio Leg Blast; ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast
    Wednesday-one per week of: RWH Upper Body Circuit: Fit Split Metabolic Conditioning; XTrain Super Cuts; ICE Metabolic Total Body (or Chiseled Upper Body)
    Thursday-one per week of: Pure Strength Legs; Leaner Legs; S&S Total Body Giant Sets Lower Body premix; 4DS Lower Body premix
    Friday-one per week of: Pure Strength Upper Body (doing both upper body workout in one workout); CTX Upper Body Split; S&S Ramped Up Upper Body; 4DS Upper Body premix

    Again, this is subject to change. Some of those Thursday and Friday workouts are over an hour long, and I may want something shorter than that depending on how my body is feeling at that point. But I also want to incorporate as much variety as possible, and doing those workouts would mean including most of Cathe's non-STS, non-Total Body workouts in this rotation. So.......we'll see!

    Until tomorrow.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT B&T w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Walking on treadmill. My DOMS were much better today thankfully. I agree with all of you about this arms workout being so fast. I just couldn't keep up. I would always end a few reps behind them. I went heavier on a couple of exercises so I'm happy about that. My lower back has been tight so I think my hamstrings are tight. I did massage the lower back and quads with my lacrosse ball and it's better.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm glad I wasn't the only one with DOMS! I borrowed a P90 workout kit from the gym at work and these workouts are 25-35 minutes long and much easier than P90X. All I remember about P90X is that there was a lot of jumping involved.
    The little guy in the Legs workout? He doesn't bother me but the Asian Sensation in the Arms workout never shuts up!

    Laurel, another awesome combo! Great job! Thanks very much for putting together the rotation for us! I don't have the majority of the workouts you have for month 6: 4D Split, Pyramid, fit split legs, pure strength or CTX. I had never seen that CTX workout! If you have any other suggestions please let me know.
    I'm glad you found a good pair of boots because you are going to need them. Did you ever buy those flannel lined jeans?

    Tami, great workouts! Sorry work is so stressful now. You know my pecs were really tight on Tuesday and Wednesday too. Those side-to-side sumo squats are killers. I love them. There is no way I can use the ginormous Bowflex dumbbells. I have my old dumbbells and I used them for exercises like this one.

    OMG Legs tomorrow again!!! I am going to do a long stretch yoga workout on Saturday!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, had to run an errand before picking up Rocket. Then our dd dropped off Zoey, so I was dealing with two dogs. They are having a blast together. This morning I did KCM's Split Sessions Lower. It was interesting working out with two dogs. Rocket would come downstairs, and Zoey would start crying upstairs. Rocket heard that and ran upstairs. This was going on all the time I worked out. :D

    Tami, Great job with the spin class, and your BB workout. Hope you where able to get in the add-on workout. Yep the Tri-Sets where for month 2, that is the month that I will be doing S90D workouts. At least that is my thoughts at this point. I was wanting something that had core work included, so I don't have to do a separate workout. I'm trying to make it so easy for me not to skip abs. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts! You are right the Arm workout is fast, but oh so good. I think we just need to get used to it again. Love the rotation, I will probably use some of the Kelly workouts that I have. I like that she doesn't do step-ups. I have found that move to be problematic for the knee, so have been avoiding it. Thank you so much for the information on the boots, I googled them and there are a ton of options. I really like that the boots are for really cold weather, that is something that I need to look at. I like that they have some hiking boots, which would be good for walking. I usually don't mind spending more $ on snow boots, since I really keep them for a long time.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Sorry to hear that your back is sore, hopefully using the ball will help. I have the oldest version of P90. Is the one that you have the new one? You made me laugh with the Asian Sensation. Makes me wonder if some of these guys are just trying to get the attention pointed at them during these workouts.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 17/Legs. I will have to decide in the next couple of days whether I will continue to do a second 'heavy' workout for legs during the week or go for something more moderate for the next few weeks. My legs feel good right now, but if I get DOMS too badly, I am afraid that might impact my upper body workouts because, like Thelma, I can really feel these workouts in my lower back. So.....we'll see. But STS felt great today. For cardio, I did IMAX
    Extreme from Cathe's Terminator DVD.

    Thelma, glad to hear the DOMS were better. Like you, my lower back was pretty tight after that leg workout. It is much better now, but on Wednesday :o . I did lots of stretching for sure. Hopefully the yoga tomorrow will keep the DOMS away from today's workout. Here are some suggestions for more upper/lower workouts using workouts I think you have: Fit Tower Total Body upper and lower premixes; High Reps upper and lower premixes; S&S Total Body Giant Sets upper and lower premixes; STS Total Body upper and lower premixes; Muscle Max (can't remember if you have this one!) Upper and Lower premixes; XT Legs and XT Burn Sets upper body premix. The plus to using the Total Body workouts split in two is they are shorter and the muscles are less likely to be overworked. Like I said yesterday, I am not sure about some of those workouts I posted. But I decided to pencil in something ambitious and then revise accordingly. But I suspect it may be too much, especially at the end of a long rotation. Anyhow, those are just some ideas. And the CTX workouts are from Cathe's Cross Train Express series that came out about 17 years some oldies there! No I haven't bought flannel jeans yet, but they are everywhere up here right now. I think if I need any, it will be for shoveling. But they keep every place so hot with heat that to wear them indoors for any period of time may make me melt! :)

    Laurie, sounds like a fun morning with the two pups. :) But great job getting the workout in despite the distractions. I completely understand about the step-ups. That is the reason I really hesitated committing to Pyramid Lower Body for four weeks. But, like I said to Thelma, I will see how it goes. I may stick with it, but probably not use a 14" step like Cathe does. Maybe 12" or even 10". Let me know if you get any of the Baffin hiking boots. I would like a new pair of winter hiking boots, but can't find any I like in the stores here....and there are surprisingly few options.

    Tami, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a nice quiet weekend which I loved! My workouts were as follows:
    Friday: XT Legs w/u, BB Build Legs, Stretching, Saturday: The Ultimate Yogi Flexibility and today: XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, XT Core I, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up.

    While working on my rotation I decided to check KCM's website and found this:

    Laurie, great job with the Split sessions workout. OMG I bet it was very distracting to workout with the 2 dogs. They sound adorable. Did you have Zoey all weekend?
    My back is back to normal. The P90 workouts I got from work are from 2009 so it's probably the same thing you have.

    Laurel, great combo on Friday! My back is OK now but I hear you about the stiff back. I'll have to see if it happens this week again this week. The yoga workout for me wasn't so good. There were a lot of chaturangas and my rotator cuff is upset. Hopefully the shoulder shape-up workout will help relax things.
    Thanks so much for the workout suggestions! I can't believe that CTX program is so old! I will be doing your suggestions for the 6th month.
    OMG I can't stand it when stores keep the heat high when people are all bundled up. I don't blame you for not wanting to get the flannel jeans!

    Hi Tami!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice weekend, and attended a wedding on Saturday. For workouts I did Jessica Smith's Yoga for Back Pain. Now I don't have back pain, but I thought it would just be a good workout to do to stretch out the back. ;) Sunday was BB Bulk Chest, and this morning was Bulk Back. Will probably do some type of ab work after work.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, always impressed that you do that Imax Extreme! You may want to try out that Jessica Smith youtube workout, it really does stretch those muscles out in the back. Here is the link just in case you want to try it out. Good cal on the step up option, lowering the step height would be a good option. Or like me avoiding them. :D I will let you know what I get for the boots, so far it appears that Amazon has the best prices.

    Thelma, I have to apologize, I didn't tell all of you that her presale had started. :# Glad to see that you posted the information though. Great job on your workouts! Yes we had Zoey all weekend, and her parents picked her up on Sunday. She is a lot more energetic than Rocket is, but he was super tired on Sunday. Which is nice. Hope that Shoulder Shape Up workout helps with your rotator cuff.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a wonderfully un-busy weekend this weekend. Loved it! I know by winter's end I will be climbing the walls, but it sure felt nice to just not rush everywhere for awhile. For workouts, on Saturday I did Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves, which I <3 . No doubt I will become re-addicted to these Kari Anderson workouts again throughout these Yoga Saturday sessions. Of course, her workouts aren't really yoga, but I think that is one of the reasons I like them so much. :# On Sunday, I did Bulk Chest followed by Cathe Live Fitness Fusion for cardio. Today was Bulk Back followed by Cathe Live LIHI Live into Cathe Live Mixed Impact HiiT and and Abs. Good stuff.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your quiet weekend too. Great workouts throughout! Sorry to hear about the sore shoulder from yoga, though. I am not a big fan of endless chaturangas because, like you, my shoulder just doesn't really enjoy them. I have a tendency to spread my arms wider than I should doing them just to take that pressure off my shoulder. That is realy the only way I can get through P90X Yoga, which is about 45 minutes of solid chaturanga.....or so it seems! Hope it feels better soon.

    Laurie, great workouts! Thank you for the yoga link. I used to have a Yoga for Back Pain workout (on VHS) from Rodney Yee that I loved. I used to do it 2-3 days a week before my workouts back when my back was so bad. I have tried to find it on DVD for years with no luck. So I will definitely try this one. Glad you survived the weekend with both pups....sounds like they had a good time together.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check-in …. It has been very hectic for me with dept-to-dept back and forth and Friday was definitely a “Friday the 13th” kind of day. OY! I took Saturday to decompress a bit and got in my YOGA!!!! I know if you saw my workout posted on the thread you were all proud of me. I was proud of me and I am going to keep this commitment so Thank You ladies for joining me and for making this a part of our rotation. It was a Yoga Fusion DVD I ordered and i think her name is Linda Woodbridge, I will look again. It moved kind of quick, but was good. Sunday was BULK Chest and then off to Volleyball. We won all 6 games this week! Then I showered and went into work for a few hours so I could feel better about starting today. :smile: Today is BULK Back and I hope to get in that Hammer Plyo again tonight after work.

    Thelma: I saw that "pre-order" as well for those KCM workouts, I think it is the one Laurie was talking about a while back. It looks awesome. I am definitely interested in that one. :smiley:

    You ladies are all rockin the workouts! Loving being in this rotation with you all. Hopefully tomorrow I can check in longer and respond to more of your thoughts, posts, etc.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, ICE Boot Camp Circuit Blizzard Blast. This blizzard blast was a another good add on because it includes abs. It did include the step and there were those jump ups. I only had the platform but at one point when I jumped up my left knee hurt and has be throbbing ever since. I think I may have a muscle imbalance so I've massaged my thigh a lot.
    My shoulder feels better so things have relaxed. I have DOMS from the chest workout this week which means I'm using challenging weights. A little tired tonight. DH and I had to go to a special town hall meeting to vote for more money to be spent and more money to come out of our pockets. It never ends!

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you had a good weekend. I hope the wedding was fun. I bet it was fun having Zoey around though!
    No problem about KCM's presale! It sound good but I'm undecided. I still have one or two of the KCM workouts I bought earlier this year (or was it at the end of last year?) in the shrink wrap! So it's more a question of do I really need more DVD's?

    Laurel, awesome workouts! OMG I can't believe you did a Kari Anderson workout. I actually had one of her workouts in my hands on Saturday and thought about doing it instead of yoga. I should've done that one instead of the yoga workout. I'm glad you had a good un-busy weekend! What a concept!
    Interesting that you do a wide arm placement for the chaturangas. I wonder if that is why I hurt myself because the instructors always say your arms have to be close to your body and should brush your rib cage on the way down. I will not be doing P90X yoga or more of the mayority of the Ultimate Yogi workouts. This guy loves those chaturangas and they make it look so easy. I am clearly doing it wrong.

    Tami, great workouts and I saw you did yoga on Saturday. I was proud of you. I bet Saturday felt good after the hectic week you had! Congrats on winning all 6 VB games!
    Those KCM workouts were the ones Laurie was talking about a while back. They do look good but like I told Laurie, I don't know if I should get them.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did GHUTV Walking Shape Up with the Resistance Band. This morning was BB Bulk Legs.

    Laurel, Great job with your workouts! Nice that you have those Kari Anderson workouts for stretching/yoga. I think I had that workout on VHS at one time. Hope you enjoy the one offered by Jessica, it really is good for the back. I'm just glad that we incorporated that yoga/stretching challenge into our rotation, it is so important. Very nice that you had a weekend to do nothing, they are very nice to have when life gets to busy.

    Tami, Congrats on getting in the yoga workout, and that you enjoyed it. Awesome job with the workouts, and of course winning all those games. Sounds like the team is jelling quickly. Glad that you also had a day to decompress after having such a busy week. The KCM workouts do look good, and I have already pre-ordered them. She said that production was moving along faster than she thought, so they may be ready sooner than the predicted Christmas timeframe.

    Thelma, Awesome job on your workout, really do like to incorporate something that includes abs. ;) Hope you knee is feeling better, I know you will take good care of it. Glad to hear the shoulder is feeling better, and that you had DOMS. LOL about needing more DVD's, I hear you on that one. Like I told Tami, I did order them, they really do look good. She has had to abandon her youtube subscription, something to do with changes in how youtube offers these options. She is looking into other options, so that may take a little time to get active also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with Bulk Legs. No doubt all of these workouts are feeling better this week than last! I think it takes me that one week to get used to the pace. I am still feeling them, but I don't feel like I am rushing around trying to figure out what to do anymore. :p I followed it with one of my favorite cardio combos--Hard Strikes cardio into Rockout Knockout. Perfect workout for today since I am a little down.......because our world has officially turned white up here. An unpredicted snow storm dropped only about an inch of snow yesterday afternoon. It has been cold enough though that it covered everything. So chances are good we have seen our last glimpse of pavement and grass until April. :'( So I needed a cheery, energetic workout...and I got one! :)

    Tami, thanks for checking in! I am sorry last week ended on such a frantic note, but hope this week goes better. Yay on the VB wins! Sounds like you all got back in a good rhythm quickly. I am with you on Saturday Yoga. I felt so good after doing my Saturday workout. I really think doing these yoga workouts alone instead of as an add-on (that I usually can talk myself out of) will show me the benefits for sticking with them.....and not seeing Yoga as something I do 'instead' of another workout (as I too often see it) but 'in addition' which is how I need to see it.

    Thelma, great workout! That Bootcamp Blizzard Blast is tough, though. I really hope your knee is okay and it was just a temporary tweak. I find myself shying away more and more from those more extreme jumps on to the step. I would say my arm placement for the chaturangas is between narrow (tricep push-up width) and standard push-up width. The narrow width puts a lot of pressure on the front of my left shoulder since I don't have full range of motion in that arm. I know I am using more chest muscle than I should doing it my way.......but that is really my only option to doing it comfortably. But, no doubt, that move is one of the reasons I gravitate more towards yoga fusion workouts (like Kari Anderson's) than strict yoga.

    Laurie, another great workout last night. Like I said to Tami, I am really glad we are doing the day of yoga as well. One of my complaints about my typical Saturday break from workouts is I have a tendency to feel sluggish all day as a result. But I know my body needs a break. So far, I have not felt sluggish after doing the fact, quite the opposite. That, combined with the benefits is stretching, makes me think this will become permanent for me.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I did go home and do Hammer Plyo + Beast Abs, quick but good! Today I am doing BULK Legs when I get home from work. Today was my last day in the “back & forth” fill in for that other dept. I could not be more ready for her to be back. It is truly the stress I put on myself that wears on me, but also the unanswered things I don’t know what to do makes me feel bad. All in all I hope she will not be disappointed, that is always my bottom line when I fill in for anyone.

    Thelma: Great job with your workout combo …. I have been doing other warm-ups for these BULK workouts as well. ICE mostly. Hope your knee is doing ok today. Thank you for the Yoga Kudos. LOL I decided to go ahead and pre-order those KCM workouts! So thank you for the reminder.

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice relaxing workout last night! Way to get it in …. Im sure with the band it adds some intensity as well. Great job with Bulk Legs this a.m. Yes, our VB team was happy we pulled out 6 wins. I would say we were jelling a little better, luckily we played a couple of “easier” teams however. So we will see, but it is all fun forsure. As I mentioned to Thelma, I went ahead and hit the ol “order” button on those. I think they do look really good and won’t go unused …. I hope! LOL Thank you as well for the “heads up” earlier on these.

    Laurel: Awesome job today! What a combo. So sorry to hear you will now have the WHITE stuff until spring. Good thing you bought some new boots when you did. I bet your workout made you forget about it all. Temporarily anyway. You couldn’t have said it any better about the YOGA Saturday’s. I always seem to find an excuse not to or “add-on” because it doesn’t seem like enough; I decided if I have that feeling I will add on a Plyo workout or something in sync with stretching. Truly is needed and this will force me to do it …. In a good way!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,623 Member
    Hi Ladies, I got home late from work but I still dragged my body to the basement to do X10 w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Treadmill. I didn't do the entire workout because it was late. I did about 3/4 of the workout but had to cut it short as it was almost 9PM. My knee is better but not back to normal yet. During the lunges I could feel my quads tightening up so I had to go shallow. I spent a lot of time massaging my thighs to loosen things up. I definitely have a muscle imbalance going on. We had our first frost last night!
    Laurie, great job with those workouts! That blizzard blast was good except or the jump ups! Now that you and Tami have ordered KCM’s workouts I’m feeling seriously tempted to order them too! I’ll have to think about it. I can’t believe she abandoned her youtube subscription. I’ve heard that youtube has changed a lot of their rules given to this crazy pc world we live in.
    Laurel, the workouts are definitely feeling better than last week. I really like these Bulk workouts. If I set up my weights for the first few exercises before I start the workout I am able to mostly keep up with the weight changes. That is the beauty of recording your weights!
    Great workout combo today! Bummer with the unexpected snow fall and the cold temps! You definitely chose the right workout to cheer you up. You may want to try those Body Project boxing abs workouts in youtube. I think you will love them. You might want to revisit the Cize workouts!
    Laurel, when I did the jump ups yesterday I was only using the platform so no risers! I think it all had to do with my quads being tight and they are pulling my kneecap out of place. The tricep pushup is the right way to do the chaturanga based on everything I’ve read and watched.
    I am definitely going to incorporate yoga in this routine but I will try to stick with standing poses or will do the chaturanga on my knees so I don’t get hurt. I am going to do some Barre and Pilates workouts too. Those hurt they feel like a break from the hard weight lifting workouts we do.
    Tami, great to you to with your workouts! I’m glad you won’t be under those stressful conditions at work. I am sure the lady will be very happy with your work.
    Good for you for doing Cathe warmups before the Bulk workouts. You really need to warm up. You girls are not helping me resist the urge to buy KCM’s workouts! Now I really want them! LOL
    Good night ladies!