Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. I started feeling pretty tired so that I had to force myself to workout. On Friday I did ICE Low Impact Sweat, on Saturday Jessica Smith Barre - Cardio Ballet and walked around Boston's Back Bay. I took today off. DH and I had a great time in Boston. Dinner was delish!
    DH managed to save my computer's data! So happy. I don't need a new laptop so he'll get a new hard drive and more memory for the laptop.

    Laurie, great workouts!
    DH just wants to make me happy but I can't stop working in a year. Not unless he wants to keep working till he's 60 and he doesn't want to do that. Thankfully he listened and he didn't tell me once that he I could retire next year! Thank God!

    Laurel, fabulous workouts!
    I am trying to remain positive about this little set back. It definitely helps to have a target date to look forward to.
    Thanks for the anniversary wishes!

    Hi Tami!
    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workouts at all this weekend, but I was tackling the walnuts in the yard. That was a really good workout. I was super tired afterward, and I'm still not finished with them. This morning I woke up with a major sinus headache. :( DH said that it probably was from the mold spores from the walnuts, and he could be right. It has eased up a little, but I just couldn't get myself up. The headache woke me up at about 1:30am. Not fun to get back to sleep after that. I think that I should be good by the time I get home, so will get my workout in after I get home from work.

    Laurel, Love the workouts! Now a slower step workout is what I really like. If I lived in a place called North Pole, I would be just like you. My house looks like Christmas exploded in our house every year. I'm getting Christmas presents ready also. I'm knitting up some dish cloths, and towels for the girls. The youngest asked if I would knit her the sweater that I have attached an image of. She wants the one on the top. I'm waiting for the yarn to arrive. ;) I just love having projects to do, but right now it is so warm that I can't do anything like the sweater. It would just be to hot on my lap when it gets big. :D

    Thelma, Sounds like a really nice time with your celebration. Awesome job getting in the workout on Friday, even though you where tired. I'm hoping that I'm okay by the end of the day today, to get a workout in.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. We had a nice one. Saturday was spent finishing projects from last weekend as well as getting all our plants out of the planters and getting ready for winter. Not nearly as exhausting as last weekend, though, which is good. Sunday we finally got a rare day of relaxing! One of DH's co-workers brought him a ton of very ripe heirloom and beefsteak tomatoes on Friday, so I did make a big batch of marinara sauce to use later. Looking forward to that!

    I didn't workout on Saturday, per my usual routine. I started my last week of LGI8 yesterday with the Lower Body premix from Cathe's 4DS. For cardio, I did Cathe's latest Live workout which is Jabs and Abs. So much fun! But the abs section was unusually tough! Good stuff! Today's workout was the Upper Body premix from 4DS, which is one of my favorites. I also did one of my favorite Live workouts for cardio, which is Fitness Fusion.

    Thelma, I am sorry you were feeling tired all weekend, but good job getting some workouts in anyhow. I glad you enjoyed your celebration in Boston! Yay for not needing a new computer. I bet that eases your mind a bit right now.

    Laurie, I am sorry to hear about the sinus headache. I hope it eases up soon. Your DH has a point about the mold. Between that, the heat and the were probably better taking the morning off anyhow. Love the sweater you are going to be making your DD! I think those types of sweaters not only look good but are perfect for wrapping up in with a good book. Yes, decorating for Christmas is beginning to take days instead of hours anymore around our house. And that was before we started living in North Pole! This year......may be interesting.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a busy weekend & good workouts! I came in and worked yesterday for 4 hours, Bernie and I. He kept me company again, he just loves being with someone, so darling. When the cleaning crew came in he grabbed his stuffed animal and went to check them out. Pretty funny he was looking out for me. Then we headed home and finished mowing the lawn. I did the front on Friday. Workouts: Saturday was KCM Strength & Stamina and yesterday I decided on Cathe’s LIS Athletic Training …. Wondering why it has been so long since I did that one, I love it, so that was another great workout. Today will be BootCamp after work.

    Laurel: Fabulous job as always with the amazing combos you put together! I also just love that Total Body Giant Sets workout, it is on my “to do” this week as well. Still loving those LIVE workouts which is so great. I read this gals blog every once and a while; "2Lazy4TheGym" is her name and she was saying she is obsessed with Cathe's LIVE workouts right now; absolutely thought of you. LOL. She is great for giving reviews on just about every workout program out there. Our temps went back up slightly over the weekend (high 60’s) and supposed to be in low 70’s later this week, so that will be nice. Crazy weather forsure. Sounds like you had a very busy Saturday and it is nice you were able to relax yesterday. I'm really looking forward to our new rotation starting up. I will be gone this weekend on my "Annual Fishing Trip" with DH and then next week I will probably be getting in some circuit style workouts then we start and volleyball starts for me as well on October 8th.

    Thelma: Great job getting in some workouts and fighting through the tireds. Sometimes I don’t know if my body is telling me to rest or fight through; and when I fight through that tired feeling I always feel good when I am done. Yay on having a great time in Boston and a delicious dinner. Very fun.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a very productive weekend! No workouts needed after all those squats picking up the walnuts. LOL So sorry to hear about your sinus headache. Hopefully it is better as the day goes and you can get something in tonight.

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had to push myself to workout tonight and I didn't let the devil on my shoulder telling me not to workout win. So tonight I went for XT Chest, Back and Shoulders. I hadn't done that workout in a long time and I'd forgotten how good it is. I think I'm going to do an XT week! DH ordered me a new hard drive and more memory so I"m going to have a much improved laptop!

    Laurie, I'm sure the yard work was a good workout! Sorry about your sinus attack! I hope you feel better tomorrow.

    Laurel, awesome workout! That new Cathe Live workout sound like a lot of fun! I'm so glad you finally allowed yourselves a day to relax. That marinara sauce is going to taste amazing during a cold winter night!
    I am relieved that don't have to spend $ on a new computer.

    Tami, great workouts! Bernie is such a love bug! I'm so glad you are able to take him to work with you on weekends! Maybe you should take him in every day and have him be the office mascot! Sometimes it's so hard to simply listen to that feeling that I don't want to workout. It's been really hard now that I'm putting longer hours in.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Felt way better as the day went on yesterday so I was able to do a workout. I opted for Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Studio Version. I slept really well also, so woke up this morning and decided to do KCM's 30MTF Train Like a Contender Workout 1.

    Laurel, Great workout combo! On your last week of LGI8, and then you will be doing a week of whatever you feel like I'm sure. It is always nice to get that fall clean up done before the weather starts to change. We finally are going to have some fall temps starting today, instead of the crazy heat. That might be why my sinuses are getting back to normal, it sure would be nice to have some rain also. Everything is really dry around here, so I'm sure that the mold factor was crazy as I was handling all the walnuts. Nice that you could make homemade marinara, I bet that taste great. I'm excited about making that sweater, since I haven't made anything clothing like, since the girls where little. Should be getting the yarn by Friday, so I can get going sometime this project by the weekend.

    Tami, Love those workouts! I love reading 2Lazy's blog, she really has a very extensive DVD collection. She even tries out youtube workouts and reviews them. She reviewed all of KCM's RAW workouts. Wow volleyball starting already! Will you be playing with the same team as last year? I love Bernie, he sounds like he is just the best companion. Not only did I have squats, but I got in over 10,000 steps during that walnut adventure. They where scattered all over the place. Our ground is dry, so they just rolled.

    Thelma, You and I had that same devil to control, so I'm glad to see that we both tackled it. Great workouts. Glad to hear that you will be transferring some of your files to your new hard drive when you get it. Bet your laptop with run faster also.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Leaner Legs. :o After all these years (17?), I still find that to be one seriously tough leg workout. Loved revisiting it today! For cardio, I did XT All Out Low Impact HiiT into Cathe Live Low Impact Cardio HiiT for a good 60 minute workout.

    Tami, great workouts. I actually watched a bit of that LIS Athletic Training workout a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to put together my Circuit month for the next rotation, and was thinking exactly the same thing.....why don't I do that workout more often? Such a good one. That is funny about 2Lazy4TheGym! I enjoy her reviews too. I will have to take a peek at her site to see what she is saying about Cathe Live. Glad I am not the only one addicted! Like you, I plan on some circuit workouts next week just to give the body a bit of a break before working out with Sagi. So looking forward to the rotation! Glad to hear you are going to take your fishing trip this year. Hopefully the weather holds out for you. Made me smile to thinking of Bernie protecting you from the cleaners. He sounds like such a sweet pup.

    Thelma, great workout! I love those XT strength workouts. I am definitely going to incorporate Discs 1 and 2 from XT into the fourth month of the next rotation. It has been too long since I have done them for sure.

    Laurie, glad to hear you felt better as the day went on yesterday and were able to get in your workout. I bet it will feel nice to cool off a bit. Hope you get some rain soon. We had rain all day yesterday but today......finally some beautiful sunshine! It shines straight into my workout room this time of year which is going to be such a blessing here in about two months! What little light we will get I will be able to enjoy during my workouts! As I said to Tami, I am planning a week of circuits next week. I have a little niggling forearm injury in my right arm that has been bothering me since the move and worsened by shoveling rock, painting, building a porch railing.....etc. And I think a week off from heavy weight (and rental home improvements) will do the trick. I will be anxious to hear how the sweater making goes. I never mastered making clothes.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I ended up leaving here just a little too late to make it to my BC class so I went home and did Cathe’s ICE BootCamp, which felt great. This a.m. I did KPC Legs & Glutes, which is another I need to do more often, love the leg work on this one. No workout tonight, we are having a little get together after work.

    Thelma: Another great job talking that devil off your shoulder! Yay on the computer hard drive and it working better for you. I’m sure you need that when you work from home as well. A reliable, well running computer! Bernie has really turned into a love bug forsure. He is entirely a different dog since Emma passed. I think he has always wanted all the attention and now that he is getting it, he is soaking it up. Makes me feel bad that he was kind of 2nd string for so long while we were always so worried about her.

    Laurie: Fabulous job with your Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn – I thought about doing one of those the other day; it was on my radar anyway. LOL I love her blog as well, so informative. As I told Thelma, he really is a great companion and helps fill that void forsure. WOW on the steps as well, no workout needed forsure that day!

    Laurel: Guess we both had a great leg workout in mind! Way to go and then of course with your add on LIVE workout. Way to work. I have my fingers crossed as well on the weather for this weekend, so far it looks very pleasant, so that will be perfect for me …. Bernie too since he is coming in the boat with us.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, no time for a workout tonight. :(:'( I worked from 7:30 am till 8:45 pm today. BUMMER!
    My new phone arrived today. I didn't have time to set it up needless to say. Will probably won't have time till the weekend.

    Laurie, so glad you're feeling better! Great workouts! I'm going to feel like I have a brand new laptop. It will definitely be faster!

    Laurel, what a great combo! I am definitely glad I chose an XT workout. Normally I use the XT warm-ups but not the full workout. I will also use them for the rotation. I can't wait to get my laptop running so I can work on my rotation.

    Tami, fabulous workouts! I can't wait to get my laptop up and running again! I miss it. I've been bringing my work laptop home cause it's easier to type on it that on my little iPad's external keyboard. I'm so happy for all of you that you have a very happy and loving doggy. It really is hard when you have an elderly, sick pet. There is always that guilty feeling about neglecting the other fur baby.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did GHUTV Arms & Abs, another fun workout. This one did an upper body move for 30 sec., then you add onto the upper with an ab move for 30 sec., then she did the body part with cardio. Really good and tough. Of course with the temp change the sinuses started acting up again, so this morning was another day with stuffy head and headache. I just couldn't get myself going. I'm feeling pretty good now that I took some meds, so we will see how I feel when I get home from work.

    Laurel, Absolutely love Meaner Legs! You really are rocking those workouts. Circuit workouts should be fun before you start up the heavy work. Sorry to hear about the injury, I'm sure that you will be ready for the heavy month coming up if you take it easy on the weight work for a bit. We did get some rain yesterday, it was pouring as I was driving home. There where a couple of vehicles that got together just in front of me. Everyone involved seemed to be fine. When I get the sweater finished, I will post a picture. ;)

    Tami, Sounds like leg work was the theme, well except for me. :D Nice job with the bootcamp workout, a favorite one around here. It was fun doing the Peak 10 workout, and I always get such a great burn from them. I did do some of the moves low impact, but still had my hr up. Pull one of those Peak workouts out, I'm sure it has been a while since you tried one out. I love reading her blog also, she is having a Peak 10 8 week session right now. It inspired me to try one of her workouts. I may add in some of them throughout the rotation, because they really are great and I don't do them often enough. Sounds like Bernie is filling up on the love!

    Thelma, Bummer on the workout, but congrats on your new phone. At least you can give it your all when the weekend comes. ;) I don't know what I would do without my laptop at home, it has all my fitness stuff on it. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another fun workout today. I started with the CTX Upper Body workout, which has long been a favorite of mine. Did not disappoint today. I have to admit.......I love Upper/Lower week (which I am doing right now). I am toying with adding a sixth month to our next rotation with four Upper/Lower weeks. Three upper and lower body workouts a week for a month may be too much, so I am thinking two each per week (though I probably could be persuaded to do three B) ). Anybody have any thoughts? Anyhow, for cardio, I did Cross Fire Extreme premix. <3

    Tami, love those workouts! Yes, we both hit the lower body hard! I toyed with doing Legs and Glutes, but opted for Leaner Legs since it has the 'matching' upper body workout, which I love. Thanks for pointing out 2Lazy's reviews of Cathe Live workouts. Wow......she even has the exercises recorded! I will definitely be spending more time on her site as I continue to dive into these workouts. Fingers crossed for good weather this weekend!

    Thelma, that is a long day! Don't blame you for not working out for sure. Hope you enjoy your new phone. I need a new one but I can't stand the idea of having to learn a new phone. I think my age is showing! :)

    Laurie, that sounds like a fantastic workout! But I am sorry to hear about the return of the headache this morning. It is that time of year I suppose. Our lows are supposed to drop into the 20s this weekend (with a high of 39 on Friday). I know snow is not far off, and if there is one certainty for me, it is a headache with snow. It could be a long winter. :/ Anyhow, Meaner Legs sure lived up to its billing this morning as my legs were so sore! Thankfully Cross Fire helped ease them up a bit, but....yowza!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So no workout yet today ….. going to Spinning tonight after work. Tomorrow I plan on visiting another good one, AFTERBURN! I was inspired after doing Athletic Training to do that one as well. We will see.

    Thelma: What a LOOOOOOONG day you had yesterday, Oh my goodness. I bet you were so tired. Hopefully you were able to wind down and slept ok before doing it all over again today. Thank you for the kudos on the workouts! Felt great.

    Laurie: That sounds like it was a great workout you got in, definitely fun factor there! Yes, those PEAK 10 workouts are always great for a good calorie burn, just might have to do that soon.

    Laurel: Fabulous job! I’m with you on loving the upper/lower week’s. I would be all in for adding on a 6th month with the Upper/Lower weeks being included! YES. You’re welcome on that gals blog. She does do a great job of timeframes, explanations, all of it for just about every workout there is. Really good reference. Ouch on the sore legs, I was shocked my legs weren’t sore this a.m. from yesterday. I was actually expecting it.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    HI ladies, quick update. I didn't have the energy for a workout. Had another long day st work and was just exhausted. I have Friday off so I have to finish some tasks between today and tomorrow if I really want to have the day off. In the process I screwed something up in the system and freaked out cause the admin was going to be upset. Someone helped me fix the error thank goodness!
    The computer parts are not here yet! Not happy about that. I need to work on my rotation! I havw a plan B. We bought a usb hard drive enclosure thing that allows you to use the hard drive we removed as an external hard drive. So I think I will be able to connect it to my work laptop and access my data that way.

    Laurie, great workout! Sorry about your sinuses. Definitely take those meds. I saw the picture of the sweater you're making for your DD and I love it! No time to play with the phone. I tried to look around it to see how to open it to put the sim card in. No clue how to do it! I'll let DH do it for me.

    Laurel, awesome workout combo! For me 3 upper and lower per week will be too much. I am going to have to wait till the weekend to play with the phone. The reason why I switch phones is simply for a better camera. I take lots of pictures. Of course lately I don't have a life so no time for pics!

    Tami, great workouts! I did sleep last night but woke up at 3 thinking work!

    Good night ladies,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a long, tough workout today for certain. I started with Cathe Live Oh My Quad. I did this one a couple of months ago, shortly after she filmed it. I remembered it being tough but......y.o.w.z.a. It is a fun workout, to be honest. But after 40 minutes of tough standing workout with few breaks, she really gets brutal on the floor with the stability ball. :o Good stuff! I was planning on following it with IMAX Live, but my legs took one look at my step and said 'um....nope!' :) So I pulled out Rock'm Sock'm because I thought the kicks would ease the legs.....and they did to the point I felt so good....I ended up doubling it! So my cardio workout was twice as long as I planned. :p But it made me feel good and energetic on a gloomy cold day, so I guess that's okay.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed the spin class! I did Afterburn a few weeks back, and that is such a good workout. Another one I think of as 'light' going into it......and then it kicks my backside! :D Yay for Upper/Lower week! I have found Upper/Lower and Circuits the toughest weeks for me physically during this LGI8 rotation, but I love them. Curious to see how my body responds to a month of each.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about another long day. Hope you get a chance to enjoy your day off tomorrow. I am going to try to finish up the work on my rotation plans over the next week. Like I said yesterday, I think twice each during upper/lower is good. If I do three, it won't be three solid workouts of each but more like two solid workouts of each and a third that would probably look like Upper Body and Lower Body Circuits from the RWH series or ICE Lower Body Blast. In other words, not heavy weights and weights used for conditioning and cardio (if that makes sense). I do think three times a week hitting each body part heavy for a month would probably be overkill, especially on my 'seasoned' body. ;)

    Laurie, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    HI Ladies, I managed to escape work at 3:30 today! It's a miracle. When I got home one of the cats came downstairs to greet me. A minute later DH ran downstairs and couldn't believe I was home at a normal time. I'm still tired but did XT All Out Low impact Hiit.
    I managed to play with the new phone and transferred my data but I have to figure out how to activate it.

    Laurel, sounds like a killer workout! Great job! I think 3 times upper/lower with the 3rd time being a those easier circuit workouts with lower weights is doable. I'm probably going to have to do shorter premixes because work will only get more demanding soon.

    Hi Tami and Laurie!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be short, because I don't have a lot of time. I was home yesterday sick, and now I'm doing catch up at work. No workouts for me at all, and I will probably be taking it easy all weekend. Will see how I feel. Just wanted to let you know that I'm fine.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I ended my LGI8 rotation today with a good workout. I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body for my final upper body workout. For cardio, I did IMAX Live into Hi/Lo HiiT Live. Good stuff.

    Laurie, I'm sorry to hear you were sick yesterday. Maybe those headaches were more than just a weather change? Hope you get to feeling better. I definitely think taking it easy for a few days would be wise. Thanks for checking in.

    Thelma, yay for a 'normal' work day! Bet it felt strange to have so much time at home in the evening! Good choice of a workout too. Hope the new phone works for you when you get it up and running.

    Tami, hope you have a great weekend fishing!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in! Yesterday was very busy all the way around. I ended up not working out but was able to get the front lawn mowed, baked DH's favorite Enchilada's have everything ready to pack up when I leave work to go pick up Bernie. Last night he followed me to every single room, even my closet .... would not leave my side. He knows I am leaving. Kept telling him he gets to go but he won't understand until this evening. He kept looking at the door to the garage as if we were leaving any second. They are such characters. LOL Fingers crossed for good weather. It is supposed to rain here tomorrow but not calling for it where I am going.

    So this a.m. I did AfterBurn, which felt great.

    Great workouts ladies and Thelma I am glad to see you had a normal work day.

    Laurel ~ Fabulous way to end your LGI8 rotation with that one. I truly love all those workouts on there.

    Laurie ~ Sorry you were home sick yesterday. Hopefully this weekend you can kind of take it easy.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ as always, if I catch a nice one I will post my picture for you to all see.
    Maybe even with sweet Bernie next to me. He will be in the boat helping.

    Talk to you on Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend! I had a busy weekend but it was good. On Friday I did XT CBS w/u, HasFit Shoulders, Treadmill, Jessica Smith Latin Spice Walk and 1 Mile Wake Up and Walk! No workout on Sunday.
    We are still waiting for my new hard drive. At least I got my new phone activated. I am still learning how to use it! LOL

    Laurie, I hope you're feeling better now!

    Laurel, congrats for completing the rotation! Great workouts too! It was amazing getting home at a normal time.

    Tami, I hope you and Bernie had a good time with your DH this weekend! Did you catch any fish? Great workouts including the lawn mowing! Bernie has become very attached to you! So sweet!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I took it easy all weekend, still have a cough. This morning I did GHUTV Calorie Sizzler, sure was tough to get through without coughing. Glad that it was only 30 min. though. I spent the majority of my time knitting and cleaning, so felt I accomplished something. ;)

    Laurel, Congratulation on finishing up the LGI8 Rotation, and what a great combo to end it with. You really did torture those legs well with all the lower body workout you did. Yep those headaches where more than just allergy related.

    Tami, Nice workouts! I bet Bernie had a great time this weekend, and it truly is funny to watch them when they know you are leaving. Those suitcases mean something right Mom? :D Rocket always seems to know what day it is for daycare, this morning he was in my car before I was finished getting dressed. He was downstairs wanting to get in the car when I was blow drying my hair. Goofy dog. Hope you caught a nice fish.

    Thelma, Awesome job with your XT workout, and dance workout. Probably a good thing I got sick now, instead of the start of our new rotation. I would hate to not start next week.

    Have a great day!