Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I was so busy at work this morning that I forgot to post. I just realized is as I was sitting here. We are on shutdown week, and I'm really busy getting things done, that I can't do while production is running. Anyway yesterday after work I did the Hasfit Chest & Tricep workout, and really enjoyed it. This morning I did KCM RAW Lower Body & Kettlebell, and added on the HasFit Leg workout. My legs where tired afterward, and I'm feeling it when I get up from my chair. ;) So I may have some DOMS tomorrow.

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts! Yesterdays workouts sound like they where tough if you used some colorful language. :D My knee is doing really well so far, and I have been doing some high impact moves. I was a little leery of the step up's in the leg workout, so far so good. I can start anytime you are all ready with the rotation. If I am enjoying these Hasfit workouts, then I can continue until we start. Shouldn't be to much of a problem. I will have to look at the previous rotation that I created, and see if I need to tweak it.

    Tami, Great job on your workouts. I'm so sorry to hear that you where having the sads. I think of Cami every time I see a german shepherd in our neighborhood. We seem to have a lot of them, and Rocket wants to play with them. I think he misses her too. Glad to hear that your DH is improving everyday. Probably wouldn't be a bad thing to get one of those braces. You are welcome with the link. All the RAW workouts are on KCM's youtube channel, and I think that she is in the process of updating or creating a new site for subscription. I will probably join, because I really like the RAW workouts. They are tougher than her 30MTF in some cases.

    Thelma, Nice workouts! I love that you have so many houses to look at, I'm sure you will get a good feel for what you will like when it comes time to retire. Thanks for pointing me to the Hasfit workouts, I really enjoyed the two that I have done so far. I like that they don't go to fast, and that most of the moves aren't crazy.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies! Tonight was a drag yourself to the basement day. I was feeling pretty tired and didn't want to workout so I decided to go easy on myself and chose a PopSugar Fitness 30-Minute Selena Gomez Workout For Flat Abs and Toned Legs. OMG this was not easy! It's a mix of pilates, yoga, barre type of workout. This woman starts with a plie and did something 200 reps or different variations. She kept saying now 50 reps of this or that. It seriously tartegetted the inner thighs which I loved. I followed it a treadmil walk and stretch. My inner thighs cried with every step! LOL
    The ab workout was great without the torture of others.

    Today I had another issue with the problem child at work. It had been a while. Thank God there were plenty of witnesses and I didn't even have to tell his boss. Someone else did! This sort of ruined my day. I guess I shouldn't give him the power to do that to me but he really pisses me off.
    No packing tonight on my part. DH gave me some clothes already. Takes him 5 minutes and I've spent hours! LOL

    Tami, great workouts! Sorry you had a difficult night. I think it's normal for you to still be grieving Emma's passing. Great news on your DH feeling better!

    It does feel good to have made so much progress with packing. I hope to be able to make a dent tomorrow night. It will be very hard to resist purchasing a house but it's not time yet. The HasFit 30 day rotation is definitely a keeper!

    Laurel, that vertical Loading workout sounds really good! Great job with those workouts!
    I also usually leave the toilettries for last and I don't know why but can't just get it over with without getting sidetracked!
    Whatever workout I do has to be some form of a video. The rotation Laurie posted is good I just have to have a video workout to replace those workouts with. It sounds like a really good idea to stick to a style of lifting for 4 weeks at-a-time. My aunts will be here in November for 2 weeks. I'll have to stick to short workouts then.
    I think the HasFit workouts I've been doing are very efficient. You would think with all the Cathe workouts I do I would see better result but that hasn't been the case. I thik it's because they are so long that I never get to do cardio. I don't think our workouts are a mess of stuff. You always pair really good ones together. You're really good at doing that. DH wants us to be on the Mountain side so it's not too hot. Chattanooga is definitely close to the areas we'll be looking at. I found the homes in TN to be more expensive than in NC and GA.
    Check out this house I found. Not the style I love but it was different and I love all those glass walls so we're going to go see it.

    Ladies, I put the underscore at the beginning of the URL so the listing doesn't take up the entire post. To view it copy the url minus the underscore

    Laurie, awesome workouts! I'm glad you enjoyed the HasFit workouts! The moves aren't crazy but they sure have moves I'd never done before.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with LIHI Shoulder work (from both upper body workouts). For cardio, I couldn't decide what to do. My Achilles tendonitis was acting up last night, and I think it might have been caused by the step workout on Monday. I have learned that sometimes for me to get the tendonitis to go away, I need to do the activity that caused it. Weird...but it works. But the thought of a step workout on a sore Achilles was not appealing to me this morning. I finally gave in after staring at everything for an hour :o and did Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix. This is an 80 minute workout combining cardio and the leg conditioning drills. I kept the step at 6", really focused on how I was stepping off the step (not staying on my toes) and just like magic, my Achilles is fine again. So strange......but such a relief too!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the busy time at work. Great workouts, though! Yay for attempting some impact and your knee handling it too! We'll see what Tami's rotation schedule is like and maybe coordinate a start date for the rotation in October. That would get us all through the holidays and the bulk on winter in this rotation, which would be great motivation (for me at least :) ).

    Thelma, sounds like a tough workout! But I am glad you enjoyed it. Sorry to hear about that guy at work being a problem......again. At least other people recognize it as well. Wow......I like that house you posted! It isn't exactly our style either, but I would love a place with those kinds of windows and that view! That is what we are hoping for in our retirement home. I am going to share that with DH this evening as he does most of the house searches across the country. I know he has looked quite a bit in NC, but I am not sure where. One of our hopes is finding a state that is veteran friendly. States like Florida are so good to Vets. DH is 100% disabled, so we didn't have to pay property taxes there, which is a huge benefit. I think Tennessee offers the same. I am not sure of NC. But things like that sure make the retirement dollars go further.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Insanity class last night. We did the partnering 9 minutes at each station; 3 minutes on one exercise, 3 min on the other. Lots of strength based, but definitely cardio as well. Rope pulls, Pull-ups, box jumps, wall balls, running stairs, rowing, plank with weights and row right-row left, dips on the handles of a machine (that was a toughy), KB swings, weighted sit-ups toss heavy ball to partner back and forth. All that good stuff. This a.m. I did Tri-Sets lower, finally got in that lower body workout. Tomorrow back to upper. Tonight will be Spinning after work.

    DH update: he is up and about throughout the day now. Just some tightness left that isn’t comfortable but he can function; PT and stretching + ice and heat ….. he’s on the better side of all of this! Hallelujah!

    Laurel: That LIVE workout of Cathe’s sounds AMAZING! I bet you are very happy to have found it. The KB as well. Thank you for the positive thoughts and kind words …. I know we can all relate to loss in our lives. Just tough sometimes and strange how it can come on randomly at times. (the sads). OMG I think October would work perfectly for me if we are all in on that! Sounds great. I too love the accountability when we are doing rotations together; 1 or 3 others make it really good for that. I am sure this winter will be tough on the doldrums for you in AK so we are here to help!

    Laurie: Sounds like a very busy week for you at work! Great job getting in your workouts regardless and checking out one of the HasFit workouts too! Yay. Those RAW workouts do sound great. I am tempted by all of you guys and your amazing finds on “online workouts” but I have so many DVD’s I don’t need to add to the mix of choices is where my mind goes. Although when you can find something that really makes you look forward to it its hard not too.

    Thelma: Your workout sounds like it was fabulous! Despite dragging yourself to the basement and finding out it wasn’t exactly an “easy” workout. Way to go.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurel: Just saw you posted after I cut & paste mine in there ....... OUCH on the Achilles tendonitis, as I have learned from all that running how painful it can be. Mine still gets tight a lot and I do stretching but it hurts. Hope yours goes away very soon.

    Also ..... October would work for me too! :smile: :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I was able to make a dent in the packing which is great. I now pretty much have to double check what I'm taking and packing the clothes I ironed over the weeekend. So happy about my progress! Needless to say this distracted me and gave me an excuse to procrastinate about working out but I did it. I did Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast PMix, HasFit Back, Stretching. I really like this back workout. I have inner thigh DOMS from the little workout last night!

    Laurel, sorry about your Achilles tendon! Be sure to seriously stretch your calves and find a way to massage them. Your combo for today sounds like a killer one! WTG!

    I have one of these peanut balls which are great to massage the Achilles tendon. Put it over a yoga block, Achiles over the gap and roll up/down over it. Feels sooo good!
    Link: _

    Isn't that house beautiful? I always say that I want to live in a fishtank, meaning lots of windows! I think I could live there. I hope you guys find a nice house. Not having to pay taxes sure makes retirement dollars go a long way! Where I am looking is on the Blue Ridge Mtns side. So basically very close to TN. This is how I discovered Blue Ridge and Ellijay, GA. Bostic, NC is a very rural areal I found out. We will see some houses there but I don't think that is for us. There is no supermarket there and I'm told they have poor cell reception.

    THIS is my dream house. I dream of a house like this with all those windows and an amazing view. We are going to see this one.


    This one is on my list but it may be under contract. LOVE IT!

    Tami, sounds like another killer Insanity class! Great job! So glad your DH is doing so much better!
    I also have lots of DVD's but I think I needed a break from them so I'm glad I found the online workouts.

    Hi Laurie!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a busy day again yesterday, so forgot all about posting again. I'm really getting a lot accomplished at work, so it is good. Yesterday I did Hasfit Back & Biceps, another good one, and then I did the Athletic Conditioning Workout 2 which is a stretching workout. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Body Design Cardio Sculpt & Upper Premix, which I really enjoyed. The upper body premix is only 15 min, but it really does get the job done. She does one move for each muscle group, and does 3 sets of 10 reps.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts, and for posting that clip. That leg workout looks like something that I can handle. Love the links to the houses too, all of them are really nice. I'm actually surprised that the leg workout really gave me some DOMS in my glutes. I have been sore for a couple of days in that area. :D Guess it was the right workout to do.

    Laurel, Love that you could find a workout that fit your foot problem. Funny how doing the same type of workout helps the problem. October for the new rotation sounds good. It will give me a chance to do this Hasfit rotation, and work in the KCM's. I think I will be good with strength work by that time.

    Tami, Wow on that Insanity class, it sure does sound good. I'm really happy to hear that your DH is doing so much better too. I'm sure that both of you are happy about that. Glad to hear that you will be joining us in our rotation. Are you gong to include the Yoga Saturday too? ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! The ankle was still a little sore last night, but after some massaging and is back to normal today. Thankfully! I started out my workout today with Cathe Live PHA Training. This is one she did about two years ago, and it was very different from Strong and Sweaty PHA Training, even though the concept was the same. On this one she did 8 exercises for 4 rounds (it was supposed to be three rounds, but she forgot two exercises on the first round so she added a fourth round), and concluded with something of a PHA core workout that was six exercises done in rapid succession for three rounds. She didn't use the step for this workout either. Because of that, it wasn't as cardiovascular and, all in all, even though felt a little easier than the DVD PHA workout. But I like having another PHA option.......actually she has two Live PHA workouts so two options......since I really enjoy the PHA Training format. Anyhow, I followed it with LIHI Chest. For cardio, I did XT All Out Low Impact Extreme premix.

    Tami, glad to hear your DH is doing so much better. Bet that is a relief for both of you. Sounds like a fantastic Insane X class. When I did that Cathe Live workout on Sunday (the one that nearly killed me), I actually thought to myself that it probably felt similar to working out with Katy! Just non-stop action....and tough! Yay for an October start!! That will be so excellent. Thanks for having my back this winter......I think I will need it.

    Thelma, sounds like another fantastic workout. I love the houses you posted! We have very similar tastes in houses. I want lots of windows, a good view, open rooms (as much as possible), a decent kitchen and even more windows. :D I hate feeling closed in. The house we are in right now is the first time we have had anybody directly behind us in 14 years......and it is driving me crazy! They are nice people and all.......but I miss looking at nothing. I will be so anxious to hear how it goes for you next week.

    Laurie, glad you are getting so much accomplished this week at work. That has to feel good. Great workouts as well. Hopefully your knee is holding up all right. It sounds like it is!

    So how about starting the new rotation on October 9? How does that work for all of you? Laurie, I am thinking about starting Saturday Yoga on the 8th or the 15th. A lot depends on when we start getting snow. Until then, I know my aim is to be outside as much as possible. But I know about mid-October, it starts being too cold for too much outside. So let me know what works best for you. Next week I will map out my plan for this rotation a little better and share it all with you......for FYI and feedback! I know my plan right now is to do Body Beast Bulk workouts for the first month. I have some ideas for the other months, but a couple I am still working through.

    I won't be here tomorrow as DH has the day off. We are going to be shoveling rock :o into our garden bed, so it won't really be much of a day off. Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Spin class last night. Next week starts the Fall Biggest Loser competition so the classes will start being busy again. This a.m. was Tri-Sets Upper Body. No workout tonight.

    Thelma: Way to get your workout in despite the packing and excitement of your trip! I read your tip to Laurel about the Achilles tool you use with Yoga block. Maybe I will try that as well. Eventhough mine is a lot better, it still acts up. It is more in the area of my bottom right portion of my ankle; in between heel and ankle bone. Those houses look amazing! I hope you find and are able to get the one of your dreams. How wonderful would that be?!?! It sounds like the break from your DVD collection is just what you needed with all the progress you have made!

    Laurie: I bet it feels amazing to get all of that accomplished at work! YAY Great job getting in another HasFit workout and then KCM Body Design Cardio Sculpt. I need to see if I have AC Workout #2. I think I just have her #1 on that. Yes, we are both very happy about his back being better. He was beginning to get pretty discouraged forsure. Thank you for keeping me accountable … yes, I will make a commitment to Yoga Saturday with you guys. Keep making me accountable! I often try to get in my longer workouts on Saturday but will do my best to do the Yoga too.

    Laurel: Glad to hear your Achilles is feeling better so quickly! That PHA Live class sounds like another amazing class. Way to go. I absolutely love that format as well, truly one of my favorites. That’s funny that you were thinking that about your workout feeling like you were attending a “Katy” class. They are killer on Tuesday’s. YAY is right for October!!! As I mentioned to Laurie …. I will make the commitment to do Yoga Saturday as best I can. I will be anxious to see what you kind of map out …. Then I can get ideas for myself as well.  I would love to start re-visiting BB workouts as well so that sounds like a good start forsure. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend with DH.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, no workout for me tonight. I got seriously nauseous on my way home and I thought I was going to lose it in the car. Thankfully it didn't go beyond nausea. I changed into my workout clothes just in case I could workout later and I got in bed. Just couldn't do it. Instead I did some laundry and started folding the clothes I'm taking on the trip. So a little more progress in the packing department. Not sure why I got so nauseous because I felt really good when I left work. In fact I was happy because I'd had a very productive day. I'm glad you all like the houses we're going to see. Sadly it isn't time to buy yet for us. We just want to sort of feel what it's like to be inside one of those houses to see if in person it feels as good as we imagine it must feel like to live there. Also, of course to check out the areas.
    We will be picked up at 5AM on Saturday morning. I don't think I'll be working out on Saturday.
    I almost forgot to tell you ladies that I reached my weight goal today! Remember my white jeans? They were big today! I'm so happy!

    Laurie, I am so glad you're enjoying the HasFit workouts! Did you like them on FB? They post workouts a couple of times a week. I hope you're able to handle that popsugar leg workout I posted. I could feel the inner thigh DOMS today still! I forgot to tell you had I had DH buy me that Yoga Warrior program you were doing. I've not opened it yet but I hope to be able to try those workouts one of these days. Found them on eBay for $50.

    Laurel, what an awesome combo! Great job and I'm so glad your ankle is back to normal!
    We definitely have similar taste in houses and don't want to even see a single neighbor! Did you show your DH the circular house? I hope you too have a wonderful weekend!

    Tami, great workouts! Glad you liked the class too. OMG I'd forgotten about the BL crowd at the gym! Can't wait to read the stories you'll share with us about them!
    The little peanut ball is really good. Two lacrosse ball stuck together! That gap is perfect for the Achilles tendon. It gets the heel too it you position yourself just right during the sliding up/down movement over the balls. It's good for the calves too. You know how sometimes the band across the upper glue around the lower back gets tight? That ball is perfect for that too! I massage my calves and Achilles tendon after each and every workout.

    Good night ladies and have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Did the Hasfit Cardio Abs after work, really enjoyed that one too. This morning I did some yoga, so I opted for Yoga Warrior Gentle Warrior. This one is all stretching type yoga poses, so it felt great. DH, Rocket and I are going up to my brothers cabin this weekend, so no workouts for me until we get back on Monday. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! I think that I did the other PHA workout when I had the subscription. I remember it getting my hr up, and being a really tough workout. October 9th will be great, this current rotation will be done about the third week in September, and then I will try out some GHUTV workouts for the rest of that time. They put out new workouts every Monday, so there are a few that I have not tried out yet. My knee is doing really well, and I even did split jumps in the Hasfit workout. I'm so glad that I took that time to do all that yoga when my knee wasn't doing that great. The Bulk workouts should be great for the first month. I have not tried those workouts in quite a while. ;) It will be interesting to do the Bulk first. Hope you don't get to sore from shoveling all that gravel. :o

    Tami, Nice that the spin class was good, and good job on the Tri-set workout. LOL about the people showing up to the gym for the BL competition. Seems to be very popular when they have that going. If you have the first Athletic Conditioning workout, the second workout on that DVD is the stretching workout. It is all athletic moves, so a good one for the legs. I think once we get going on the yoga, it will become a habit. At least it has done that for me.

    Thelma, Dang on being nauseous on the way home from work. Glad to hear that you felt better once you got home. I have not packed up my clothes for this weekend, but we just need some shorts and t-shirts. Love that about the cabin. I did like them on FB, so will be able to see their updates when they post them. The ab workout gave me some DOMS this morning, so even though they don't appear to be targeting the abs, they are really doing the job. You are going to really enjoy those YW workouts, I love Rudy's attitude about the poses.

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, I managed to be done with my packing my 8:30. It's a miracle! Tonight I did KCM 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm so glad you're still enjoying the HasFit workouts! Those workouts look innocent by I think they are very efficient and really hit the target areas in a short workout. Have a great time at the cabin!

    Hi Tami and Laurel!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I hope you all had a great weekend. Our weekend was nice and calm, and I was able to read a book. Got home yesterday, but I was just to tired from driving to attempt working out. I woke up this morning and did KCM Amped Up Cardio Live 1&2. ;)

    Thelma, Hope you had a good time looking at houses this weekend. Nice that you where able to get in the KCM workout also.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice 3 day weekend for me! The only bad part of our weekend. The smoky air is so terrible for so long and now it has increased to “Near Hazardous” numbers. There are fires in Oregon and Montana, Washington still so we are just inundated with smoke. Yesterday I didn’t even hardly go outside and Bernie was in all day too. It smells like a campfire everywhere. So awful. Lets just say the sun looks red in the sky right now. PLUS we are in the mid 90's for heat.

    I was able to get in workouts each day … which of course felt amazing. Did CrossFire XT on Sat, Sunday was ICE Total Body Metabolic + Blizz Blast + Abs, yesterday was S&S BootCamp. No workout this a.m. so I will head to Insane X after work tonight.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about that temporary nausea you had going on. Glad it was short lived. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your goal weight!!!!!! That is so awesome Thelma, very happy for you. What do you think the difference is this time with your progess? Yes, BL starts this week so we will see what kind of newbies we get. That peanut ball does sound perfect, I think I will go ahead and order it. Thanks for the encouragement and advice on that. Good job getting all your packing done. WooHoo!

    Laurie: Excellent job with your workouts on Friday with the abs and Yoga. Good job getting right back into the swing of the workouts this a.m. I am always so tired after long drives, don’t blame you for not working out when you arrived home. Thank you for the feedback on that KCM workout; I will have to look. I remember knowing that at one point about that workout and thinking I would give it a try for a Yoga moment; yes …. Becoming even a small habit would be good for my body forsure. LOL

    Hi Laurel :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Ours was.......exhausting. As I said to DH, we put the 'labor' in Labor Day this year, for sure. DH went and paid for our rock delivery on Friday and proudly declared when he got home that we were the proud owners of 8 tons of rock :o ......that was sitting in our driveway waiting to be us. :# I still kind of wish he never told me that. :p But before we could tackle that rock, we had to get the old rock out of the garden bed. :o:o We sifted that from dirt and weeds, replaced it where we could and then put down the 8 tons. The end result is amazing, to be honest. It took us two solid days of back breaking work......but I am glad we did it. Sunday was spent getting the lawn ready for winter. Yesterday, we finally got back to the golf course for nine holes of sunshine, blue skies, yellow leaves and complete relaxation. Sadly my body was so tired, there was no way I was getting through 18 holes of golf, though. B)

    Even with that, I managed some really good workouts. Friday (before DH's comments on the rock), I did two new Cathe Live workouts......Strong Total Body and Cardio HiiT Metabolic. Both of them were really good. Saturday was my usual day off (thankfully!). Sunday I started Heavy week with LIHI Legs, followed by Cathe Live Fitness Fusion which was a repeat for me. Such a good workout. Yesterday was STS Disk 22/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps followed by a repeat of the Cathe Live workout that had me cussing under my breath last weekend......Sweat Jump and Pump. Still super tough, especially on a tired body!! Today was STS Disc 23/Legs followed by X10 Step and another Cathe Live workout. This one from a few years ago is Cardio Band Blasts and Weights, and is yet another keeper. I love the variety Cathe uses in her live workouts. Instead of just doing one thing for cardio, this workout had four unique segments (kind of like S&S Cardio Slam and its three unique segments). It just makes the workouts fly by, which is why I think I am gravitating to the live workouts more and more.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your relaxing weekend in the cabin. Bet it felt wonderful after all the wedding planning and such! Sounds like your knee is about back to normal. That is fantastic news!!

    Tami, those fires are horrible. I have been watching the one in L.A. as well and hope your sister and mom aren't being too badly impacted by it. Great workouts despite the bad air. So hard to believe you are in the 90s when we have had our first frost warnings this weekend! In fact, it was 33 degrees when I got up on Sunday! Winter is! Yay for joining Laurie and I for Yoga Saturday! It is something I know I need to do so having you two support me will be amazing.

    Thelma, hope you are enjoying your time away!!

    This is what I have come up with for the first four weeks of the new rotation:

    Sunday-Bulk Chest
    Monday-Bulk Back (and core work)
    Tuesday-Bulk Legs
    Wednesday-Bulk Shoulders (and core)
    Thursday-Bulk Arms
    Friday-heavy leg workout (I am thinking Build Legs for one week, STS Meso 2 Legs for two weeks and STS Squat Rack Legs for one week) and core

    I will be adding cardio to each day except for Saturday.

    For the second 4-week section (which is high reps), I am thinking I am going to do the first month weight workouts from P90X. I have tossed other options around, but doing STS right now has me not wanting to use STS for this section (which would be a natural fit). I also want an extended break from Cathe strength training right now (I think my body needs it), but I want to do the Body Beast Build workouts for the Supersets section. So......this is what I came up with.

    Anyhow, for the third section, which is Circuits......I am still working on this one. I won't be doing it in the format described on the rotation though. But I probably will do a combo of strength-only circuit workouts (like PHA Training) and more Metabolic workouts. But I am still doing some research on Metabolic v Circuit to figure this one out.

    The Fourth Section is Doubles, with heavy work the first part of the week and higher reps the second. I am going to do Slow and Heavy for the first part of the week. The second part of the week, I am going to use XT Discs 1 and 2, LIHI workouts, Gym Style, and, hopefully, Cathe's new workouts! While I am set on the Slow and Heavy part, those workouts in the second half of the week are still being tweaked in my head.

    For the Fifth Section, like I said above, I think it will be Body Beast Build for me.

    I haven't laid out the days of the week for each workout yet outside of that first month. I figure there is still time for that. I admit, the month I will struggle with most is Circuits, so I am open to any and all ideas for that month. The reason I say I won't do it as laid out in the rotation is I don't have any DVD's as described (strength circuit rotation, 10 minutes of cardio, strength circuit rotation, 10 minutes of cardio). I could probably develop something like that.......but just popping in another circuit workout seems so much easier. So, again, all suggestions are welcome by me right now in this area. Circuit workouts are not my go-to workouts by nature, and one of the reasons I want to do this rotation so much is to focus on them only for one month. Hopefully I will let myself experience the benefits of circuit training!

    Okay......that's all for now. So looking forward to this!! See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home late from work yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to workout. That's okay, the morning session was a long one. This morning I decided to do GHUTV Barre Boxing, one that I really enjoyed the last time I tried it and it was a good one again. This time I was able to do the higher impact. ;)

    Tami, So sorry to hear that your area is dealing with all the smoke from the wild fires. Can't even imagine how difficult that has to be having to smell smoke all day. Great job getting those workout done though. Yep adding in the yoga really does help, and I'm finding that out more and more as I get older.

    Laurel, OMG on the amount of rocks you both hauled. We did that many many years ago, so I know what you had to go through. We have to go through our rocked area again, because the debris that falls from the trees is makes dirt on top of the weed barrier over the years. ;) We both are not looking forward to dealing with that again. Might be my next years project. Your first four weeks looks really good, and I like the use of the Bulk workouts. I don't know what would be good for the circuit right now. I will have to look over the rotation later tonight to see if I can give some ideas. So far all that you posted looks awesome.

    Thelma, I forgot to say congrats on meeting your goal!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 24/Back and Biceps. My body is feeling recovered from this weekend's escapades, so I went as heavy as I could. Felt great. For cardio, I did Cathe Live High Energy Kickboxing, which was surprisingly tough. Cathe focused more on the 'kick' part for this workout than she has most of her kickboxing workouts and that, combined with a lot of high intensity moves, had me sweating. I did add in the Blizzard Blast from Rock'm Sock'm at the end since I already had it lined up.......but I didn't need it for sure. I also did Icy Core 1.

    Laurie, I bet it feels great to be gaining more and more confidence in your knee! Yay for the higher Impact moves. How you describe your rock areas is what we faced here......nearly a decade of dead weeds and grass clippings and such combined with almost pebble sized rock that was too thinky spread......and it was a mess. I had spent a week cleaning out the front area earlier this summer. DH did one side of the house when I was in Denver and got so frustrated he decided the only answer was to buy more rock. :) But what a task! Don't envy you having to tackle it again, for certain. I did do some more reading about the various forms of circuit training. One of the reasons I don't gravitate toward circuit training is I never feel I work any muscle to the point where I am improving anything. One article I read discussed PHA Training in particular and how to modify it as you progress. I think, right now, I am leaning towards doing S&S PHA Training at least once a week for those four weeks as a base mark for strength and either upping my weights, scrambling it, or adding more sections to it to add intensity (all suggestions I read this morning). I think by doing that, I will feel I get at least one solid strength training workout each week which I can then supplement with other circuit/Metabolic training during the week as well. One thing I have noticed doing this LGI8 rotation is the week that makes my body the most sore and tired is circuit week, so I don't want my mental barrier of feeling like I am not lifting enough preventing me from truly getting the benefits of circuit training. But at least I know it is all in my head going in to it! B)

    Thelma, hope your trip is going well.

    Tami, I was reading more about the fires up there last evening. Yikes. Try to breathe as much fresh air as you can.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Insane X class last night. We did stations again, similar to others we have done. This a.m. was Circuit Burn with KCM. Spinning tonight.

    Laurel: Sounds like a very tiring weekend you had! OH my goodness on all that rock. That is a lot of work. Way to get it all done and workouts as well. You are a machine! Yes, the fires are unbelieaveable for this area……. Becoming the new “norm” for our summers. Sad, because it ruins beautiful weather. My mom and sister seem to be doing a lot better in L.A. they haven’t commented to me much at all about the smoke, so that is good. Thank you for posting your thoughts and ideas on our new rotation. I will be following your lead for the weight training. So thank you. My cardio will be whatever I add into the evening(s) and/or when I can during the weekday a.m. Your ladies support throughout is always appreciated!!!!!! I hope those new workouts arrive as well while we are in it, will be perfect!

    Laurie: Great job getting in your Barre Boxing this a.m. sounds interesting! Yes, as I mentioned before . . . . I know my body will thank me for the Yoga forsure so I MUST follow through. I will have to find a few that I like and repeat those. That should help keep me motivated .... :wink:

    Hi Thelma :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, just didn't have the time again. Guess I'm still busy at work, because I stayed late again. This morning I tried out a new one for me, and did GHUTV Pilates Core Strength. I don't do a lot of pilates, but this one was good and I can really feel the core area right now. The breathing thing will be something that I need to get used to because it is different than yoga breathing.

    Laurel, Wow that kickboxing workout sounds tough, and great job on your other workouts. I like your thoughts on the circuit training, the PHA would be a good one. I probably would do that one, and then increase the weight. ;) I love the metabolic type workouts so that would be a fun week with that combo. Just thinking about moving all those rocks makes me want to avoid doing it, but I just don't want to weed that area anymore. It can get out of control so fast. Now the black walnuts are dropping off the trees. Last year the trees had hardly any fruit, now this year I can see the trees are loaded. :s Going to be a fun fall.

    Tami, Awesome class, and love that KCM workout. Sounds like we all will be sticking with the same weight workouts, and then doing our own cardio thing. I like that, because we all have different taste in cardio. I will be trying to think of some yoga workouts that would be good. I know that you have the Jillian Yoga Meltdown. Those are short but good workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I felt like a tough cardio workout today so I went for it. I started with Cathe's Intensity workout and did the step and high impact HiiT sections, then moved into Cathe Live Total Body HiiT. This was a 60 minute workout (I skipped the warm-up, so not that long for me today) that is another 'random' circuit workout. I think it was easier than Sweat Jump and Pump (the one that nearly killed me), but it was really good and flew by. It made for a long 95 minute workout, but I didn't feel exhausted by it, which is good. I followed it with Total Body Stretch Basic Stretch, which felt fantastic.

    Tami, sounds like another good class. Glad to hear your mom and sister are doing okay in L.A. It is so sad for me to read about all of the fires in the west right now. I hate to think of it as the new 'norm' but after the past few years, I bet it feels that way. Like Laurie said, I like the idea of us being on the same page with the strength training and doing whatever appeals for cardio. To me, cardio is the 'icing', but the real substance comes in the strength training. And, again, you ladies will hold me accountable to that.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the long days at work, but hopefully you are getting things accomplished. I haven't done a solid Pilates workout in quite awhile, but I really enjoy Pilates. Like you said, good solid core work right there. I have been thinking about the yoga workouts too. I will have to look into Jillian's Yoga. All my yoga workouts are about an hour long, and I wouldn't mind a shorter option for some busier days. I will be less inclined to talk myself out of it then! Yuck on the black walnuts. They make such a mess! I think this weekend we are going to have to clean out most of our flower boxes and herbs/veggies. We still have hundreds of green cherry tomatoes on our plants......and are trying to ripen some inside right now as recommended in a box with a banana.....but our night temps are supposed to be solidly in the 30s starting this weekend, and I don't think they are going to make it outside much longer. Makes me sad. :'( But we are working at saving as many as we can.

    See you all tomorrow.
