Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a good cinco the Mayo. There was nothing Mexican about our dinner tonight! I made lasagna! LOL

    I had a rough day today. My body was completely fatigued from my workouts and lack of sleep. I was a tired and stiff mess today! All I did today was a basic yoga class which was great because it helped with some of the stiffness. My upper back and my legs were so stiff! I was pretty much a vegetable for the rest of the day. I finally took an Aleve at around 6 PM and my body feels better. It was kind of scary to feel this way because I've been working out a lot and hadn't felt like this. I think I overdid the upper body yesterday between Barre and yoga.

    We had a horrific storm last night, lots of wind, heavy rain, thunder, and lighting; which kept me awake for a long time. We had another storm hit us this afternoon with more heavy rain, thunder, and lighting.

    My uncle's tube was removed before. I guess they changed their mind about removing it! They removed the tube but left a something which my aunt described like a screw so the nurses can still suction the phlegm out. All I can think of is this thing called Obturator

    I bet my uncle is feeling much better without that tube. I hope he'll be able to speak pretty soon. The doctor again said that if everything goes well, they'll move him to the other ward. My aunt told me that she'd noticed yesterday that one of his eyes looked droopy and she asked the doctor about it today. The doctors think my uncle may have had a stroke. This could also explain the lack of movement on his left side.

    Laurie, I love that workout! Good job!
    You are going to be busy making quilts for a while! How lucky to have found the discontinued fabric for your youngest's quilt! Did she start working yet?

    Really good news about my uncle. I hope the next time the hospital surprises them with a video call, he'll be able to speak clearly.
    It must be funny to see all those guys with very short hair cuts. I've been thinking of having DH shave my hair so I can grow gray gracefully! LOL
    I understand what you're saying about being more adventurous than most people. Do you wear a mask when you go to the supermarket?

    Erika, great job with the STS workouts. I still do pushups on my knees 90% of the time! I can't do a full pushup. I just don't have the upper body strength but I have gained a lot of strength in the past year. Shoulders are so easy to injure! I find that the Body Beast workout always helps my shoulders.

    My uncle is really moving in the right direction. I am so happy for my aunt too because she's suffered so much in the last 7 weeks. She's starting to talk about going back to work; which is really good. She needs that distraction.
    I had never tried Pure Barre and any Barre I tried was through DVD's until I moved here. Our instructor here is a ballet dancer so our workout feels a lot like a ballerina workout including the lingo!
    How wonderful that your hubby is able to cut his own hair. Are the boys OK with their dad cutting their hair? It's a good thing these days though!
    You are brave for grooming your dogs! I saw pictures of poor dogs whose owners attempted to groom them. They got butchered! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts, and good for you for pushing yourself to workout. I don't know how you do it! There was no pushing myself today. We are having the same weather minus the humidity you've had. Can you cover your plants with tarps if it gets too cold?

    We are thrilled with my uncle's progress. Being able to see him so alert and trying to communicate made my aunt really happy.
    I couldn't believe DH was brave enough to give himself a haircut! I'd never used clippers before and used them yesterday on DH for 2 seconds! I was afraid to hurt him! Funny that you keep apologizing to your DH about the haircut. The fact that he isn't wearing a hat means you did a good job!
    I'm with you on deciding how to proceed with life outside the house, I am going to let the numbers guide me. I can't imagine eating at a restaurant now and actually enjoy it. I would be a paranoid mess! Hopefully, you'll find a golf curse that actually practices social distancing.
    I will continue to wear my mask when to any store. I doubt my yoga studio will open up any time soon, but when they do they will do a few online classes for those people who don't feel comfortable going to the studio.

    Hi Tami! I'm glad you're doing well! Good job keeping up with the workouts!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Ladies, I meant to say that my uncle's tube was removed on Tuesday!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Yesterday was Tabatacise...oh man did that one kick my butt!! I had a steady busy workday, which was nice. It made the day go fast! We all worked out after work and then I made tacos for Cinco de Mayo. Followed it up with a family movie and then off to bed. It was a crummy weather day here, so perfect for sticking indoors.

    Laurel, that ride sounds tough! I don't know if I'd be up for it even if I had gotten a good night of sleep! Yes, the pushups in Meso 1 are crazy...shockingly, I wasn't sore this go round, but week 1 I was so sore! We are getting the cooler temps here too, sounds like everywhere is from midwest to the east. I'm hoping we don't get frost, as I don't want to deal with the garden freezing! It's really odd here with the face masks...there are still some stores where no one is wearing them, and others where majority are. I think there needs to be a requirement to wear them in order to get everyone to do so. I just recently got one and put it in my purse for if/when I need to go out. We have a couple stores requiring them, but many say that you only need one if you can't maintain 6ft of distance. That must be why I saw so much difference in the 2 stores I was in last week. I have to get my car to the dealership today, but they won't have anyone else in the service area while I'm there so not sure if I'll even see anyone other than the person that takes my car into the garage.

    Tami, glad you are doing well. Hopefully you do get a calmer day today...we miss you! Sounds like you've been getting in some great workouts, which hopefully is allowing you to offset some of the work tension I'm sure you've got!

    Hi Thelma and Laurie!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,445 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was one of my fav's with LITE Rev'd Up Rumble. <3 I used my weighted gloves, and my shoulders where tired at the end.

    DH changed out the cord on my oldest Kenmore, and on Friday I should be getting the replacement rubber parts. I'm really wanting to try out the machine, and DH is getting his seat belts ready to sew also. :D

    Erika, Great job on your workout! I am committed to doing push ups on my knees. I see no need to try to do them on my toes. Actually I enjoy doing the push ups the way that Kelly starts out on the floor and then going onto the toes. I feel at my age, it really doesn't matter if I do them on my toes. Just doing something is better than nothing. :D I'm lucky that our dog doesn't need to be groomed, just a good wash and dry. He has the type of coat that resists water, but he has a super soft coat. Glad that you where able to do the grooming, since there is such a back log of clients.

    Laurel, There is at least one day a week that everyone gets that feeling, and then we are so glad that we worked out. Nice job on your workouts! The shoulders really got tired toward the end of my workout this morning, so I'm sure that the previous workout didn't help with that issue. :D I think that I need your DH to come to my house and do some of the projects that DH doesn't seem to want to handle. :D I was wondering how it would feel to wear a mask in that heat. My DH said that he has seen extremes of over protection at Home Depot. There was one guy that had his full suit on that one would use for painting a car, including the booties. :o Can't imagine walking around in Tyvek clothing in the heat. ;)

    Tami, Glad that you could pop on and chat even for a little bit. Great job on all your workouts, and getting so much done with the policies. I actually didn't have anything related to Mexican food, so will have to celebrate some time this week instead.

    Thelma, LOL DH and I had pizza, so we where in the same mind set. :D Sorry to hear that your body was protesting, but you where able to stretch and feel better. You have been doing so good with your workouts, and I'm sure that it was just your body needing a break. Hope that it is better for you today. Happy Dance for your Uncle!!! Still going to continue to pray for his continued healing and increased strength. Keep safe from those storms, they sound vicious. I'm going to have to start prioritizing my sewing projects. I actually bought myself a planner to help me, that way I give myself some sort of timeline to get things done. I don't want the projects to linger like the quilting that I needed to do on my Moms quilt. No my youngest hasn't started, because unfortunately out governor's plan isn't realistic and our state will never reach the first goal that he has set. No I don't wear a mask to the supermarket, but I do have one in my car. I don't go to the store all that often, but when I do I put the 6ft rule into place. It is nice that these places have the marks on the floor and shields in place for the workers.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another sleepless night, but I felt like working out today, which was good. I did XT Burn Sets Bi’s and Tri’s and followed it with Cross Fire Extreme premix. Good stuff. The weather is significantly cooler today and they are calling for frost over the weekend. :o:s We may be breaking long standing record lows so.....yay. :# I am just worried about our plants, but we can cover many and the rest will just join us inside. :D

    Tami, thanks for checking in. Hopefully things calm down a bit, but I bet the busy days help occupy your mind and make the hours fly by. Great workouts!

    Thelma, that is exactly how I felt on Sunday. It was weird because I felt pretty good during my workout, but the rest of the day I was just overwhelmingly tired. And there is DH attacking every project on the planet (after I told him I wanted a quiet day :p ), so I didn’t sit down until dinner. Then we were eating outside and a massive wind storm kicked up, and I was so tired that we just stayed there.....and branches are falling off the trees and it sounded so loud like a plane was landing.....but there we stayed. I went to bed early that night. :D Hopefully you feel better today after giving your body a break. These heavy workouts can catch up with me like this sometimes. Anyhow, I was laughing about you making lasagna for Cinco de Mayo. Laurie had pizza.....and we here had ravioli! It was Italian night for three of us, which is so funny! Great news on your uncle. I really hope he starts to recover more quickly now that the tube is out. That has to make him feel so much more comfortable.

    Erika, great workout! I had a fleeting thought of doing that workout this morning before settling on Cross Fire. You definitely picked the harder of those two! I don’t think there will ever be any consistency in mask policy since it appears many view it as an infringement of their rights. I kind of wonder how we were able to ever effectively mandate seat belts in this country sometimes, but.....there you go. Despite how physically uncomfortable I found wearing one because of the heat, it did my mind wonders. I know that will be key for me to start venturing out more for sure.

    Laurie, great workout! :D I bet you felt it in your shoulders after yesterday’s workout for sure. I love your attitude about knee vs toe pushups. Anymore, I am feeling the same way. For being nearly 55, I figure if I am still doing something, that is enough. Some days are certainly better than others when it comes down to how much I want to challenge myself. I will say, I am getting better at listening to those cues and not just pushing through everything. Yay for one step closer on getting your older sewing machine back in working order. If we were near Wisconsin, DH would happily attack some of your projects! He just loves physical labor and keeping busy, which is great....except for on those days where I don’t either of those to be my day. :D

    Enjoy the day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi Ladies ~ Well no workout after all last night. I hadn’t taken an entire "after work" evening to just hang out and do nothing for a while and I guess last night was it. My sister called so I did catch up with her a bit on the phone and also my BFF so it was a nice evening. DH BBQ’d for us while I was on the phone and it was a really nice sunny evening. Today is pouring rain and awful but the weekend is supposed to be nice. So Burn Sets today, I am going to shoot for all upper body since I am a little behind on my strength workouts this week. ;):)

    Thelma: Nothing Mexican about our dinner either last night. DH didn’t even know it was Cinco de Mayo. :D I wouldn’t have either but our office manager bought us Mexican food for lunch. I had the salad. I am glad you had some rest and the Aleve sounds like it helped as well. You have been working really hard, maybe your body just needed a rest. DH asked me if I was ok last night since I didn’t workout. It was sort of funny. Great news on your uncle!

    Erika: Excellent job with you workouts! Tabatacise is a great one for some cardio and definitely sneaks up on ya. Good job with all those push-ups no matter how you get them done! On your knees still works those muscles, so good on ya! Thank you for the encouragement and well wishes on my work. Yes, today feels very quiet compared to many days past. Good job grooming the pups yourself. It is a lot of work doing grooming. You can sometimes understand why they charge what they do …. For big dogs forsure like I have always had.

    Laurie: Way to go with your workouts! Sounds like you really enjoyed Rev’d Up Rumble this a.m. You’re weekend sounds like it was a perfect combo of watching some tv. Sewing, workouts and yard work. Way to go! DH has been doing a lot of yard work since he is home pretty much every day. Cleaning his shop out and fishing rods, all the things he has wanted to do but never felt he had time for. Feels good he said. I did find out where he moved the mass supply of paper towels and TP. They are stacked in the trailer bathroom.

    Laurel: Awesome job as always on your workouts and pushing through! The busy days are helpful but it is weird how the weeks still feel sooooooooooo long. Maybe it is a combination of both being so busy and just grinding it out day after day that make the week long. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts. I do feel like I am pushing myself a lot to “just workout” but feels so good to get it done. Some days a good Peloton ride is just what I need. I read what you and Laurie are talking about on doing what you can do and don’t worry about the rest basically. I am trying to say to myself “anything is better than nothing” and if a Peloton ride is what I need then go for it and Robin Arzon (Peloton instructor) the other day said this ride is more than someone might do all year. It was the 45-min Tabata Ride. LOL Made me feel good about myself in that moment! I had that same overwhelming feeling of “tireds” last weekend as well. Glad it was not just me. I was reading back when you replied to my last post about which ride you did for the 60-min ride. I absolutely laugh out loud when I do any of Cody’s rides. I bet I would love one of those forsure. I laugh at all his comments. “Girl put your wig on tight and get ready, we’re headed up a hill” Also, your comment about PHA and loving them. I always look forward to those workouts. They are my favorite by far. Just love the format.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies, I felt much better today and was able to do my workouts.
    Beginner Gentle, XT Burn Sets Chest, Back, Shoulders, and Revive Restore Yoga. The Beginner Gentle yoga was exactly what my body needed! Lots of stretching and especially the upper body.

    Our temps are definitely cooler today and it was very windy.

    Amazing news today! The doctor told my aunt that my uncle ate by himself today. I imagine they propped his arm up with pillows because just two days ago he could only lift his forearm. He ate ham and mashed potatoes!! I bet that food tasted so good!
    I didn't think he'd be able to swallow food if he couldn't clear his throat so this is awesome. I bet he'll be clearing his own throat soon!

    Today he asked the doctors what day it was if the coronavirus was still going around. He asked the doctor if they could call my aunt so they did another video call.
    His voice is hoarse but they can understand him.
    The first thing he asked my aunt was why she hadn't visited him at the hospital. She explained that no visitors were allowed at hospitals. He was also concerned about paying for the car and motorcycle insurance. My aunt told him she had already taken care of that and not to worry.
    My aunt told him that for the last 50 years she's done everything his way but after all this, things are going to be done her way! He gave her a big smile! LOL
    Thank you so much for your prayers!

    Erika, great workout! I haven't done that one in years but it is a hard one! I'm glad you were busy with work. I bet everyone enjoyed the tacos!

    Laurie, great workout! So much fun!

    I've been craving pizza and there's a new restaurant that makes a pizza that looks just like the kind I like.
    My body definitely needed a break and protested loud and clear! LOL

    Thank you so much for those prayers for my uncle.
    Storms here are scary and especially in our house because most walls are full-size windows and we don't have any window coverings. We can see the lightning all across the valley.
    Great idea to prioritize the quilting and organizing your quilts with the help of a planner!
    I'm sorry your dd hasn't been able to start working. Some governors are really getting carried away with their rules.
    I have some friends who are not wearing masks at the supermarket either. They both have asthma though. I try to put the 6ft rule into place too but some people don't respect it. Our supermarket has directional arrows on the floor which are almost the color of the floor! They don't tell shoppers they have them either. I had no idea they were there. Who looks at the floor when food shopping? I happened to notice one arrow and thankfully, we were going in the right direction but others weren't.

    Laurel, I'm sorry you had another sleepless night! Good for you for getting those wonderful workouts in!
    It is cooler here too and we will have temps in the low 30's at night. People here tell you to wait till May first to do their planting! So much for that! I'm glad you'll be able to cover your plants and take some inside the house.

    It was really strange to feel that tired. Sometimes I feel tired in the morning but by the afternoon I'm OK. Not yesterday! You had plenty of reasons to be tired with all those home improvement projects you have going! I can't believe you stayed outside during that wind storm! Thank God no branches landed on you!
    Oh my gosh! We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Italian food! LOL
    We are feeling so hopeful about my uncle's recovery. He has a way to go rehab wise but his health is definitely better.

    Tami, I am glad you allowed yourself a no workout night. Sounds like it was a great evening! I hope you have a nice sunny weekend, after all, that rain. We are having cooler temps and the weekend will be on the cool side too.

    Your DH obviously didn't get the memo that Cinco the Mayo was Italian night! LOL.
    I was glad the Aleve helped me with the stiffness I was feeling. My body needed a break and I think the cooler and gloomy weather didn't help much. I can understand why your DH was concerned about you not working out. LOL

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,445 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Cathe's LITE Metabolic Blast, and I kept the weights light since I have been working my shoulders so much this week.

    So yesterday my parts arrived for my old sewing machine, and DH was able to change the electrical cord. It is running and the stitches are beautiful. I will try some more practice stitching, but I'm going to use it for the quilting on the one that I need to finish. There is one area of the machine that is making noise, but I'm hoping that it just needs to sit overnight. It hasn't been oiled in years, so I'm hoping that the noise goes away when I try it out today.

    My Mom informed me that a math teacher, that had great influence on me, is in hospice. He has been battling cancer for years. His wife is my Mom's best friend also. She wants people like me to write something about having him as a teacher, and this has been really difficult to put down on paper. :/ Saying he made math easy to understand, sounds to simple. I will figure it out, but I need to do it quickly.

    Erika, I guess we posted at the same time. It has been a long time since I tried out Tabatacise, so I'm sure that it would kick my butt also. ;) Great job doing that workout though. Those busy type days are great, the time just flies. Nice way to finish up the day.

    Laurel, Good job on those workouts even though you didn't have a good nights sleep. I hope that the frost avoids your area, but I see that we are going to be in the high 20's tonight. Wonder if I should go and cover up some plants that are not under trees. :/ I knew I wasn't the only one that did the knee push ups. I do try to do the toes once in a while. :D I love that my DH is so handy. If he didn't have electrical experience, I would be hunting for someone to fix the cord on the sewing machine. The one that was on there was all cracked. He also has this stethoscope that could pinpoint where the noise was coming from on the machine. Of course my youngest was watching and wanted to listen also. :D

    Tami, Those type of days are my Sunday's. ;) Nice that you could have some chats with family and friends. We had BBQ last night, but it was take out from the restaurant that my co-worker owns. I just didn't want to cook last night. Hope your workout felt great. I will have to say that DH has been really good about doing things around the house like laundry and dishes. He has been working on his car, since the weather has gotten warmer. I'm sure that having everything all cleaned up and organized will make things easier for you DH when it comes time for fishing trips. What a great place for the TP, and being camouflaged in a bathroom. :D

    Thelma, Your Uncle sounds like he is very aware, that is so good to hear. I remember that they where wondering if he had some brain issues. Great job on your workouts! I hope that you get the chance to try out the pizza place, and that it has that familiar flavor that you love. That has to be a crazy experience seeing all that lightening during a storm. I'm sure being in the mountains they get pretty close. Having asthma would make it difficult to wear a mask for sure. I have not noticed any type of markings on the floors. I want to go to a supermarket after work to pick up some salmon for dinner, so I am going to have to google to see if they have restrictions. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Almost Friday!!

    Yesterday was Triceps and Back-Disc 8. I ordered an additional pullup assist band, so now I can actually do some pullups on our bar instead of using tubing. It felt really good!

    Tami, sounds like a perfect evening to me! I take one of those every few weeks where I just relax, catch up with friends, watch TV, or whatever. I think it's needed from time to time! I'm glad it was a nice sunny evening so you could do some grilling too.

    Laurel, bummer on another sleepless night. I hate nights like those. If you're into herbal supplements, check out lemon balm. It was in The Metabolism Plan book and I had ordered some. It is along the same lines as melatonin, where it's supposed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep, but I find it works better without the "hangover" I get from melatonin. Also, you can take a smaller dose if you are feeling stressed, as it helps calm nerves. Good job getting the workout in despite the tireds!

    Laurie, awesome news on the new cord...I hope the noise goes away after you start using it more! 2 of my favorite workouts, they sound so fun (of course now that I'm on the STS rotation, everything else sounds so fun)! I'm sorry to hear about your former math's sad to think that the teachers we had in school are now starting to hit that age and illnesses are starting to hit. :(

    Thelma, that gentle yoga sounds amazing...I bet that felt good! I'm so happy to hear about the progress your uncle has made...eating food is huge!! I still can't visualize how that goes with still being intubated?? The video with your aunt and uncle sounds like they really enjoyed it and I love your aunt putting her foot down about taking charge!

    Have a wonderful afternoon/evening!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout didn’t end up being what I planned. I had in mind what I wanted to do, walked upstairs to my workout room, and suddenly decided to do something completely different. :o Just one of those days I guess. At least I stuck to the ‘theme’ of doing a lower body workout (per the rotation) but opted for two of my favorite Cathe Live workouts.....Oh My Glutes (lower body) and Cathe Live 200 (cardio/metabolic). What a tough combo, but it suited me today (despite no sleep again last night).

    Tami, I am glad you enjoyed an evening off. I think all of us right now are needing/taking more breaks than usual, and I think that is a really good thing. No matter how you twist and turn this, these are tough times. And Robin/Peloton is so right when she says that about doing more in a 45 minute ride than many people do in a year. I love her perspective. She almost had me in tears shortly after all this happened with the virus on one of her ‘Together’ rides. :'( Not what I expected when I got on the bike that day, but it was one of my favorite rides ever. I am so glad you enjoy Cody too! I cannot do a workout of his without smiling. I love all of the different personalities of the instructors and what they bring into the rides. I most often choose my rides anymore based on which instructor I feel like that day. :o I am glad your DH is getting some tasks done around the house. I think my DH feels better getting some things off his to-do list too.

    Thelma, great workout! And absolutely fantastic news about your uncle! It is so encouraging that he was alert enough to be concerned about bills, wanting to know what day it was and such. And, no doubt, being able to eat will help him feel better. That is just so wonderful. I was just reading an article about how unusual these cold days we are going to see this weekend are here. In 100 years, there have only been 12 times that the daily highs in May were below 60. :o And we may see that on Saturday. But it looks like it will be gone quickly, which is good. My body wants the warm temperatures now. :)

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your teacher. I am doing mindfulness exercises with my oldest sister right now, and one of the tasks was to write down the names of at least 50 people who made an impact in your life. There were a lot of teachers on that list, and not one of them was on the list solely for the lessons they taught but, instead, for how they made me see things.....and how they made me see me. Does that make sense? Their impact was so beyond history or science or music or whatever. Good teachers live forever inside of their students. Great workout this morning.

    Erika, great workout. Great job with the pull-ups! I find even seriously assisted pull-ups (which is what I do) still so much more effective than band work. Thank you for the information on Lemon Balm! I am definitely going to look into that. I have always been an insomniac, so this isn’t too unusual for me. But, right now, my mind is taking me bad places in the middle of the night instead of churning over its usual mundane stuff. And I think it is that, more than the lack of sleep, that has me exhausted. So anything to quiet the brain right now is appreciated. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts today were Sculpting Fusion and LIS Total Body Trisets - Lower Body.

    Temps were definitely cooler today, but at least it was sunny so that helped.

    My uncle is doing quite well. I knew he'd be better once that tube came out. He ate yogurt and something else today. I guess he is on soft foods. He asked the nurse to call my aunt so there was a short video call today. I told my aunt that he's probably going to call every day now.

    The doctor hopes they will be able to transfer my uncle to the other ward on Monday. I hope he'll at least have a tv in his room but who knows what those wards are like.

    My uncle is no longer attached to any tubes so I hope they'll try to do the CT scan soon. Once in the new ward, they'll be able to take him to PT in a wheelchair. Right now the PT lady goes to his room so it's whatever she can do but at the PT facility, he will get better therapy with machines I imagine.

    One of the yoga instructors shared one of her yoga stretch sessions and it looks really yummy! I'm going to do it. This will be a perfect Saturday yoga routine. She has some hip openers in there!

    Laurie, a great workout and good call on keeping the weights light!
    OMG, how exciting that your DH got your sewing machine running! I'm so excited for you! I hope all that noise needs is oil!

    I'm sorry about your math teacher is in hospice. I hope you find the right words to tell others how he influenced you.

    Isn't it amazing how aware my uncle is now? I think when the doctors were concerned about his brain was right when they started to stop the sedatives.
    I don't think we'll get to try the pizza this weekend. DH wants burgers on Saturday so he'll be grilling! We have leftover lasagna for tomorrow.
    It is quite an experience to see the lighting hitting all across the valley and the loud thunder is quite scary. Did you go to the supermarket? Where there any arrows on the floor?

    Erika, I can't believe it's already Friday! I remember living for Fridays when I worked so I know how you feel!
    Good job with those workouts! Now that I have the rack I get to do pull-ups with it but I have to admit that I hate them. I had a setup in MA with hooks on the wall that I allowed me to do them with tubing and I prefer that.

    You should try the stretch yoga session I posted above. No fancy moves there. You'll be able to do it as it is a very gentle flow.
    My uncle is really making huge progress. He is no longer intubated. The tracheotomy tube was removed early this week and that's why he is eating now. The video the other day was so sweet and funny. They really miss each other. I hope my aunt really puts her foot down about taking charge when he finally returns home.

    Laurel, great workout combo! I'm sorry you're still not sleeping. I wonder if a little gentle yoga in the evening would help you sleep.

    I knew my uncle was going to improve once the tube was removed, but I didn't expect him to make so much progress so soon. I'm so happy for him.
    I am not surprised that these cold temps are unusual for your area. I don't think it is unusual for us given that we're in the mountains. We are going to have temps in the high 50's to low 60's during the day this weekend.
    Hopefully, the warm temps will return next week!

    Hi Tami!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,445 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So this morning I did a yoga workout that I have had for years and never tried. In fact I had to take the plastic off the DVD case. :D The workout was Janet Saffell's Beverly Hills Yoga. :D All very simple moves, but a good stretch. I like that she includes stretches for the neck and back.

    My math teacher passed away yesterday, so I really need to get a card out to his wife by tonight. I'm almost finished, but need to adjust for his passing. Good thing it was just a rough draft.

    Erika, Nice work and cool that you are getting to put your pull up bar to use. I have always wanted to purchase one of those, but I always put it off. I don't think that I will be buying one, those pull ups are a lot like push ups for me. :D LOL about the other workouts sounding so much more fun that the one that you had done. I get that way reading all the workouts that you all are doing also. I think that it would be fun to try some longer heavy lifting, but I know that I just don't have the time.

    Laurel, Kind of had to laugh that you changed up your workout, that is what I did this morning also. Nice job on the lower body work. Dang on the sleep, I hope that it starts to improve. Thank you for the insight with the influence of the teachers, that really did help with some of my letter to the family. The other teacher from my school, will be the toughest one. She is the one that I had for accounting, and of course that is the field I pursued. I also babysat her two boys.

    Thelma, I hope that you Uncle gets transferred to a ward with a tv, I'm sure that he would enjoy watching. Great job on your workouts! Thanks for the link, you are finding some really good yoga workouts. We had snow falling today, so that is not fun. It is suppose to be really cold tonight, so I will probably cover my roses at least. There is still a little noise, but I think that I just need to put more oil in it and hope that it stops. This machine is one that they created so that it didn't need to be serviced.

    Have a great weekend,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    Yesterday I pulled a Tami and took a day off! After hearing about her mid-week day off, it just sounded so nice. I made a late dinner, relaxed on the couch and went to bed early. However, I had to cover up my gardens prior to bed, as we were expecting a freeze last night (which did happen) so that did take a little bit of time.

    Thelma, I missed the piece about your uncle being intubated earlier this week...that explains how he's able to eat! :D I'm so happy to hear of his progress and the daily chats your aunt and uncle get to have! Thanks for sending along that yoga workout, it looks like a good one! Nice job with your sculpting/lower body mix!!

    Laurel, I love that you switched up your planned workouts...those end up being the best ones because you are catering to what your body needs/wants. Sounds like it was a killer workout!!

    Laurie, isn't it funny when you find a DVD with the plastic still on it? I've had a few of those moments! I really like Janis' style, I hope it was a good one! I'm not a huge fan of pullups (or pushups) but I'm trying to work on my upper body strength, so I'm sure moving from resistance tubing to an actual bar (even with loads of assistance) will help with that. I'm sorry to hear about your former math teacher...I hope the words come to you that allow you to express exactly how he impacted your life!

    Hi Tami!

    Have a wonderful weekend! We are going to be cool, windy and rainy all weekend so I'll have to find some indoor projects to keep me busy!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Fit/Split Pull and Push premix, but I skipped the lower body sections and added on abs. I followed it with a 45 minute spin. Much cooler and rainy today. I have most of the plants inside now, and will have to cover the rest for the next two nights. Then, hopefully, we are done with that for the season.

    Thelma, great workout. Thanks for posting the yoga video. Such good news again on your uncle. I hope they can move him early next week. A change of scenery and more PT will probably do him a world of good.

    Laurie, I am sorry to hear about your math teacher. No doubt his wife will appreciate you remembering him. Great workout this morning. I admit, I have a couple on my shelves that are still in their wrapping too.

    Erika, yay for the day off! I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope your plants survive the cold weather. Hopefully this is the last real cold spell of the season.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a very nice, quiet weekend. DH was busy today installing our new squirrel proof bird feeder pole and the feeders. He also set up our new solar-powered birdbaths. I'm so happy!
    We finally warmed up today into the 60's. By the middle of the week we'll be in the 70's and by Friday in the low 80's so we've invited the couple who brought us the rum cake for lunch on the deck.
    DH covered our five plants with a tarp at night over the weekend and they are fine. I actually have no idea if there was any frost in the area. I didn't see any here.

    My workouts on Friday were Restorative Yoga and LIS Upper Body and today XT Burn Sets-Bi's & Tri's.

    My uncle finally graduated from the ICU on Saturday! We don't know if the access port in the throat was removed because my cousin forgot to ask the doctor.

    The hospital didn't call today, so my aunt called asking to speak to a doctor about my uncle. The nurse who answered the phone told her only doctors are allowed to share patient information. I don't think there was a doctor available at the time but the nurse offered to let them have a video call! Nurses and doctors in Italy are so kind!

    Apparently, they had already charged my uncle's phone because she called his cell and the nurse answered it. my uncle asked my aunt again, why she hadn't visited him. She explained why this time and the nurse told him it was true. Then he told my aunt he wasn't being fed well at the hospital. LOL! The nurse said: OMG, I can't believe my ears! She reminded him that he'd just had some juice. Apparently, it wasn't dinner time yet. My poor uncle is clearly craving real food.

    The nurse was very nice and told my aunt to call at around noon time because the doctors finish with their rounds at that time. She also told her that she could call later on during the day too! This will be so good for both of them!
    My aunt says she was able to understand my uncle better but it's still difficult because he wears a mask when the nurses or doctors are in the room.
    My aunt and our entire family thank you for your prayers!

    my aunt has an appointment on Tuesday afternoon at a lab to be tested for the virus and also immunity. If she is negative for the virus she can start working on 5/18. Going back to work will be good for her.

    Laurie, great job with the yoga workout. I always like the neck and back stretches.
    I'm so sorry about your math teacher's passing. I'm sure you managed to come up with the right words for the card. It really was a good thing you had your thoughts as a rough draft and not on the card as I would do!

    We don't know if my uncle has a tv in his room. All I know is that he is isolated in a room for now as a precautionary measure.
    One of the instructors at my yoga studio whom I've met via Zoom has a Facebook group for her and her yoga instructor friends and they're all helping their students teaching via FB or Zoom. It is because of her that I'm finding really good yoga classes.
    I hope you didn't get too much snow. I hope your plants are OK. people were here had to dig out their fragile vegetable plants! Yikes! Some people have huge gardens here.
    I hope all your machine needs is a little more oil. I'm still amazed you have such an old machine that works. They don't make things the way they used to! I found out hairstylists here are cutting/styling hair outdoors!

    Erika, I hope you had an enjoyable workout day off on Friday and that your plants are OK.
    My uncle is really making nice progress. He is craving real food badly. He is on soft foods for now.

    Laurel, great workout combo on Friday! I hope your plants survived the cold temps!
    BTW, I learned that the full moon we just had is called flower moon because everything is blooming now. The locals also call this cold spell blackberry winter because the blackberries are blooming.

    We are really excited about my uncle's move to the new ward. Hopefully, he won't be there too long so he can be transferred to the rehab facility.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,445 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice weekend, it was cold. Cold enough for it to snow on Sunday. :D I spent the majority of my time quilting and I got about half of the top done. The kids came over on Saturday, and my youngest dd's bf made brisket in his new smoker. It was delicious, and I made a salad with lot's of veggies.

    This morning was Jessica Smith Youtube Single Sided Strength. ;)

    Erika, We had the frost when we woke up on Saturday, but all my plants seemed to survive. DH did cover up some of them, but my peonies where something that I was concerned about. They are fine. Your day off sounds awesome. I will be taking the day off on Thursday, we are closing on our loan. I'm going to have to pull out some more workouts, since I think that I have a few more that have to get the plastic off yet. :D I just realized that I wrote Janet and not Janis. I have a majority of her kickboxing workouts that I remember where really good. Let me know how that assisted pull up works for you.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! I'm looking at the Fit/Spit series for my next Cathe week. Maybe mixing Cathe and Jillian, since the both have the front/back workouts. Hope that you didn't have to bad of frost. We seem to have weathered the frost. Everything under the trees seems to be okay. When I talked to my Mom she was a little depressed about the passing of my teacher, of course it hits her a little hard since they where around the same age.

    Thelma, I sure hope that your squirrel proof bird feeder works. We have to worry about the deer and squirrels eating the feed. I actually lost the whole feeder. I think the deer took it with them. :D Great job on your workouts! How wonderful that your Uncle has finally moved out of ICU, it has been a long time. Awesome that your Aunt will be able to get back to work, and her worry about her DH is way way less. Anytime those prayers are needed, don't hesitate to ask. Our snow disappeared as soon as it hit the ground, we had a lot of rain before the snow started. It was just a shock to see these large white flakes mixed into the rain.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was pretty quiet. The weather was sunny but cool. On Saturday we did lawn work and house work. Yesterday we went for a really long walk and finished a puzzle. It was a nice, mostly home improvement-free, weekend. :) But DH only has a few more weekends at home before heading to Alaska, and there are still a couple of projects I want him to complete....finishing the plumbing repair on the kitchen sink and installing an outdoor camera system. I have never wanted a security system with cameras, but a couple of things lately have me rethinking that. The first was the police ringing the doorbell around midnight several months ago asking about a reported ‘suspicious person’ in the neighborhood. Apparently whoever called them gave them our address as being closest to the ‘suspicious person’. :o The second is all the construction going on around us and the damage it is causing to our yard. I want to make sure we have good record if anything is substantively damaged.

    Speaking of substantive damage, we were awoken shortly after midnight on Friday by a very loud crash. My first thought was the scaffolding they were using to brick one of the houses next to us fell. DH went outside, looked around, and saw nothing other than a flower pot that had fallen. I wasn’t going to argue with him, but the noise sure seemed louder than that. When I got up Saturday, I went to check on our plants to see if they survived the wind and cool temperatures throughout the night.....and the roof for the back porch on house next door (on the opposite side of us from the one with scaffolding) completely collapsed! It is just ripped off the house....and this is a porch roof that is probably 20x15 feet! Not good. The porch is supposed to have a bricked fireplace on one end to support the roof, but it hadn’t been built yet. We think the supports they had probably shifted with all of the rain and just....lost footing. It is actually pretty sad to see because the house was coming along so nicely. But that explains the noise better than a flower pot. Mind you, this is only about 20 feet from our bedroom window. :o I am just so thankful it happened in the middle of the night and not when it was being worked on.

    Anyhow, for workouts this weekend, on Saturday I did a Jessica Smith walk followed by 30 minutes of yoga with Kristin McGee. Yesterday was STS Disc 32/Plyo Legs followed by a 30 minute spin. Today was STS Disc 31/Chest and Back, followed by STS Weights and Plates Abs and IMAX Live. Good stuff today.

    Thelma, great workouts! I don’t think we got any frost here either this weekend, but it did get chilly. We are supposed to hit 80 by Thursday and then stay there for the foreseeable future. I don’t think it will be too long before the AC comes on, which seems so strange since it is so chilly right now. Great news on your uncle. It is so encouraging that he has an appetite right now. I love how the nurses work to get your aunt and uncle to be able to chat. That is so wonderful. I hope your aunt can go back to work soon. I cannot begin to imagine how just being able to do something ‘normal’ will feel for her. I saw that about the Blackberry Winter. Of course, that made me crave blackberries. :D

    Laurie, sounds like a cold weekend, but I am glad the snow didn’t stick around. It also sounds like you spent it perfectly working on your quilt. Great workout! I don’t think I have ever heard of that one before. Does she do things unilaterally? Just curious what the concept is. When I was doing the Fit/Split Push and Pull workouts on Friday, I was reminded how good they are. She really packs quite a bit into the time. Hopefully you will enjoy them next week.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts today were S&S Total Body Giant Sets - Lower Body and Ashtanga Yoga.

    We had a very windy day today; which made for a very cold, sunny day.

    DH and are going to the supermarket early tomorrow morning. Hopefully, this time will be less stressful.

    My uncle remains stable and the access port in his throat was removed probably last week. My aunt called him today and he asked again why she won't visit him. I don't know how much the doctors have told him about his condition but he doesn't believe what they're telling him. He asked my aunt if everything was OK at home and when she said everything was fine, he asked her if she was sure because he has doubts.
    The doctors are now looking for a spot for my uncle at a rehab facility. Hopefully, they'll find a place soon.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a nice weekend! That brisket sounds delicious. There are some BBQ places that make very good brisket.
    I've never seen that Single Sided Strength workout. Was it good?

    The squirrel proof bird feeder pole which has a pretty cool baffle that squirrels can't climb. It's even raccoon proof! We've had these poles for years now.
    We feed the wildlife and thankfully the deer haven't bothered our feeders. We saw two female deer fighting yesterday! It was like a girly fight. They both stood on their hind legs and were sort of hitting each other with their front legs.
    You're the best! Thanks so much for offering to pray with us! I can't wait for aunt to return to work. She needs the distraction now that my cousin returned to their lake house. Now she is alone at home and feels lonely.
    I'm glad the snow didn't stick!

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend!
    We had 5 Ring security cameras installed when I had to live alone last year when I first moved to BR. I didn't know anyone here and I didn't know who would come here. No one really comes here unless they're delivering, providing a service, or have been invited. Every once in a while someone gets lost and drives all the way to our property and turns around.
    I highly recommend having security cameras. FYI, if you have a crappy internet speed like we do, viewing the live image on the camera can be problematic. It takes forever to connect and sometimes it doesn't connect so I can't see the live image when I need to. At least now DH is here!
    How frightening to have the police show up in the middle of the night. You will definitely have plenty of video footage if you ever need evidence of damage caused by the builders next door. If you get Ring or any service you have to make sure you have enough storage for your videos. Ring sells cloud storage. If you don't buy it the video doesn't get saved after a while. I can't remember how that works.

    OMG, on that porch's back roof collapsing! Thank God no one was hurt!
    Great workouts!! I like the Plyo Legs workouts. Your workouts are making me think that I'm doing the wrong rotation week this week!
    DUH!!! I'm doing the wrong rotation! I looked at the week of April 12 - Burn Sets! You would think, I would've remembered that I just did Burn Sets last week. No wonder it sounded familiar! I'm losing it! LOL

    We are definitely having similar weather again. Remember when I used to call temps in the 40's a heatwave? Now it feels so cold to us! DH didn't install the bird feeder pole until Sunday because Saturday was too cold and of course it was in the high 50's! LOL
    We've already had our AC on a few times in the last few weeks.
    My uncle can't wait to eat real food. He told my aunt today that he was bored. I don't think he knows he's going to a rehab facility next! The nurses are so amazing there. They have been so helpful in making sure my aunt and my uncle can have their video call.
    My aunt's condo is a very small condo and she's been locked up in there all this time. She definitely will enjoy going back to work and her co-workers can't wait to have her back.
    I LOVE blackberries too!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,445 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Jessica's Youtube Total Body Stress Relieving Dynamic Stretch. This is a calm week, so the workouts are taken down quite a bit. I was surprised that yesterday's workout gave me DOMS. I didn't use that heavy of weight, because she was doing 16 to 32 reps. This workout she started with shoulders, and did 24 reps on one side and then 24 on the other. She then followed it up with back and triceps on each side. Biceps and Core and Chest work was by itself. It is very easy to go heavy on this one, I did the exact weight as Jessica with 10 and you can see that I had DOMS afterward. Probably in places that don't get hit a lot. The workout was under 30 min. also. I think the next time I try this one I will up the weight on the back, bicep and chest.

    Laurel, That is crazy about the construction collapse. I'm sure that when they come back, it will be quite the surprise. Glad to hear that all those home projects are getting taken care of before your DH leaves for Alaska. My DH has yet to install our camera security system, and like you I would like to have it available. To many strange things have been happening in the area recently. Great job on all your workouts! I see you are doing the STS abs work, not some of my fav's. ;) I will have to pull out the weight sheets for the Push/Pull so that I'm prepared with all my weight selections beforehand. I tend to spend to much time setting up and then I waste valuable time. :D

    Thelma, Nice job with your workout. I hope your shopping experience goes a lot better with the earlier time frame. Sounds like your Uncle is getting feisty and not believing what people are telling him. I'm sure that it is frustrating for him and doubt is his defense. Your Aunt sounds like she has really gotten stronger with her resolve though this whole thing. Interesting about the pole, that would probably be a good thing for us since we have to many kinds of rodents. I have personally never seen deer fight, but I like your description of the girly fight. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 45 minute Peloton ride followed by 30 minutes of yoga. I did Restorative Yoga today and thought I would be bored. But it felt really good on my body. I have been pretty sore the last few days....probably due, in part, to it being cooler than normal, and the yoga was perfect for that.

    Thelma, you had me wondering if I was on the wrong week too! But you are doing some great workouts so all is good. Thank you for all the information on the security cameras. We have pretty good internet so that shouldn’t be a problem. I have no doubt your uncle is having a difficult time adjusting to his situation. He lost so many weeks in a coma and probably, quite literally, can’t comprehend what has happened not only to him but what is happening around the world. Italy had only been locked down for a couple of weeks when he went into the hospital, so I am sure he is having a really hard time comprehending that in all the time since, your aunt still hasn’t gotten out of her apartment. Hopefully he gets into a good rehab center where people can start addressing the mental as well as physical aspects of all he has experienced.

    Laurie, sounds like another good workout this morning. I really like the sound of the Jessica workout you did yesterday. It does sound pretty different and the DOMS shows that. I agree with you on the Weights and Plates Abs. Definitely not my favorite, and I haven’t done it in years. But it was good revisiting it yesterday. It won’t become a regular in my routine, though. :) And it definitely helps to have everything ready for the Push/Pull workouts (especially Push) because she moves so fast between exercises. But that’s one of the things that makes them such good workouts!

    Off to take a walk with DH. See you tomorrow.
