Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Saturday was spent doing stuff around the house and running errands. Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day on the golf course. I can feel winter coming already as the days start getting significantly shorter and there is a hint of chill in the air, so being able to spend some time outside in the sunshine was perfect.

    I took Saturday off from working out, but started my 'Strong' week in this rotation yesterday was STS Disc 19/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. For cardio, I picked a Cathe Live workout from 2015. This was Cardio Core Circuit Live. It was done in the same format as the Cardio Core Circuit DVD.....but was better. The cardio drills were somewhat similar, but what I liked about it was all the core work was done standing. It was not as much fun as the Cardio Core Blast I have done on Cathe Live, but I really enjoyed this workout. Today started with STS Disc 20/Legs, and I took it as heavy as I could. My legs were rubber at the end, so I followed it with STS Extended Stretch. And even then I needed another 30 minutes to get the 'wiggles' out of my legs! But after that, I was able to do X64 followed by the core work from Flex Train. But I think I am going to be feeling these legs tomorrow. :o

    Thelma, great job getting some workouts in with all the studying! I have no doubt you will do well on the test, but it sounds like a brutally painful study process. I truly admire your perseverance with it. I don't think I have the mental discipline anymore to study for that long. :#

    Laurie, sounds like a great weekend. I imagine your garden looks beautiful given all the work you have done this year. I bet it makes for a nice place to be at the end of a long day, for sure. Interesting to read more of the benefits you are seeing from the yoga. You have me (almost) looking forward to this winter when I will have time for some more yoga! The yoga I am excited about......the winter not as much. B)

    Tami, so happy to hear you had a better weekend. Sometimes some good sleep is all it takes. Great workouts this weekend, which, no doubt, helped as well. Hope the heat doesn't get too bad for you this week!

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a great workout day today. I tried two new workouts today. In the morning I did a premix of KCM's 30MTF Meltdown II. It mixes boxing tabatas and strength training. I used my boxing gloves too. Then this evening I decided to try a workout from the rotation Becky posted: Chest and Triceps. The workout is 30 minutes but it has no warmup or cool down so I had to add those. It really took me 74 minutes! So much for 1/2 hour BUT it
    was an awesome workout ladies! My chest and triceps were fried! WOW! I highly recommend trying at least one of these workouts.
    My co-worker who didn't even take the course even though she signed up passed the exam today. She hardly studied. Can you imagine how awful it would be if I flunked after all the studying I've done? OMG!!! I took an exam today and I did pretty good so I'm feeling hopeful!

    Laurie, awesome job with your yard! You guys have done a lot! I bet it looks really nice. Great job with the yoga Warrior workout!
    I'm so glad you ladies introduced me to KCM. She is really good. I loved the cool down on the Meltdown workout. She plays some kind of Salsa music and I just love it when she starts dancing. You know the lady can dance!
    That is really awesome that you've seen a transformation around the bust line or should I say curve? LOL. I'm going to see if The Gathering workout is in YouTube so I can try it one of these days. I imagine this is more instructional than the Versatile Warrior one?

    Tami, so glad you're feeling better! Great workouts! I bet the sleep you got did you a lot of good! Sounds like you both managed to relax! OMG I can't believe how hot it is there! Definitely get home so Bernie can go inside.

    I hope this studying pays off too. I worry about two important parts I can't seem to retain in my brain! I hope the next time your husband returns from his fishing trip things will go a lot easier. It really is hard sometimes when you both get into different routines. It's pretty much that way at home during the work week. I do my thing and DH does his thing. I get to workout and relax and he continues to work after work! DH has been working after work and on weekends for months now. Now that I think about probably since his new boss started working there. 6 months! He really is getting tired of the work stress and what happened last week is making him see work life differently. Now he dreams of retirement when he used to think 5-6 more years. I'm no help in that department though since I dream of retirement each and every day! LOL We were dreaming of retirement tonight. He wondered if he'd get bored. I think he might but I know I wouldn't! It would be WAY too easy to ease into retirement for me!

    Laurel, glad you had a nice weekend! I believe you that the weather is turning cooler there because it is happening here! The other morning the temp was 49 degrees!
    Fabulous workouts! Sounds like your legs will definitely feel it tomorrow.
    I didn't sign up for this course because I wanted to. My boss made us sign up for it. Not only that! It's part of our performance plan! I've had to force myself to be disciplined to study. I need to ask my boss to stop torturing us this way! LOL

    Good night ladies!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I decided that I should probably start cleaning the house before the week of the wedding, that way I don't have that stress to deal with. ;) So I started with our bedroom, because I will need to have dd's dress pulled out of the bag so it can breath and not be wrinkled. At the same time I was pulling clothes that I'm not going to wear again. ;) This morning I was taking my sweet time, and ended up having to do a short workout. I decided to do KCM's Trim Down Workout 1.

    Tami, I'm so glad to hear that things are getting better, and that you kicked butt on all your workouts! You have a solid plan for this next week while your DH is gone, and Bernie will be super happy to get into the house with those types of temps coming. I hope those stay your way, because that really is hot. You are welcome, because I know all of you are kind enough to listen when I have a bad week. ;)

    Laurel, Way to rock those workouts, and the core workout really does sound like my type of core work. Everyone knows how I really don't enjoy CCC, and it is just because of some of those core moves. ;) I have been noticing the season heading our way also, I have to wear a hoodie in the mornings when I walk Rocket. I also have to have my flashlight handy, because the sun isn't coming up as early either. You are seeing it a lot more than we are I'm sure. I think that you will have a lot of fun with the yoga once you start doing it on a regular basis. I know that it really surprised me, and I have not been doing it every day. I plan on doing a yoga workout daily by the time we start our yoga rotation. ;) I should be up to the advanced level of these Yoga Warrior workouts by that time.

    Thelma, Will have to buy that KCM workout when she starts the sale of her new workouts. I think that she usually offers her other workouts at a discount. Will have to check out the site, it really sounds like you had a great workout. I'm sending you all the positive vibes that I have for your test, so that you pass it the first time and don't have to worry about it. I like the sound of curve! ;) The Gathering should be on youtube, I think that I remember seeing it there. It actually is a good yoga workout, because he doesn't forget to flow. He loves to hold poses, but I think that is important. He even tells you to go into down dog instead of doing a Vinyasa flow, it you are tired.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Oh my.......the DOMS! My legs are feeling it today, for sure! But, thankfully, it is on the tolerable side of soreness, so it didn't impact being able to workout today. But I certainly can tell I pushed my legs to their safe limit yesterday, without question. Guess that is a good thing? I don't know. Anyhow, today's workout started with STS Disc 21/Back and Biceps, and I felt really strong on that today. I followed it with yet another Cathe Live workout. Today it was Rock It Sock It Live, and it contained many of the moves from Rock'm Sock'm but in a completely different order. The first part of the workout was all upper body boxing drills, the second part was kicking drills and then she did a cardio blast. It wasn't as fun as Rock'm Sock'm, but I enjoyed the different pattern. I did add on the Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast at the end to make it a solid 60 minute workout.

    Thelma, sounds like some great workouts! I will definitely check out the workouts. I am glad to hear you are feeling more optimistic about your test. I hope you can just sigh with sweet relief when it is all done. I can't believe you have had a low in the 40s already! That is really chilly in your area this time of the year.

    Laurie, it is officially wedding month, isn't it? How exciting! I bet your DD is a mixture of nervous and excited now.....hopefully more excited than nervous, though! Great idea getting the housework done early so you don't have to think about it during that last minute surge to wedding day. I was definitely thinking of you during that CCCLive workout it did. Not only were all the core exercises done standing, but there was only one cardio segment that went to the floor (side burpees). So no drop and rolls or anything like that! Made for a much more enjoyable workout, for certain. Yep, I bet your days are getting shorter too. We are losing about seven minutes of daylight a day, and will be back to darkness in the middle of the night by mid-month. But even now I had to turn on the lights this morning when I got up......for the first time (at 5:15am). I am not sure I am ready for this yet! :o

    Tami, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another HOT day as the weather man promised ….. and still rising. I did go home last night and did RWH Lower Body Circuit, tonight I will do Upper Body Circuit. Love those workouts and love Circuit Week. I decided to move forward into this week of “Circuits” and will repeat upper/lower at the end. Bernie was happy to see me …. Such a cute boy he is. He lays right on my workout mat so I do everything and anything I can at the side or in front of my bench …. Its all about him eventhough he is in my workout area.

    Laurel: Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you! Chill in the air??!!!?? Not here at all, we are in the thick of summer heat forsure. Even at 9:00 last night our A/C was still running. That CCC workouts sounds AMAZING! I would love that one. Fantastic job with your STRONG week thus far and the STS workouts too. Good grief you have put in some hours already and it’s only Tuesday. LOL Yes, the sleep and some good workouts were my key to getting my mind in better spot forsure. BUT I do again, thank you for listening to my “having the sads” moment.

    Thelma: Great job on the workouts! Fun that you were able to try 2 new ones and liked them both!! Always good. Have high hopes and confidence friend …. You’re going to be a star on the test. You’ve got this. It will be so good to have it behind you. I can totally relate to you and hour DH’s schedule. . . absolutely. Yes, retirement is not even a blip on my radar right now; DH talks about his and doing the fishing trips as side money at that point. LOL Which would be great and definitely keep him busy.

    Laurie: Can’t even believe the wedding is so close! How is your DD holding up? Good job getting in even a short workout … you got it in and that is great for your body! I need to remember some days when I have hit “snooze” I still have time for a little short one. Yes, Bernie was wagging his tail and happy to see me last night. He likes to also lay right in front of the A/C vent. Hilarious but well deserved I think. When is KCM “new” ones you were talking about coming out again? September?

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, a quick hello. Had plans to do 2 workouts today but only go X10 in this morning. My legs are feeling the workout! I decided to skip workout #2 in order to keep studying.

    Thanks for the good wishes for my exam!
    Great job with your workouts!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Since I am going to have my hair pampered by my dd today, I spent some time last night cooking for her last night. I'm still a mom, and she is missing some of her favorites as far as food goes. I made taco bake, which is her favorite casserole dish. She requested the Scotcheroos. ;) I cut a few of those up for DH. :D, and I only will allow myself one. This morning I did Yoga Warrior Compassionate Warrior, absolutely loved this one.

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts! Nice that you could try out that boxing/kickboxing workout. Interesting that the live one isn't as fun as the DVD, but you still enjoyed it. ;) I think that I would enjoy that live CCC workout more for sure, since I really don't enjoy the rolling around option. :D Yep it is wedding month! DD was over at our house on Saturday, and she was fretting about how much she has to get done. She was on her way to her bachelorette day. By the time she left our house she had a different attitude, and had a great time with her friends and cousins. I have been the one to lift her spirits when she is starting to feel overwhelmed. I think that is my job, and I'm trying to do as much as she will let me. This girl will probably wait until the last minute. :D Wow seven minutes every day is fast, no wonder you where dreading that aspect.

    Tami, Great workouts! I'm glad to hear that Bernie was really happy that you where home. All of our dogs have loved laying on that yoga mat. It got to the point that Cami had her own personal mat to lay on. :D I still have the mat, but I don't think that Rocket likes to lay down where I have it placed. I suppose I will have to move it one of these days, so that he can lay on it too. I'm a little surprised that dd isn't more stressed than she is, but I think a lot of that is because she has a wedding planner. She doesn't have to worry about anything on the day of the wedding, because the planner is setting up and taking down. I was so stressed about my flowers when we got married that I was crying, but I haven't seen that yet from dd. :D KCM is filming in September, and I think that she starts her sale either right before or right after that.

    Thelma, Great job getting a workout in, doesn't matter if it was a short one. Still sending positive test vibes!

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ladies, you won't believe what happened to me! I FLUNKED also by 2 points!
    The exam I was given the WRONG EXAM which was for another certification within my field! OMG. My heart sank all the way to my feet when I saw the score. I thought it was strange that I was getting all the questions I have and that they all started with "as a test analyst..." when everything I've been studying starts with "as a test manager..."
    So I called my boss and my co-worker who passed the exam. I told them about the questions I got and they both said, they didn't get such questions. Then it the light bulb went on in my head and I asked them if their questions started with "as a test analyst" they both said NOOOO. That's when I started to think I'd gotten the wrong test.

    As soon as I got home I checked the exam confirmation email and it was for the wrong exam! What happened was that on 7/19 I got a confirmation for the correct exam, then on 7/26 I got an exam cancellation and then a new exam confirmation. I failed to read the new confirmation where it clearly said the wrong exam name!
    I was up practically all night last night. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow at about 11pm but I woke up before 11:30!!! Eyes WIDE open and no desire to fall asleep. I started tossing and turning which was stressing me out more. I then got up to study until 2AM. I fell asleep about 2:30 and was up at 5:30.
    I'm tired but I feel better about flunking the exam I hadn't studied for. I also feel that I did pretty good considering I hadn't studied for that at all!
    OMG!!! What an idiot for not reading the confirmation. I even had a chance to read it yesterday when I was looking for some code the email had RIGHT NEXT TO THE EXAM NAME. My eyes just zeroed in on the code!
    Now I have to take the real exam! Part of me says go tomorrow but I'm too tired so I'll probably go next week.

    I did get a little Jessica Smith workout this morning just to get my brain and body going. Will write some more tonight!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I did RWH Upper Body Circuit + Core and today’s workout is KCM Lean Body Circuits, which is always a great one! Heading home after work again. So hot and now the “smokes” from fires in Washington State have blown over. Not fun for that part of the country forsure.

    Thelma: Oh my goodness about the wrong test! I am glad you get to “re-take” the correct one. You are going to pass forsure. Poor thing, no sleep and tons of stress ~ you must be beyond tired. Hope you are able to sleep well tonight.

    Laurie: So sweet of you to pamper your daughter with some homemade treats and dinner. I bet she will LOVE it! Your DD is so lucky to have a wedding coordinator, that takes so much pressure off I have heard. If I was to do over again I would have figured out a way to pay for one. I did it all myself and it was very stressful. I think they like the mats because a) they are near us and b) its cool to lay on. Great job getting in Yoga Warrior this a.m.

    Hi Laurel :smile:

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! My legs are feeling much better today thankfully. But I woke to rain and that 'I don't know what workout to do' feeling. So I put on my brightest new workout clothes (to fight the gloom), plugged in my iPad and did 3 straight Cathe Live workouts, which made for a great workout. I started with LIHI Legs Live from back in 2015, which is like LIHI Legs....and tons of fun. But I felt like a short cardio 'chaser', so I did Low Impact Cardio HiiT from this past March, which was a perfect 'chaser'. It was like a cross between XT AOLI HiiT and ICE Low Impact Sweat (without the step part). Then I took a bit of a break and did her Live workout from last week which was Fit Tower Live. I officially love Fit Tower workouts! This one was a cross between the FT Bootcamp workout and the FT lower body workout......and it flew by. Good stuff! I have now done 25 Live workouts.....and she has 160 on file. :o

    Tami, I was reading about Seattle's temps being in the 100's and wondering how hot you are. I hope it cools down soon. Your part of the country just isn't prepared for that. I am especially sorry to hear about more fires. You sure could use a break from these hot, dry summers. Great workouts! Love those RWH circuit workouts.

    Thelma, oh no about the exam!!!! Well, on one hand, you did great given you had the wrong test. But, on the have to do it again! I'm sorry to hear about that. I imagine a couple days break just to give your mind a break would be good, but I also understand the desire to just get it over with. Can't believe you managed to get a workout in despite the restless night! Get some rest.

    Laurie, glad to hear your DD is handling the last minute wedding 'stuff' pretty well......and I am glad she comes to you for the 'mom perspective shift'. Sometimes moms just know the right way to look at things, for sure. Sounds like a great meal with her as well. Another great yoga workout!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi ladies, I was hoping I'd be able to get a second workout in tonight but too tired for that.
    I can't just go take the exam tomorrow. We were given a free voucher for the exam when we signed up for the course. So I have to wait till they tell me they'll allow me to take the exam for free. I hope I can take it sometime next week.
    I ordered the new Cathe series tonight. This time I made sure I got a confirmation!

    Laurie, awesome job with your yoga workout! AWWWWW you're such a good mom making your dd's favorite foods and for helping your oldest to feel better about the things she has to do before the wedding.

    Tami, great workouts! OMG with those temps and the fires!

    Laurel, what a combo! WOW! Great job!
    I love the Fit Tower workout I did last weekend. I hope to get to the other two and want to check out FT rotations too. I just downloaded the FT user's guide.
    I couldn't believe I managed to get a workout in this morning after the terrible night I had but I knew I needed to move in order to feel alive.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited August 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a wonderful time with my dd, it is fun to talk with her while my hair was processing. This morning I did the last workout in the series, which was Returning Warrior. Another hit! I really love the way Rudy instructs, he does talk a lot, but it is all information that helps you with the pose. I'm hooked, and will start the discs from the beginning.

    Thelma, How unfortunate that you where doing the wrong exam, and then to miss it by 2 points! That is amazing that you got that close even though you didn't study for that exam. Nice that your company doesn't have to pay for the exam again. Congrats on the new purchase, I'm still up in the air about it. Good job with the JS workout too.

    Tami, Great job with the workouts! I can't imagine what that is like to have that haze of smoke, since we seem to be getting rain all the time. Today is a rain day, so I don't have to water my new plants. ;) The wedding planner is very affordable, which really surprised me. I guess I was thinking that they would charge something like having David Tutera planning the wedding. ;)

    Laurel, Wow on the workouts! 25 out of 160 live workouts completed, now that is something. You have a lot of workouts to try out yet, you better get going. :D Just kidding! Seriously though it is impressive that you have been able to do so many, and I think you have done some of them twice?

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another gloomy day with another early morning spent trying to convince myself to workout. I finally just plugged in DVD, found the longest premix and hit 'play'. That DVD was Cardio Slam, so it ended up being a great workout! I really enjoy that one and find the doubled premix actually pretty manageable. I followed it with the Strong and Sweaty Core and, for flexibility, Stretch Max 1.

    Thelma, I don't blame you for not working out last night after the day you had. I hope you can take the test soon so you don't have to re-study everything. But like I said yesterday, your brain will probably enjoy a bit of a break between tests. I pre-ordered the new DVD's this morning too! Really looking forward to them.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your time with your DD. This was probably your wedding cut, which probably made it all the more enjoyable. I think you mentioned she will be doing both your and your oldest daughter's hair on the day, which I think will be so much fun for all of you. I was laughing when you said I need to get to work on Cathe Live. :D I have done quite a few of them twice now. But at the pace I am going......with Cathe adding new workouts each would take me over a year to do them all once. :o I don't think I will ever do them all, but, again, I love the variety they are adding to my program. I was going to mention something about Cathe and the new workouts, though. I don't know if this is caused by Cathe prepping for the upcoming filming or what, but she looks remarkably fit and strong at the moment. Cathe, of course, always looks fit, but right now......just that much more. That's one of the reasons I decided to preorder the new workouts today. Not that I am trying to enable you or anything....... ;) . But I will keep you all updated if she gives any hints about the new workouts.

    Tami, hope you are staying cool. B)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout yet today, will decide on something when I get home and/or mowing the lawn in the HEAT….. does that count?!?! Bernie always parks himself in the shade and watches with his front paws crossed. Hilarious :smile:

    Laurel: Yes, the temps are crazy here and with the fires going on it is that hazy-hot-heat which isn’t fun for anyone. We were all hoping the fires would be better this year with our cold/rainy spring we had with so much water. Probably good we did , but still. Luckily right in our area we have no immediate fires other then a wedding venue that burned down last week due to a stove mishap or something? Super sad, but the community is pitching in to help get their customers moved to other places. Great job with your workouts as always, and Cardio Slam being an excellent choice today! Love that one. I ordered her new ones as well (last week or weekend prior I think) …. They will be amazing I am sure. I too am loving the Fit Tower workouts and so glad I ordered them as well. She is truly the Queen!

    Laurie: I bet you had a wonderful time with your DD getting your hair done, how nice. Thank you for the kudos on the workouts, feeling great this week and have my cheerleader Bernie rooting me on! Great job with that Yoga series and impressive you are going to start the whole thing over again.

    Thelma: No doubt you were too tired for that 2nd workout. Good grief, the mental strain you have been under for those tests and studying is exhausting I am sure.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did two workouts. Back and Biceps and a 12 minute ab workout. I didn't care too much for the back/bicep workout because they did a reverse grip bicep and deadlift trisets that were more of a squat. I don't like the reverse grip biceps because I can't go heavy. I definitely won't be doing this particular back/bicep workout. I chose that workout today because I forgot to take the ipad to the basement with me and I didn't have the rotation with the links to the workouts I'm supposed to be doing. I was too lazy to go back upstairs to get the ipad after I'd dragged myself to the basement to workout. That won't be a happen again!
    I still don't know when I can take the exam. Tomorrow I will take things into my own hands and will get on the phone with the exam center just to see what my choices are.
    DH and I will go to NH for brunch on Saturday so even though I have to study I will allow myself a break.

    Laurie, I"m glad you had a great time with your dd. Congrats on doing the last workout of the Yoga Warrior program!!
    It really was unfortunate what I went through with the exam. I wish I could've passed it though. I could've had another certification under my belt.

    Laurel, good for you for getting yourself to workout! Great job!
    I'll be studying this weekend again. Got more study materials from my boss.

    Tami, I think mowing the lawn in the heat counts as a workout! Bernie sounds so cute!
    The mental strain I went through and that I have to go through again! YIKES!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did Rock'm Sock'm all boxing premix, and then I followed that up with Chris Freytag's Core Pilates. Will be back to the Yoga Warrior workouts tomorrow. Our temps are in the 50's this morning, it actually felt pretty good after the humidity yesterday.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! How long is the Cardio Slam longest premix? I was reading up on Cathe's new series, and I may just hit the buy button. It appears that she will be including low impact options during the workout, so I may be able to do the workouts. I'm really happy with how my knee has been feeling, so want to keep doing what I'm doing until after the wedding. Yes the youngest will be doing my hair and dd's. The bridesmaids will have to have their hair curled beforehand, and she will be pinning their hair up. She will be busy in the morning, but she is super comfortable dealing with it. She has done a few bridal parties at the salon, so knows that she will be okay with it. The oldest is going to the salon this weekend, and they will be trying out her updo then. I'm glad that I could make you laugh about completing all those live workouts, it is a goal. ;)

    Tami, LOL, I would think mowing the lawn in the heat will be a workout just from sweating. :D I think Bernie and Rocket would love each other, because they do sound like they do similar things. He loves to watch DH mow the lawn, but he sits and stares at DH. It is so hilarious to see his eyes following DH. Chris Freytag had me doing tricep pushups this morning, and I handled them like a boss. I have never been able to go all the way down in the pushup, and this morning it only got sketchy by the time I got to the last two. So doing those Vinyasa flows in yoga all the time, help with tricep pushups. :D

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that the Bi/back workout wasn't as good as the other one. Have fun with the brunch, it will be a nice change from your studies. KCM announced yesterday that she is going to continue with her youtube channel. It will be short workouts that she does in her basement. So they will be like the 5 that she has on youtube currently. She didn't say anything about a subscription price, so I don't know if that will be a factor. Just thought you might be interested.

    Have a great weekend!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I hope all is well with you, and I will do my best to catch up. I started a month strength training program called Hasfit. Each workout is only 20-30 minutes, so I thought I would give this a try since I go back to work soon. So far, I like the program. My lower back is not too happy with me, so I am going to stretch some more. I saw that Thelma had done a little of the program, too. As I read through your posts, it sounds like Cathe has a new series coming out, so I will head on over to her website after this to check it out.

    My kids start back to school on Monday, and my youngest starts kindergarten. She is so excited. I start back at work in 2 weeks, but I will be going in next week to start prepping. I really hope I can handle working full time and taking classes. I am still enjoying my graduate program (I submitted my first big paper last week and am waiting patiently to hear back from both instructors).

    I hope it is not a problem coming and going like this. I don't want to officially leave this group because I think about you all when I am planning my workouts. I will continue to pop in, if that is ok, to say hi.

    I don't think you all realize how helpful you have been to my fitness journey and getting back in shape. We are strangers, but you all have really helped me......more than you know. So, THANK YOU!

    Thelma - Fabulous job on your workouts. I am glad you are liking some of the Hasfit workouts. I agree with the reverse bicep curls....I don't care for those, and yes......their deadlifts are more like squats. I know there is a different form for squats vs. deadlifts, but it still felt like all squats. My lower back isn't too happy with me because of it, so I may not do their back video with legs the following day. Your story about taking the wrong test is crazy!'s kind of funny, but then it isn't. What would have been SO cool is if you had passed it. I just saw Laurie's post to you about KCM having some youtube workouts. I keep thinking to buy a couple of her 30 minute workouts to help me this fall.

    Laurie - Wonderful job on your workouts and getting all that yoga in! Congrats on finishing the yoga program; that is wonderful that you enjoyed it and want to start it from the beginning. I started doing some home yoga stuff this week; my hip flexors, groin area and lower back are starting to get really tight. So, I need to bring yoga back into my training. How are things going with your knee? I read in your post to Laurel that it is feeling better. Are you having to still watch what you are doing with weights? Are you getting excited about the wedding? It's wonderful how you and your dd got time together while getting your hair done. I am having fun taking my dd clothes shopping for kindergarten. It's so different having a girl. My boys fight with shopping; she loves it.

    Tami - As always, fabulous job on your workouts. I am in awe with what you do! That is great how Katy didn't want to lose you because of having too much running. That says a lot about the type of trainer she is............she listens to her clients. I love how Bernie lays on your mat while you workout. My dogs start off staying away from me, but they start creeping closer and closer throughout the workout. I am quickly glancing through the posts, and unless I missed it, are you on break from volleyball?

    Laurel - Amazing commitment to your workouts, as always. That is great you are loving the fit tower workouts. I saw in one post you are in the strong week of your rotation. Did you restart the rotation we were all doing a few months ago? Or, do you have another rotation you are doing now? How is DH liking his job? (if you have this answered somewhere.....I missed it.....sorry). I hope things are going well for you in Alaska.

    Until next time.......have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another gloomy day and motivation issues. :/ But, once again, I pushed through. I have to get my mind around working out on gloomy days or this winter is going to be.......not good. Today I started with another Live workout. This one was from 3 years ago, and is called Total Body Sculpt. I think it is also one of her longest live workouts at 71 minutes. I would say it is most similar in pattern to Max Intensity Strength......but updated to this century. ;) I enjoyed it and the 70 minutes went by very quickly. For cardio, I went with 'fun' and did Party Rockin' Step 1, which was perfect for today.

    Tami, definitely mowing in that heat counts as a workout! I had a dream DH and I moved back to Colorado Springs and right away the fires started and we were evacuated. I am not quite sure I will ever truly get over our experience with those fires, so you have my thoughts and prayers that your temps cool and some rain starts soon. So glad to hear you are having a much better week this week!

    Thelma, I am not a big fan of reverse curls or bent-knee dead lifts either. So I probably wouldn't repeat that workout either. But good job getting a workout in nonetheless. Hope you enjoy your brunch in NH and are able to relax......even if for just a few hours.

    Laurie, great workout and glad to hear your knee seems to be holding up all right. That Cardio Slam premix is 90 minutes long, so it isn't a workout to be done very often for sure. But every now and again I like to throw in a 90 minute cardio session just to test my endurance a bit. I read a book once about fitness and the author advocated HiiT type workouts for cardio but recommended one long steady-state workout every month or so and equated it to getting your car on the highway every now and again. While I don't know if the science backs up his recommendation, I still liked the idea. :) Sounds like your youngest is going to have her hands full on wedding day. I love how she seems to be embracing her career. I so admire that.

    Becky, so great to see you! And, yes, it is fine to pop in whenever you can. To me, you are all friends and when somebody goes quiet......I wonder if everything is okay. So I am glad to hear everything is okay with you! You sound busy, for sure, though. But great job keeping up with the workouts. I will definitely check out the HasFit workouts. I started that rotation we were all doing together over again in early May after the move. I set my rotation up as a 20 week rotation because I am doing the STS workouts (which is a 12 week program by itself) in the Heavy/Endurance/Push-Pull weeks. I just finished week 12 of the rotation and am loving every minute of this rotation. I might even add on 5 more weeks to it! Thanks for asking about my DH. He is very happy in his job, which is wonderful. It has its challenges......but that is what he was looking for.

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend! We are in for a couple of hot days (thankfully!), so hoping to be outside as much as possible!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ After mowing in the 97° heat I decided that was good. All I wanted was a shower, I should have done a workout first but thought I wouldn’t venture out to the yard if I didn’t do it immediately when I got home. LOL Today’s workout is S&S PHA to end the Circuit Week … always love this one and find a way to mix it in often. This weekend I will be getting in some good workouts and going in to work again for some more OT. Was planning on it but was also asked by my supervisor so it’s forsure and most appreciated by them. :smile: I'm appreciating the extra $$ on my pay checks forsure.

    Thelma: Great work dragging yourself downstairs to get your workout in. Despite it not being your favorite, hopefully the abwork was good. Hoping you are able to get some answers on “when” the next exam will be for you. Have fun with your DH at brunch on Saturday!

    Laurie: Excellent work getting in Rock’m Sock’m boxing this a.m. Glad you all agreed that mowing was enough …. I was sweating forsure and dying of thirst partway through. So Bernie and I took a quick break and went back out. My shower felt wonderful afterwards with all that grass sticking to me. I bet Bernie and Rocket would be great friends. I am pretty sure there are low impact options on Cathe’s new workouts; I think I read that as well. So great to hear that your tricep push-ups have improved from all those vinyasa yoga moves! Definitely a bonus. Sounds like your DD will have a busy time getting everyone ready for the wedding but glad she has had practice of what that day can be like. LOL

    Laurel: Awesome workout combo! Sounds like it was perfect and I bet you were so glad you did it. The gray and cool temps would definitely have my motivation down too. Great job keeping on with what you do no matter what Alaska brings at you. Probably all our talking about the hot weather and fires here put that in your mind about your dream to Colorado Springs. Not fun forsure. Here’s hoping things improve …. Air quality as well right now for many people who suffer with breathing issues.

    Becky: So glad to hear from you and YES!! Of course it is absolutely fine to check in whenever you want … whatever works for you. We are here when you can chat and I do love seeing your posts and workouts on the thread. Excellent job finding something that will work into your schedule, especially as school begins. You are a busy woman. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and you as well inspire me, so thank YOU. Volleyball is on a break until beginning of November. We play November – April.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ As always, but I don’t thank you enough I appreciate all of you and your day-to-day encouragement. So glad I had a better week this week :smile: Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend! I actually didn't do much in the study department. I just couldn't get into it. Not good! I still don't know if the exam center will pay for my other exam. So not sure when I'll take it. I may shoot for next Monday so I can study over the weekend.

    Brunch in NH was good. Our retirement dreaming continued this afternoon. I discovered another potential location in northern GA, right at the border with NC. I am really enjoying the HasFit workouts. On Friday I did HasFit Legs, stretching, walking on treadmill. This was very good. Saturday XT CBS w/u, HasFit Chest & Triceps, Hiit Cardio
    Abs, Stretch and today I did KCM 30MTF Cardio/Pump. I have DOMS everywhere thanks to the HasFit workouts. Love it! For the KCM workout I chose a cardio/leg premix and I used the 1lb boxing gloves. So much fun! I was drenched when I was done with this KCM workout!

    Laurie, what fun workout combo! Nice job! Thanks for letting me know about KCM adding more workouts to her youtube workouts!

    Becky, good to hear from you!Thanks for posting the workout routine. I am liking it. My lower back hurt right after the Back and Bicep workout on week one too. I could tell my lower back was really stiff. I think it was due to those squat deadlifts. I massaged my lower back area with a lacrosse ball by gently rolling over the ball. It helped a lot!I wonder if we did the deadlifts wrong and that is why they felt so much like squats to us?

    The exam thing was kind of funny once I figured out that I'd flunked because it was the wrong exam. It's killing me that I didn't pass. If I had only gone back to change an answer I chose not to change I would've passed!

    Your youngest sounds so cute! I hope she has a lot of fun in kindergarten!

    Laurel, good for you for pushing through and getting an amazing workout in! I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't care for reverse biceps! It just feels so unnatural!

    Tami, I think mowing the lawn was a good workout! I would've jumped in the shower right after that too! Yikes! That is hot! Great workouts! I hope you didn't work too many hours this weekend. Of course the extra $$ is always a good thing!
    The HasFit ab workout was good. Lots of planks!

    Good night ladies!! Have a wonderful week!
