Daily Check In - Fall 2012



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goal? Yes and under
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went to Pilates class
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Eating right, exercising, drinking water

    Monday - Strength training 25 mins.
    Tuesday - 1/2 hour Pilates
    Wednesday- 30 mins biking on turbo trainer
    Thursday -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goal? Yes and under
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Started wrapping Christmas gifts
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Eating right, exercising, drinking water

    Monday - Strength training 25 mins.
    Tuesday - 1/2 hour Pilates
    Wednesday- 30 mins biking on turbo trainer
    Thursday -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? yoga
    What would I have done differently? check in
    What is today's personal goals? It is cool but the sun is shining so I went for a nice walk outside instead of the gym! Cookie swap tomorrow night - I need to make 6 dozen cookies :noway:

    Mon - Elliptical 40mins
    Tues -
    Wed - yoga
    Thurs - 3 mile walk
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    GoldK: Your doctor sounds very much like mine. They are all about the numbers and stats.
    If you have issues, they want the numbers lower. We just can't win.
    I have issues and weight is part of the problem. So I try and try and can't seem to get where
    I want. I am looking at the 150's and maybe then my issues will be better. I am still in
    the 180's and fighting everyday to lose. How about u?

    I am 5'7" got down to about 178 3 years ago... met my husband.. started eating out more...got married... got comfortable... no routine over the summer... I have all the excuses in the book. :noway: 5lbs here and there - over 200 again and fighting to lose everyday :explode: My numbers were much better 3 years ago and my clothes felt sooo good!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    GoldK: Your doctor sounds very much like mine. They are all about the numbers and stats.
    If you have issues, they want the numbers lower. We just can't win.
    I have issues and weight is part of the problem. So I try and try and can't seem to get where
    I want. I am looking at the 150's and maybe then my issues will be better. I am still in
    the 180's and fighting everyday to lose. How about u?

    I am 5'7" got down to about 178 3 years ago... met my husband.. started eating out more...got married... got comfortable... no routine over the summer... I have all the excuses in the book. :noway: 5lbs here and there - over 200 again and fighting to lose everyday :explode: My numbers were much better 3 years ago and my clothes felt sooo good!

    You've totally got this! your commitment is inspiring! :heart:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Used to participate in this thread months ago, i'm so happy to see it back up and running! I'm jumping back in. :happy:

    I lost about 35 pounds this year but since Halloween I have gained a bit again, and I need to get back on track and get it in check.

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got in a workout
    What would I have done differently? cleaner eats
    What is today's personal goals? get in a workout, stay under cals

    Mon -
    Tues -1.5 mile walk/jog
    Wed -1.5 mile walk/jog
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,178 Member
    Well, here I go, again...

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Tracked food -- it was ugly...
    What would I have done differently? diet & exercise
    What is today's personal goals? get in some kinda exercise, stay under in calories

    Mon -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    So glad to see you some people are back at it. Welcome back !!:bigsmile:
    Just think we will all be here come January. :laugh:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goal? No was over, chinese food last night
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got all my Christmas gifts wrapped.
    What would I have done differently? Should have exercised
    What is today's personal goals? Eating right, exercising, drinking water

    Monday - Strength training 25 mins.
    Tuesday - 1/2 hour Pilates
    Wednesday- 30 mins biking on turbo trainer
    Thursday - No exercise, wrapped gifts instead
    Friday- 30 mins biking turbo trainer
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    Just think we will all be here come January. :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got in a workout
    What would I have done differently? more solid food, cleaner eats
    What are today's personal goals? get in a workout, more fiber/protein, stay under cals

    Mon -
    Tues -1.5 mile walk/jog
    Wed -1.5 mile walk/jog
    Thurs - 3.01 mile brisk walk
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No goals yesterday
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No goals yesterday
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? managed to throw a last minute graduation party for my 18 year old
    What would I have done differently? absolutely nothing-I had so much fun!
    What are today's personal goals? get in a workout, eat well, stay under cals

    Mon -
    Tues -1.5 mile walk/jog (random)
    Wed -1.5 mile walk/jog (5k101 week 1)
    Thurs - 3.01 mile brisk walk
    Fri - 1.91 mile walk/jog (5k101 week 1)
    Sat - full rest/cheat day-Echo's graduation party
    Sun -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? cleaned and entertained family
    What would I have done differently? check in, track calories and go for a walk
    What is today's personal goals? Log calories, yoga and the elliptical

    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? all but one
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? survived. lol.
    What would I have done differently? probably nothing. I listened to my body and didn't work out and i'm ok with that.
    What are today's personal goals? get in a workout, eat well, stay under cals

    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I guess I missed Saturday and Sunday check in. Too busy, so Saturday no exercise
    but Sunday 30 min biking turbo trainer. :bigsmile:
    Two appt., today but hope to get my exercise in at some point.
    I had a doctor appt. today and my type 2 readings were good and doctor was happy.
    Now to get cholesterol down and hopefully BP no meds some day.
    New diet plan in January. :bigsmile:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goal? Yes and under
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Watched Christmas shows and got on my bike
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Eating right, exercising, drinking water
    Got my water intake to 10 glasses a day so far. :bigsmile:

    Monday - Busy today but hope to get my biking in.
    Tuesday -
    Thursday -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Close - over 66 calories
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? log calories, checked in and rode the stationary bike (because yoga was cancelled)
    What would I have done differently? watch my calories a little closer
    What is today's personal goals? Log calories, check in, watch what I eat, and a trip to the Y. Trying to mix it up a little - not sure if I will ride the bike, elliptical, nautilus...

    Mon - 47 mins stationary bike
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of?
    What would I have done differently? had half the baked potato for dinner
    What is today's personal goals? stay under calories and eat in balance the rest of the day,
    Mon - sick
    Tues - sick
    Wed - 45 minutes step or body pump
    Thurs - 60 minutes step
    Fri - 60 minutes step
    Sat - 60 minutes step
    Sun - probably rest
    #days under calories since Sunday ....

    been busy and sick ... not a great combination, trying to get back on track
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? made a good lunch choice at holiday luncheon
    What would I have done differently? too many carbs and calories
    What is today's personal goals? stay under calories and eat in balance the rest of the day,already did 45 minutes of step
    Mon - sick
    Tues - sick
    Wed - 45 minutes step or body pump DONE
    Thurs - 60 minutes step
    Fri - 60 minutes step
    Sat - 60 minutes step
    Sun - probably rest
    #days under calories since Sunday ....
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Stayed under on calories - I was so full last night I thought I went way over for the day. I logged this morning and I didn't - hum?
    What would I have done differently? log calories yesterday, check in and get some sort of exercise
    What is today's personal goals? Log calories, check in, watch what I eat, and a trip to the Y.

    Mon - 47 mins stationary bike
    Tues - 35 mins elliptical
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goal? Yes and under
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got my downstairs cleaned.
    Used that as my calorie burn.
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Eating right, exercising, drinking water
    Got my water intake to 10 glasses a day so far.

    Monday - Busy today but hope to get my biking in.
    Tuesday - 30 mins biking turbo trainer
    Wednesday- Cleaned downstairs
    Thursday - Walked 2 miles
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Not sure - didn't track
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? called my mother
    What would I have done differently? log calories yesterday and get some sort of exercise
    What is today's personal goals? Log calories, check in, watch what I eat, and a trip to the Y.

    Mon - 47 mins stationary bike
    Tues - 35 mins elliptical
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -