Friend Requesters - Is it really that hard...



  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    I deny most good looking women that don't send me a message first. Same reason I don't request people without a message.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm on the app more then the site itself, so if you ask for a message with the friend request, I wouldn't know.
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree! I get random request without any explanation. If I mesasge them asking what their goals are or how they found my profile I never hear from them? Whats the point? :/
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    I hear you. I just decline those who dont have a message along with the request.

    I also decline the requests that say nothing but how beautiful my eyes are. I get more of those than I do blank requests.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I agree with the OP. I ask for messages with my friend requests and it's the first thing you see when you go to my profile. I just don't want to be friends with "friend collectors".
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I've never understood why some people require a message with a friend request lol. I really don't care WHERE someone found me on here or WHY they want to be on my list. I'm assuming they want moral support. Isn't that what this site is for? If they end up being a weirdo, I just delete them later. It's that simple. Besides, it's not like a message is going to tell me whether they are crazy or not. A crazy person can write "Hi, saw you on the chit-chat boards." just as easily as a sane person can. Honestly, it's not like I post any personal information on here anyway. I really don't care who knows what I look like and what I ate today lol. A random guy sitting next to me at Subway knows that much lol.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I've never understood why some people require a message with a friend request lol. I really don't care WHERE someone found me on here or WHY they want to be on my list. I'm assuming they want moral support. Isn't that what this site is for? If they end up being a weirdo, I just delete them later. It's that simple. Besides, it's not like a message is going to tell me whether they are crazy or not. A crazy person can write "Hi, saw you on the chit-chat boards." just as easily as a sane person can. Honestly, it's not like I post any personal information on here anyway. I really don't care who knows what I look like and what I ate today lol. A random guy sitting next to me at Subway knows that much lol.

    i think the message requirement is there to keep the "friend collectors" away. if somebody requests you without a message and you accept and 2 months go by and you have ZERO interaction from them and they don't respond to your interaction attempts and you check their wall and see that they have 100 or 150 or 200 friends, then it's fairly apparent that they are a friend collector. if you are constantly deleting those out of frustration, i can see why you'd want a message on future friend requests.
  • I agree all FR should have a message.!!! The END!! :)
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    One time I posted a thread looking for new friends with similar goals, and at the bottom, I asked that if you DO send a request, please send a message along with it, so 1. I know we actually have the same goals, and 2. YOU ACTUALLY READ MY POST.

    I rejected about 20 friend requests that night because they didn't attach a message, or even respond to the thread.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I get a lot of blanks and have just deleted all of them. I used to think it sounded snooty to list your friend requirements all over your profile, but now that I've been here a while I can see why people do it. It just seems sad to delete people when maybe they are adding you for the right reasons. So I gave in and added a little "please tell me why you're adding me in a msg" onto my profile :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I like a massage. But how does on get a massage over the Internet?
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I'm not bothered about messages from friend requests because this is a weight loss/exercise site, not facebook. I have no personal info here and the only reason I have friends on here is to inspire me to keep it up and to compare myself to or find ideas of things to do/eat. For that reason, I wouldn't decline a friend request as I see no negative that can come from a friend unless they turned out to be a troll of course, which I have never seen happen here.

    ^^This 100%.

    I can't believe a lot of you get so annoyed when people don't write a message. I don't type out a message when adding friends. I actually wish that option didn't exist. This is a weight loss/exercise/fitness site. Obviously, 9/10 if someone sends you a request, they want to be friends with you & maybe want some support or help support you on your journey.
    My page is also private and view-able by friends only because I don't want the entire world to know what I'm posting.
  • Chapter3point6
    I'm not bothered about messages from friend requests because this is a weight loss/exercise site, not facebook. I have no personal info here and the only reason I have friends on here is to inspire me to keep it up and to compare myself to or find ideas of things to do/eat. For that reason, I wouldn't decline a friend request as I see no negative that can come from a friend unless they turned out to be a troll of course, which I have never seen happen here.

    ^^This 100%.

    I can't believe a lot of you get so annoyed when people don't write a message. I don't type out a message when adding friends. I actually wish that option didn't exist. This is a weight loss/exercise/fitness site. Obviously, 9/10 if someone sends you a request, they want to be friends with you & maybe want some support or help support you on your journey.
    My page is also private and view-able by friends only because I don't want the entire world to know what I'm posting.

    I can't believe you needed to bump a thread over two months old.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I've never understood why some people require a message with a friend request lol. I really don't care WHERE someone found me on here or WHY they want to be on my list. I'm assuming they want moral support. Isn't that what this site is for? If they end up being a weirdo, I just delete them later. It's that simple. Besides, it's not like a message is going to tell me whether they are crazy or not. A crazy person can write "Hi, saw you on the chit-chat boards." just as easily as a sane person can. Honestly, it's not like I post any personal information on here anyway. I really don't care who knows what I look like and what I ate today lol. A random guy sitting next to me at Subway knows that much lol.

    Thumbs up! :smile:
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I'm not bothered about messages from friend requests because this is a weight loss/exercise site, not facebook. I have no personal info here and the only reason I have friends on here is to inspire me to keep it up and to compare myself to or find ideas of things to do/eat. For that reason, I wouldn't decline a friend request as I see no negative that can come from a friend unless they turned out to be a troll of course, which I have never seen happen here.

    ^^This 100%.

    I can't believe a lot of you get so annoyed when people don't write a message. I don't type out a message when adding friends. I actually wish that option didn't exist. This is a weight loss/exercise/fitness site. Obviously, 9/10 if someone sends you a request, they want to be friends with you & maybe want some support or help support you on your journey.
    My page is also private and view-able by friends only because I don't want the entire world to know what I'm posting.

    I can't believe you needed to bump a thread over two months old.

    It doesn't matter how old the thread is.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I think requesting a message w/ a friend request is way overrated. LOL. Either accept or decline, its the internet. LOL

    Thumbs up!
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I just dont get all this fuss about friend request. I really dont care if somebody will send me message or not. Its like: do this and this and than u can be mine friend. Its just mine opinion.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    Lol funny thread! Honestly often I don't even notice the messages when I get a request. I probably wouldn't notice if someone deleted me either. It's an online site not real life! I'm really not sweating what happens here. I love the support I get from the friends I have and I have others who are probably "friend collectors". I could care less. I've never been so miffed I deleted someone. That is not to say I wouldn't, but I just don't think I take this as seriously as the OP and others.
  • Chapter3point6
    I'm not bothered about messages from friend requests because this is a weight loss/exercise site, not facebook. I have no personal info here and the only reason I have friends on here is to inspire me to keep it up and to compare myself to or find ideas of things to do/eat. For that reason, I wouldn't decline a friend request as I see no negative that can come from a friend unless they turned out to be a troll of course, which I have never seen happen here.

    ^^This 100%.

    I can't believe a lot of you get so annoyed when people don't write a message. I don't type out a message when adding friends. I actually wish that option didn't exist. This is a weight loss/exercise/fitness site. Obviously, 9/10 if someone sends you a request, they want to be friends with you & maybe want some support or help support you on your journey.
    My page is also private and view-able by friends only because I don't want the entire world to know what I'm posting.

    I can't believe you needed to bump a thread over two months old.

    It doesn't matter how old the thread is.

    No one said it mattered. You stated something you couldn't believe. I stated something I couldn't believe.

    Now please get back to quoting people's responses from two months ago.
  • Chapter3point6
