Excited about Lance Armstrong!

WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
Seriously, I am glad he is coming out about doping! Now we can get a list of what he does and how he does it. This is the guy who even after cancer had lungs that processed oxygen better than a high school top athlete. Once the market and the underground gets a hold of that list you will see a flood of new products on the market to push you way past where you are now, bring it on!
Before you start whining about how horrible and a cheater Lance is, please keep in mind a few things. 1: I don't give a crap about your holier than thou stance. I know the people currently hating on home are all perfect people who have never cheated or lied in their life, but I don't care. 2: I can remember back in the day when Creatine was considered a performance enhancing drug that was under much debate, many people and groups called for it to be banned from all sports, now no one thinks twice about it. For the people who object, you can all stay in your caver afraid of the sun, and I'll be over here with Lance dancing around the bonfire.


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Not to mention the majority of his competitors are probably on gear as well ;)
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Next week: OJ
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Once the market and the underground gets a hold of that list you will see a flood of new products on the market to push you way past where you are now

    This was 7 years ago and before.

    I imagine the stuff he was is on is ancient history in terms of PEDS, EPO was banned in 1990 he wasn't taking any wonder drugs that nobody had seen before.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Ha ha.............
  • Blastastic
    Blastastic Posts: 280 Member
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not to mention the majority of his competitors are probably on gear as well ;)
    This! I don't really get why they are illegal in the first place. How does something that ANYONE can get ahold of give you an unfair advantage? They aren't for me, but just saying if you want to whine about it not being fair then take them yourself and level the playing field.

    Sounds a lot like "no child left behind" if you ask me and look how that has dumbed down America.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    How do you even know what he put in his body? You've condemned something you know nothing about. If we are going to that level, why use lipator? Let's ban that too! Let's be honest, the average person with high cholesterol is overweight and eats like crap. Let's just write them a script that says buy some cheerio's and go for a walk fatty. Or how about Chantix? You are so weak you can't quit smoking, so here's a drug for it, oh, by the way, one possible side effect is suicide! I can keep going on this one forever.
    Yeah, I'm totally sorry I want the stuff that makes me a world class athlete at 40+ years old. What the hell was I thinking ?
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member

  • Countryboy_
    I am looking at this situation from every possible angle....and the only thing I can come up with is....

    "Who Cares?"

    I just do not see how this is even a story. Its not news....its history. Very boring, unimportant history.

  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    If you avoid charities that except donations under false pretenses I really hope you also avoid Susan G. Komen. It doesn't get much more dirty, filled with lies, and bullying than those people http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/WhoTheHellIsBen/view/cancer-the-big-business-to-keep-it-alive-463780 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, there's no media, facebook, uproar to tell you to hate them, nevermind, carry on
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    People put things into their body because it is their choice. What one decides their physique to be shouldn't be dependent upon their occupation. Should a dentist not have good muscle definition just because his job doesn't require it for day to day needs? The one thing we all have control over in our lives is our bodies and what to do to them, put inside of it, etc.
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 493 Member
    I wish he would have been honest about it before now. Regardless of whether he doped (heck, its rampant in cycling), he's still one of the greatest cyclists out there. His charity has done wonderful things and is one I will still support, whether he is attached to it or not.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    THIS ^^ times 10.
    If you want to be respected, earn it. Take ownership of your actions, take ownership of your organization, take responsibility for God's sake. That's just MAN 101. Actually, HUMAN 101. Grow up, Lance. Do what you want, but own that s***. Period.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member

    If you avoid charities that except donations under false pretenses I really hope you also avoid Susan G. Komen. It doesn't get much more dirty, filled with lies, and bullying than those people http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/WhoTheHellIsBen/view/cancer-the-big-business-to-keep-it-alive-463780 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, there's no media, facebook, uproar to tell you to hate them, nevermind, carry on

    Actually, I am educated about what charities I donate to, and which ones "accept" donations under false pretenses. I don't donate to Susan G. Komen, nor do I have Facebook or really take much stock in the media. I think if you're the head of a major charitable organization, you owe your donees a bit of honesty. While I agree that individuals should research where they put their money, I think the way he behaved makes him a ****head.

    My opinion.
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
  • jeremyawilliamson
    What's so hard to fathom? There were clear rules to the sport that he violated. Other cyclists that played by the rules were disadvantaged severely. Their careers as professional athletes, training and playing by the rules that were in place at that time, were jeopardized by cheating. The people here that say they could care less are more spectators than anything. They had/have no skin in the game, so what do they care?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Not to mention the majority of his competitors are probably on gear as well ;)
    This! I don't really get why they are illegal in the first place.

    Neither do I. If the public and general and other agencies headed by flat, sweaty blokes who probably couldn't pedal a pedalo could get passed their sanctimonious fauxtrage they might think "hmmm, this guy had testicular cancer which is supposed to decimate your system. He was doping. He also managed to win 7 Tours and compete at an exceptional level. Perhaps, just maybe it's worth investigating what he was using and doing to see if it can create viable drugs or methods which can be used for the benefit of all mankind?"

    But nooooooo. Drugs are bad m'kay?