Excited about Lance Armstrong!



  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I'd rather be intelligent than have big muscles. Just saying.

    Contrary to the Planet Fitness commercials you apparently are basing this logic on, you can in fact have both.

    But....I pick things up and put them down!
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!
    I'm sorry! My bad. I've had a few family members treated for cancer, but none has ever had any lung issues as a side effect (that I'm aware of anyway). The two things (lungs and chemo) seemed strangely unreleated to me. Sorry if I came off rude.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!

    ^^I like you! Your response was much better than mine!

    I like you too. Seriously the original poster is off her baby loins shoving rocker. Congrats on your recovery.

    Thanks to all, 13 years cancer free this May!! But in the Op's defense, we need to give her support as well, she is on this journey for her 3 cats according to her profile!
    Actually, it's FOUR cats. One of which is currently on chemo (Leukeran) with no lung related side effects. Thanks for your support!:wink:
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    I made a a definitive conclusion based on the term blood doping and what it means. I just quoted the Oprah article because it quoted the USADA report of what blood doping is. Regardless, an athlete is an athlete based on his/her ability to perform the sport he/she is involved in. One shouldn't be allowed to use drugs to enhance that.

    Think about the pressures that will be put upon children and future athletes to take drugs to make them "better". Nothing about "anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, blood transfusions and other doping" sounds healthy. Could this be what gave Lance Armstrong cancer to begin with? Who knows... My daughter is a soccer player. Not the best in her division but I wouldn't want some idiot tempting her with drugs to make her better. Either she will work hard to become better or she won't. With the competition that's out there, kids don't need added pressure to take drugs.

    Should the "blade runner" take off his blades and not be allowed to compete? Is he better because he has an obvious disability? Do chemotherapy and other cancer treatments permanently damage your body?

    Yes, Chemotherapy permanently damages your body. That’s a dumb question. My dear friend can’t have children because of it. My aunt had a massive heart attack because of it. Clearly you’ve never known anyone who’s had chemo.

    As for your blade runner question. The original poster stated he wants these drugs to be legalized. I was stating my arugement as to the dangers of it.
    as the OP I can safely say I said nothing about drugs in my first post. Also, blood doping is not a drug, you have failed again. Now do I want performance enhancing drigs legalized? If the good outweighs the harm, I see no issue with it and highly encourage it. it's called progress, deal with it.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Lance: "What am i on? I'm on my bike busting my...."


  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Not interested in hearing questions from Oprah who is a recognized Lance Armstrong fan. Hey Lance have a real interview from Bob Costa’s, Dan Patrick or Bryant Gumbel. Lets restore all the records starting with baseball and leave all of the cheaters out. Welcome back to the top Hank Aaron and Roger Maris, good bye Barry Bonds.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!
    I'm sorry! My bad. I've had a few family members treated for cancer, but none has ever had any lung issues as a side effect (that I'm aware of anyway). The two things (lungs and chemo) seemed strangely unreleated to me. Sorry if I came off rude.

    Also, Lance's cancer had spread to his lungs and brain. So you were ignorant twice.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.

    and all of you in the Cult of Armstrong keep glossing over the horrible things he did to other people in order to keep his secret. the lives he ruined, the careers he ruined etc...

    again...the PEDs arent what most people dislike Armstrong for.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.

    and all of you in the Cult of Armstrong keep glossing over the horrible things he did to other people in order to keep his secret. the lives he ruined, the careers he ruined etc...

    again...the PEDs arent what most people dislike Armstrong for.

    I think I have it now. You don't like LA! He is a meanie pants. That pro sports thing is such a rough and tumble world.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.

    and all of you in the Cult of Armstrong keep glossing over the horrible things he did to other people in order to keep his secret. the lives he ruined, the careers he ruined etc...

    again...the PEDs arent what most people dislike Armstrong for.

    I think I have it now. You don't like LA! He is a meanie pants. That pro sports thing is such a rough and tumble world.

    how can anyone like a guy like that? and what he did is not pro sports. most pros dont make it a mission to ruin people's lives. but i guess u Cult of Armstrong guys can look past all that right? :)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.

    and all of you in the Cult of Armstrong keep glossing over the horrible things he did to other people in order to keep his secret. the lives he ruined, the careers he ruined etc...

    again...the PEDs arent what most people dislike Armstrong for.

    I think I have it now. You don't like LA! He is a meanie pants. That pro sports thing is such a rough and tumble world.

    how can anyone like a guy like that? and what he did is not pro sports. most pros dont make it a mission to ruin people's lives. but i guess u Cult of Armstrong guys can look past all that right? :)

    *Donning black robe and lighting cult candle*

    Yea, us Cult of Armstrong types. Look, I just don't care. Pro sports is a nasty business and we all know it. I have respect for the guy because of the cancer fight and his recovery. The fact that he doped just doesn't get me worked up and the fact that he went after people that wanted to play the "tell on your teammates and we will be easy on you" game doesn't really get me excited either. Like I said. Its not all huggy huggy out there. I don't know him personally and never will. I neither get too excited about sports "heros" nor get too upset at them either. I have a Livestrong T-shirt and I'll continue to wear it for as long as it will fit over my shoulders (which probably won't be long), probably as much because I get the occasional jack*** coming up to me asking "you know he doped, right?" as for any other reason. In fact, I've been wearing it more often lately. I occasionally wear my five fingers in public for a similar reason ("hey, man what's with those crazy shoes"). Its is close as I get to spectator sports though.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    the other thing all the haters keep glossing over while stating how horrible performance enhancing drugs are is Creatine, nitric boosters, caffeine, Bcaa's, certain amino acids, even refined proteins are all performance enhancing drugs. At one point Creatine was almost outlawed from professional sports, now its a mainstay. Hate on peds all you want but at least do some homework and learn about what you are complaining about.

    and all of you in the Cult of Armstrong keep glossing over the horrible things he did to other people in order to keep his secret. the lives he ruined, the careers he ruined etc...

    again...the PEDs arent what most people dislike Armstrong for.

    I think I have it now. You don't like LA! He is a meanie pants. That pro sports thing is such a rough and tumble world.

    how can anyone like a guy like that? and what he did is not pro sports. most pros dont make it a mission to ruin people's lives. but i guess u Cult of Armstrong guys can look past all that right? :)
    well if you've noticed, which let's be honest, you haven't, I have yet to say anything about Lance's character good or bad. Why? Because I could care less. As the person who created this post I can safely say my interest is in what he was doing and how he was doing it.Anyone who isn't interested in how a cancer survivor can come back and compete well past what would be his athletic peak and still become the uni-balling (no not Unabomber) champion of theTour De France is absolutely ignorant. Find me a 40+ year old cancer survivor that's not on drugs that beat world class athlete's healthy and half his age in competition and I'll be the first to light a torch and head to Lance's house. Until then, take your clown shoes and go stand in the corner, you're getting in the way of progress
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    well if you've noticed, which let's be honest, you haven't, I have yet to say anything about Lance's character good or bad. Why? Because I could care less. As the person who created this post I can safely say my interest is in what he was doing and how he was doing it.Anyone who isn't interested in how a cancer survivor can come back and compete well past what would be his athletic peak and still become the uni-balling (no not Unabomber) champion of theTour De France is absolutely ignorant. Find me a 40+ year old cancer survivor that's not on drugs that beat world class athlete's healthy and half his age in competition and I'll be the first to light a torch and head to Lance's house. Until then, take your clown shoes and go stand in the corner, you're getting in the way of progress

    how much less do you think you could care? and what progress am i getting in the way of? LOL
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    *Donning black robe and lighting cult candle*

    Yea, us Cult of Armstrong types. Look, I just don't care. Pro sports is a nasty business and we all know it. I have respect for the guy because of the cancer fight and his recovery. The fact that he doped just doesn't get me worked up and the fact that he went after people that wanted to play the "tell on your teammates and we will be easy on you" game doesn't really get me excited either. Like I said. Its not all huggy huggy out there. I don't know him personally and never will. I neither get too excited about sports "heros" nor get too upset at them either. I have a Livestrong T-shirt and I'll continue to wear it for as long as it will fit over my shoulders (which probably won't be long), probably as much because I get the occasional jack*** coming up to me asking "you know he doped, right?" as for any other reason. In fact, I've been wearing it more often lately. I occasionally wear my five fingers in public for a similar reason ("hey, man what's with those crazy shoes"). Its is close as I get to spectator sports though.

    i could definitely get on board with wearing a Livestrong tshirt to troll people. :)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    *Donning black robe and lighting cult candle*

    Yea, us Cult of Armstrong types. Look, I just don't care. Pro sports is a nasty business and we all know it. I have respect for the guy because of the cancer fight and his recovery. The fact that he doped just doesn't get me worked up and the fact that he went after people that wanted to play the "tell on your teammates and we will be easy on you" game doesn't really get me excited either. Like I said. Its not all huggy huggy out there. I don't know him personally and never will. I neither get too excited about sports "heros" nor get too upset at them either. I have a Livestrong T-shirt and I'll continue to wear it for as long as it will fit over my shoulders (which probably won't be long), probably as much because I get the occasional jack*** coming up to me asking "you know he doped, right?" as for any other reason. In fact, I've been wearing it more often lately. I occasionally wear my five fingers in public for a similar reason ("hey, man what's with those crazy shoes"). Its is close as I get to spectator sports though.

    i could definitely get on board with wearing a Livestrong tshirt to troll people. :)

    I'm not sure its actually trolling if there are things I respect about the guy, athough I do enjoy listening to rants.

    Now, my "Meat Is Murder" shirt is an entirely different ballgame.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    the anti doping league are offering him a sentence reduction to his lifetime banned if Lance gives a sworn statement that he doped. Even if they brought it down to 10 years do they really think Lance would compete again? Financially it seems in his best interest not to do this.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    I guess we have to wait and see until Friday. In the end, I'm guessing he just wants to at least be able to continue triathlons.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    This^^^^^ Lance is nothing but another cheating, lying peice of s___.