Excited about Lance Armstrong!



  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    This is the guy who even after cancer had lungs that processed oxygen better than a high school top athlete.
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    Imagine if the rules changed in sports, and there were no longer any "illegal" substances .... Whatever you want to do to your body to get ready for the race is up to you... And may the best... Or most jacked up win...
    If you drop dead in a few years from too many steroids... That was your choice, your responsibility....

    Or perhaps two levels of sports... Sort of like pro and armature...

    It would be the clean Olympics and the dirty.... Room for everyone...
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    If you avoid charities that except donations under false pretenses I really hope you also avoid Susan G. Komen. It doesn't get much more dirty, filled with lies, and bullying than those people http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/WhoTheHellIsBen/view/cancer-the-big-business-to-keep-it-alive-463780 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, there's no media, facebook, uproar to tell you to hate them, nevermind, carry on

    Actually, there was quite the social media uproar about it. People were super pissed about all of the copyright **** she was claiming on using the term "cure." I know a lot of people who don't support that charity anymore, and have found more ethical charities to support.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I don't care what they say about Lance. He earned all the awards and metals to received. People just want to pull him down from his achievements. He is and always will be a great cyclist.

    I like that the one person who's met him in this thread called him a total jerk. :laugh:

    No one is saying he has a great personality. Maybe if he starts taking 5-HTP so he can be a nicer human, then we can start blasting him for that and negate any positive impact his new personality could have.

    I've always admired him as an athlete and someone who definitely pushes himself and works hard (while disliking his personality). Yes, he took PEDs and now is finally admitting it. Good, the world can continue to turn. But looking at the rest of the field, he was obviously not alone. I'll be willing to bet that if no one took PEDs in cycling, he would have still won 7 times.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    What's with bashing Livestrong?

    The organization puts a LOT of money into cancer research, helps a lot of kids with cancer, and is a good source for people with cancer who are trying to get and/or stay fit. How has that changed?

    So you think the guy's an *kitten*. So you disagree with the drugging. So you wouldn't date him because he was awful to his wife. But the organization has done a whole lot of good. Those dollars that were raised by it were used for good. That has been completely lost in all the LA hate.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    Let me first adress his attutude, when i was going through my chemo, Lance took the time to send me and autographed copy of book, as well as phone call. 10 years later when i was on my second tour in Iraq, and he was making the rounds on his Tour to Iraq and Afghanistan, he altered a trip so we could meet...pretty smug.

    You think he should donate his winning from cycling to charity? He doubled his winnings from each race and dividied it among the team, who he recognized got him to the finish line. If you are talking endorsements, think the yellow wristband, all proceeds to charity.

    His own charity had to drop him... try again, he stepped down because he saw the writing on the wall and did not want to drag LiveStrong through this.

    It's not about the bike, never has been, never will be. it is about the 28 million affected by cancer (like me) who have benefitted from his philantropic and fundraising efforts!

    I for one am glad he motivated me to quit feeling sorry for myself, get up run a marathon, compete in triathlons and continue to push myself further.

    I am very disappointed in this, don't get me wrong. There's no way to lessen the sting, but it's ok to be let down by those we admire. It's proof that we are all imperfect beings. Self worth, forgiveness and hope are intertwined and come from above, not from mankind.

    Logic...I like it!...cheers to you :drinker:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I'd rather be intelligent than have big muscles. Just saying.

    Contrary to the Planet Fitness commercials you apparently are basing this logic on, you can in fact have both.

    This. I know tons of very knowledgable, intelligent lifters and athletes who use steroids.
    They don't have a negative effect on your cognitive abilities.

    It's nothing more than a choice of how far you want to excel in your sport and what you're willing to do to be the best.
    It's got nothing to do with being dumb.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.
  • EPO killed dozens of young professionals in the 90s is human growth hormone safe to use? Ricardo Ricco nearly killed himself re-infusing his own blood he hadn't kept refridgerated well enough. I coach kids to race in cycling and they look up to people like this. i also know lots of classy riders who turned their back on the sport because they didn't want to cheat or damage their health and others who nearly made it but had to concede defeat to the cheats.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you avoid charities that except donations under false pretenses I really hope you also avoid Susan G. Komen. It doesn't get much more dirty, filled with lies, and bullying than those people http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/WhoTheHellIsBen/view/cancer-the-big-business-to-keep-it-alive-463780 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, there's no media, facebook, uproar to tell you to hate them, nevermind, carry on

    Actually, there was quite the social media uproar about it. People were super pissed about all of the copyright **** she was claiming on using the term "cure." I know a lot of people who don't support that charity anymore, and have found more ethical charities to support.

    The uproar you speak of, lasted a few days, and was only over the frivolous lawsuits. This and many other charities should have been dropped years ago for their day to day practices, not because one day the media said they were bad.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    Here here!
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Judging by how many people even care about this story, I'd say not.

    You cared enough to come in here and post so should we call you Pot or Kettle?
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member

    It's nothing more than a choice of how far you want to excel in your sport and what you're willing to do to be the best.
    It's got nothing to do with being dumb.
    That is why he was a professional athlete, and most of us are not.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I don't care what they say about Lance. He earned all the awards and metals to received. People just want to pull him down from his achievements. He is and always will be a great cyclist.

    I like that the one person who's met him in this thread called him a total jerk. :laugh:

    He guest rode RAGBRAI a couple of years ago - this kid, maybe twelve, gave a 120% to catch up to the group and Lance opened up a slot for the kid to ride in for a couple of miles. Lance did a lot of good things - but sportsmanship, honesty and fairness were not part of it. His treatment of other riders went from fair to **** on and off the bike.

    The whole "he's hated because he's American" is just silly. There are hundreds of cyclists that have been disqualified due to doping, he got lucky he got that far, and his scare tactics were pretty good.

    As to the list of products - its pretty well known.

  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Seriously, I am glad he is coming out about doping! Now we can get a list of what he does and how he does it. This is the guy who even after cancer had lungs that processed oxygen better than a high school top athlete. Once the market and the underground gets a hold of that list you will see a flood of new products on the market to push you way past where you are now, bring it on!
    Before you start whining about how horrible and a cheater Lance is, please keep in mind a few things. 1: I don't give a crap about your holier than thou stance. I know the people currently hating on home are all perfect people who have never cheated or lied in their life, but I don't care. 2: I can remember back in the day when Creatine was considered a performance enhancing drug that was under much debate, many people and groups called for it to be banned from all sports, now no one thinks twice about it. For the people who object, you can all stay in your caver afraid of the sun, and I'll be over here with Lance dancing around the bonfire.

    so true.... you know what he still had to win the race... so a drug helped- is it fair or clever to find something that works?... you mean others would use it to if they knew what it was... i say let it be open and may the body that uses it win... you still need to be human and win... how much can enhancement drug do... the human still has the determination and push to go with the drug... seriously people cheat and lie in everyday living why wouldnt it happen in sports too... people love to complain.....
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I'd rather be intelligent than have big muscles. Just saying.

    Are the two mutually exclusive? I want big muscles and am also currently working on my Masters and have been thought of by my peers and professors and a relatively intilligent human. I wasn't aware I wasn't allowed both options.
  • RMeDude
    RMeDude Posts: 37
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I don't care what they say about Lance. He earned all the awards and metals to received. People just want to pull him down from his achievements. He is and always will be a great cyclist.

    I like that the one person who's met him in this thread called him a total jerk. :laugh:

    No one is saying he has a great personality. Maybe if he starts taking 5-HTP so he can be a nicer human, then we can start blasting him for that and negate any positive impact his new personality could have.

    I've always admired him as an athlete and someone who definitely pushes himself and works hard (while disliking his personality). Yes, he took PEDs and now is finally admitting it. Good, the world can continue to turn. But looking at the rest of the field, he was obviously not alone. I'll be willing to bet that if no one took PEDs in cycling, he would have still won 7 times.

    ?? I've taken 5-HTP and I'm not a nicer human. I have no idea what you were getting at. And we will never know if he would have won or not... That's like saying I bet I would win at synchronized swimming at the Olympics, had I ever trained for it.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'd rather be intelligent than have big muscles. Just saying.

    Are the two mutually exclusive? I want big muscles and am also currently working on my Masters and have been thought of by my peers and professors and a relatively intilligent human. I wasn't aware I wasn't allowed both options.

    Huge muscles, check! Higher education than a silly NJ teacher who stereotypes, double check
    Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Jim Stoppani

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    This is the guy who even after cancer had lungs that processed oxygen better than a high school top athlete.
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    You are comparing the normal process of giving birth that goes on daily with the sort of beating a body takes from enduring cancer, chemo and all of the impact it has on one's entire immune system going through the ordeal, not to mention the stress from knowing could die if things go wrong, or that it could come back and kill you some time down the road? My mother gave birth to 5 and she would probably still tell you the breast cancer, treatments and mascectomy were worse than having 5 kids.