Excited about Lance Armstrong!



  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Interesting perspective on the whole "He still is a great athlete" view


    Meh, I say Phooey to that article as it fails to consider his age and cancer treatment. It essentially treats him as 27 year old healthy guy.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    He enhanced his way to #1. good for him :huh: Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mike Piazza would all be proud.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Seriously, I am glad he is coming out about doping! Now we can get a list of what he does and how he does it. This is the guy who even after cancer had lungs that processed oxygen better than a high school top athlete. Once the market and the underground gets a hold of that list you will see a flood of new products on the market to push you way past where you are now, bring it on!
    Before you start whining about how horrible and a cheater Lance is, please keep in mind a few things. 1: I don't give a crap about your holier than thou stance. I know the people currently hating on home are all perfect people who have never cheated or lied in their life, but I don't care. 2: I can remember back in the day when Creatine was considered a performance enhancing drug that was under much debate, many people and groups called for it to be banned from all sports, now no one thinks twice about it. For the people who object, you can all stay in your caver afraid of the sun, and I'll be over here with Lance dancing around the bonfire.

    Whatever he was on, I want a bucketful of the stuff to mainline before I run the Mum's race at my children's sports day this June :laugh: :drinker:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Lance who???
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Not to mention the majority of his competitors are probably on gear as well ;)
    This! I don't really get why they are illegal in the first place. How does something that ANYONE can get ahold of give you an unfair advantage? They aren't for me, but just saying if you want to whine about it not being fair then take them yourself and level the playing field.

    Sounds a lot like "no child left behind" if you ask me and look how that has dumbed down America.

    Yes. This. Exactly.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
  • duichaser
    duichaser Posts: 173 Member
    I guess you haven't done your research that many people who have high cholesterol have it because of genetics. I was 29, in top physical shape, eating well, and mine was 329. My DOCTOR told me that all the diet and exercise in the world would not bring down my cholesterol numbers to a good level. Thank you for your words of wisdom, your insults, and your sarcasm; but I think I will leave the medical diagnosis to the guy with the M.D.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    I guess you haven't done your research that many people who have high cholesterol have it because of genetics. I was 29, in top physical shape, eating well, and mine was 329. My DOCTOR told me that all the diet and exercise in the world would not bring down my cholesterol numbers to a good level. Thank you for your words of wisdom, your insults, and your sarcasm; but I think I will leave the medical diagnosis to the guy with the M.D.

    apparently 'the majority' and 'all' mean the same thing in your world, so that's cool, high five to ya. I'd love to get into a genetics argument with you and even source the M.D's that are in the practice I WORK FOR, but it's obvious reading is not your thing. Carry on!:flowerforyou:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Read an exclusive leaked transcript of Lance's interview with Oprah right here:*


    *not really
    **warning - language
    *** it is damn funny though
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Read an exclusive leaked transcript of Lance's interview with Oprah right here:*


    *not really
    **warning - language
    *** it is damn funny though

    This was pretty damn fun
  • Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.

  • He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!

    And the class on how to politely ***** slap someone is over. Thank you Professor.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    He had cancer in his ball sac. It does not impress me that his lungs were still able to process oxygen. One day, I shoved a 7lb 6 oz baby out of my loins. It took 9 hours and 21 minutes, but my lungs processed oxygen the entire time. Impressed?:tongue:

    Look up the chemo drug Bleomycin. it does terrible things to your lungs, how do I know, I took it for three months...for the "cancer in my ball sac" I still wear a "do not give 100% Oxygen Road ID", because if I took it, my lungs would crystallise and fail. Congrats on the kid!

    And the class on how to politely ***** slap someone is over. Thank you Professor.

    one of my faves here
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.

    I'll bet you that silly little car you're leaning on that if they put the 5th, 12th, 25th, and all other finishers in between under a more detailed microscope they would find they all were doing something as well. Once again, I don't care about a goofy bike race as I can safely say, no one else on this thread does either. I still have yet to hear anyone talk about how they have watched the Tour de france for years and now feel cheated. It's just a bunch of people hopping on the 'Hatin' on Lance' wagon. As I have stated many times in this post, and many of you have missed because let's be honest, reading is not your thing, I want to know what he did and how he did it. Anyone who believes Lance is the only guy in the tour cheating is crazier than Charles Manson eating froot loops, but he is the most successful at it.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.

    I'll bet you that silly little car you're leaning on that if they put the 5th, 12th, 25th, and all other finishers in between under a more detailed microscope they would find they all were doing something as well. Once again, I don't care about a goofy bike race as I can safely say, no one else on this thread does either. I still have yet to hear anyone talk about how they have watched the Tour de france for years and now feel cheated. It's just a bunch of people hopping on the 'Hatin' on Lance' wagon. As I have stated many times in this post, and many of you have missed because let's be honest, reading is not your thing, I want to know what he did and how he did it. Anyone who believes Lance is the only guy in the tour cheating is crazier than Charles Manson eating froot loops, but he is the most successful at it.
    The most sucessful cheater is STILL a cheater.
    That is like a husband cheating on his wife but only cheating with supermodels.
    Even if all of his workmates are also cheaters, HE IS STILL A CHEATER.
    I could personally care less about bike racing. Lance Armstrong attempted to pass himself off as something he wasn't.
    Ok.. So he was the most sucessful cheater? Great. so he cheats better then anyone else. Well, maybe not because he GOT CAUGHT.
    And as far as my "silly little car" is concerned, win or lose, at least I never cheated in a race.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.

    I'll bet you that silly little car you're leaning on that if they put the 5th, 12th, 25th, and all other finishers in between under a more detailed microscope they would find they all were doing something as well. Once again, I don't care about a goofy bike race as I can safely say, no one else on this thread does either. I still have yet to hear anyone talk about how they have watched the Tour de france for years and now feel cheated. It's just a bunch of people hopping on the 'Hatin' on Lance' wagon. As I have stated many times in this post, and many of you have missed because let's be honest, reading is not your thing, I want to know what he did and how he did it. Anyone who believes Lance is the only guy in the tour cheating is crazier than Charles Manson eating froot loops, but he is the most successful at it.
    The most sucessful cheater is STILL a cheater.
    That is like a husband cheating on his wife but only cheating with supermodels.
    Even if all of his workmates are also cheaters, HE IS STILL A CHEATER.
    I could personally care less about bike racing. Lance Armstrong attempted to pass himself off as something he wasn't.
    Ok.. So he was the most sucessful cheater? Great. so he cheats better then anyone else. Well, maybe not because he GOT CAUGHT.
    And as far as my "silly little car" is concerned, win or lose, at least I never cheated in a race.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.

    "Cheating" is a term defined by the sport. In determining what I may or may not want to do with my own body, it matters not to me if a certain competitive sports board has determined it is a "cheat". I am not a professional cyclist, so I may be willing to "cheat" depending entirely on what the "cheat" is. That's what I want to know. What "cheats" was he using?

    I don't care if you are impressed by what he did. I don't care who you think are champs and who aren't. I simply want to know *what* he did. Period. The end.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Armstrong has used lawsuits and threats and has ruined people financially for speaking the truth against him.

    who could cheer for a guy like that?

    using PEDs isnt why most people hate him.


    Except the point of this thread has ZERO to do with *why*, or even *if*, people hate Lance Armstrong. Please, if you want to comment on him as a person, start a thread on it! I suspect the general consensus is correct, that he truly is a dbag of epic proportions.

    However, this thread is about *what* he did and *how* he did it. A relatively old guy did things that allowed him to beat younger guys (many of whom were also doing similar things). Part of this is likely because of the things he took, part is because of the training he did, and part is because of who he is. The focus here is on the things he took (and, I think, the things he did, but I'm being lazy and not actually clicking back to OP).

    Take a moment and forget all that you know/have heard about him as a person and instead consider what he was able to do. I think it's worth considering.
    He was able to win seven titles by cheating.
    Forgive me for being unimpressed.
    The REAL champ in those races are the guys who placed, 5th, 12th or 25th without cheating.

    I'll bet you that silly little car you're leaning on that if they put the 5th, 12th, 25th, and all other finishers in between under a more detailed microscope they would find they all were doing something as well. Once again, I don't care about a goofy bike race as I can safely say, no one else on this thread does either. I still have yet to hear anyone talk about how they have watched the Tour de france for years and now feel cheated. It's just a bunch of people hopping on the 'Hatin' on Lance' wagon. As I have stated many times in this post, and many of you have missed because let's be honest, reading is not your thing, I want to know what he did and how he did it. Anyone who believes Lance is the only guy in the tour cheating is crazier than Charles Manson eating froot loops, but he is the most successful at it.
    The most sucessful cheater is STILL a cheater.
    That is like a husband cheating on his wife but only cheating with supermodels.
    Even if all of his workmates are also cheaters, HE IS STILL A CHEATER.
    I could personally care less about bike racing. Lance Armstrong attempted to pass himself off as something he wasn't.
    Ok.. So he was the most sucessful cheater? Great. so he cheats better then anyone else. Well, maybe not because he GOT CAUGHT.
    And as far as my "silly little car" is concerned, win or lose, at least I never cheated in a race.

    Again, you have failed to contribute to what this post is actually about. I'm also guessing you have not had many successes in your life, being that successful is the only word you spelled wrong, not once, but twice.