Senior Golden Sneakers~~~~For June~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member




    :flowerforyou: :heart: MARIE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so much for the warm weather......for our date Jake and I went to the golf course where he played nine holes and I walked (over 6000 steps) I wore a turtleneck, a hooded sweatshirt, a hat, a windbreaker, and gloves.......then we walked around the farmers market and had lunch at a little sandwich shop run by a friend....since I never buy bread, a sandwich is a huge and rare treat......the sandwich was under 350 calories and over 1200 mg of sodium so it's a good thing I don't do that very often.

    :flowerforyou: the dogs are keeping an eye on me so I don't forget to take them to the dog park.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey. I am thinking thoughts of speed and stamina for you today on your big have given your all to getting ready for this so I know that it will be exciting for you.......I can't wait to hear your account of the adventure.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, the roses that we thought would make a hedge are growing slowly and don't look anything like a hedge although many of them have nice roses blooming....the pumpkin seeds I planted aren't growing at all so I guess this isn't the year for me to grow veggies.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: enjoy your Saturday and don't forget to drink lots of water.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    I forgot to tell you that I got in touch with Elli and here is her reply.:

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
    such a busy time - since we got the new business i'm working from 7:30 to 5 or later most days. Then i go to the garden and the yard. I feel bad 'cause now i'm NOT doing anything i.e. yoga or the gym. I'm still walking the dogs most day, but by the time i'm done with everything most days it's close to dark and im BEAT!
    We have a wedding in July, a baby due in Aug, and now a baby also due in Jan! (the kids getting married in July! So life is good, no complaints - just no time right now for mfp. I'M SORRY!!!!!!!frown Please tell everyone i say HI! i still think about all of you......i imagine I'll be back in the fall.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I know we all miss hearing from her and wish her well :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi folks! We had sunshine in Saskatchewan and about supper time had a big but short thunderstorm. The rain pounded down. I guess I didn't really need to water my pots!! Everything is looking healthy except the cucumbers aren't as nice as i would like. Just hope the produce. Neil and I were looking out the window where my garden beds are and down came a robin investigating my only red strawberry (only and first) so I went roaring out like a mad woman. I think the poor robin thought I was crazy and he swore at me a wee bit. I grabbed the gorgeous strawberry and ate it. I did give Neil a little taste. I guess that's what you get for coveting things!! Neil thought it was hilarious. Dave figures I should get some netting to cover them so will see what I can find on Monday.

    Jeffrey -- How did it go??? Hope you aren't too sore.

    Sandy -- I am with you on the weather! Are you rested up yet after the family visit??

    Barbie -- So glad you contacted Elli. I miss her posts. Sorry you are back in the cold.

    Marie -- Hope you are having a good day.

    Take care everyone. Thinking of you, Irene. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    Thanks for the update on Elli Barbie. She is on Facebook so we do see some updates from her. She is as busy as your are, but that is a good thing. :bigsmile:

    Gayla, I can just see you running out your house after that strawberry, Neil had to be in stitches. :laugh: Poor little robin will be traumatized for life. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jeffrey, you are almost to the finish line, keep going and going!!!!!

    Marie, hope all is well with you. Daisy loves her walks but if it too hot we wait until it cools down. I still haven't taken her to the dog park, with all this rain I am afraid of the mess. :glasses:

    It poured this morning but now the sun is coming out, so I think I will try and get a little more tan. ( I know, I know)

    This whole next week is Bryanna's Dance Nationals so I will be busy, busy, busy. Will try and check in when I can.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have posted a few Triathlon pictures of me and some friends. Now you get a good look! (sorry about that!) I will have a full report tomorrow. It was great experience. One of the best things I have ever done. VERY challenging. It was harder than I anticipated. But every step was worth it! I went into the race at about 178 pounds. I lost 7.5 pounds in the hour and 39 minutes it took to complete it.

    By the way, I am the one in the blue top and black shorts. I will do another one! But the 1/2 marathon is next on the bucket list!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Just look at that 6 pack through that triathlon singlet (shirt)! LOL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    OMG Jeffrey, you look fabulous and fit and is so great that you finished the triathlon and lived to tell the tale......I can't wait to hear the whole story.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Wow!!! I am more than impressed Jeffrey!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Look at you!!
    That 6 pack is indeed showing and you are flaunting it!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Congratulations on a job well done, I expect to hear that you were in the top ten!!! And if not there is always next time!!!

    Day must be so proud of her hubby, I bet you never looked that good ever!!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Wowee!! Who is that fit and muscled guy??:noway: You look amazing, Jeffrey! So glad it was such a good experience. Your family must be very proud of you. Can't wait to hear your stories about your experience. See how we live through you??:bigsmile:
    take care all, Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Oh Jfftrey. What an amazing guy. 95 lb lOST STILL RUNninfg. Dying to hear how you place.Had no ideal you were that fit. and wow =you hVE TRANFORM YOURSELF INTO A PERFECT BODY.. cAN'T TELL HOW PROUD i AM IN YOU. yOUR'LL THE BEST.OW WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A ENCORE???????tHANKS FOR SHARIING YOUR PICTURES.yOU ARE THE kING.DID'M'T
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning all. Jeffrey YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!! :wink: Love your pictures. It really is very hard to believe that you were ever an ounce overweight!!!!:noway: Kudos to you!!! You have worked very hard for this and you must be very proud!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Today is a somber day as it started out with the funeral mass for our dear young Anthony. :ohwell: Yesterday at the wake there was a line going down the street! It took me an hour and a half just to get into the funeral home to pay my respects!:noway: What a testimony to Anthony and his family. :love: It is very consoling to see such an outpouring of love, support and respect!!!
    At the funeral mass today, my 3 daughters did all the music! They sing like angels! It was full of people who knew the family being a part of such a sad service! Even the priest was from our parish and knew the family personally. (He was an altar boy, growing up in our parish and then became a priest) I was so touched and so proud of the girls offering to sing under these difficult circumstances. :blushing: I am truly blessed!:flowerforyou:

    May we all feel blessed with what we have....and if something..... or someone is agravating you.....put it into perspective and look at what you have. These kinds of events help to put life into perspective!:wink:

    Have a blessed day and find a piece of joy somewhere in it!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    HI All,
    I have been rather crazy busy lately and havent been on here much I will post something later.
    Hope everyone is doing well.... Looking good Jeffrey :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! Contrary to what I posted early in the week, I have decided not to go to competition until tomorrow. I did drive Bryanna to the event yesterday but then came home and today I am just going to get some of my things done before tomorrow.
    I am staying in a hotel with Bryanna Wednesday and Thursday just so we have some special time together. :heart: She has to be there very early in the mornings and since she dances Thursday and Friday I just thought it would be easier for her. :blushing:

    Our weather is perfect this week with no rain and plenty of sunshine, I might even take Daisy to the dog park today if I can get organized. I did well with walking and calories yesterday. It seems I have lost a pound but then again you know my rule. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is well and may I ask a favor for the new month? I am not sure if I will be on Wednesday night so can one of you please start the new month for July?

    Beth, so nice to hear from you, I have been following your adventures on face book. Take care of yourself. :love:

    Have a great day,
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Beautiful weather here finally! Yesterday I resumed training. I ran 3.5 miles, did an ab work out, and a serious strength work out. Today I have swam 450 yards and I am going to bike and do a plyometric workout after I mow the lawn.

    The traithlon break down is kind of like this:

    The swim was daunting! Open water swmiiming is nothing like a pool. About 20 times harder. We started by age groups which put me next to last to start. There were 719 total participants. I started fine but got grabbed in the middle of the lake. A poor guy had an anxiety attack and grabbed me. He ended up ok and finished. It was little scary. I came out of the water in 15 minutes. I had done it in 10 minutes many times in training. I had 2 scratched and bleeding arms, a bruise over my right eye and and a swoller left eye from the swim. It would describe it as a cross between a rugby game and a bar fight! Nothing was done intentonal, it just happens.

    I biked very well. My bike computer had me averaging about 21.2 mph for the 14 miles. I had to stop for 89 seconds to wait for the ambulance to get a bkie wreck cleaned up and the guy off the road. I really liked racing the bike. I am going to check into that further.

    The run was rough. 3.52 miles in 90 degrees after the other disciplines. I finally hit my stride with 1.5 miles to go and finished strong.

    I met so many great people! Everyone was very encouraging and supportive. Not a butt in the crowd that I seen. I found out though that even though I am in decent shape, I have a ways to go to be competive with this group of athletes. When you meet a triathlete, that is either a very fit person or a nut! LOL Probably a mix of both. I will do another one, but this year I need to train for distance running. That is the next thing on my bucket list!

    Through all this I learned a lot about me and others. First of all that I should not rest on what I have done, but always look forward to what can I do! Nothing is out of reach. I have learned that when you think you are ready, you probably are not. Stay at it! AND Never give up! Respect, admire, and encourage everyone's effort. Their output and effort may exceed yours! And lastly, peace comes from within therefore do not seek it from without..........

    Thanks to all of you for the complements. I have relished in them. And coming from all of you, they mean more than you know. Your support contributed greatly to my finishing the triathlon. There were several times in the past few weeks that it would have been very easy to find an excuse to drop out, but with the encouragement from all of you I did not.

    You were all with me when I crossed the finish line!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    @Jeffrey..............:sad: Those are tears of joy and pride in knowing you!!!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    ..Hope everyone is well and may I ask a favor for the new month? I am not sure if I will be on Wednesday night so can one of you please start the new month for July? .......



    Since I am down with a cold today, I will probably be sticking close to home, so I will take care of creating the new thread this time for July.

    Hope Bryanna's dance event goes well.

    Jeffrey, Congrats on the accomplishment. Sorry you suffered some "war wounds" in the process. Next time around, hopefully there won't be someone in the swimming portion who mistakes you for a flotation device!!!:noway: :laugh: Don't see how that could happen, as your picture certainly shows you to be looking very fit!!:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey, you are one in a million.Sorry about the guy grabbing you. That must have been scary.But you came back fighting.this old granny is sp proud of you. I got to forget I am fixing to have my 80th Birthdate and think young.

    Ask Day if I leave off fat except for a little of the good fat will that help me get rid of this tummy. She is a nutriction. right? i have been eating a lot of veggies and fruit and really lean meat.and a lille Olive oil.And skim milk.

    You can get you a job as a personel trainer.y ou certainly have came a long way.

    Hello to the rest of you. Hope all is well. Would love to hear from Irene.

    Gayla how is WW oming along?
    I didn' stick with it too long.

    We had a nice rain. and maybe the hurrican will bring lots more.They are saying it will.

    Talk to you guys later

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    @Jeffrey..............:sad: Those are tears of joy and pride in knowing you!!!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Barb, thanks for taking on the responsibility for getting the new thread started tomorrow....I'll be looking forward to it on the first of July.......I'm sorry to hear that you were not able to successfully dodge the cold.....take care of yourself so you have a speedy recovery....I think "snuggling with dogs" is one of the most successfully used remedies for what ails you....I know it works for me.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I loved reading your account of the triathlon....I read it twice and then read it out loud to Jake. He sends congratulations :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I didn't think the race would resemble a bar fight, LOL I thought it would just be grueling exercise, but I guess with a lot of people in a small space, anything can happen.......I admire the peaceful competitive spirit you seem to have.....consistently pushing yourself to do more but without the aggression that is prevalent in many competitive venues......I especially agree with your belief that you should look within for peace....I've always heard that happiness is an inside job....I happy to know that I could be some small part of your support system for completing the race.

    :flowerforyou: We all have our own personal competitions and Jake says that for himself being able to cut the grass himself, groom both poodles, and walk the golf course is a personal triathlon.....competition against others like Jeffrey's triathlon is one sort of competition and competition against one's personal bests is another.

    :flowerforyou: we did a different yoga routine this morning and learned about some flexibility we didn't have and some balance we were surprised that we did have...the next step will be adding an evening yoga

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I was watching some great dancing on the Daytime Emmy show on TV and thought about Bryanna's dancing.....maybe one day we'll see her dancing in something like that.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, good to hear from you.....are you doing any competitive runs?

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I think the best fats are from nuts and olive oil....I think they are better than animal fat (meat and dairy)...veggies and fruit are always a great choice

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thanks for the reminder about staying focused on our's too easy to neglect our blessings and think about our worries........there is so much that is right about our lives.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I loved the story about the robin and the strawberry in your garden.....I used bird netting to keep the birds from eating my sunflower seeds so I guess it will work to protect your strawberries.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: