Senior Golden Sneakers~~~~For June~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thats at i like about us Seniors we stick togheter.Thqnkws Barb's for taking care

    gf our momthly change. You are all such dears Love you all .

    gayla how do you make cucumbers sandwiches? I need some ideals for sandwiches without eating provessed lunch meat. I can get my protein in by eating greek yogurt. I am thinking about baking a salmon to go on s sandwich I really don't like tuas unless I uaed lot of mayo in it and that would be too much fat.Salmon patties would be good. Here I am answwering my own Questions.

    I see Kay has been getting on facebook a lot lately. I hardly ever go to her dairy now.

    This is grocer shopping day. I got to remember if I don't buy it I can't eat it.And My friddge is about bare now. Now if I can get my frezer work down some. I have been cooking lots of veggies so it is looking better.

    Thanks Barbicat. That is about what i am eating. veggies fruit lean meat. and skim milk. And low carb breadCan't go wrong eatinf that.

    Blessed you Irene. I keep thinking about you. Hope to hear from you soon.And all is fine..:heart: Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, what about cooking chicken and then pulling it off the bone and measuring a portion for a sandwich.....then you could have a protein on a sandwich without using processed deli lunch meat.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: sunshine for Jake and line dance for me.
    :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Regarding cucumber sandwiches: I use English cucumbers--milder than the other type--love the flavor. I use a Thomas Bagel Thin with "everything" on it, or a whole wheat sandwich thin or mini-bagel, and spread low-fat cream cheese. You don't even miss the meat. If I want to add some additional protein, I will have some Greek yogurt, or a hardboiled egg along side it, or put some roasted soy nuts in the sandwich--be careful of the brand--some of the soy nuts are awfully high in salt. The brand I use is called Nature's Select, and it is from Costco.

    I went to bed at 7:30 last night, and woke up several times during the night, but got a fairly restful sleep, despite Mai Li getting up in the middle of the night to bark at the boogyman out in the back yard!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I weighed today, and apparently that nice long walk I took on Sunday finally shook something loose, as am down a pound from my previously lowest weight. Never dreamed I'd ever drop into the 180's when I started this journey in April 2009, but I am almost there.

    I will post a link to the new thread on this one once I have started the new one later tonight.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: This is the day for walking my after line dance I came home ate a quick lunch, rode the exercise bike for 20 minutes then met my friend and walked and talked for two's a beautiful day and our route takes us along the water and through the trees so it couldn't be any better than that except that I was so tired when I got home that I didn't take the dogs to the dog park.....I feel better now but we have someplace to go in an hour and that won't leave time for the dogs......Jake walked them on the hill so they haven't been completely neglected.
    :heart: :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Just got back from my run. I got a tough 3.5 miles in tonight right after a long strength and ab workout. I think I paid the price on the run from yesterdays plyometric workout. I am sore! I now have my coffee and my supper is in the oven. Day had a church meeting tonight so me and the cats are flying solo. They know I have chicken cooking and are patiently waiting in the kitchen.

    I got a little work done in the garden today and in the flower beds. It has been a tough year for gardening but I will not surrender! I cleaned my truck from top to bottom, inside and out today. It looks good now, but it took 5 hours to complete it. I had been a slob! LOL

    I think I am going to run a 3.5 mile race on Saturday. It looks like a nice little group that puts it on as a fund raiser for thier fireworks. Should be easier than last Saturdays "race"!

    Today I made a nice wrap out of slice turkey, onion, and salsa. It really was pretty darn good and I figured about 200 calories for it. So far this week my weight has stayed down. I was kind of worried about it after the triathlon but I seem to be holding steady. I have really been counting calories at all for a while but I am going to start watching them again as I have dropped the intensity of my training for a bit to heal up. I am not going to put one pound back on!

    Day's fell and broke her wrist last night. She refuses a bed alarm and is now falling frequently. She is still mean and nasty and told us to get out last Sunday after we drove 100 miles down to see her. So we did! LOL It is a constant worry about her. I know she is quite a "jewel" but she is family and a fellow human. I will never understand her fight against happiness. I am glad it is her and not me!

    Take care and enjoy your evening everyone!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Evening Everyone--

    I am going to bed early tonight, so I started the new thread already. Here is a link to the new month:

    See you in the new month!!
