Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Sunday Share: I have always been very self-conscience about weight because of the emphasis my mom put on it. She struggled for years (evidently getting up around 300 at one time - but never that I remember). Therefore, she was always harping on me, making me drink shakes and diet and make comments about exercise, etc. etc. etc. She often used the infamous words, "you'd be so pretty if you'd just lose a few pounds." Actually, I realize looking back at my school pictures that I really wasn't out of control weight wise until I was an older teen. I actually look really good (maybe borderlining a couple of times) until about the age of 16. I look normal and healthy in my pictures. As I've talked with my sister who has struggled with many of the same weight issues, she has similar memories to me concerning food and comments.

    I know my mother feared us having the same weight, health and emotional issues she did, but I think in many ways it did more harm than good.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Christine that is great to hear about your son being home safe and sound. I sometimes enjoy rainy days too
    @ Lin and Bella Wow my hat is off to the two of you stepping up and helping your family. Shows what caring hearts you both have. You both need to take time for yourself.
    @skinny did you like those noodles?
    @nateco like your new profile pic. Also I really like that quote.
    @Robin I hope you can get a refund..
    @Susan I like the idea of looking at it in 10lb inclements. Good for you
    @Cath YaY!!
    Sunday Share! As a child I was consider the skinny one as a teen slighly chubby, by the time I was in my 20's start to gain weight. Became very heavy went on a diet try the T-Factor diet I lost weight on it met my husband got married was chubby but not fat. But marry life led to a move home sickness lots of cooking I love to cook so went right back up and more. Had my daughter and gain lots of weight. From that point I wasn't chubby, overweight I was obese. I just never stop eating. Just thought this was the way its going to be just accept it. Finally at 52 I had a moment where its like why aren't you trying to do something. Just do something. I start a month on my own and than a friend told me about MFP. Love it. not always easy but worth it.
    Welcome to all!!!
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Overall Check in: Well, as far as measurements go I've had some ups and downs. i gained an inch on my waist, lost an inch on my hips and two inches on my belly. My arms and bust stayed the same.

    Weekend victories and failures: I had a little of both here. I managed to make some healthier choices over the weekend and I was able to consistently drink water instead of tea or soda. I did, however, have a major failure as far as meeting my personal exercise goals and my calorie intake. I'm kicking myself for that. I've also noticed that I seem to be on edge a lot here lately. I suppose its because of the changes I'm going through at the moment. I'm still moving forward, in the end, though. This can only get better after all.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    judygorham - welcome back :flowerforyou:

    andrea - I know you can show that 8 year old a good example!

    janak - what a great story - thanks for sharing

    bella - that's a big change having your sis live with you - hope it works out

    jtconst - so excited for you to have more exergy - that's everybody's dream!

    nichol - congrats on all the baking - that's dedication!

    Callean - welcome!

    raven - stay with it - as you say, there's lots of ups and downs to this lifestyle change. Your moods may fluctuate too, but stay with it - you don't want to quit and be like you were - forever.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I'm tired this morning, not sure why. I have a Sleep Number bed and discovered last night it was on the wrong setting (no wonder my back hurt), so slept much better after changing it - woke up tired for some reason though. I did have a rather busy weekend so that could be why. :yawn:

    Monday Check-in~I had a rather successful weekend. In the past Saturday's have always been my cheat day - either a meal or I allow myself an indulgent dessert, I didn't do that this weekend. I really want to win this challenge at my gym, at least at the local level, so right now am trying to behave myself on the weekends. Achilles tendon is still giving me fits and knee has been bothering me since I worked out with my trainer yesterday - guess we angered it.

    Someone posted the other day a recipe for protein bars - I tried to make them Saturday but they turned out really sticky. Any idea why? I followed the recipe exact.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry I have been gone a whole week due to boyfriend being in the hospital for heart issues caused by high blood pressure. I will update you that my offer was accepted on a house the inspection should be tomorrow or Wed. My teenager and I started back to school today. My partners kids have moved in so now I have 3 boys living in my home between the ages of 9-16.

    Warning to all parents with teenagers if you are not doing regular phone checks with your kids please start. I have been doing random phone checks with my kid for years and you would be amazed with what they text, twitter, friend chat about on their phone. My rule is I can read all texts, emails, twitter, and view all internet history along with all pictures on the phone, with that being said rules were broken and my teenager has lost a cell phone until he can buy it and pay the monthly chargers on it.

    I walked a lot at the hospital and while running school supply errands.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Quick ---HELLO---hope everyone has a usccessful week. Have errands to do and then it's dad time. I am just dragging today which is not a good start to a stressful week. Of course that is probably why I am dragging. Already stressed.

    Weekend went well RE food and activity. This week probably not so good as I'll be back to sitting in the car and waiting rooms again. It'll get back to moving more (and drinking my water) when my obligations are met.

    Healthy days to all!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Monday checkin ... BIG struggles this weekend. My inner brat had a field day. Not good. Was in total "Whee, toy food!" mode. So, I gained back everything I lost and then some. Sigh. I used to hear about "inner brats" years ago, and now I'm experiencing that critter. Oh well. Today is another day. Onward.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Monday check-in. It has been a week (and weekend) full of bumps. I fell off the wagon and it rolled over me. Then I didn't even bother getting up to get back on it. I just sat there and watched it roll away. However, today is Monday and it is the start of a new week. I am still down 8 lbs (I refuse to adjust my weight since it will come back off this week.) I have dusted myself off and renewed my resolve to make this work. I feel super sluggish since eating all that junk the last couple of days (although I admit both the birthday cake by co-worker bought and the one my husband got were delicious). I have to remember nothing taste as good as loosing weight and getting healthy feel. Sooo, it is the start of a new week and I am back on track.:flowerforyou:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Monday check in:

    Last week was going pretty well. I was working out most of the days, but the weekend felt like I hit a stand still. Saturday I grazed on snacks through out the day, skipped a full meal and didn't work out because the top part of my foot hurts. Sunday, I was supposed to go to the gym, got lazy, played video games, ate food my boyfriend made to his portions (which are about 3 of a normal size... I need to crack down on him for that as he's gaining weight badly) and then topped my night off with ice cream.

    So, I at least learned where my bad habits are coming from currently... and I learned that weekends are harder for me because I'm not at work or on my work schedule with food etc. So it's like, I rather not eat.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    mbig problem is sundays i always seem to go over calories for the day but i did lose the 1.5 lbs i gained last week
  • Monday check-in: I went to Golden Corral yesterday after church and it was difficult to find anything to eat, I don't know if my tastes are changing or the food really wasn't good but the best things on my plate were a multigrain roll, a peice of grilled chicken and a baked sweet potatoe, the fat free ranch on my salad was disgusting. I haven't been to a buffet in a really long time, don't think I'll be going back anytime soon, ugghh! I do feel like I'm not getting enough veggies, thinking about juicing!

    NSV: Successfully dodged the sweet treats sold after church, a true first for me!:bigsmile:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Monday check in I hope that everyone is doing great ! I have a doctors appt tomorrow to talk to the doctor who did my surgery back in July so hopefully i can start doing some exercise later this week ! I sure do miss not getting to go to Zumba but i will get back to that soon ! I need to finish getting healed up first ! I know this weekend i will get plenty of exercise though ! My oldest neice turns 12 on thursday and my sis is having her a suprise slumber party for her and one of her friends so i am going to be helping with that !
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning, praying you all have a great week a head of you full of wonderful, healthy food and exercise. I didn't get much exercise yesterday due to weather and missed walk this morning due to breathing and fibro, I will get 2 in today if it kills me!!! My feet hurt so bad yesterday I could hardly walk, weather really messes with the arthritis. Today is beautiful out although still humid. My eating wasn't too bad, over yesterday by 47 cals. but not too bad for celebrating my granddaughter's 5th birthday and not getting my walks in. I get to start one of my Bible studies this week and looking forward to that and will take my healthy snack instead of eating sweets on our break. I am also doing an online Bible study called "The Lord's Table which puts weight loss in Biblical perspective and that has been a helpful addition to MFP for me. I am in a small group through the Daniel Plan also and that is what led me to MFP to start logging what I ate which led me to this wonderful group of people!

    Lin and Bella, praying for strength and patience for the 2 of you caretakers. I know the pain and frustration as I had mother and step-father living with me through my step-father's decline and cared for sister through 2 knee surgeries within 3 months of each other. You are saints!

    Have a great week all!

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Getting in on the tail of this, I have been working on re modeling our main bathroom and it has been a wicked week. I gain back what I lost two weeks ago. boo hoo. I am going to get on the bike today!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy monday all. I am happy to say that all the unaccustomed ctivity not only didnt wear me out but resulted in a fantabulous 5 pound weight loss for the week Needless to say I am super happy about it. I have spent the morning researching exercises that people can do at home if they are very heaavy and not in real good shape. I want to kepp this ball rolling.:bigsmile: I hope you all have a great day, leading to an even better week.:drinker: :drinker:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Happy Monday...Had a very busy weekend...but stayed UNDER CALORIES....have allot going on, so just wanted to drop in and say "HI":flowerforyou:
    Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Monday Check-in: The scale says +2. This does not make for a happy Monday. At least I have learned a very important lesson: One cannot expect to lose weight if one does not log one's meals. Eureka!
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Well I didn't post anything all weekend, it was kinda crazy for me, had a half day at work which turned into a 3/4 day because someone else screwed up and I had to fix it :mad: Then went home, packed really quick, and went to my folks for the weekend. We picked out the excursions for the cruise I am going with them in November. I get to do a lot of snorkeling and a kayak wildlife safari and I get to swim with a sea lion! I am super exited and even more motivated than ever to lose weight and get in shape!

    I do my weigh in tomorrow and I am excited/nervous about what the scale will show me. Have I been good or have I been bad....
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy monday all. I am happy to say that all the unaccustomed ctivity not only didnt wear me out but resulted in a fantabulous 5 pound weight loss for the week Needless to say I am super happy about it. I have spent the morning researching exercises that people can do at home if they are very heaavy and not in real good shape. I want to kepp this ball rolling.:bigsmile: I hope you all have a great day, leading to an even better week.:drinker: :drinker:

    WooHoo on the weight loss!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
