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  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    My wife and I have totally converted our eating in 2010. We are making some excellent foods with almost no guilt. We got the biggest loser cookbooks and started working some recipes. One of the biggest was pre-cooking chicken breasts and shredding the meat. Then, it's ready for whatever we want. Chicken BBQ, tacos, italian dishes, sandwiches, salads.... it's really working.

    NOW, the important point I wanted to make. I, as with many of you, did not do as planned last week and vow to make it right this week. I will eat each day below cal and NO late night snacking at ALL. That's a big deal for me and want a weigh in I look forward to again. Anyone with me?

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Back to the taquito thing. While I was typing that post it hit me: I can make my own healthy taquito's for a fraction of the price.

    So that's what I did, 203 calories each with protien and veggies. Good Snack! Problem solved.

    Had an awesome work out this morning. I'll be feeling my back and abs some time tomorrow. But right now I feel good, If I were in HS I'd strut, I might do that anyway.
    You made me laugh! I have this vision!!!
    Ok now, tell all the recipe for this great taquito!!!
    Good job on workin it!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My wife and I have totally converted our eating in 2010. We are making some excellent foods with almost no guilt. We got the biggest loser cookbooks and started working some recipes. One of the biggest was pre-cooking chicken breasts and shredding the meat. Then, it's ready for whatever we want. Chicken BBQ, tacos, italian dishes, sandwiches, salads.... it's really working.

    NOW, the important point I wanted to make. I, as with many of you, did not do as planned last week and vow to make it right this week. I will eat each day below cal and NO late night snacking at ALL. That's a big deal for me and want a weigh in I look forward to again. Anyone with me?

    I vow to NOT go over calories Raymond!!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn praying that you finally find out exactly what is going on and that all goes better than you expected.

    Actually, that's EXACTLY what happened! :flowerforyou:

    The nurse told me I was getting "the Michael Jackson potion" to knock me out- (Diprivan). I quickly went right to sleep within 10 seconds and went from asleep to fully awake at the end within about 30 seconds. The anticipation was the worse part.

    At this point (although he's waiting on the lab results) it looks like I just have a gluten intolerance/sensitivity and not Celiac's :bigsmile: Thank you all for thinking of me...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Actually, that's EXACTLY what happened! :flowerforyou:

    The nurse told me I was getting "the Michael Jackson potion" to knock me out- (Diprivan). I quickly went right to sleep within 10 seconds and went from asleep to fully awake at the end within about 30 seconds. The anticipation was the worse part.

    At this point (although he's waiting on the lab results) it looks like I just have a gluten intolerance/sensitivity and not Celiac's :bigsmile: Thank you all for thinking of me...
    That is good to hear although that still does not make your life easy. my 23 yr old niece has this and she can hardly eat anything. without hurting! I wish you well!!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Awesome Keylnn!!!!!!!!!! Awesome that its over with and you got some hope that its not the full fledged thing!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Uh? Did anyone hear Raymond say something? It scared me so much that I lost my hearing...oh wait, I can read these post. Darn...okay then..................... I guess I should speak my MIND! AHHHHHHH!!!

    Okay, okay okay..I will com...(cough cough) uhhh....commi (cough cough) gosh dang it! okay I will COMMIT! :noway:

    Commit to working out EVERY SINGLE DAY THIS WEEK MONDAY-FRIDAY. Whether it be running or workout videos.

    Whew...there I said it! Actually been thinking & praying about this ALL morning long, on what I need to do over the next 2 weeks to truly prepare for my 5k that's coming up. I know what I need to do, I just dont do it. So I vow to commit to working out in some form every single night this week.

    Thanks Raymond for speaking up and out loud. Its what many of us need to do too. Commit .


    COMMIT: v.intr.
    To pledge or obligate one's own self:

    To be morally bound to do: bind, charge, obligate, pledge

    PLEDGE n.

    1. A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something: s

    To bind or secure by or as if by a pledge:

    1. To promise to join (a fraternity or similar organization).
    2. To accept as a prospective member of such an organization.


    1. To make a solemn binding promise; swear.
    2. To drink a toast.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Jessica I like the last one. I will drink that toast to our commitment!!! With water that is, gotta stay under my calories!!! I had a perfect day (besides having a sinus infection)! Filled all my challenges whoooo Hooooo!!!
    And Jessica if I can work out for a month STRAIGHT you can do at least FIVE in a row!!! Come On !!!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    And Verda you were on my mind...you have gone non stop this year! you go girl!

    I DID AWESOME TONIGHT!!!! I had one of my best runs, I mean it wasn't fast..but it was SO EASY and non stop for 3miles..actually when I looked at the distance I was at 3.20miles!

    I realize..I've had great nights like this before, just not too many of them and I realize its because I start to doubt that I CANT do it and I begin to sink. And although I tell myself out loud that I can do it..deeply embedded within is doubt. BUT with more great days like today, I will eventually change them doubtful thoughts into victorious ones.

    So I must keep on going and when doubt comes in I must remember my few days of Victory, and eventually the few days will become many!

    I can do this! I just did!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yes Jessica! You CAN DO THIS!!!!! Even if you've had a crappy day/week, etc. Think about how good you felt on your run last night, and how great you felt afterwards. Hold on to those moments and dig deep when you are feeling crappy and down. those are the moments that get us through!

    Here is a great quote from a runner, who has the greatest philosophy about races, he starts of slow and eases up from there! He used to have a column in the back of runner's world mag. He might still, but I don't know because I don't get it anymore!

    Our running shoes are really erasers. Every step erases a memory of a past failure. Every mile brings us closer to a clean slate. Each footstrike rubs away a word, a look, or an event that led us to believe that success was beyond our grasp.
    -John Bingham
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I like that! Thanks for sharing...so perfect!

    Something to Read..

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Alright, Verda. I'm turning to the expert here... :wink: How do you get all of your protein in during the day? There are days (although few and far between) that I'm able to, but for the most part I just don't get enough:ohwell: . Also, how many grams of protein a day do you eat? Thanks for your help! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I like that! Thanks for sharing...so perfect!

    Something to Read..


    Nice! I like the story!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Gosh guys..I have been SO busy here at work I cant even see straight. :noway: Im taking work home too.

    But, i wil do my workout before I touch any of this stuff. i think I'll go to the gym instead of doing videos at home, the family and kids will end up giving me things to do if Im aroound the house, so I better go hide at the gym! :glasses:

    I'll report back later
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Gosh guys..I have been SO busy here at work I cant even see straight. :noway: Im taking work home too.

    But, i wil do my workout before I touch any of this stuff. i think I'll go to the gym instead of doing videos at home, the family and kids will end up giving me things to do if Im aroound the house, so I better go hide at the gym! :glasses:

    I'll report back later

    Good for you, Jessica. I know the feeling of taking work home- no fun at all.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in, looks like everyone is doing what needs to be done! :bigsmile:

    Did Core synergistics today and I really like the workout, but realized I'd never make it in prison :ohwell: if I had to do those jailhouse push ups all day :laugh: :laugh: , I jumped on the elliptical after warming up and went 4 miles, then came back and finished the core workout and I have to say..."I brought it today!" :bigsmile:

    Hey Verda, right there with ya!!, today was my 26th day of fitness also, I find I do better if I do something everyday. I also do either stretch or Yoga on Sundays....great minds think alike:wink:

    Kelynn, I'm not sure if your able to have it or not with your diet, but I get extra protein from Whey powder, I mix it with milk and frozen berries and for me it's close to a shake. I also have lots of fish and chicken breast. I like the snickers nutrition bars too, they are pretty good tasting and the ones I like have 10 grams of protein per bar. I have my intake set at 40 carb/40 protein/20 fats...but I might be dropping a little more of the carbs if the scale doesn't start moving....I went low carb the first round I did of P90X and it just seemed like it wiped me out...so I've done some research and thought the 40/40/20 seemed do-able.

    I wondered if you all realized that the pre-set carb setting in our food logs is set to 55%? That's alot, maybe not for you runners though....I thought I changed it, but went back to check yesterday after a MFP pal asked and sure enough it was 55%..OMG! Carbs stick to me....I can't be eating 55% daily...

    I think I'm calling it a night..hump day tomorrow :drinker: everyone have a great day!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in, looks like everyone is doing what needs to be done! :bigsmile:

    Did Core synergistics today and I really like the workout, but realized I'd never make it in prison :ohwell: if I had to do those jailhouse push ups all day :laugh: :laugh: , I jumped on the elliptical after warming up and went 4 miles, then came back and finished the core workout and I have to say..."I brought it today!" :bigsmile:

    Hey Verda, right there with ya!!, today was my 26th day of fitness also, I find I do better if I do something everyday. I also do either stretch or Yoga on Sundays....great minds think alike:wink:

    Kelynn, I'm not sure if your able to have it or not with your diet, but I get extra protein from Whey powder, I mix it with milk and frozen berries and for me it's close to a shake. I also have lots of fish and chicken breast. I like the snickers nutrition bars too, they are pretty good tasting and the ones I like have 10 grams of protein per bar. I have my intake set at 40 carb/40 protein/20 fats...but I might be dropping a little more of the carbs if the scale doesn't start moving....I went low carb the first round I did of P90X and it just seemed like it wiped me out...so I've done some research and thought the 40/40/20 seemed do-able.

    I wondered if you all realized that the pre-set carb setting in our food logs is set to 55%? That's alot, maybe not for you runners though....I thought I changed it, but went back to check yesterday after a MFP pal asked and sure enough it was 55%..OMG! Carbs stick to me....I can't be eating 55% daily...

    I think I'm calling it a night..hump day tomorrow :drinker: everyone have a great day!
    I do not see where it shows you the percentage, am I DUH? Ok, I am set for 1200 cals carbs/165 Fats/40 Prot./45 Sodium/2500. Of course then I add more because of fitness. At the end of the day I try to have my protein Higher than what they have set for me but Lower on the carb and fat total!
    Isopure RTD have 40 grams of protein and I use Low fat cottage EVERYDAY, Adams All Natural Peanut Butter, roasted chicken, eggs and our lean beef! Those are a few of my daily items! I am NOT a big user of whey although I do use it on strenuous workout days mixed with apple or grape juice!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    **** Under cals ****
    **** 1hr of Core Synergistics**** (loved this workout) *****1/2hr elliptical cruise****
    **** Real close to my Proteins ******
    My Day was Good! How was yours Raymond?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    to see your goals...go to your home page
    click on goals
    click on set your own goals...(or something like that)
    You should be able to see what percentages from there,
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks Deb, I will ck it out!
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