Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • peinek
  • Kikilicious84
    I have 2 back scabards for my pump action shotguns. If you've seen Woody Harrelsons character in Zombieland, you'll know what I mean.. You hardly know that they are there when you're out running.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    For the Canadians and Europeans who cannot fathom running with a gun...

    I live in the country. My neighbor is 1.5 miles away. I have seen alligator on the road, had dogs attacked by bobcats, and cattle dragged off by black bear. I have a 4 year old that sometimes runs with me. What would you suggest I carry? A knife? A taser? I don't want to give these things the opportunity to get that close.

    Don't judge.

    Exactly. It's not just people but animals that can be a danger also. My bosses son works in Alaska a few months out of the year and they are having to sleep with shotguns because the bears are getting TOO comfortable with them being there.

    Of course any thread that mentions guns or weapons they people who live in Europe automatically freak out and call you crazy. :grumble:
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Like I said, I SURE glad I live in Texas. It's not a "crazy" world we live in... It's the real world. And you've got to be prepared to defend yourself or your family. Bad things happen to everybody, and NOBODY is special. The people that use a gun illegally usually obtained the gun illegally.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    Just read about major gun Crimes in France and Canada in the last two days...Glad they don't have any violent crimes there.
  • jaye121
    Why conceal?

    Carry open and avoid the problems you describe, and the problem to begin with.


    Many people are uneasy seeing someone openly carrying a firearm. I'm sure his run would be interrupted at least once by policemen following up on a complaint from someone concerned to see a man running while carrying a pistol. ;)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    That's the funny part, about the cultural differences.

    Carrying a gun is really no big deal. It's just a thing. Like a cell phone, or pocket book.
    Except you can't kill anyone - or yourself - with a cell phone or a pocket book (althoug I'm sure you could if you tried hard enough).

    And you can't kill someone with a gun unless you are TRYING. Any person who has been around guns and is educated on gun safety knows that. They don't have a mind of their own that seeks out human life.....
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Not judging. Just it's illegal in the UK to carry a weapon. We may speak ( sort of) the same language but it's posts like this that make me realise how different our lives can be.

    It's just the idea that even "normal" people are literally running around with guns and knives quite happily, makes me wonder how the crazies are.

    I rarely even see an armed policeman here, unless for a SUPER high security risk. I live in Central London.

    It's just unfathomable.

    Above anything else, I see so many people who are terrible drivers despite the fact they drive almost daily and then think they're better than 90% of other drivers. I dread to think how these people would react to being allowed to carry weapons that they wouldn't use as regularly. How often would it be misused? misfired? badly maintained? Badly aimed?

    No wonder all the horror films have to upgrade to loonies with chainsaws when knives & guns are every day

    seriously? My friends and I were mugged in London. In broad daylight, in a public place.
    And all the "Londoners" in the place stood around and did nothing to help us.

    I'd trust my gun over citizens any day, And for the record, gun owners in the US are trained on how to use them before we can carry.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Have you never seen TAKEN?? haha.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Have you never seen TAKEN?? haha.


    Self-righteous something-or-others....
  • CinRyan
    I prefer to be the sheepdog, thank you very much.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Have you never seen TAKEN?? haha.


    Self-righteous something-or-others....

    I feel like they have this image of concealed carry holders having a shoot-out OK-Corral style over parking spaces and the last box of nutella at the grocery store...
  • Brunner26_2
    I'm not anti-gun, but I think the stats speak for themselves. You're more likely to be injured in a gun accident than you are to successfully defend yourself with a gun.
  • HisShadow
    HisShadow Posts: 59 Member

    No, but seriously. Bad guy with a gleam in his eye has you backed into a corner.
    You have in your hand a choice of one of four items:

    A. Mace
    B. Tazer (The neat kind that shoots prongs out)
    C. Firearm
    D. Nothing

    Which do you pick?

    At least 90% of people will never be in that situation.

    It's not the odds. It's the stakes.

    QFT. I'm always amused by people who want to quote statistics. If I'm ever attacked I'll just console myself on my way to meet my maker that I was just a statistical outlier. Oh wait, no I won't. I choose to protect myself.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I live in Canada. That stuff doesn't happen here. I'd be more worried about being run down by someone talking on their cell phone.

    I'm from the same area as you and you would be surprised as what crimes actually do happen here. Waterloo Region has a habit of not telling the citizens about the crimes that do happen. You'd be surprised at how many guns are in Cambridge and how many gun crimes happen in the Region along with all other crimes. Knives and guns are in Waterloo Region. Cambridge isn't the small, quiet town it used to be.

    We can't carry guns here in Canada however if I could, I would. Better safe than sorry. With what I do for work I don't run alone in my area. I only go if my husband is with me because I have been threatened on the street, bus, in the store, etc. I carry a can of dog spray with me (pepper spray is illegal to carry here unless you are a Police Officer) along with a small pocket knife.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I'm not anti-gun, but I think the stats speak for themselves. You're more likely to be injured in a gun accident than you are to successfully defend yourself with a gun.

    The injury rate approaches 0 if one is not an idiot and obeys a few very simple rules.
  • jaye121
    I have something like this:

    Carrying a gun is awkward because it is heavy and I have to strap the pack on very tightly. A smaller LCP would be a good choice. I just haven't had the extra $$ to buy another gun yet.

    I carry when I'm out running and walking because I live in a VERY rural area and run on roads where the houses can be miles apart. One passing car with one bad person inside and I could be gone and never found again. I just can't count on any bystanders/witnesses being around to help.

    Bad people are out there, believe me. Here in Maine, we are also experiencing an explosion in the use of a synthetic drug called "bath salts". People overdosing on bath salts become paranoid and violent and immune to pain. Pepper spray does not subdue them and they are extremely difficult to subdue. That means innocent people in Maine run a good chance of running into someone who is incoherent, thinks someone is trying to murder them, is capable of feats of extreme strength and cannot be subdued by pepper spray. It may never happen to me, but if it does, I don't want to be a victim.
  • jyuill86
    Icyrain- It would not be legal to carry a screwdriver without a permit too. I know it sounds stupid but if you carry it "As a weapon" then it is considered a weapon and if you got caught carrying it, it might as well be a knife or brass knuckles.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Icyrain- It would not be legal to carry a screwdriver without a permit too. I know it sounds stupid but if you carry it "As a weapon" then it is considered a weapon and if you got caught carrying it, it might as well be a knife or brass knuckles.

    Every state has different laws and many localities have laws that are more specific than state laws. The best thing to do is know the laws for your specific location.
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    "Guns don't kill people; people kill people."