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May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Start weight: 175
    Jan. 15: 173
    Jan. 22: 170
    Jan. 29: 170
    Feb. 5: 170
    Feb. 12:169
    Feb. 19: 168
    Feb. 26: 168
    March 5: 167
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30:155
    Goal is to get down to 135 to 140
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! Today is week 1 day 5 of the Insanity program which means I had to complete the Pure Cardio dvd. This dvd is PURE EVIL compared to the others that I've completed. First, the warm up is straight INSANE(joggin, jumpin jacks, heisman, 1-2-3's, butt kicks, high knees and mummy kicks) and to think you have to do that for 10 minutes and then complete the rest of the workout (suicide drills, switch kicks, wide football sprints, stance jacks, pedal/lunges, hooks/jump rope, power jacks, level 2 drills, frog jumps, power knees, standing mountain climbers, ski down, scissor runs, suicide jumps and push up jacks) without an allotted break. My legs were screaming at me by the time we got to the suicide jumps and push up jacks. I did not even come close to completing this workout w/o allowing myself any breaks and I stand up and applaud anyone who has completed this dvd w/o taking any.

    I can tell I will forever dread pure cardio days but like all the other difficult workouts I'm glad I stuck with it and gave it my all. My Friday can officially begin b/c the workout is complete, I'm off of work, I'm about to head to the hair and nail salon and my best girlfriends will be arriving in town this afternoon. Life is GREAT at this very moment!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Well, I gained... not going to lie, it's been a tough week, but I am back at my routine of food and exercise and cannot let this happen again, no matter what exams I have! : )

    Starting weight 195 June 2009
    Goal weight: 125
    Jan. 1: 189
    Jan. 8: 184
    Jan. 15: 178
    Jan. 22: 174
    Jan. 29: 173
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 169
    Feb. 19: 168
    Feb. 26: 169
    March 5: 170~Next week I will see a drop! : )
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 162
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Start weight: 176
    Dec. 25: 174.6
    Jan. 1: 173.0
    Jan. 8: 171.8
    Jan. 15: 169.0
    Jan. 22: 166.4
    Jan. 29: 165.4
    Feb. 5: 164
    Feb. 12: 162 Just 7 more pounds to my goal!!!
    Feb. 19: 162--blah! (TOM)
    Feb. 26: 160 (My original goal--yay me!)
    March 5: 158.6
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155 (changing this from 160--I'm feeling motivated!)

    Not bad considering the difficulty I've had making time to exercise in the last few weeks. I don't know why, but my routine has been completely messed up. Last week I only exercised 4 days, and I missed 3 days this week too. But all I can do is keep on keeping on. I'm still eating right, and the scale is still moving, so I'll take it!! Happy weigh-in day to everyone!!

    On a different note, I completed day 2 of the situps and pushups challenges last night. I decided to do a modified version of the pushups (on my knees) and work up to a regular pushup. The situps seemed harder last night for some reason, but I made it. On my way to rock hard abs (here's hopin' anyway)!!!!!:happy:
    Start weight: 184
    Jan. 1: 184
    Jan. 8: 182.4
    Jan. 15: 179.6
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 177.4
    Feb. 5: 173.4
    Feb. 12: 173.4
    Feb. 19: 173.4
    Feb. 26: 171.2
    March 5: 168.2
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155!!!
    Ultimate Goal: *145*

    Wow!! I have always doubted myself with reaching my goals and I have been making some serious progress! I'm feeling very motivated and excited today :)

    aisser- great progress!!! It looks like we have similiar goals... keep it up!

    amboardman- you are so inspiring! you keep meeting your goals and making new ones to challenge yourself... good for you!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    amboardman- you are so inspiring! you keep meeting your goals and making new ones to challenge yourself... good for you!

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 197.0
    Dec. 25: 198.8 (+1.8 – TOM)
    Jan. 01: 196.0 (-2.8)
    Jan. 08: 194.2 (-1.8)
    Jan. 15: 191.0 (-3.2)
    Jan. 22: 190.2 (-0.8 -- also, TOM)
    Jan. 29: 188.6 (-1.6)
    Feb. 05: 188.0 (-0.6)
    Feb. 12: 185.0 (-3.0)
    Feb. 19: 185.4 (+0.4 -- TOM)
    Feb. 26: 184.4 (-1.0)
    Mar. 05: 182.8 (-1.6) (13.8 lbs to goal)
    Mar. 12:
    Mar. 19:
    Mar. 26:
    April 02:
    April 09:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: Goal 169

    I've been losing an average of 1.6 per week -- at this rate I can expect to be within about 1 pound of my April 30th goal, which isn't bad. If the rate holds steady.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Start weight: 131 lbs (12/18/09)
    Dec. 25: 129.5 lbs
    Jan. 1: 130 lbs
    Jan. 8: 127 lbs
    Jan. 15: 126.5 lbs
    Jan. 22: 126 lbs
    Jan. 29: 124 lbs
    Feb. 5: 124 lbs
    Feb. 12: 124 lbs
    Feb. 19: 124 lbs
    Feb. 26: 124 lbs
    March 5: 124 kbs
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 125 lbs

    Still maintaining and I've just about completed week 1 of the Insanity program. I'm hoping this program will get me on my way to the body i've always wanted.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Starting weight 244.2
    weigh-in Jan.1- 240.2
    Jan. 8: 237.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2
    Jan. 22: 231
    Jan. 29: 228.2
    Feb. 5: 224.6
    Feb. 12: 222.6 (mini-goal 225)
    Feb. 19: 219
    Feb. 26: 215.8
    March 5: 213.4
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: (205)

    this was not the best week for me:grumble: . Glad to still show a loss, but last weekend we were out with others all weekend:drinker: . harder when you have less control over foods and that also meant i missed working out a couple of days:cry: . the week has been better since, but i've felt like i'm just regaining ground lost to the mistakes of the last weekend. Now comes the really hard part:huh: , we've got company for the next 2 weeks. i'm starting serious menu planning tonight. good foods to please them, but keep me in control. (now i just have to figure out how to get in workout time around guests.:ohwell: )

    i too have started the sit up challenge this week. (seems like a lot of my weight loss has been from the chest up and the knees down:laugh: ) got to try some concentrated work on the mid-section. the sit up work should fit well into my work out pattern on t/th/sat. just did the test and day one this week. hoping to see some improvement.:wink:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Start weight: 182
    Dec. 25: 182
    Jan. 1: Didn't weigh in
    Jan. 8: 180
    Jan. 15: 177
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 175
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 174
    Feb. 19: 171
    Feb. 26: 170
    March 5: 170
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 165!!!

    Last weekend was a little rough. We celebrated DH's birthday by going out to eat, and I KNOW that I went over (I couldn't find the exact cal count, but it couldn't have been good!). This week hasn't been TOO bad. I have done the initial test and week 3 day 1 of the 200 situp challenge. I'll complete wk3dy2 tonight.

    I had music festival Wednesday, and food wise, it was a disaster!:ohwell: But the students did well!:laugh: Yesterday I got the last of the entries for the festival that I am hosting at the end of the month, and I am almost done with the schedule. It took me until about 2AM last night to do, and then I spent a couple hours today making a few changes. At this point I am VERY :yawn:

    Today is my dad's birthday, so tomorrow we are going to go have lunch with him. That will be followed up by going to watch the community college's production of Beauty and the Beast with my cousin and her son. (Which, incidentally, msh0530 is playing for the orchestra, and the rehearsal schedule is why she hasn't been posting for awhile. After this weekend, I'd imagine she'll be back.) I'm excited to go see Dad and his wife Lora, but I really REALLY want to just sleep. Oh well. It will be losts of fun, and I'll be much happier having gone, than if I don't.

    Ok, well that's enough of my pity party. Now to get off my duff and finish next week's meal plan and grocery list! Then on to some music work for school. After All that, I'll pack, do my sit ups and go to sleep.

    I hope everyone had a good week! Remember- if you stop now, you'll never achieve your goal!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Starting Weight: 137
    Jan. 1: 137
    Jan. 8: 135
    Jan. 15: 134
    Jan. 22: 134
    Jan. 29: 135
    Feb. 5: 135
    Feb. 12: 134
    Feb. 19: 133.5
    Feb. 26: 134 up a little but TOM arggg!!
    March 5: 134
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 129

    Thinking I am at a plateau, starting the sit up challenge monday so hopefully that will shake things up a bit.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Jan. 1: 168lbs
    Jan. 8:
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22: 168lbs
    Jan. 29: 166.8lbs (TOM)
    Feb. 5: 166.6lbs (TOM)
    Feb. 12: 166lbs
    Feb. 19: 167lbs
    Feb. 26: -
    March 5: 167.8lbs
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 150lbs (hopefully!)
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I just had a question for you guys... I need to know if it' s just me or if other people are having this problem...

    I have only had a decent bowel movement 3 times since I started this journey... don't get me wrong, I've gone, but not anything of a consistent mass or volume except those 3 times... everything else is just a little here and there. I feel fairly bloated.

    Anybody? Or is this just coincidence and I should go see my dr?
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! It's a beautifully sunny morning here in the Atl and my weekend has gotten off to a wonderful start! My girlfriends made it into town safely and when I picked them up from the airport we hit the ground running. Last night was the old school rap concert and the only word that could accurately describe it would be FANTASTIC! These old school rappers came out and represented and showed everyone how a concert should be performed. They didn't just rap they thoroughly ENTERTAINED! The concert began on time (8 pm) and my girlfriends and I ROCKED IT OUT to the beats of Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie, Dougie Fresh, Slick Rick, Whodini and Salt n Pepa for 3 SOLID hours. My voice is slightly hoarse from all the yelling/screaming (Yeah, I know I'm 37 but the teenager in me came shining out) I did and I could barely walk from all the dancing. I'm just so HAPPY that my best girlfriends came down to party w/me for the weekend.

    Today is week 1 day 6 of the Insanity program which means I'm supposed to complete the Plyometrics Cardio Circuit dvd but since my friends are sleeping soundly in the room right next to where I workout I've decided to let them sleep and hit the gym and take my weekly kickboxing class. I told them prior to their arrival that no matter how much partying I do I'll be getting in my daily workout and that's exactly what I intend to do.

    Btw, my friends hadn't seen me since September 2009 and they had nothing but compliments on the transformation my body has made in the short timeframe that i've been working out. One of my friends gave me this cute little black dress that she could no longer fit and when I looked at the tag it said size 3/4. I was real skeptical that I would be able to fit into it but it fit like a glove. Who would have thought that at my largest (size 14, 152 lbs) I would ever wear a size 3/4 or 6. The hard work and dedication is definitely paying off.

    I will check back in w/everyone once the workout is complete.

    Sphinctress: I've not had that problem at all so if it's unsual for you I would see the doctor especially if it's been going on for a prolonged period. I always air on the side of caution.
  • I just had a question for you guys... I need to know if it' s just me or if other people are having this problem...

    I have only had a decent bowel movement 3 times since I started this journey... don't get me wrong, I've gone, but not anything of a consistent mass or volume except those 3 times... everything else is just a little here and there. I feel fairly bloated.

    Anybody? Or is this just coincidence and I should go see my dr?
    : )

    Well... this is basically the story of my life! I think you should go see a dr.. I have pain involved sometimes and I recently was told by my dr. that I have IBS and to avoid certain foods... lately if I eat plenty of nonfat yogurt, NO NUTS,SEEDS, and protein shakes in the AM I have not had as many problems... I would see a dr just to be safe :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's still morning time as I write this thread, so, Good morning all! Today's workout is complete. I had every intention on going to my kickboxing class this morning unfortunately when I arrived at the gym I learned that the stereo equipment was not working properly so the instructor would be conducting the class w/o music. I could only muster up the energy to complete 15 minutes of the class before I opted to plug my Ipod in and get my workout done on the elliptical. I completed 15 minutes in the kickboxing class and 35 minutes on the elliptical for a total of 50 minutes completed.

    Now it's time for me to get dressed and head out w/the girls.

    I hope everyone's able to get a workout in today.
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    The situp and pushup challenges look great! I'll join you! Are you going to start this week on the situp challenge?

    I just did the starting test for the sit up challenge. I did more than I thought I would! 40!!:noway: The instructions say to count how many you can do without stopping and with good form. At about #35 I was starting to think "This is a good number, I could stop now." But I decided that I could a couple more, then I was so close to 40 (a nice even number) I decided I could make it. At #39 I really didn't know if I could do that last one, but I muscled through (S-L-O-W-L-Y) and made 40.

    At 40 sit ups it recommends that I skip weeks 1 and 2 and go straight to week 3 and start in column 2!:noway: I'll give it a try. If I can't make it through, I can always jump back to week 1!

    I thought about going ahead and doing the push ups, but I couldn't do even 1 "regular" pushup so I decided that I would start that next week with one of the alternatives for push ups. Maybe after a couple weeks of the "alternative" I'll be able to do a couple regular ones, and then I can really start that challenge.

    Well, tomorrow is my first festival of the season. I have 11 soloists and 5 ensembles going. It'll be fun! Then on Thursday I will start the serious business of figuring out the schedule for the festival I am hosting at the end of the month. Oh fun fun fun.

    That's great! I am going to try the sit up challenge as well. In my initial test, I managed about 55 sit-ups without stopping. The thing that is weird for me is that I'm so used to doing sets of sit-ups, and doing different kinds of sit ups,that it felt odd to just keep going with a regular sit-up without stopping. Then my mind would start to wander while I was doing them, and I'd forget to be careful about good form and sometimes lost count!! Haha! Anyway, I counted about 65 sit-ups, but I'm not sure they were all "good form" so I'm saying 55. That puts me starting at week 3 in columns 1 or 2 as well. Good luck!

    I also jogged for about 2 miles this morning. It's AMAZING how motivating good weather can be. I've been trapped indoors because of the snow and the cold, and now that this week is supposed to be in the 50's, I'll be sure to get more running into my day! That will be my personal challenge for the week- get in at least 3 walks/runs this week.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! According to the Insanity program today is a rest day so I decided to keep it pretty light. I got up at 6:15 am and drove my wonderful girlfriends to the airport. After the airport run I headed directly to the grocery store so I could get my weekly shopping completed. Once I returned home I put up the groceries, washed on the linen from my out of town guests, ironed my clothes for the work week and completed my daily workout. I decided to pop in a Leslie Sansone dvd and did 2 1/2 miles.

    I'm soooo excited that my workout, house work and everything else is completed so I can really relax for the remainder of the day.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you OliveCulona and Chocolickkyss for the input...
    guess I'll be making an appointment. The amount of nuts I've been eating lately has definitely increased since starting the program... until I get in to see the dr., I'll drop those from the diet and see if that helps. : )

    I finally made it to Shred Level 2,... and man! my traps are tight! Love it though!

    Can't wait till I can get to running again... I'll start that when I'm 150!
    Thanks again,
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 2 day 1 of the Insanity program. I completed the Cardio Power & Resistance and Cardio abs dvds. While I had viewed the Cardio Abs dvd before today was my first time completing it and overall it wasn't too bad. I did have to take a couple of breaks b/c of some pressure in my back (I have arthritis in the lower back and knee) but gave it my all. I hope this dvd will help shrink the lower portion of my abs and obliques b/c those are my problem areas. I can already see a little definition in the upper abs from Jillian Michael's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones dvds.
This discussion has been closed.