Excited about Lance Armstrong!



  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    I thought being an athlete was about what your body can do. Not what your body can do with drugs and enhancements. This forum is a losing battle considering it's poster is clearly someone who uses and supports the use of these drugs. He'll argue until he's dying from whatever mistakes he's put in his body.

    My list of 'performance enhancing drug' are as follows
    Creatine in the form of Jack3d or Con-cret
    Protein in the form of VPX or Optimum Nutrition
    Caffeine, in the form of coffee
    end of list.
    all legal and all sold over the counter.
    I have no sponsors, no drug testing at work, no competitions I'm aiming for, and no reason to lie about it
    But hey, good job at failing!

    I do however, believe in science, believe that we pick and choose what and who we hate for reasoning that makes little to no sense, and really do not care if people want to use something that improves their performance. If there is something out there that makes you bigger, stronger, faster, with little to no side effects sign me up~!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    To the original poster; do you feel that PED serve as a tool to restore competitive equality?

    No judgement, just trying to understand your perspective.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    What pisses me off about Lance Armstrong was his smug, holier-than-thou attitude the whole time he was cycling/doping. Keep in mind that he not only used PED's (which I could honestly care less about), but sued people for defamation, strong-armed and threatened those who exposed him, and accepted donations to his charity under false pretenses.

    I don't so much think the "everyone else was doing it, so it's OK" really should apply. I think my parents taught me when I was 5 that this wasn't really the right attitude to have going through life.

    Lance's "apology" is totally calculated and completely self-serving, and I hope the public doesn't forgive him for what he's done. If Lance was really apologetic, he'd donate the money he's made from cycling to charity, and not throw everyone else in his organization under the bus so he could compete earlier. Of course he's admitting to it now - he has nothing to lose now that his Tour titles have been revoked, his endorsements are gone, and even his OWN CHARITY has had to drop him as spokesman.

    He is a pretty ****ty person, and not so much for the doping, but for how he handled the entire thing. I won't be watching the Oprah episode because (besides the fact Oprah annoys me) his "remorse" would probably make me throw up in my mouth.

    If you avoid charities that except donations under false pretenses I really hope you also avoid Susan G. Komen. It doesn't get much more dirty, filled with lies, and bullying than those people http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/WhoTheHellIsBen/view/cancer-the-big-business-to-keep-it-alive-463780 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, there's no media, facebook, uproar to tell you to hate them, nevermind, carry on
    Actually, there *was* huge media uproar that told you to avoid them.

    But, nice try.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I'm wondering why he is being stripped of all of his titles but athletes in other sports accused of or caught doing the same thing wasn't? I say what is fair is fair. Treat them all the same.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?
  • I know I got my first good nights sleep in years last night now that Lance has come clean. My gawd Congress spent millions on all the baseball players and really we still have homeless vets out there jeez.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    How do you even know what he put in his body? You've condemned something you know nothing about. If we are going to that level, why use lipator? Let's ban that too! Let's be honest, the average person with high cholesterol is overweight and eats like crap. Let's just write them a script that says buy some cheerio's and go for a walk fatty. Or how about Chantix? You are so weak you can't quit smoking, so here's a drug for it, oh, by the way, one possible side effect is suicide! I can keep going on this one forever.
    Yeah, I'm totally sorry I want the stuff that makes me a world class athlete at 40+ years old. What the hell was I thinking ?

    Because you said in your post dumb *kitten* that you want to use what he uses to get stong
    I assume it is a chemical drug off some sort
    maybe i am wrong maybe he just rubs steroids on his legs in the form of cream before a race?
    As far as other drugs for quitting smoking and such did I not say in my post i am not aborred towards it?
    To get it legal in some form so people wont hurt themselves doing it the wrong way?
    I dont understand why you are being confrontational when I agreed with 99 percent of what you said?
    Roid rage?

    Holy personal attack, Batman.
  • Blastastic
    Blastastic Posts: 280 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!

    What about my journey? We're all here for the same reason....
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    I believe i mentioned it should just be lagalized?
    people are going to do it anyway?
    But the fact is it is just a chemical
    and it has harmful side effects
    so i wonder why people who are not elitist athletes would want to use it?
    I mean sure you can get buff and have great lungs but these things come with a cost to your health.

    If they were legal and I was an athlete i would probably use them
    if they were legal and i wan not a professional athlete i would leve them alone and spend more time in thegym.

    How do you even know what he put in his body? You've condemned something you know nothing about. If we are going to that level, why use lipator? Let's ban that too! Let's be honest, the average person with high cholesterol is overweight and eats like crap. Let's just write them a script that says buy some cheerio's and go for a walk fatty. Or how about Chantix? You are so weak you can't quit smoking, so here's a drug for it, oh, by the way, one possible side effect is suicide! I can keep going on this one forever.
    Yeah, I'm totally sorry I want the stuff that makes me a world class athlete at 40+ years old. What the hell was I thinking ?

    Because you said in your post dumb *kitten* that you want to use what he uses to get stong
    I assume it is a chemical drug off some sort
    maybe i am wrong maybe he just rubs steroids on his legs in the form of cream before a race?
    As far as other drugs for quitting smoking and such did I not say in my post i am not aborred towards it?
    To get it legal in some form so people wont hurt themselves doing it the wrong way?
    I dont understand why you are being confrontational when I agreed with 99 percent of what you said?
    Roid rage?

    1. Spell check, spell check, spell check, especially after calling someone a dumbass
    2. Reply outside the quoted box if you want anyone to know what you are saying, especially after calling someone a dumbass!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I think I heard that 20 of the top 22 finishers on the last Tour de France tested positive for PED's, or some ridiculous ratio like that. That sport is a joke.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!

  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    How do you even know what he put in his body? You've condemned something you know nothing about. If we are going to that level, why use lipator? Let's ban that too! Let's be honest, the average person with high cholesterol is overweight and eats like crap. Let's just write them a script that says buy some cheerio's and go for a walk fatty. Or how about Chantix? You are so weak you can't quit smoking, so here's a drug for it, oh, by the way, one possible side effect is suicide! I can keep going on this one forever.
    Yeah, I'm totally sorry I want the stuff that makes me a world class athlete at 40+ years old. What the hell was I thinking ?

    Because you said in your post dumb *kitten* that you want to use what he uses to get stong
    I assume it is a chemical drug off some sort
    maybe i am wrong maybe he just rubs steroids on his legs in the form of cream before a race?
    As far as other drugs for quitting smoking and such did I not say in my post i am not aborred towards it?
    To get it legal in some form so people wont hurt themselves doing it the wrong way?
    I dont understand why you are being confrontational when I agreed with 99 percent of what you said?
    Roid rage?

    Holy personal attack, Batman.

    and notice I have not run crying to the admins about it, funny thing about being an adult. :bigsmile:
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I think I heard that 20 of the top 22 finishers on the last Tour de France tested positive for PED's, or some ridiculous ratio like that. That sport is a joke.

    If you think its only cycling that has a high use of PED's; how about track and field, baseball, and football?
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    why would you want to put that stuff in your body?
    I mean I dont care
    I think if people want roids or chemicals to bulk up
    we should just have a procedure for doctors to perscribe it

    That way you get clean needles and know you are absolutely getting what you pay for.

    Not trying to judge you but is body building your occupation? Does you income depend on your physique?

    How do you even know what he put in his body? You've condemned something you know nothing about. If we are going to that level, why use lipator? Let's ban that too! Let's be honest, the average person with high cholesterol is overweight and eats like crap. Let's just write them a script that says buy some cheerio's and go for a walk fatty. Or how about Chantix? You are so weak you can't quit smoking, so here's a drug for it, oh, by the way, one possible side effect is suicide! I can keep going on this one forever.
    Yeah, I'm totally sorry I want the stuff that makes me a world class athlete at 40+ years old. What the hell was I thinking ?

    ^ I enjoy your logic :drinker:

    But you better put up your *kitten* shield for using the f-word....("fatty") :laugh:
  • Rusureyet
    Rusureyet Posts: 6 Member
    I don't care what they say about Lance. He earned all the awards and medals he received. People just want to pull him down from his achievements. He is and always will be a great cyclist.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Many athletes in the sports are believed to have been doping...they just don't like Lance because he's american succeeding in a sport usually dominated by other countries
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Many athletes in the sports are believed to have been doping...they just don't like Lance because he's american

    For serious?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I don't care what they say about Lance. He earned all the awards and metals to received. People just want to pull him down from his achievements. He is and always will be a great cyclist.

    I like that the one person who's met him in this thread called him a total jerk. :laugh:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Gregg Lemond was a great cyclist back in the day and he didn't use performance enhancing drugs.

    Great? I'm not sure about that. Remember LeMond bicycles? Yeah, neither does anyone else. I guess he's got to be miffed that Trek dropped him due to waning popularity and lack of results He'd make a good head of the UCI though...
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Many athletes in the sports are believed to have been doping...they just don't like Lance because he's american

    Are you effing serious with this???
  • Blastastic
    Blastastic Posts: 280 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!


    Did I push the right button this time?
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!


    Did I push the right button this time?

    Your profile pic is effing killing me. I keeping thinking of that rabbit thing speaking/YELLING everything you type.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Many athletes in the sports are believed to have been doping...they just don't like Lance because he's american succeeding in a sport usually dominated by other countries

  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Also, it's Lance Armstrong...he hasn't raced in years. Who gives a ****?

    But it was on the news this morning!!! They tell me what to care about every day.... get with the program!

    And journey was so 80's but people still talk about them here too!


    Did I push the right button this time?

    Between the Picture and the posts, I like you! :drinker:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    In on another Lance Armstrong thread. should end up being 50 pages long :p

    The dude was one hell of an athlete. maybe not the most honest person, but I'd lie too if it kept me out of jail, and helped me avoid lawsuits from my sponsors. To all of his ex fans who are upset that he lied about taking drugs, it's your own fault for being delusional and thinking your favorite pro athletes are natural. It should be understood.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    In on another Lance Armstrong thread. should end up being 50 pages long :p

    The dude was one hell of an athlete. maybe not the most honest person, but I'd lie to if it kept me out of jail, and helped me avoid lawsuits from my sponsors. To all of his ex fans who are upset that he lied about taking drugs, it's your own fault for being delusional and thinking your favorite pro athletes are natural. It should be understood.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: