

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi Rebel
    I use my laptop whenever I'm not near a TV - - you can create a playlist of videos on YouTube - - including exercise videos,

    :bigsmile: Thanks for the tip Randy :bigsmile: Yes I do have a laptop and will give that a try. I think a new TV is out of the question for a while, so I have to have a plan 2 :tongue:

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good evening ladies, good news Conner is home from the hospital. :heart: Thank you for all prayers and words of support.
    :angry: It is so cold and damp where did the heat go?
    :flowerforyou: After work today hubby and I stopped at Food Lion to pick up a few things. I got some low sodium turkey breast and stuff to make a salad. On the way to the register I decided I just had to have cottage cheese, so off I went to the dairy isle. I went around the corner and was looking on the shelves when all of a sudden I went airborne.:embarassed: We discovered when hubby came to help me get up that someone had dropped agreat big grape on the floor and my foot found it.:grumble: I yelled for my husband. Another shopper told him I had fallen and went to get the manager. A grocery clerk came over and wanted to call 911.:noway: I told them no I would be fine though my ankle had started to swell. hubby helped me up and I was able to walk on it and the more I walked the less it hurt. I declined to go to hospital or to give them my info, like an idiot. I hope I don't regret the decision tomorrow. We paid for the groceries and home I went. Next time I will look where I am going, thank god there wasn't anyone else around to see my butt fly up in the air. LOL LOL LOL How embarrassing.:embarassed: Think I'll go exercise and go to bed.:heart: Love (((hugs))) and prayers to all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So Dh was up in the middle of the night with the flu. he was home again today. I hope he goes to work tomorrow. I have had a headache all day and I look really tired. I was still able to workout and burn 1254 today but I don't feel all that great. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

    Rose - I hope you aren't too sore tomorrow after you slip.

    I hope everyone is having a great day and an even better tomorrow.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Cindy - after you grind up the compostable bits, do you have to turn it over? Never heard of something like that, sounds interesting. Maybe even something *I* can do.

    Donna - when Jessica was between the age of 16 and 18, I used to, literally, lock myself in the bathroom and read this book "Get Out of My Life But First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl To The Mall" because I swear, if I didn't, I would have killed her. Today (at 26) she's the one who comes and stays with us at least once/month. Talk about a change-around.

    Well, we leave in a few minutes to take PJ to the vet for the surgery. Last night Jessica was crying. Steve (Vince's friend) is here, said that he really doesn't have any plans for the next couple of days so I asked him if I could impose on him to at least stay here overnight until today (Mon) in case, god forbid, something happens to PJ. At least he'll be here for Jess. She likes him. Steve will most likely stay until Tuesday and who, knows, maybe later?

    Rose - prayers for Conner. Update: so glad he's home from the hosp. Hope your foot feels better and it isn't something serious

    A while ago we spent some time at a KOA and I remember seeing this couple who had a dog. The dog got sprayed during the night by a skunk. Evidentally, the skunk also sprayed their tent. That night the people had bought a lot of tomato juice and were bathing the dog. The tent went into the garbage.

    Didn't do any exercise today. Last night Vince, his friend Steve, Jessica, her friend, Bryan and I had dinner. I just got some grilled chickens at the local grocery store. I was looking for some veges, I know I had these kinds that had a light sauce and they were real good. Well, the store doesn't sell them, so I got some other mixed veges. Made those and then some corn (since that's one of the few veges dh will eat), sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes (since that's another thing dh will eat), made a salad but cut up cukes and put them in a dish (since dh won't eat them) and in another dish some tomatoes and in another dish grated carrots. We had cookies and I made these lemon bars. I didn't realize how much Steve liked the lemon bars so I'm making more for him. He said he was going to be leaving tomorrow. I also tried this new angel food cake pan so we had angel food cake but instead of water you use crushed pineapple. I'll give the rest of the cake to Steve to take home.

    Bryan decided at the last minute to move to Charlotte last night. Jess' friend left around 8.

    Took PJ this a.m. Jess was very upset. I tell you one thing -- that is one tough cat. Every time you think he's down, he bounces back up. He'll be coming home tomorrow. From what Jess said when she called, it sounds like they had to do a resection. At least the cancer wasn't in the intestines.

    You know, my ankles feel so bloated. I'm wondering if the fact that I haven't been eating real well combined with the stress of PJ and not exercising has something to do with it. We shall see tomorrow.

    Gotta run. Thinking of everyone.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: Happy Monday Evening,

    Donna- our children give us all joy and tears and we love them anyway. Will add your son to my prayer list and you as well that you will know the peace that only the Father can give,:flowerforyou: ..

    Rose - keeping Conner in my prayers:flowerforyou: Hope you have no lingering effects of your fall:huh:

    Renny - you are so dedicated, even when things break down you still aim to get in the exercise:drinker:

    Susan - don't get discouraged, we all at one time do the slide but you can start up anytime and we are here to encourage you!:wink:

    Jeannie - I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DO THOSE EXERCISES THAT WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS TUMMY !:noway: That sounds amazing, so for your next post please give more details. Thanks in advance:wink:

    Cindy - congrats on the special meeting of 30 years ago:flowerforyou:

    Robin - sorry to hear you and your's are under the weather:sick:

    Michele - glad the PJ came through okay, our four legged kids are just as important as the two legged one:ohwell:

    For those of you that are struggling, hang in there:drinker: we all have those moments. For those that have lost, drank the water, exercised and succeeded recently YEAH YOU:drinker: :drinker:

    Wound up working late and then hubby said lets go out, so I think I was good but didn't get the exercise in, do will do more drinking of water and tomorrow is another day. We will be getting things ready over the next several days to get ready to leave for Oregon on Friday. I'm exhausted and we haven't left yet:yawn:

    Everyone have a good evening and continue to fight off those pounds:drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Hello to all...I have missed you so much.....I read all the posts I missed and my heart bumped and thumped with joy and sadness at your stories and adventures.....no way I can respond individually but please know how much you are in my heart.

    :flowerforyou: we are on our way home from the great adventure of DH's daughter's graduation from college and our five days of staying at his son's house (four adults, two teenagers, and a toddler in a house with one bathroom). We were enormously proud of the daughter's graduation from college fifteen years after she graduated from high school now married with a toddler and pregnant with her second child. We saw her only at graduation and at a potluck bbq at her house after the ceremony (she blew off every attempt we made to see her during the three days we were in town before the ceremony, in part because her mother was there). She informed us less that 24 hours beforehand that there was a bbq at her house and it was potluck. However DH's son and family made us feel so welcome and comfortable in their tiny chaotic house with three adult cats and four kittens that were still nursing. We brought our Isagenix stuff and fixed most of our own meals. We shopped for all the food for the dinners we ate as a family so we had some control on eating. There was a walking trail two blocks from their house so we were able to walk every day and I actually got 10,000+ steps every day we were there.:flowerforyou: We ate a few meals at Subway (veggie delight on flatbread, no mayo or sauce). I got to spend half a day with each of my three friends---two are on Isagenix and one on MFP so eating was not a problem and exercising was a main topic of conversation..

    :flowerforyou: Tonight we are in a lovely motel room and enjoying space and privacy and the comfy feeling of having had a great time and having no regrets about food eaten or inappropriate words or actions in the midst of family.......I can't wait to get home and pick up my cats and dogs and get back to my line dance classes, exercise bike, dog park, walking trail, etc.

    :flowerforyou: Donna, I want to add my voice to those who have already suggested that you connect with Al-Anon.......they won't tell you how to get your son sober, but they will understand your feelings and show you the solution to living well while he finds his way.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • mctny
    mctny Posts: 6
    Hi! I'm new to myfitnesspal and just love it! Is there something special I need to do to sign up for this topic?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi! I'm new to myfitnesspal and just love it! Is there something special I need to do to sign up for this topic?

    Welcome!! You just did it by posting. Now this thread will show in your "my topics" when you are in the community tab.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    For those who have been around here long enough to have read this story before when it posted in July 2009 in the Golden Sneakers Thread, well, ya get to read it again, if you wish!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is a very historic day in SW Washington. Thirty years ago on May 18, 1980, our grand old lady --Mt St. Helen's blew her top, and became a real "pain in the ash" to a lot of people, and deadly for 57 who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Below is a story about my own personal experience with her activities. The first story didn't take place on May 18th, because all the ash blew to the east of the mountain and buried the Yakima Valley/Central Washington, Spokane, Ritzville, Pullman..etc under so much ash it looked like midnight at noon. As I recall, this incident happened a few weeks prior to "the big one.".....
    ......I remember Mt St Helens very well. She sits less than 50 miles north from where I am sitting as I write this. The wind direction at the time of the "Big One" on May 18, 1980 was such that all the ash went east, to northeast.

    There were lots of other smaller ash filled eruptions, and I remember a night when the company I worked for was throwing a shindig at the Marriott in downtown Portland. I was chauffeuring a male co-worker from Utah to the wing ding, and when we got ready to leave, I walked out of the hotel and suddenly my black coat looked like someone threw flour on it from one of the balconies.:noway: I soon realized what was going on, as it was not the first time.

    We arrived at my car--a little bronze Honda Civic--the first brand new car I had ever owned, only 2 months old at the time, and my "baby" was grey--windows and all!!:noway: My companion started to wipe ash off my window and I hollered "Stop!!" The silica in the ash scratches paint and glass if you rub it across the surface. Instead, I stood there on the sidewalk and proceeded to blow the ash off my windshield. I was a little dizzier than usual by the time I was done, but he had been talking on the phone with me for two years and we had just met face to face, so he couldn't tell the difference!!:laugh: :laugh:

    As we drove, we encountered a new problem, it started to RAIN!!:noway: So now we are driving, and it is essentially "raining mud." What a mess!! When ash gets wet and then dries it has the consistency of cement, so getting the car clean without damaging the paint or the windows was a challenge.

    We were actually very fortunate. During the big eruption where the mountain blew its top big time, as I recall, the city of Spokane had to replace every police car in the fleet because the ash overwhelmed their air filters and destroyed the engines. The Washington State Patrol vehicles in that part of the state also were damaged to the point of needing replacement.

    Well, that is the history lesson for today.

    And here is another story....
    ...Another incident I remember from the 1980 Mt St Helen's eruption was the story my great aunt told. She and my uncle had a farm and raised sugar beets in the Yakima Valley in Central Washington. That Sunday morning, my uncle was out running a tractor in a field, and when he made a turn and looked west, he saw a sight that scared him right off the tractor and on his knees in prayer.

    There was a humongous boiling black cloud advancing over the Cascades and into the valley. Within it were flashes of lightning (the silica particles are great conductors of static electricity), and once it arrived in the vicinity, day became night. (In Spokane, a picture in the newspaper, taken at noon looked like midnight, complete with street lights.)

    My aunt was listening to the radio and when the word came of what was heading their way, she jumped in the car and went out to the field to warn him. (This was "BC"--before cellphones ) Imagine her surprise when she arrived to find him in prayer next to the tractor. He was quite relieved to learn the cause of the amazing sight was not the end of the world after all!

    I remember an eruption that occurred before "the big one" where the ash cloud rose about 30 or 40 thousand feet in the air, and was easily seen from downtown Portland. I was sitting on the patio of a restaurant having a drink with another co worker, and we sat with our backs facing to the north.

    Suddenly someone said, "hey look!" We turned around, and the sky was filled with boiling clouds to the north. The texture and shape of the clouds can best be described as looking like large chucks of dirty cauliflower. We sat there and drank our Margaritas and were thankful that the clouds were not overhead, but at least 50 miles away. Mercifully the wind was not blowing toward us.

    The actual day of the eruption, it was overcast here on that Sunday morning, and the actual big blow probably took place about the time I was getting in my car to drive to my parents' house. Since the sound "skipped" over the areas closest to the mountain, we didn't hear a thing, but people hundreds of miles away heard a loud noise that some thought was a sonic boom.

    At that time, I lived in Portland, and they were about 9 miles north in Vancouver. I was headed there for breakfast. As I took the freeway exit to their house, I noticed several people standing on the overpass with binoculars staring intently toward the mountain--only problem was it was too overcast to SEE anything.

    I remember shaking my head, thinking that folks in my former hometown were really hard up for something to do. When I arrived at my parents' about 5 minutes later, I made a sarcastic comment about the people on the overpass, and my mom responded by telling me there had been a major eruption. My dad was a "Ham"--as in amateur radio operator, and he was monitoring people broadcasting information from the area of the mountain. We didn't realize until later that he had actually heard some of the transmissions from a scientist who had been staying up at a monitoring station watching the mountain. He was able to broadcast descriptions of what was going on for a short time before his position was overrun by the pyroclastic flow--a wave of superheated gas and ash and other volcanic material that pretty well incinerated anything in its path. As I recall, the scientist was one of those who were never found.

    I watched a documentary last night from the Seattle PBS affiliate, and it was a trip down memory lane. There were some folks fishing on a riverbank who looked upriver to see all these logs suddenly coming at them. Before they could move to higher ground, they were both swept into the river and sent about a mile downstream, where they were able to drag themselves to a point where the logs were no longer moving. About that time, some rescue personnel on a nearby bridge saw them and managed to reach them. As they were trying to figure out how to get up away from the riverbed, a helicopter appeared and pulled them to safety. Within a few minutes, the area where they had been standing was inundated by another flood of logs and water, and the bridge that the rescuers had only recently vacated was washed away as they watched from the safety of the helicopter.

    I have been thinking about our experience here often, since the Icelandic volcano started causing trouble. We had our share of disrupted air travel in the US during the initial ash cloud.

    Well, that is the history lesson for the day.

    Barbiecat--missed you and wishing you a safe journey home. I bet you will get a royal welcome when Brandy, Sasha, Haifa, and anyone else I might have missed get picked up from the "animal house." :noway: :laugh:

    Good night all.

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies :smile: Here it is, another gloomy rainy day in Northeast Ohio :cry: I didn't get any kind of excercise in at all yesterday, didn't feel well at all. I am not feeling great today either. Soon 2 b is sick and I think he is passing it on to me :noway: I fell asleep in the recliner @ 7pm lastnight and woke up by the phone ringing @ 10pm lastnight. I went to bed and didn't wake up until 7am this morning! I didn't get all of my water in nor all of my calories in yesterday. I took an alka seltzer plus yesterday and it made me feel worse. Started acid reflux up on top of everything else. :sick: I hope today is better. I don't really have anything to talk about so I'll go for now. I hope everyone has a nice day.:smile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Maybe after this week my life can get back to normal (whatever that is) Heather goes to dr today and if she does not go into labor by tonight they will put her in and induce, so she should deliver by tomorrow. I have been trying to eat right but we have been so crazy running around that I failed a lot and no exercise of course. I will get back on track. Just wanted to bring you up to speed. I read the posts quickly today. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Good morning all....just testing my signature change. I'm finally on track enough to once again display my ticker.
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    well, that didn't work.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I have not been doing well the last couple of days and I know I need to get back on track. It just seems so hard right now!
    Last night was the first night in a week that I slept through and I am feeling a bit better today, but yesterday i was so tired that I didn't exercise and I was in bed by 9 (after falling asleep on the sofa!).
    Today I am going to get back on track--starting with a good workout in a few minutes.
    I hope everyone is doing well and has a good day.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon everyone .......from a once again SUNNY N.Wales!!!! Boy is it good to get in to those double figure temperatures. Might even be ablt to BQ this weekend. The patio table and chairs have been uncovered in anticipation.

    :ohwell: I've read all the posts .... I commiserate and feel for those with or who have had ,children problems. How we wish we could stop them from making mistakes but we can't , can we. We can't live their lived for sure.
    My problems were i think now ...not too bad.
    :noway: I can remember the day I got a phone call from my, innocent can do no wrong, no.2 son's school ...to come and collect him as he'd been caught with some cannabis resin in his pocket. Due to take his exams at 15 and due to be expelled!! A hero to his fellow pupils he was allowed to be escorted in for the exams! Slippery slope down ...no, thankgoodness.
    :smokin: My eldest son was the one to dabble a bit more and cannabis did him no good... made him stroppy and lethargic ... he dropped out of college and thought the world and his wife was going to hand him a job .....Not!!!
    :huh: No.2 son also got "kidnapped" one evening after just passing his driving test, by undesirable yobs ...forced to drive them home, leave a garage without paying for fuel, drive around all night scared witless. When he did get away in the early hours he went with his elder brother to the police station to admit to the garage theft and complain about the others. ....a caution followed but at least he was safe.
    :grumble: On a lighter side ...we came home from friends one evening to find our road swarming with police!! Apparently they were armed as someone had reported hearing gun shots in the vicinity.(Not a usual occurrence here) My two "Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths" sons admitted years later that they'd let off some fireworks and legged it back to the house.
    Thank goodness both have grown up to be ...upstanding ,sensible citizens and great parents too. The eldest , I know, regrets his lack of commitment to his education and I have said and he has said ...it's his own fault. The youngest has had the luck of the devil, as well as the sticking power at college. Now he earns mega bucks in computing while his brother struggles.... they're still great friends though with maybe a little jealousy i think..
    So take heart ....it can all come out in the wash.

    :happy: Today ...we've sat in the garden and had to have the compulsory ice cream ...duly logged. Spaghetti bolognaise cooked by DH for tea. Scales were a bit better today too ...maybe enough to spur me on ...exercycle later ...maybe!

    :glasses: apologies if any odd format ....am trying new dsaily contact lenses ... Again .... and can't quite see as well as with glasses. Early days yet

    :happy: As I post ...our new Members of Parliament and our new government are "Going back to School". Choas as they all need to find where to sit!! Let's hope this coalition works ...someting has to!

    :heart: BFN
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies :smile: Here it is, another gloomy rainy day in Northeast Ohio :cry: I didn't get any kind of excercise in at all yesterday, didn't feel well at all. I am not feeling great today either. Soon 2 b is sick and I think he is passing it on to me :noway: I fell asleep in the recliner @ 7pm lastnight and woke up by the phone ringing @ 10pm lastnight. I went to bed and didn't wake up until 7am this morning! I didn't get all of my water in nor all of my calories in yesterday. I took an alka seltzer plus yesterday and it made me feel worse. Started acid reflux up on top of everything else. :sick: I hope today is better. I don't really have anything to talk about so I'll go for now. I hope everyone has a nice day.:smile:

    I forgot to mention my FIL was in the hospital. He has COPD and it is acting up plus he has a touch of pnuemonia. He lives in Tenn. so visiting him at the hospital is out of the question. They say he may be able to go home today, but I am doubting it. I just tried to call my SIL in Tenn. and got no answer, so....... I don't know what's going on.
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Prayers for all caring for ailing family members--lots of burdens being lovingly carried in this group.

    Wanted to report I have met my goal of 20 pounds and have decided to go for a few more. The problem will be that we are going on a lower Danube cruise 3 June, and it will be awfully hard to turn down so much delicious food. Guess I will work on maintaining those two weeks.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    So this is my second try to post today:angry: Had another computer crash here at work:grumble:

    I will say that I had posts to many of you but due to lack of time now it will have to be generic to all

    :drinker: Happy for all of you that are having success on your trips and the foods you eat as well as the exercise you are fitting in...WOW I just hope to follow in your footsteps next week when we are in Oregon:wink:

    Mt St Helens...1980...I was pregnant with #2 son and living in southern Oregon and remember the coating of ash all over everything. For us so far away it wasn't as bad as those close by, it was one of those things that was so amazing at the time.

    Waiting for grandson #2 to arrive in 6-7 weeks, new babies being added to the family is so exciting:flowerforyou:

    Worked later then I wanted to yesterday and then when I got in the car to go home my "low oil light" came on so had to go get the oil changed and by the time I finally got home it was 6:30 and hubby being the caring man he is said let me take you out, it's so late and I'm sure you don't feel like cooking. So off to ****ey's Barbeque, I did manage to stay good and within my calories, having chicken, cucumber & tomatoe salad and green beans, but am sure it was loaded with sodium:grumble: So tonight I will aim to get home on time, exercise and have some fish for dinner.

    A year ago at this time our #3 son and DIL were in France & Italy and getting ready to meet us in London at the end of their vacation and the beginning of ours. We had followed and searched out the weather patterns to pack correctly for our 17 day vacation to London & Scotland, we arrived with sweaters and sweatshirts to keep warm....and wouldn't you know it they had a heat wave:noway: beginning our first day there....so Jackie enjoy that sunshine in Wales because I'm sure it comes and goes but you couldn't tell it by our pictures of our trip:wink:

    Hope you all have a good day and keep up the good fight against those pounds:drinker:


    PS Allison congrats on meeting your goal:drinker:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hello everyone,

    I've been lurking the past week or so as we've been very busy with the last push to get my Dad's house ready tyo go on the market. We've done it! Finally instructed an estate agent so now we just have to wait and hope someone wants to buy it.

    I was good on the eating front last week and by Saturday the scales showed I had lost 2lbs and reached my May goal of getting into the 150s (just! :smile: ) I haven't been doing so well on my other two May goals :blushing: As my teacher used to say - must try harder! :laugh:

    My best thoughts are with everyone who has a sick relative, my congratulations to everyone who has recently had a new baby in the family :flowerforyou: , well done everyone who has lost weight and those who are struggling (including me at the weekend :blushing: ) just keep going one day at a time.

    Bye for now
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, All,

    Barbiecat: So glad to have you back and hear that you and DH managed your trip so well in every way.

    BirdieM & Robin: Hope that each of you are feeling well today...Robin...you have been really putting the time into your exercise....maybe you are just worn out??? Let us know what you've been doing each day to get to that level of calorie burn?

    Michele: The "Get out of my life but first will you drive me and Cheryl to the Mall" book saved my life when my oldest son was 15 and I was taking every little thing he did wrong VERY personally. I had forgotten all about that book! And said son is now a successful, responsible young man with a darling wife and baby girl....so there is hope, isn't there?

    Jackie: And your stories of your children are helpful too for those still in the middle of those kinds of traumas. You are kind to share them. I know that I thought everyone else's children were perfect and so I was embarrassed to talk about my less than perfect ones with anyone!

    Newbies: Welcome, welcome! Hope that your journey is a good one. This is a nice, helpful group.

    Allison & Denise: congratulations to you each on your weight loss successes!

    well....I made it through yesterday with good food choices, but not my usual exercise. I was TIRED.:yawn: I think that making some poor choices plus having house guests this past weekend all made me less energetic than I have been. Today I went to my 90 minute yoga class and feel much better. Hope to get a bike ride in this afternoon and then gradually get back to more intense exercise again. I think it is good to rest when the body says rest...UNLESS it is just being lazy:huh: :yawn: :huh:
    I don't think I can make my May goals of weight loss unless I really, really kick it up a notch. DH is going out of town tomorrow through the weekend so I am going to try to make that my personal spa, exercise time in addition to some house project completion time.... and maybe I can get rid of a pound or so??? I am not as tempted with wine in the evenings when he is away, so that is one help with making heathy food choices too. ( DH has an amazing metabolism that I have always envied so I cannot eat or drink the way he does. I have tried it...doesn't work for me!)

    I am rambling...sorry...part of my lazy mode. Time to get out the door and on my bike. Hope everyone has a good day full of good decisions. :heart: :heart: :heart: Kackie