

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello All, My goal for the day has been to NOT eat all of my exercise calories. Somehow, the past couple of days, since I felt draggy, I have been eating them all. I feel much more energetic today and have done my 45 minute walk plus the level 2-30 day shred....so I don't want to eat those back up! So far, so good. Also, DH just left for his fishing trip with a good friend, so I will make a salad with a bit of chicken for dinner and that should keep me under. (I HOPE THAT IS ALL I WILL HAVE>>>>if I write it down, maybe it will work!?!) I am still planning on using these next 5 days that I am home alone as a serious exercise and diet camp! With that in mind.....

    Auntiebk: YES to the gut'n'butt challenge! (LOVE the name!!!) 2 weeks will hopefully help widdle our middles!:laugh:

    Laura: Have a great time in Oregon. I'll bet you'll be out and about moving around more than you think so that you can also enjoy some nice, relaxing meals too. Have fun. We'll all jump back in high gear for June, ok?

    Smelliott: Way to go on passing on that tempting dessert...they can really call to me too, but I hardly ever am happy after I give in to that call. Also, think how fun shopping will be before much longer. You have done great.

    Viv: Congrats on that pound gone! Hope it hasn't found itself to my house...I haven't weighed since my naughty weekend. Plan to weigh tomorrow.

    BirdieM: I am glad that you are seeking good counsel. I am sure SIL understands that you are just being smart...we helped our oldest with his first place and we don't regret it. Our DIL is very grateful too. With costs down it is a good time to buy and I would rather spend it on them while I'm still around to watch them enjoy it than after I am gone! I am surprised to hear that a bank would require a buyer to own 3 credit cards! I know that our son did not, but maybe things have changed in the past few years.

    Robin: Hope you are feeling better by now and thanks for the info on your workouts...WOW...that is a lot of time spent, but good for you! It is all worthwhile and better than time spent on a couch any day!

    Jackie: So glad to hear your Mum sounds more cheerful! And I love the image of the scale at the car boot sale...now that I know what one is!!! Your posts always make me smile!:happy:

    Everyone else: Have a nice day and evening and may we ALL make good choices, Kackie:drinker:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    I am going to try something, I don't know if it will work, but if it does, it is sad.

    Wed, May 19, 2010 4:18:08 PMCoroner: Dog Accused of Mauling Woman Tried to Help
    From: "donnamarple56@yahoo.com" <donnamarple56@yahoo.com>Add to Contacts
    To: donnamarple56@yahoo.com

    This story was sent to you by: Donna

    This is sad all the way around

    From WJW: Coroner: Dog Accused of Mauling Woman Tried to Help

    Staff Writer

    May 19 2010, 4:23 AM EDT

    CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio -- Cuyahoga County Coroner Frank Miller said a dog put to death for mauling a woman may not be responsible for her death after all.

    The complete article can be viewed at:

    Visit WJW at http://www.fox8.com

    I guess you will have to copy and paste it to your browser. Read the story under the video.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So my neck is still really stiff but I have to shout out about something. You know I was running sprints and stuff but after a while I just couldn't get into it anymore. I slowed the treadmill down so now instead of running at 5.5 I am jogging at 4.5. Today I jogged for 45 minutes without stopping. That just blows my mind that I could do that for 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!! Wow I have definately changed since February.

    I also noticed a slightly concave shape in my sillouette this morning. (i am an rectangle shape person with large rib cage, no hips and a large stomach) so to finally see the beginnings of a waist was amazing.

    No if only my neck and head didn't hurt I might be having an amazing day instead of just great!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    So my neck is still really stiff but I have to shout out about something. You know I was running sprints and stuff but after a while I just couldn't get into it anymore. I slowed the treadmill down so now instead of running at 5.5 I am jogging at 4.5. Today I jogged for 45 minutes without stopping. That just blows my mind that I could do that for 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!! Wow I have definately changed since February.

    I also noticed a slightly concave shape in my sillouette this morning. (i am an rectangle shape person with large rib cage, no hips and a large stomach) so to finally see the beginnings of a waist was amazing.

    No if only my neck and head didn't hurt I might be having an amazing day instead of just great!

    That is awesome! The fastest I can go on the treadmill is 3.2. I can't even imagine going your speed. Just amazing to me!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    If this is a duplicate, please forgive, having some trouble with mfp this am. :tongue:

    Thanks Jeannie, for the core rehab post.

    Size 8 what motivation! Guess what I did this morning too? In orig post mentioned "bridges" are these the yoga bridge that looks like a pelvic lift but holding at the top?

    I'm WAY behind in the posts, but how about a 2-week core rehab challenge?

    I'm gonna update my gut'n'butt measurements today and see what 2 weeks can do. Anybody else?


    Hi :drinker:
    I'll give this a go, what do we have to do :huh: - is it the exercises that Jeannie posted? Might just kick start my exercise routine (what exercise routine :bigsmile: ) Anyway count me in I'll do my best, but think nothing will shift my gut so here's hoping.

    Viv :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I'm WAY behind in the posts, but how about a 2-week core rehab challenge?

    I'm gonna update my gut'n'butt measurements today and see what 2 weeks can do. Anybody else?


    I'll join you--will have to start tomorrow, though. Or do we all want to agree on a day to start? Just let me know!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello again. I have been keeping up with you all but just haven't had much to say. Same old same old. I have been keeping up with the exercise 6 days a week and have upped the elliptical from 30 minutes to 60, in two sessions with weight training between.

    I have finally lost a couple more pounds but fear for this coming week. DH is at the airport now picking up a friend who is staying for the week. He hurt his back and can't work for a couple weeks, so his wife said he needed to come down here and get out of her hair. (Well she didn't say that but the implication was there. :laugh: ) He was just wandering around their house and being a general grouch. So he and DH are going to do whatever for a week.

    The problem is he is a GREAT cook!!:noway: Now this usually isn't a problem but it sure is now. He intends to cook most every night I'm sure. This is going to be a challenge. I will try to keep my calories to a bare minimum through the day and hope for the best come dinner time.

    I'll come clean next Thursday after we put him on the plane back home Wed night.

  • WindMoonRain
    WindMoonRain Posts: 3 Member
    Today is my first day. I still need to find motivation and the habit of exercising.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, doin the happy dance…:smile: down 2 more pounds. I am still in second place,:ohwell: the lady in first place lost 6 lbs this week. :wink: I have lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks. Wooo Hoooo
    :drinker: Welcome back Barbie, missed you
    :drinker: Birdie-I am keeping you and your family in my prayers
    :drinker: Viv- so happy to hear your uncle is doing better. What a beautiful shepherd
    reminds me of Starr
    :drinker: Michelle-I’m praying for you and PJ
    :drinker: Denise- congratulations on the 2 lbs
    :drinker: Jackie hope your feeling better
    :flowerforyou: Well ladies I’m sorry if I missed anyone but my thought and prayers are with you all for health, peace and continued success. It is late and I am having my corporate review tomorrow
    and need to get some sleep. Everyone have a wonderful Thursday, Rose
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: I guess I am a fan of the tortoise (slow and steady wins the race)....I never go over 3.3 mph on the treadmill.....I set the exercise bike at #4 (out of 12) for resistance, I do yoga for beginners and "You can do Pilates)......i walk and never jog.......and continue to believe that if you're moving you're losing...we all have to find our own way and our own speed and intensity for our workouts.....I cheer the people who are doing the really heavy duty workouts but have tried to stay right sized about what I can do and what I can't.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am so happy to be home......the cats keep going in and out of the house after nine days of being indoors......DH took the dogs to the dog park when he picked them up this morning.......this afternoon they tried to do pilates with me but I made them go lie down on the couch.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, congratulations on losing 2 more pounds.....you have had such great persistence and it's wonderful to see you getting results.

    :flowerforyou: WindMoonRain, welcome to the group......we all started this with the first step so we know that you can do it too......just take it one day at a time and keep checking in with us.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, congratulations on your continued success. just practice saying "this looks delicious but no thank you, I won't have seconds" :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I have no sage advice for you and your family problems other than prayer and meditation and get some advice from a lawyer.....you are an awesome parent.

    :flowerforyou: Now the TV and the exercise bike are calling my name...we recorded a bunch of stuff while we were on our trip so there's lots to watch.:bigsmile:
    :heart: Barbie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies, This will be a quick post cause I am really tired.
    Byron Joseph was born this morning at 11:11 am. He weighed 8 lb 8 oz and was 20 inches long. He is great and doing well. I had a little anxiety for a few minutes. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice but doctor saw it and cut it before delivery so all was well. His oxygen levels are fine and he is doing well. Heather had a lot of bleeding and they had to do a little work on her to get the placenta to come out but she is now fine. Just very tired. Emma is proud to be a big sister. We had to leave hospital to go to the closing program for the 3 litttle ones pre school. I have Emma and Rhea spending night here. Tomorrow is their last day of preschool and it is water day. I will drop them off go to hospital then go back to spend a little time with them at water day before picking them up. Just wanted to let you all know. Life may get back to normal soon. Have a good night. I am going to get some sleep.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Vicki, Congratulations on your new grandson.........:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :drinker: Congratulations Vicki on the birth of your grandson :drinker:

    I have an extra long weekend off work, so I am aiming to get a bit of exericse in. :smile: Typical though it was a lovely sunny day when I was at work yesterday, now I have a day off it looks like its gonna rain :frown:

    Barbiecat I love your idea of the tortoise - slow and steady. I will think of that more often as I sometimes give myself extra stress about exercise having to be "intense"- probably why I'm too tired to do it most days :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Now, my mantra is going to be "keep moving and start losing" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Every little bit helps (as the Tesco's advert goes )

    When are we starting the 2 week core challenge? or have we started already :laugh: I'll get my mesurements at the ready and see if they have changed at the end of 2 weeks.

    :drinker: Well lots to catch up on today so I'd better make a start "keep moving start losing, keep moving start losing" see its working already :wink:

    Have a good day ladies - chat again soon

    :smile: Sorry meant to say welcome to windmoonrain as barbiecat says you have made the first step to a new you. :smile:

    :heart: :heart: Viv :heart: :heart:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Wooo Hooo! I weighed in this morning and lost 2.4 lbs this week.:drinker: A day early but I decided to take it while the taking was good. Tomorrow may say something different. So far that's 8 lbs. Seeing that this is already the 20th of May, I don't think I'll meet my May goal of 5 lbs, guess I just have to take it as it comes, comes off that is:laugh: I have only been losing ounces until this weigh in, that's why I say I may not meet my goal, but who knows.

    Vicki... Congratulations on the new grandbaby :flowerforyou:

    Well don't have much to talk about this morning so I will go, I am sure I'll be back on here today. Hope all has a great day :flowerforyou:

  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good Afternoon everyone,

    It’s a lovely sunny day here in the North East and it’s actually quite warm! That makes a change.
    I’m planning to do some gardening this afternoon so that’ll be a bit extra exercise today.

    Jackie – glad to hear your Mum is a bit brighter and that things are getting sorted out for her to come home. Hope the scales were good to you this morning.

    Kackie – it sounds like you mean business for these next few days. Good luck. You can do it!!

    Donna – that dog story is so sad. :sad: Congratulations on losing 2.4lbs. That’s great! :flowerforyou:

    Robin – You are so good, exercising when your neck is painful. Well done for managing 45 minutes jogging!

    Faye – Hope your friends cooking doesn’t present too much of a challenge.:smile:

    WindMoonRain – Welcome. This is a great bunch of ladies and they have helped me a lot.

    Rose – Congratulations on losing another 2lbs. Well done! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie – I like your advice on exercise. I will remember that a walk is better than nothing.

    Vicki – Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. Glad to hear they are both ok.:flowerforyou:

    Viv – Enjoy your long weekend. Hopefully we will be having some nice warm weather if the forecasts are right.

    Well I’m off to make some lunch and then it’s into the garden for me.
    Good luck to everyone who is taking part in the 2 week core rehab challenge!
    Have a good day.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Not too many people on last night. I guess everyone was too tired to chat. Any way that's a good thing I hope.

    My son called me yesterday from his BF's house. BF's wife was upset after her drs appt. because her cholesterol was high and she hadn't lost any weight even though she has been eating healthier things. He wanted me to help her with her MFP page, which he helped her set up and help her with exercise. So I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm 54 and am helping teach an overweight 23 yr old how to get better. Anyway the plan is for her to come by here to exercise after work. We looked at the 30 day shred video but then I showed her a Zumba class on the internet. Her face just lit up while she was doing that. She was having fun because she loves to dance. She also got on the elliptical and wanted to do the "fat burn" program. I started her instead on the interval which is easier at the lowest settings. I had to tell her she needs to start out at a slower pace so she doesn't make herself so sore that she gets discouraged. This girl is the sweetest little thing, I just love her. She grew up in Puerto Rico and hasn't really learned healthy eating habits. I was surprised to learn that they don't have access to vegetables the way we do here. Well they do but they are really expensive.

    I personally prefer to exercise in the morning so this will help me in that I'll be getting some extra exercise in in the evenings!

    Better get going, Lots to do and a funeral to attend this afternoon. My friend's 94 yr old mother. And my daughter is supposed to be coming over sometime today.


  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning! I have a strange question? Has anyone ever had trouble getting their food items to add to their journal? I have added my oatmeal breakfast 3 different times but it never "goes" there. It still says I have my 1200 calories for the day and no items in my meals!!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Very strange! If anyone knows what I should do, please pass along advice!

    Vicki M: Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of Bryon Joseph. How exciting!

    WindMoonRain: Welcome, welcome! Barbiecat is right...slow and steady and just take each day as it comes. This group is the best help you can have too! Good luck on your journey!

    Rose & Donna: Way to go ladies! You inspire the rest of us!

    Faye: Good luck with your house guest. That is always the hardest for me.

    Viv: I love your "keep moving...." motto. I think we just all need to say that when motivation slips.

    I have started my "gutt & butt" challenge....will do those moves on the days I don't do 30 day shred since she has lots of abs moves in her workout too. Who else is in? It doesn't take much time!

    Have a good day all. Who knows...I may end the day with all of my calories....HA:huh: :huh: :huh: Take care, Kackie
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    OOOPS....:explode: Never mind...now my food will post! Who knows? Maybe my computer was just possessed for a bit! Hope that doesn't bode ill for the rest of the day! Bye again! Kackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Thursday Morning~

    Robin - sorry you slept wrong, hope your neck is better today:flowerforyou: Having just a "great" day is good...WOW 45 min jogging, I don't think I've ever done that...GOOD FOR YOU:flowerforyou:

    Denise - good for you to just be looking at the shops when your wardrobe is full of clothes that you want to get into...I know that for me it's my closet, my guest room closet, my work room closet and the basement:noway: that's why this is the year that if I don't reach the goal and those clothes don't fit on Jan 1, 2011 out they go!

    Jackie - glad to hear that progress is being made in brining your Mum home.:flowerforyou: Your discription of your exercise class gave me a smile:bigsmile: picturing you, at least you are trying and that's important!

    Kackie - enjoy the time with your hubby gone fishing, maybe this will be a good thing for your eating:wink:

    Faye- How much fun that will be to have someone cooking:drinker: His wife will enjoy the break and you will be challenged:wink: Maybe you can make a big salad with each dinner and just a taste of what he cooks:huh: Otherwise we will see next week how it worked out for you, but we are pulling for you.

    Rose - Great job on the #2 lost:flowerforyou: and hope your review is favorable:drinker:

    Barbie - it's so good to see you back here:flowerforyou: Enjoy those shows you recorded:smile:

    WindMoonRain - Welcome:flowerforyou: you will find lots of encouragement here.

    VickiM- Welcome to Byron:flowerforyou: glad that all came thru okay, and you have a good day with those grandchildren and water day:noway:

    Viv - enjoy that long weekend, rain and all:wink:

    Donna - 2.4 is GREAT and happy for you:flowerforyou:

    Cindy- :flowerforyou: being the teacher:flowerforyou: hope she really gets into it, there are a lot os 20 somethings on here that she can relate to.


    Today will be my last long post until things settle down when we get to Oregon. Tomorrow my hubby will bring me to work and go home and finish packing, then #3 son will pick him up come pick me up and take us to the airport...from there we are off and running and will see all that we need to do to get Mom moved to the Adult Foster Home from Rehab, cleaning, painting and all around getting her house ready to put on the market. I will try and check in but that may be about all the time I have.

    Everyone have a good day, Congrats to all of you that have shown a loss:drinker: may the rest of us join you soon:bigsmile:

  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    sigh, not having a good month, but at least i have maintained.
    i need to get back on track and stopping eating cookies and cakes.
    i work with all women who love to bring in "goodies" for lunch.
    i wish i had some will power to just say "NO".