Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Wednesday wish - The jerk at work with the stick up his butt would chill out and stop being so damn passive aggressive. I took a day off last week and had some work I COULD do so I worked a 6 hour day on Saturday. My boss OKed it before I came in. I had stuff to do, it does't affect this person in the slightest but he's been a BEAR with a hurt paw since he found out I worked on a Saturday. He's been making backhanded comments for THREE days about me not having TIME to do stuff during the day, that I should manage my time better, that I obviously need HIS help getting my work done. If I don't work I don't get paid, I took last Wednesday off to meet with the bankruptcy lawyer so I worked on Saturday instead. It really doesn't effect him in ANY way and I certainly didn't request overtime/ extra pay for the day. He's being pissy enough that I'm VERY close to telling him to shove his attitude where the sun doesn't shine.

    Geez... what a complete A**hat.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- It is amazing to me how the knees react to different exercises. Like you, I am not sure which exercises will have my knee rebelling against a specific exercise. Hope yours heals quickly.

    ebaily- Nice response about eating the calories. It is a matter of making the right choices so that we can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Not sure who mentioned the night guard- but I also wear one. It does take some getting use to but now I don't feel right without it in at night. I also broke a crown which was the last straw in getting the night guard. I also tend to grind my teeth so it is saving them from any unnecessary damage.

    Wish- that everyone gets well soon and that everyone gets a good night sleep.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    Hello! I was directed here from another thread. I am new to MFP and still learning the ropes. I just wanted to say that I have already read some great things and look forward to many more.

    As for my Wednesday Wish - to be on a beach anywhere warm. :)

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. Could someone please tell me, is there a way to join this thread? Is there a group? Thank you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I don't have time for a lot of personals, but it's been a busy day.

    Just a few:


    @liz--glad you are starting to feel better! :flowerforyou:

    @ebailey--you are a smart girl! :wink:

    @jen--I feel like I experience that every time I get close to the "next ten"--I'm sure it's not really taking any longer, but like you, I'm impatient to see that number change!

    I feel like I've been less than supportive about some people's posts--please know I am reading every post, and if I don't comment it's usually b/c someone else has already said what I was thinking.

    Wednesday Wish:
    I wish this sinus thing would clear up already! :grumble: The whole right side of my head feels congested and yucky.

    Grading goals:
    1. 16/16 punctuation tests DONE
    2. 8/16 writing assignments
    3. 5/10 JRPs
    4. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    5. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE

    Sat--gym DONE = walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + core DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE (rainy) + gym DONE
    Tues--core DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym + core
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 2/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec.+ 50 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.+ 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15 + 15)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all just popping in real quick. Wednesday wish that I had used a little more portion control when I gave into my nacho craving of the last couple weeks tonite. I probably figured portions high but I didnt measure or anything like I usually do when I was assembling them and the plate was huge, and yes I did eat every bite :frown: Oh well at least the craving should be gone now. Funny thing happened this morning. I have a nice digital scale that I quite like and have had about a year. well when I step on I look straight ahead and count to ten and then step off to read the number as I cant see it looking down past my chest. I stepped off this morning and looked down and it said lo. I started laughing and thanked the scale but told it I would need an actual number. I am pretty sure it wants new batteries but it was nice to be told my weight was lo :laugh: I hope you all had a great day and welcome to the new names I saw.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    ebailey--I concur with your comments. The only plan I am on is counting calories with the help of MFP. I know myself well enough to know that if I forbid myself anything or worry about certain foods not being "good" that is what I will want.
    I had a wonderful workout today cleaning out the flower beds in front of the house. I haven't felt well enough to work outside in over 2 years! Between my bad knee and my bulky body, I just couldn't do it. It felt so good! I worked for an hour and a half after I walked a mile to the hardware store to get myself some work gloves.
    I made bagettes for dinner with my food processor. They were somewhat successful, but had a hard time rising. I googled the yeast and found out that I should have had a different kind. I will be anxious to try it again when I get the right yeast. With all the calories that I burned, I wasn't afraid to enjoy the bread, either.
    Hope everyone gets a good night's rest. Kaye
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi again,

    I haven't had the chance to post since joining back in over the weekend ,but I have been logging my food each day at least. I will try & post on this thread daily so I can keep up with everyone's successes here. Your successes really do help motivate me!

    This restricted South Beach Diet phase 1 is just too carb restrictive for me. I was off to a good start on Saturday, even worked out, but I've been feeling sick, weak, exhausted & have had a continual headache since Saturday evening. So I caved this morning & had some carbs with breakfast. But at least my head is not throbbing anymore & I feel more alert.

    Has anyone else found a good method of success in reducing their carbs & losing weight without something as harsh as SBD or Atkins?

    I wish I had more energy, period. I know my weight is the reason I'm so lethargic & achey every day. I look forward to feeling better. My health is my primary reason for wanting to shed these pounds.

    And I wish my house were entirely decluttered & clean. Again I blame how poorly I feel on keeping my house organized & tidy.

    Having done the SBD Phase 1 a few times, it really is tough in the first week (days 4-8 in particular). I recommend counting carbs. Keep 'em below 100g per day for a couple of weeks (this is higher than Phase 1 usually puts you but lower than the 200-300 most people eat), then aim for around 150 on an ongoing basis. I've noticed that if I can't keep mine below 170 almost every day, the cravings kill me.

    And just so you don't panic, your protein and fat numbers WILL be higher (by a lot) than the MFP guidelines on a lower-carb regimen. Consider customizing your goals if that bothers you.

    For reference, my own example: when I'm actually eating the way I feel best, I average 150-170g carbs and >100g protein daily, at around 1500-1900 calories (depending on exercise) and fat ends up wherever it ends up. I just try to keep the saturated fat down, but I don't even count it.

    Edited now that I've read the rest of the thread after kitty's question:

    ebailey, very nice response.

    Skinnyjeanz, feel better soon! (And, like you, I read everything but have a hard time replying to everything personally. Partly an iPad problem; it loses my reply window if I go back and forth to read and respond in turns.)

    kah, take care with that Achilles. Not sure heat will do much for a tendon (good for muscles, not great for inflamed tendons and the connective tissue surrounding -- and recall that the muscle it attaches to makes the bulk of your calf, so keep the calf muscles good and stretched).

    My Wednesday Wish was to enjoy the sunshine for once (not common this time of year), and I did. Ran out to get my car's oil changed at lunch and took advantage of my SUNroof.

    I also investigated personal training options and am going to make some calls tomorrow, but on Friday am going to tour a small place near work offering 30-minute "boot camp" group sessions for a flat monthly fee. Time and price are right (works out to $15/hr for 4 sessions a week, and I can go after work). And I have a hard time pushing myself at strength training but really benefit from it. So this may be the best fit for me. I'll let you know for Friday Fitness. :smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Hannah: Not sure who or what your post was directed at, but I'd like to put in a few comments. Cutting back on calories can pose a problem if you're working out regularly. I work out (on good weeks) 5 times a week and keep a close eye on my food, but was unknowingly starving myself for the first 3 months. I eat back my workout calories now, and am starting to lose more consistently.

    I have a picture of Adele on my "dream board" by my bed. She's big, beautiful, has a beautiful talent, and doesn't give a damn about her body image. I'm trying to take a somewhat more Health at Every Size approach by focusing on health rather than what I look like. It's the toughest battle I've ever fought.

    Food is NOT bad. Food is what we need to survive. We can always make better choices, but don't make food in general an enemy.

    I am not trying to start a fight, but eating less than 1200 calories may seem like it gives fast results, but I want results that LAST, that I won't gain back, and I won't starve myself to death.

    Well said! I think people often need to be reminded that food is fuel - we need it to survive, we need to to fuel our workouts, and we need it to recover from workouts. For the longest time I thought the less I ate the more I would lose, not true! It doesn't seem possible, but we need to eat to lose weight - just need to make healthy choices.

    @Karen~One of my co-workers has been fighting some nasty upper respiratory infection also and is now on her second round of antibiotics to try and kick it. I hope you're back to 100% soon! Like you, I read everything but don't always have time to respond to everyone - more often than not, someone has already covered it. :smile:

    @Shinkrapt~Thanks for the advice, I am trying to keep the calf muscles stretched - trainer gave me some new things to try last night, too. I really hope a week or so off from running will help move healing along - I'm not very patient, so fingers crossed. The boot camp sounds like a great deal, like you I need that extra motivation to get through strength training. Good luck!

    Thursday Truth~As much as it pains me to admit, Achilles is still giving me grief - even adding in some shin pain and muscle spasms to the mix. Trainer told me yesterday, he knew about 1/3 of the way into our run on Monday that I was hurting but didn't say anything because I'm stubborn and knew I wouldn't quit regardless of what he said (he calls me "hero" all the time, whenever something hurts I just push through). I am listening to him now though, as much as I love running I just can't do it until this heals. :sad:
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    Hi all !
    Not quite 100 lbs to lose but close.Ive been binging like mad last couple months but today I will eat less and well. One day at a time right ? Ill do some sort of exercise also. That is my goal for the week. Controlled eating and something aerobic.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Hannah: Not sure who or what your post was directed at, but I'd like to put in a few comments. Cutting back on calories can pose a problem if you're working out regularly. I work out (on good weeks) 5 times a week and keep a close eye on my food, but was unknowingly starving myself for the first 3 months. I eat back my workout calories now, and am starting to lose more consistently.

    I have a picture of Adele on my "dream board" by my bed. She's big, beautiful, has a beautiful talent, and doesn't give a damn about her body image. I'm trying to take a somewhat more Health at Every Size approach by focusing on health rather than what I look like. It's the toughest battle I've ever fought.

    Food is NOT bad. Food is what we need to survive. We can always make better choices, but don't make food in general an enemy.

    I am not trying to start a fight, but eating less than 1200 calories may seem like it gives fast results, but I want results that LAST, that I won't gain back, and I won't starve myself to death.


    You make some really good points, Hannah, but I agree with the comments above. Food isn't bad! Just some food is more healthy than others, and it's all about feeding our bodies enough of the good stuff to function well. I see a bariatric doctor who says that you should not eat less than net calories, which means if you exercise and burn 300 calories, you need to eat at least 1300 calories that day, so the difference is over 1000. She'd prefer 1200 net, but I sometimes have a hard time doing that, so she said to not go below 1000. Otherwise my body isn't getting enough to function well and I'll feel tired and lethargic and grumpy! And no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy! LOL!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member

    Not sure who mentioned the night guard- but I also wear one. It does take some getting use to but now I don't feel right without it in at night. I also broke a crown which was the last straw in getting the night guard. I also tend to grind my teeth so it is saving them from any unnecessary damage.

    That was me. I wore a temporary thing last night while my guard is being made and I can already tell a huge difference today. My jaw is still sore, but not as bad as yesterday and no headache! Such a simple solution...
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello! I was directed here from another thread. I am new to MFP and still learning the ropes. I just wanted to say that I have already read some great things and look forward to many more.

    As for my Wednesday Wish - to be on a beach anywhere warm. :)

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. Could someone please tell me, is there a way to join this thread? Is there a group? Thank you!

    Welcome! There's not a group, just show up here and post! This is absolutely the best and most supportive group on MFP.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi all just popping in real quick. Wednesday wish that I had used a little more portion control when I gave into my nacho craving of the last couple weeks tonite. I probably figured portions high but I didnt measure or anything like I usually do when I was assembling them and the plate was huge, and yes I did eat every bite :frown: Oh well at least the craving should be gone now. Funny thing happened this morning. I have a nice digital scale that I quite like and have had about a year. well when I step on I look straight ahead and count to ten and then step off to read the number as I cant see it looking down past my chest. I stepped off this morning and looked down and it said lo. I started laughing and thanked the scale but told it I would need an actual number. I am pretty sure it wants new batteries but it was nice to be told my weight was lo :laugh: I hope you all had a great day and welcome to the new names I saw.

    LOL! You crack me up! I think your scale and mine (that suddenly showed a 20 pound loss) are collaborating to make us less dependent on them!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Yay! Surgery is over and my molar has been removed! Last night was tough, a bit of pain...took Tylenol 3's (first time for me). I swear having a baby is easier than going to the dentist. Today feel wonderful that it's all over. I was a real baby dreading it and postponing the surgery. The surgeon was a mocasson, jean wearing, bearded, Led Zepplin playing guy who was gentle, and wonderful. The valium sure didn't hurt either. I came out of there tired, but happy!
    Now, I feel able to get going again on MFP. I haven't been able to use this site ,asl , as my computer has had trouble letting me log into do any postings. Seems fine today. Can't wait to start losing again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    _tru_ Welcome! There's nothing to do to join this thread but to post to it - so you're already a member! It moves fast sometimes, so do your best to post daily so we get to know you and can support your efforts! We'll do our best to help you and all of us will be your friends here.

    Welcome to all the other Newbies!

    Good discussion about food and nutritioni. I'd like to add that food is also a pleasure that we cannot deny - it is a social interaction as well. It has often gotten out of hand in our lives but we are all learning to put it in perspective, and treat it accordingly.

    Well, I had some Baileys after dinner last night and went over my allotted calories. No reason but that I had a successful day and had finished antibiotics and could have alcohol again. Sheesh.
  • hebbynan
    hebbynan Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm pretty new here....only been doing this since mid-January. I set my weightloss goal at 70lbs. 5 off so far - 65 to go!! I know it's a slow process and I ultimately just want to be healthier in the end.

    For a Thursday truth: I'm scared sh*tless! I'm in line for heart disease and diabetes and that really scares me. I think that's what prompted me to really buckle down this time. People ask me about it and I laugh it off, when in realty the fact that I can't walk up a set of stairs without getting out of breath scares the pants off me!!! I'm scared. There - I said it!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Welcome to the Newbies.
    Thursday truth: We are planning to eat out tonight, and the thought is scary for me. I have avoided eating out as much as possible since beginning this journey. I don't feel that I have as much control over what I eat. Thanks, Robin, for reminding us that food is also part of social interaction. I've got to learn to handle that again.
    Today should be a good day for exercise as I didn't finish the yard work yesterday. Still lots to do.
    Melancholy, glad your oral surgery went well. I don't like the dentist either!
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Food isn't bad! Just some food is more healthy than others, and it's all about feeding our bodies enough of the good stuff to function well. I see a bariatric doctor who says that you should not eat less than net calories, which means if you exercise and burn 300 calories, you need to eat at least 1300 calories that day, so the difference is over 1000. She'd prefer 1200 net, but I sometimes have a hard time doing that, so she said to not go below 1000. Otherwise my body isn't getting enough to function well and I'll feel tired and lethargic and grumpy! And no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy! LOL!

    Des, I completely agree. There is no BAD food, just abuse of food that results in us all being here. If I WANT to have choc chip cookies and ice cream one night, I can do that. It's doing that TOO often and too much of it that causes us to gain the weight we don't want.

    My doctor agreed with your bariatric specialist as well. Net 1200 and if I work out then I need to EAT BACK THOSE CALORIES. He kept stressing that the body NEEDS nourishment to lose weight long term and in a healthy way. If you're exercising your body needs those nutrients to support itself. He said I may not feel it today, tomorrow, or even next month but eventually it WILL catch up with me if I do that.

    Thursday truth. I don't think I'm handling turning 40 as well as i think I am....... I had a GREAT eating day yesterday. I was right on target. I had a nice snack before I went grocery shopping so I wouldn't be hungry. I STILL came home with chips and cookies...and ate half of both packages. W.T.F!?!?! On the drive home I was already thinking "why did I do that?!" and when I got home I ate them anyway. Next time, I'm going to knock on my damn neighbors door and hand over the freaking goods and let THEM eat it.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Mowmow - don't let turning 40 get you down! I love my 40's! They've been my best years yet!

    I'm going to a retreat this weekend for a group I sing with. We get together once a year and hole up for the weekend to learn new music for the season. And the food is incredible... I'm going to do my very, very best because I don't want to mess up what I've done so far, and I've got that little black corset to fit into next month, but it is going to be a challenge. Just gotta keep the big picture in mind and remember I want that more than anything they will serve us...there will be stuff I can eat, of course, and stay on plan. But there will also be lots of temptation...