Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Shrinkrapt - I like the April Fools idea for the April challenge - I hope everyone reads your post - PLEASE !!!! NEED INPUT!!!

    My vacuum crashed and burned - but I had a service warranty and they are refunding the cost rather than repairing it - at my request! Life works out well sometimes. Am shopping for a much better and stronger one now. Vacuuming is a major calorie burner in my life.

    All the bagels are gone and not gonna buy any more - back to eggs for breakfast - facing a weekend of Baileys at the BFs. At least I drink it 1/2 and 1/2 with skim milk rather than straight up. Hope to get some walking in - the weather is in the 40's here.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I was trying to come up with ideas for an April challenge and all I can think of is something related to “April Showers,” guess it could be a water challenge that we could change up a bit. I’ll keep thinking about it.

    @Des~Thanks for the suggestion, I do have Skype – use it all the time for visiting with friends overseas. Enjoy your weekend plans, remember it’s just a weekend. Allow yourself to indulge a bit on the things you really enjoy, just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine – remember too, its more about being with your friends and catching up than eating. :wink:

    @Robin~I have a Hoover Windtunnel and love it! Look at Sears, you would be surprised at the good sales they have this time of year on that stuff – I bought mine about 4 years ago this time of year and it was nearly half off. So glad you got your money refunded for a new one!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Des, great haircut!

    Robin, I nominate an "April Fool" challenge. As in, whenever you have an anxiety/comfort food craving, substitute a non-food comfort. Preferably cheap and easy to do. In essence, you fool your brain into accepting something else to manage stress. (And to be honest, it's no joke, just straight-up cognitive-behavior therapy.) I think I'll do some gratitude journaling when I crave chocolate, for example.

    Thursday truth: I really did not do a great job of hydrating today the way I should. After a blood donation you're supposed to take in a lot of fluid. Me? Nope. And boy, can I tell. Oops.

    Time for bed, though. Nite, all!

    Would water be considered "non food"? I think I'd like to substitute water. What do you think?

    @Robinsegg I like my shark navigator. I've had it for a little over a year now. My only complaint is that I don't burn as many calories vacuuming anymore since it sucks up the dirt so much better than my old one did. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It was broken, but I used it for years anyway. I HATE to spend money since I'm not working. Funny thing though, I bet I spend less on electricity to vacuum the house now that it takes so much less time! (We bought a new washing machine last week. Less calories now there too because I don't have to go up and down the stairs three times to spin and drain the same load because it wasn't doing it on it's own. BUT, we got an HE model, so I bet in a few years we will have made it up in the water bill! I hope...)

    Friday Fitness: House cleaning! I know, it always seems like I'm house cleaning! I want my bathrooms scrubbed to a shine this week! I want every wipeable surface wiped with lysol twice! Bob was sick a couple weeks ago, I was sick last week. I want the germs O-U-T- OUT !
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helen - I think substituting water is a GREAT idea for the April challenge Shrink is suggesting. I agree, it has to be a no-cost substitution for the majority of us. Also, it could be a new hobby too - something to occupy the hands.

    I'm like you - after being sick I have to clean the bathrooms, door handles,and kitchen with Lysol or bleach until I feel everything is sanitized and super clean. I did the same thing after my bronchitis cleared up. It makes me feel wonderful to smell the bleach throughout the house!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Des - LOVE the haircut. You look gorgeous!
    @Robin - I have a Dyson Animal and I love that big jumbo monster. I've had it for 7 years now and not a stitch of trouble out of it. Even when I try to choke out the roller with my (and the cats) hair.... it's a trooper.
    I nominate an "April Fool" challenge. As in, whenever you have an anxiety/comfort food craving, substitute a non-food comfort. Preferably cheap and easy to do. In essence, you fool your brain into accepting something else to manage stress. (And to be honest, it's no joke, just straight-up cognitive-behavior therapy.)
    LOVE this idea!
    He said he respects my wishes but he’s not an “email guy,” and then wished me the best. I think that is strange. Have I mentioned I hate dating???
    This probably sounds paranoid and pessimistic but it sounds like he either DOESN'T match the photo he put up or he's just after sexting/phone sex. To disappear because you wouldn't call/text....? Dirtbag.

    I was just trying to stay in the limits that this food counter gave me and i eat a lot of oranges and stuff so i always go over my sugar.
    I agree with everyone else, unless you're worried about diabetes you don't need to be as restrictive as you're being with sugar from natural sources. Your carbs are set at 150, imo that's restrictive enough (if you're not pre diabetic) and you can delete the sugar from your log view. If you stay under that 150 carbs and up your calories to around 1350-1450, I bet you'll lose weight just as fast and will feel infinitely better. The past few days you have NOT been eating enough to keep your body functioning in a healthy and safe way. If you do decide to change your numbers a bit, commit to 30-60 days of trying it. It'll take your body time to adjust to the change and start to lose. Good luck! :) Take care of yourself!

    Friday Fitness. I NEED to get in a walk this weekend, I've done NO exercise whatsoever for almost two weeks.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I am going to try and get to the gym this weekend for a walk. It is snowing again here and we should get 3-6 inches today and 6-10 on Monday I am so sick of snow. We have been so spoiled over the last few years with warm temps and less snow than normal but not this year.

    @Kah68- I am glad to see that even when dealing with a health issue that you could get some cardio in. As far as online dating I wish you the best of luck. I personally stopped online dating it seemed like I wasn't meeting any decent quality people on the free sites.
    @Gorilla- Enjoy your drink fest is sounds like fun.
    @Susan- I was thiking the plant tour would be interesting.
    @Grammy- Best wishes on your procedure and hope your anxiety mellows out a little.
    @Laurie- Have fun dog sitting
    @Helena- Spring cleaning or germ cleaning either way good workout

    April challenge I like both ideas so far.
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    TGIF! What's Friday's topic, fitness? Well I need to do my elliptical tonight. I did 30 minutes on Wednesday, didn't do any last night. So the plan is to do at least 30 minutes tonight after work.

    @Shrinkrap, thanks for the advice on the carbs. I didn't quite make it through a week of Phase 1 on SBD, just too carb restrictive, so maybe I'll try the 100 carb ceiling. I'm trying to always have protein when I do eat any also, because I've read that helps the blood sugar to not spike as much.

    @Gorilla, sounds like a fun way to celebrate St. Patty's. Congrats on your 2 lbs this week.

    @Helena, I think you've hit on the reason I really hate cleaning house--it's a workout! (But one I need to do as well) Maybe wearing the ipod while cleaning would help me enjoy it more. It does make my elliptical cardio better!

    @Kah, what a coincidence on the online dating thing--I also just signed up for an online dating site again recently. I've heard stories of people who met "the one" through online dating. Yet I attract the weirdos too. Guys don't even read the profile, they just look at photos it seems. That guy not wanting to talk anymore just because you were wanting to wait for phone/texting sounds like a d*bag, I'm sorry! You deserve better & will hopefully meet someone else cool there.

    @Desdemina, cool tip on the Google phone/skype. I've never skyped before. Don't you have to have a computer camera for it? Are those pricey? I might want to look into trying it, to keep in touch with some long distance friends.

    @MowMow don't let 40 get you down! The only thing I'm hating about 40s thus far is that suddenly I need reading glasses all the time & I'm having to dye my hair more often. :)

    @Melancholy, sorry about your tooth. I've had so much suffering at the hands of the dentist. But I'm glad to know childbirth isn't as painful, since I'm ttc! :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Had my body composition done last night to look at changes over the last 3 months and I've done really well! My BMI is down more than 5% (I've moved from level 3 obesity to level 1 obesity), my percent body fat is down 3%, and I'm losing fat while keeping lean muscle tissue. And I'm able to fit into some clothes that were in the "too small" pile. I had blood drawn this morning to test the insulin levels, which is what I'm most interested in. I should have the results Tuesday.

    On the "not so fun" side, I've been grinding my teeth apparently and chipped a crown. My jaw is all sore and swollen and I'm eating pretty much soft food and liquids because it hurts too much to chew. I did see the dentist, and there's not much he can do in the short term. I'll start wearing a night guard, but the current inflammation and soreness just has to go away on its own. Bleh.

    Great news on the body composition - keep up the great work! I've had bruxism for years, I was doing some real damage and didn't even realize it. I've been wearing a night guard for over 5 years and don't think I could sleep without it. I was waking up with headaches all the time - enter the night guard, no more headaches! It will take some getting used to, but once you do you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. :bigsmile:

    i think i need to wear a night guard during the day as i grind my teeth during the day due to stress and frustration
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wish i was turning 40 like some others on here......i will be 57 in may :sad: how did that happen??

    friday fitness- it is sunny here!!!!! so off i go for a bike ride.....really....i am going to get off here and hope my knee can manage a hill as i have only been riding a bit on the flat parts of town....
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    VENTING! I finished all my bankruptcy papers, I was SO freaking excited to get out from under this debt. Between my ex husband and my stroke I was over 30K in debt that I'd NEVER be able to pay off. Way too many sleepless nights over it.

    Last night I got an IRS letter (and bill) that they took my meager return to pay off a 2008 tax bill. The bill was for over 1800.00. WTF?! I called the IRS today (that was 50+ minutes of sitting on hold) and it appears that in 2008 my ex husband I filed jointly (we were separated, so I'm not sure why we would have done that) and that he never reported ANY of his income). My first thought was "That *kitten* owes me my tax return!" I remember that the lawyer told me that we could discharge 3 years back in tax debt so I figured, no biggie. I"ll have it discharged and let him figure it out if they go after him. No.... since he never sent in his paperwork it's NOT considered file timely and that means it can't be discharged. There go my dreams of being completely debt free and a true fresh start. My fresh start comes with 1800+ (minus my stolen 53.00) tax debt.

    I swear to God, that man is like Herpes with legs. The gift that keeps on giving!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    Oh my goodness! So many posts. Hopefully I'll get better at responding to more people over time. Please forgive the newbie!

    Friday Fitness - I am going to go for a walk in the snowstorm today and I plan on walking at least once on Saturday and Sunday. I know it's not much, but I'm just starting out. :)

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and Happy St. Patty's Day!!

    @Des - I love your hair!

    @Kris - Amen! I think we all wish the weight would come off as quickly as it went on.

    @SkinnyJean - Oh yes. Although no foods are off limits, I do still keep chocolate far, far away! Until I have better control it cannot be in the house. I know I'll get there someday, but like yourself, some foods will be years away.

    @Grammy - I wish you all the best with you upcoming procedure! Take good care of yourself!

    @Gorilla - Great job!

    @Kah68 – Agreed. I HATE dating, especially online dating. Too many weirdos out there. We should exchange war stories some time. Haha!

    @MyMOwMOw – I'm sorry to hear this has happened. It is nice to see that you still have a sense of humour about it. “Herpes with legs”. You crack me up!

    @Hannah – I am concerned about you. 400 calories is VERY little. Do you have access to a doctor or a nutritionist that may be able to help you in choosing more foods? As well, please do consider increasing your calories. Your body likes to remain “balanced”. If you are taking in too few calories, then it will start burning less calories. If you drop too low, your body starts eating away at your muscle instead of fat stores because muscle burns more calories and that is the only way it can maintain its balance.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @kitty -- for Skype/Google, you do need a webcam if you want to do video calls. You can get a decent one for about $30-$35. If you just want to do voice chats, just like talking on the phone, yo just need a computer microphone. There's a good chance your computer came with one, and if not, you can get those really cheap, like $12-15 (though you get better sound quality if yo uspend a little more).. If you have a laptop, you probably already have a camera and mic built in. Oh, and if you have the webcam, you don't need a microphone, too. It has one built in. If you just go with a mic, you might want to get a headset with a mic, or use a regular headset/earbuds to listen instead of your computer speakers.. Sometimes the mic gets feedback when it transmits the audio it hears coming out of the computer.

    Did I mention I'm getting my degree in Instructional Technology? LOL!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    I just bought a new vacuum the bissell turbo helix It's pretty darn awesome and I also bought a new shark steam cleaning mom and I am super super excited to use it! I am going to do a full house cleaning between tonight and tomorrow when my family gets back home so that I can surprise them and I am honestly pumped to do it. (We'll see how I feel about it at 5 when I get off work! lol) I am going to list here what I have to do so I can make sure I do everything. I will also be wearing my hrm to see my burn. It is rare i deep clean the house.
    Cleaning list:
    Vacuum all carpets (3 rooms and 2 rugs)
    Scrub Grout lines
    Clean Guinea Pigs and Chinchilla cages
    Clean baseboards
    Wipe down counters and cabinets
    Dust wood furniture
    clean windows and mirrors.

    Only 2.5 more hours til I am off! I think that counts as my friday fitness.

    Thursday truth: Being home alone this week I have not eaten exceptionally well, but I have not eaten completely horribly. Lots of chicken and whole wheat pasta mostly. I should be making my salads but just have not. I'm glad I have only reasonable food in my house. I haven't really been making my smoothies either. I have been too lazy in the morning. I did make one last night because my bf got me a new blender! I love it. It came with a food processor as well! I will be using it a lot! I realized I can take one smoothie and split it into 2 or 3 servings and freeze it for dessert and it is yummy! Almost like fro yo. It kind of is in a way because it does have greek yogurt in it.

    Have a great day!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Online dating - I'm an expert - I did that a lot! Don't bother with guys not in your hometown - they will talk and talk and wear you down until they get you to talk about sex - that's all they want! They probably don't look like their picture and will avoid skyping - LOL. Guys in your hometown should be interested in meeting you within a week or something is seriously wrong, as in they are married, so don't pursue that man either. Go for the meeting in a public place = coffee house in the afternoon or am, where you can exit as quickly as you see fit. Do not go for a dinner or a drink for your first meeting ever. One man suggested an 11 am meeting at an innocuous sounding place and it turned out to be a bar - I stayed a half hour until the skin on my back was crawling! I bet I had 5 bad meetings for every 1 good one. Or make that 8.....

    As I mentioned before, I met my BF through an online date. He even said during our meeting that he didn't think we were 'meant' for each other and such. I suggested maybe he needed a friend? a woman friend? And he bit. and we're still going strong after 4 years. Best friend I ever made.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today it was back to reality for me and the real world of teaching. It was very nice having an intern to write the lesson plans and get things done. I was able to put some practice stuff together for my students so that was a big help.. Today, I feel like I am overwhelemed, even through my intern did me a huge favor by grading the quizzes and homework assignments that were due today. I just need to get myself in the swing of things again and start working on lesson plans so I can stay on top of everything. Only one week to Spring break so I am excited about that- really looking forward to it.

    Tonight I am rock climbing so that will be my exericse for the day. It should be good if I am not to tired. Luckily a friend is driving so that will help. I will do my best to check in over the weekend but not sure about my internet access this weekend. It depends if my friends computer is working.

    Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Fitness is kind of a bust today. DH is ripping up the bathroom floor so my SIL can put down tile tomorrow. There really isn't much I can do to help him, and I have Keith here this afternoon so I can't go for a walk. I don't want to leave here while Grandpa is so busy. Unless I can find some more digging to do in the yard, I won't get my exercise today. He is certainly getting his workout. The floor is coming up very slowly and with lots of effort.
    Des I like your new picture.
    MowMow Some things just keep turning up to haunt us, don't they. So sorry.
    Hanna You need to do some serious tweaking of your calorie intake. I understand the problem because I often wind up at the end of the day under my goals. I am afraid to eat too much so I wind up eating too little, but your low calorie intake is bordering on anorexia. Please be careful. As someone else mentioned, you may need to get the counsel of an expert, a nutritionist or doctor.
    Its good to be reading more posts about house cleaning and workouts and less about illness. I hope that everyone is feeling better.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Fitness is kind of a bust today. DH is ripping up the bathroom floor so my SIL can put down tile tomorrow. There really isn't much I can do to help him, and I have Keith here this afternoon so I can't go for a walk. I don't want to leave here while Grandpa is so busy. Unless I can find some more digging to do in the yard, I won't get my exercise today. He is certainly getting his workout. The floor is coming up very slowly and with lots of effort.
    Des I like your new picture.
    MowMow Some things just keep turning up to haunt us, don't they. So sorry.
    Hanna You need to do some serious tweaking of your calorie intake. I understand the problem because I often wind up at the end of the day under my goals. I am afraid to eat too much so I wind up eating too little, but your low calorie intake is bordering on anorexia. Please be careful. As someone else mentioned, you may need to get the counsel of an expert, a nutritionist or doctor.
    Its good to be reading more posts about house cleaning and workouts and less about illness. I hope that everyone is feeling better.

    Is it the linoleum or the kind of stuff that is glued on? If so tell him to use a hair dryer and a scraper thing. My boyfriend and I ripped up the flooring in the front of the house and a hair dryer worked wonders! Also do not step on any of it. I ruined a really good pair of shoes because they got stuck to glue glue and when trying to lift my foot the sole ripped off. Good luck!
  • Freemyskinny
    FRIDAY.! OHyeaaahh.! :D

    So down to it.

    Thursaday- Truth, I can't believe I am actually livin' the "healthy life."

    Friday- I am doin' the imfamous "Grape Fruit Diet" as of today.. also, walkin' the doggy && 30DS video.
    @Mymowmow, I am sorry about your taxs and your herpes with legs. haha. Ex's never go away.! they haunt you. lol jk. I hope you figure it all out and it works out in your favor.

    Everyone else have a safe and fun weekend.!! :D

    Always, Diana.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Friday fitness: Only part of my body that is being exercised today is my brain :grumble: Another busy day at work. I really have to work at making it a point to get some type of fitness into my weekly scheduled. I know I can find the time. Finding the motivation is another task in itself.

    On a different note: It finally hit me today that although not so healthy food taste amazing going down it doesn't keep me very full for very long. I'm going to go over my calories once I get some food in my stomach. Mental note made for the future. Maybe this will help steer me in the right direction when it comes to future choices :ohwell:

  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Good evening everyone! Today was my second 11 hour work day this week and I am BEAT. But this next paycheck is gonna be sweet, so I keep looking forward to that. We got paid this week, and it was really nice also. Gotta love getting extra hours! Today, I went to the grocery store and stocked up on yummy healthy foods. Avocados were only a dollar! :love: Making hubby eat healthy is easier than I thought.

    Friday fitness: Keeping up with the toddlers I work with was fitness enough today. Does throwing babies in the air count for strength? My arms get tired after a while. :laugh:

    We are getting a snow storm here, hoping to go to the gym tomorrow.

    Thank you everyone for your supportive comments while I go through my rough patches. Things are looking up. And I did get a workout in this week, did arms with hubby on Tuesday!!

    @Hannah: I implore you to consider some of the comments from other posters as well. Eating 400 calories is not only unhealthy, it is dangerous. Believe it or not, 400 calories is about average for a MEAL, not a day. We can't make you eat, but I hope you realize your health is at stake, and to seek professional help if needed.