Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member

    Robin, I nominate an "April Fool" challenge. As in, whenever you have an anxiety/comfort food craving, substitute a non-food comfort. Preferably cheap and easy to do. In essence, you fool your brain into accepting something else to manage stress. (And to be honest, it's no joke, just straight-up cognitive-behavior therapy.) I think I'll do some gratitude journaling when I crave chocolate, for example.

    I like this one a lot!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    "Robin, I nominate an "April Fool" challenge. As in, whenever you have an anxiety/comfort food craving, substitute a non-food comfort. Preferably cheap and easy to do. In essence, you fool your brain into accepting something else to manage stress. (And to be honest, it's no joke, just straight-up cognitive-behavior therapy.) I think I'll do some gratitude journaling when I crave chocolate, for example."

    Shrinkrapt: Great idea! Now if I could only find someone to give me footrubs each time I think Reese's peanutbutter eggs or black jelly beans! Seriously. I like it. Ideas one and all for substitutes? Ooooo, I know...a game of Hotdog Hotshot (a time management game guaranteed to give you carpal tunnel).

    Thanks, everyone, for listening to me whine about...well, the "you-know-what" on Tuesday. I'm getting kind of resigned to it....and in the background is playing "dum dum da dum da da dum da dum da dum." Picture long walk to the gallows.

    Friday Fitness: Went to the gym, did my cardio and then was stood up by my trainer! Tomorrow weight training on my own.

    Bought a Shamrock Shake for daughter and only had 2 sips! Almost a NSV. :drinker:

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marsha--I'm sending good thoughts your way for the upcoming procedure. I think only 2 sips of a Shamrock shake is absolutely and NSV! :drinker:

    @bailey--avocados are one of my faves, but I'm terrible at picking them out. They are always either unripe, or rotten. Fortunately, my DH has a gift for picking them when perfectly ripe, so I just let him do it.

    @courtney--that's so true; the junky food just doesn't curb the hunger. Case in point, I was really hungry during my last hour study hall. I usually bring some almonds or smartpop, but hadn't been shopping, so I grabbed half a muffin (250 calories) that someone brought to share and ate that. Of course I was still hungry and remembered I had bought a Clif bar at the gas station last night for my afternoon snack and it was still in my purse. I ended up eating that too, but if I had remembered before the muffin I could have felt satisfied for half the calories. Yes the Clif bar was also 250 calories, but it had 9 grams of protein--much more filling. :ohwell:

    @laurie--we also only have one week until Spring Break. I'm determined to get through a bunch of grading this weekend and school week, so I can at least have a few TRUE days off.

    @kris--that just sucks about your ex and the IRS! I'm so angry for you! :mad:

    @karenleona--I'm jealous of your bike-riding weather--really hoping it warms up here. It just doesn't feel like spring break if it's not at least in the 50's.

    @kitty--great job on the elliptical--those give an awesome calorie burn. I burn more on the elliptical than on the treadmill. Oh, and I also have to die my hair more often. In fact, for about 10 years I've had a stray gray here or there, so I switched from dark brown all over to blonde highlights b/c they cover the gray better. Well, I went a little longer than usual between salon visits this winter and the strays went from "here and there" to loads of gray at my temples and along my hairline. Apparently the highlights were even hiding the gray from me. :laugh:

    @holly--sorry about your impending snow--that sucks.

    @gorilla--thanks for yelling at me to do my core--it's now done! :wink: Like you, I plan to work out hard tomorrow and play afterwards. However, I will stop drinking sooner b/c it's back to work with lots of grading on Sunday.

    Friday fitness:
    I got my 3 core workouts in this week for the March challenge, and I made it to the gym twice to run and do other cardio. Tomorrow is my long run and a walk with gunner if the weather permits. It was nasty cold and rainy this afternoon, so he missed his walk today.

    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner
    Mon--walk gunner + core
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 3/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec.+ 50 sec. + 60 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.+ 25 sec. + 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15 + 15 + 15)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Almost forgot--I love sara's suggestion for the April Fool's challenge!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, the old flooring is finally gone. It was a very old tongue-in-groove wood floor that was under the carpet and linoleum that was about 15 years old. Someone had really intended it to stay there a long time! I helped some, but we were kind of in each other's way because of the size of the room. I got in a 60 min. walk after all. My daughter went with me. It was still light after dinner. Enjoyed it a lot. I ate my exercise points today because Keith talked me into making ginger cookies today. I've had some now and they are put away so I should be fine.
    I like the April Fool's challenge idea. It would be fun to share ideas and see how creative we all are at fooling ourselves.
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    Worked my butt off at the gym this evening. Definitely gave it my all. a full on all different exercises for an hour :)
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    I'll have to make this a quick one... lots to do today!

    Saturday Successes:
    - I started using MFP with regularity
    - I connected with some really great and supportive people
    - I made healthier food choices ALL week. Yay!
    - I finally got off my butt and started walking!

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Hannah: Good job at the gym! I took a peek at your diary, and looks like you are eating more. Try not to skip meals, and eat back your exercise calories if you can.

    @skinnyjeanz: The ones I have are unripe and practically hard as a rock, but in a couple of days, they will be perfect. Couldn't pass up $1!

    Good morning everyone! We did get that snow storm, as promised, and it looks like a winter wonderland outside.
    Saturday Success: I survived this week. Thinking about going for a run after breakfast. Nervous about starting week 3 on Monday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @bailey--go for that run! And don't be nervous about week 3--you'll do great!

    @tru--awesome successes! :flowerforyou:

    @hannah--nice job at the gym! Also, looked at your food diary and you did a great job upping your calories and especially your protein yesterday! :drinker:

    @kaye--glad that floor is out--never a fun job! The cookies sound yummy.

    Saturday Success:
    This increase in calories is still a bit scary, but I have been better at logging every bite which was the point. Thursday I was under by 800+ calories--it's hard to eat back all my exercise calories when I work out later in the day. But yesterday I was over by about 500, so only about 300 net under. I'm sure I will use those up today despite the fact that I'm going to the gym. Going to garetie's party tonight and between the corned beef and alcohol, I'm sure I'll be glad to have those extra 300 calories.

    Tomorrow will be a grading marathon:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/57 Motif charts
    2. 8/16 2 paragraph essays
    3. x/16 ACT practice essays
    4. 5/15 JRPs
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I have a new Saturday Success.

    For those of you who aren't on my friends list, I finished week 2 in c25k. Took me 3 weeks to do so, but today, I didn't stop to catch my breath until my cool down. It used to be that I would jump on the sides of the treadmill to get a drink and wipe my face and breathe a minute right after each run interval when I was supposed to be walking. Today, I drank my water while walking, and didn't feel I needed to stop and breathe!! I am BEYOND proud of myself, and feel less apprehensive about starting week 3 next week. I'm ready.

    Show Saturday who's boss!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone I just wanted to pop in real quick and catch up with you all. As usual with hubby home there is a lot more running around going on then usual but we are having a great time. My son called from school today (he's in wyoming me in washington) and sounded just horrible. I had to guilt him into going to the dr though because he is a stubborn male. Turns out he has the virus everyone seems to be getting with a nice major ear infection to go with it. So now mom put some money in his bank acct and he is antibioticed up. Yep good grammer :bigsmile: I have been doing pretty good with my food and exercise this week so hoping for a nice weigh o\in on onday. My husband has been real good about going for walks and playing wii and what not. He is so sweet and supportive :love: Have a great weekend everyone and grab a glass of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    Had an okay breakfast today. Disappointed in myself for having a few bits of a brownie :/ planning on relaxing and cutting some coupons, then at 630 pm gonna git the gym. Gonna get it probably alittle over an hour workout. My goal is to work out all of the calories ive eaten today so far. Which by then will probably be about 600. We'll see. :)
  • Laurlkat
    Laurlkat Posts: 16
    I'm a nursing student, and today I accomplished getting my ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) certification. One step closer, just keep swimming....
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The tile floor is almost installed. SIL and DH have been working hard all day.
    My weight loss has been really slow lately so I have decided to try eating a little more for awhile. Its so counter intuitive that its hard to do, but I think it will help. I haven't been eating my 1200 very much, and almost never eat exercise calories. I'm hoping that switching things up a bit will help me get going again.
    I have to wear prescription weight compression stockings. Mine have gotten too big, but I think that after 2 tries, I finally have the right size. Because my legs are short its really hard to get a good fit.
    I hope that all of you enjoy your weekend. I have the Irish soda bread made for tomorrow, and my daughter is making the corned beef and cabbage. We'll be having a fun day, but no alcohol here.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Had an okay breakfast today. Disappointed in myself for having a few bits of a brownie :/ planning on relaxing and cutting some coupons, then at 630 pm gonna git the gym. Gonna get it probably alittle over an hour workout. My goal is to work out all of the calories ive eaten today so far. Which by then will probably be about 600. We'll see. :)

    Ok, that is a way dangerous route to lose weight. Your body needs FUEL - if you don't get sufficient intake, you go into starvation mode & your body will NOT burn fat -- it STORES ALL IT CAN.

    Trust me, I've tried all the fads - from Atkins to Weight Watchers (don't know of any for x,y or z). None of them produce real lasting change... although some of them can help you learn how to eat better/healthier. The biggest problem with most of the diets is the simple fact that if you make something forbidden, YOU CRAVE IT. I may grump and complain about being slow right now, but I've really had a ton of success on this journey - mostly since I found the folks here. And sometimes, I EAT ICECREAM (even occasionally Culver's - which is like the MOST fattening frozen custard on earth!). I don't deprive myself, but I've learned to be smarter about what & how I eat.

    *hugs everyone*
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Saturday Success: Hmmmm. Well, I did make it to the gym and got in a pretty great workout. Then I came home to no hot water. Water heater was leaking and now it's turned off until the new one is installed. That meant....NO SHOWER. I was going to go to the nursery to get my plants for our container garden and then to the movies. Wah.

    One ray of sunshine--my wonderful son, who was alert enough to notice the overflow valve running in the garden, will install the water heater for us tomorrow. Talk about getting the ox out of the mire!

    Now for the terrible part of this story. I ate a bag of pita chips. Yep, pita chips! Not cookies or ice cream or M&M's, but pita chips. Even my (anxiety/boredom) binges are failures. And I made a great, healthy crockpot dinner, too. I wear the letter S for self saboutage in shame. :embarassed: Mea culpa.

    Okay, Scarlett. Tomorrow's a new day.

    A salute to all who managed their calories better than I did. And to those who slipped like me...we will do better this week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Today was a decent day. I did get out for a good walk with Izzy who was a happy pooch. Cleaned house a bit and finished up the laundry. Gorgeous, sunny day so sat out by the pool and got a little sun catching up on some magazines (Fitness, Shape and InStyle). I then watched a nail biter baseball game and my son's team won (Woo Hoo!!). Overall, today was a good day. I'm ready for the week ahead, but this is a battle every single day. I just have to take it one day at a time.
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    Went to the gym and met my goal of burning tons of calories :) I burned almost 1400 calories by working out for two hours. Ate alot of calories though but its mainly because my subway sandwich was almost 900! which i find crazy since i didnt even have cheese on it. i dont see how thats bad. its kinda frustrating actually that i eat one sandwich and am almost over my calorie limit not including the fact that that is one darn sandwich. ugh.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Okay, first off: Hannah, I'm not YOUR doctor, but I am A doctor. And I have bitten my tongue before this, but I am about to lecture just a little. Please bear with me. Three things:
    1. Your goal should never be to exercise off every calorie you consumed today. Shoot for 1200 NET (after exercise). Meaning, if you burned 1400, please eat 2600. It's possible to do this without eating crap.
    2. Killing yourself in the gym or restricting your intake too much does not accelerate weight loss. Slow and steady wins because heroic measures are not sustainable.
    3. If you haven't talked to your own doc about your goals, please do. And make the effort to educate yourself about nutrition and exercise (ideally from reputable sources!)

    Okay, off the soapbox for now. Sorry if that came across as rude. It's not meant to be. Just don't want to see you hurting yourself when that's not your intent.

    I meant to check in yesterday but watched Skyfall instead. I keep forgetting how long that movie is. And, frankly, it's too good a film to half-watch. So I enjoyed it and then went to bed at midnight instead of jumping on here. I did check out the boot camp gym in the morning. I like that the workouts are 30 mins, schedules are kept, the other clients are mostly professional women in my age range, the workouts are never duplicated, and most exercises are bodyweight. Also that the owner/trainer has a KISS approach to things: eat whole grains and lean protein, do exercises with correct form and don't try for maximal effort (but push yourself). I am going to do the free week trial starting Wednesday. He had me do a few burpees, and can I just say that they suck? Very effective, mind you (I'm sore and I did 4). I'm sure I will be cursing him regularly, but it will probably work well for me despite that.

    I have done very poorly keeping my carbs in a rational target zone this week. But if I am going to be working out, I need better fuel. So, starting Monday, I'm serious: no higher than 200g per day.

    And now I need sleep. It's after midnight. G'night!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Yesterday was a normal full Saturday. The normal catching up on housework and errands. Than went to a friend housewarming party. Than help at a flea market for a fundraiser. That evening we to a community activity at the Idaho center.

    Success story for me able to get a longer workout in. It helps that part of my workout was in the water.

    Today there is going to be a potluck at church. Today should be slower pace. I am looking forward to it a time to recharged my battery.

    Will try to make it back later to catchup on all of the post.

    Keep logging your food drinking your water!

    Liz. From Idaho