Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    OK so I know I haven't been here for *ages* but I did the half marathon! And I finished, and got my medal. So... new userpic, new tracker, and a progress photo. One pic is worth a thousand words, right? Thanks to everyone for all their support.


    The hula hoop and runner don't even look like the same person. You're AMAZING!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone! I hurt my back and was having problems getting around for the last few days. I have not read what’s going on with all of you and I miss it. I am going to have to talk Amy out of her ipad so I can read and catch up from my recliner with the heating pad and massager thingy.

    I hope you all had wonderful St. Patrick’s Days! I think that may have been the first one in 30 something years I did not have a drink. I did make it to my work St. Patrick’s Day party on Friday and di have a few then.

    I hope everyone is well and getting healthy!



    Today the traditional day after St. Patrick’s Day beard trim did get done


    You're so festive!!!! Plus, I love the new cut. I hope your back heals quickly. Back pain is not fun at all.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goal: After reading all of the comments, I know I'm not alone. MowMow is such an inspiration and even though I know your struggling a bit you're a perfect example of the challenges I'm going to face. You've lost over 100 lbs - HUGE accomplishment!! You should be so proud of yourself. You did it!! Now you're not done and you have more to go. You're going through a rough patch, but I love how you're focusing on your calories. One baby step at a time. I'm going to do the same. Get my food back under control and the exercise will come. I also agree with Robin that I probably need to get my butt back in the gym. I did go and stayed more focused when I was going to the gym. I can afford it and just need to do it! Thanks guys for the encouraging words. We're here for each other!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Grammy- Sending positive thoughts your way. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Goals- Get a good night's sleep every night this week. I am working on a lack of sleep from house sitting this weekend so I hope to catch up and get back to normal.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    praying that marsha's procedure has gone well

    went to the pool today and swam some lengths then played with my 4 yr old twin neices and her 14 mo old sister.....they sure keep you busy cause you cannot take your eyes off them in the pool.......felt like i needed a nap when i got
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Your prayers and kind thoughts were felt all the way down here in Texas. Thanks, friends. :flowerforyou: This is the short story of what happened.

    I didn't have the ablation. When I was put under, the first step was to do a trans-esophogeal echo (sp?) to check for blood clots in my heart. I had a large one! So, out of surgery I came and was sent home with a new Rx for a few weeks. Then they'll attempt this again. Dr. thinks I may be coumadin/warfarin resistant. ??? Don't understand this as I bruise and bleed easily. I'm grateful that my physicians are very cautious, though the suspense is daunting. The nap was nice though. :smile:

    No exercise for the rest of the week. Wonder if this means I can't do some light weight training???

    The good news--a dear friend brought in dinner tonight. It's always a holiday if I don't have to cook.

    Early summer goal--to hula hoop. (Inspiration from Alison's awesome pics.) When I was a kid, I could hoop it up for ages. Now--not even a second. So, If I lose more, perhaps that hoop will go 'round me a few times. Doesn't that sound like fun?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    @marsha--sorry your procedure got postponed, but glad your docs are cautious.

    @laurie--I plan to get lots of sleep over break! Isn't it sad that THAT is what I'm looking forward to most? :laugh:

    @susan--No, you're not alone. Even those of us not currently in a slump have been there before, or will reach that point eventually. I don't think I've "met" anyone on MFP whose success has come without setbacks. Keep going, girl!

    @alison--Don't stress that sore knee! I know from experience that it takes FOREVER for even a minor knee injury to heal--swimming sounds like a good plan!:wink:

    @kelley--so glad that you got relatively good news at the foot doc--at least you can continue some cardio and don't need a boot! :drinker:

    @gorilla--I also prefer running outside, but our weather's not cooperating either. I've found it makes the treadmill a lot more bearable if I focus on improving my speed. I have a hard time doing that outside b/c I tend to just run at a steady pace. On the treadmill, I use the speed settings to push myself to run farther at higher speeds alternated with some slower running for a minute to let my heart rate come back down. I've found it makes the treadmill feel more "purposeful." :ohwell:

    @holly--sounds like you have a fun b-day weekend planned! :flowerforyou:

    @sara--Wait--did you get drunk on St. Paddy's Day? I sure didn't (this time :laugh: ). Yeah, the woman who put together the LOTR and Hobbit trails is the author of The Atlas of Middle Earth which explains a lot!

    AFM--I got a few essays graded and deleted the goals I completed--the shorter list makes me feel better. Tomorrow I will finish #4 and either #2 or 6. I should really do 2 just to get some more of the writing out of the way--but sometimes it's hard to focus on the essays while at work. Either way, I plan to grade more JRPs after work--even if it's just a few, it will help.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/57 JRPs
    2. x/16 ACT practice essays
    3. x/47 AP essays
    4. x/16 Grammar tests
    5. x/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    6. x/47 AP test corrections
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grammy - so sorry to hear about your surgery set-back. Do NOT do any weight training until you consult with your doctor. PLEASE.

    KarenLeona - swimming with little kids - very good and fun exercise - I bet you laughed and smiled a lot!

    Susan - glad your positively thinking about the gym. This slump is hitting me like a ton of bricks. I'm promising me a house cleaning day so I'll exercise tomorrow. Thats the only way I'll get myself moving.

    Laurie and Skinny - I adore sleep - I can understand your looking forward to more of it!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! Hope everybody had a good Tuesday, or at least close enough. :)

    Karenleona, swimming with little ones absolutely is exhausting. Did you do much bouncing them in the water? (Great leg workout!)

    Tina, glad to hear you're keeping an eye out and planning to take care of yourself. Don't take this the wrong way (directed at the nurses in the thread too), but an elevated BP is worth keeping an eye on. When it comes with symptoms like that, it's worth getting an evaluation.

    Marsha, glad your docs used the appropriate care. Do NOT violate their orders about exercise (and ask about weights rather than guessing). With luck the new med will work, and yes, some folks don't respond to warfarin. Nothing to do with your body's natural clotting process, usually. Instead, some folks just don't make the enzyme that metabolizes warfarin, or make enough of it. Chin up!

    Karen, I would kill for about 2 weeks with nothing to do but sleep from midnight to noon. I think that's how long it'll take me to get caught up on sleep! Enjoy your opportunity, and strong work on the grading process! And no, no drunkennness on St. Patty's Day for me. One glass of wine doesn't do it. :smile:

    Susan, I completely get you. If you can afford a gym, can you afford a trainer? Even just for a few sessions? I find that having someone expect me (ex: due there at 5:30 pm tomorrow, and I choose my own appointment time, so no excuses) makes a world of difference in the likelihood that I'll show.

    Which brings me to my Tuesday Goal: I will do a half-hour boot camp session, including whatever exercises the trainer throws at us, at 5:30 tomorrow and Thursday, and I will be on time and give my best effort. And then I'll do it again Monday and Tuesday next week. So far doing okay with my goal of keeping carbs under 200. Ended up not having the extra snack last nite (drank water and went to bed). Went a little over on cals today but did well on carbs (180) and almost cracked 100g protein. And I already feel better, just two days into eating rationally. The hard part will come this weekend when I want to eat out.

    I've also decided that, instead of spending $$ on high-end chocolate, I'll spend it on high-end tea. Steven Smith Teamaker makes the most luscious peppermint tea you can imagine. I cannot describe how much better it is than any brand you find in the grocery store. Nothing in it but peppermint leaves from my home state of Oregon, but... WOW. Peppermint-vanilla tea is how I satisfied my craving for sweets over the Xmas holidays in 2011, so I plan to keep this stuff on hand while I wean myself off the crap.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I checked my BP again last night and it was 125/79. It's going down and I FEEL alot better. I haven't had any problems or anything.

    We do have an urgent care, but they are ridiculously expensive. Took my daughter there the other day and it cost $157 for less than 30min of being there....maybe 10min in dr's yeah. Again I understand that high BP is dangerous...I do. But it's gone down and I feel good. If it goes up at all I will get myself into the doctor. I promise.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Got a decent run in on the treadmill last night. I did not have long since I had to get home for the kids but I ran 2 miles in 22:05. Not bad I guess... but I did walk a bit and sprinted a bit in there. It was hard finding a treadmill last night, there are three cardio sections in my gym. 1 is in the back and upstairs (that is where I prefer) then there is a second section upstairs in the front of the gym and the one I ended up in and the one i try to avoid is right in the middle of the gym between machines and free weights. Everyone walking by... BUT that section has the newest treadmills...

    Tonight is lifting Looking forward to laying the hammer down a bit tonight with my RDL/bench press/reverse lunge superset
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Good morning all. Glad to be here.

    I'm sitting by the phone/computer waiting for a call back from Dr.'s office and read Shrinkrapt's mention of yummy teas.

    Recently I discovered a great brand of herbal and regular teas (I only drink herbal/non-caf. types), and thought I'd share what I found. Purchased at World Market (against the rear wall in most stores), I found Strawberry Chocolate and Peppermint Chocolate Caffeine-Free Herb teas manufactured by The Republic of Tea, based in Novato, CA. They are YUM! Of course, I add a bit of sweetner (artificial). I use one round bag for a large 16 oz. mug. The directions say use 6 oz. water, but my frugal self just steeps it longer in the larger mug and it's delish. The price is higher than Bigelow or Celestial, $11-ish, if I recall correctly, but there are 36 bags in each cannister--50 in each "real" tea container. Check on-line at World Market for flavors--more than 20. Since water here tastes yucky, I'm always looking for ways to make it more palatable. Besides filtered or flavored sparkling water, I include the herb tea (usually just one or 2 a day) in my H20 tally.

    Just thought I'd share. Will look for the other tea, Steven Smith Teamaker, that ShrinkRapt mentioned.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just got caught up on everyones posts. You all are doing such a great job being there for each other. Things are going fine around here. I think I might have hit one of those dreaded plateaus. There hasn't been hardly any movement on the scales for almost a month now. I am not letting it get me down as long as I am not gaining. I probably need to do some tweaking but not sure where to start. Anyway my brain is very tired and foggy so I am going to jus say keep up the good work and be safe everyone.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all. No time for personals. Just stopping by to check in quickly. Glad to see you guys are chugging along. I always have this doomed thought that if I don't check in regularly I'm going to lose track of this group and never find you again! (Even though I know how to follow the thread to the next section). It's just my brain being silly. I know some of you are stuck in a bit of a rut but you're still logging into MFP and posting on this board so that's still a step in the right direction!! Jumping back on the wagon will be easier than you think.

    Wednesday wish: I have 2 wishes today. 1) I wish I had a food processor - although my blender performs close to the same magic it's harder to get to the bottom of it and scoop stuff around without cutting up my utensils. 2) I wish my brother would stop having such bad luck getting his life to stay on track. He's making good choices, but as soon as he comes out one step ahead he gets pushed back another 2. It's hard to see him struggle coming into his own as an adult.

    Happy hump day yall!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @courtney--"yall"? I thought you were from Chicago. :laugh:

    Will catch up with more personals later. :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday Wish:
    I wish to be super-productive with after school grading.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/57 JRPs
    2. x/16 ACT practice essays
    3. x/47 AP essays
    4. 16/16 Grammar tests DONE
    5. x/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    6. x/47 AP test corrections
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Jen: I did start running before I got below 200 (there were lots of success stories around MFP from people who did), but it's definitely getting easier as I lose more weight.
    @Des: great news on the fasting insulin level! What a result of your hard work.
    @Marsha: I have never, ever been able to hula hoop, not even for a minute. It is not the right exercise for people with an 'apple' body shape! But I look on MFP at the success stories and it's quite clear that apple types turn out to be other types in their 'after' photos. So maybe hula hoop one day for me. And I hope that the doc gives you the all clear the next time.

    Wednesday wish -- well, I started sorting stuff out in my study, and then I fell asleep again. Guess I need lots of rest at the moment. So my wish is for that house fairy again.

    -- Alison
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Wednesday wish-I wish the next 40 minutes would fly by so that I can leave a little early and get my eye exam over with and hopefully not have to have my eyes dilated. I also wish that when i go to get my glasses I can find a pair that look good on me or at least fit my wide face. I know I need glasses pretty badly but I dread getting them because they are too tight. I guess I might just be wearing my hair down more.

    BohemianCoast- Congrats on the half marathon! Finishing is Finishing!

    Des- Yay for good text results! Always good news!

    Marsha- Glad your dr is cautious. Hopefully the new meds will help the clot.

    I am working on getting back into the flow of things. Finally not sick anymore. It is a beautiful day today and I am going to be doing some planting after my eye exam.

    Have a good day.
  • Hello everyone, I hope you are all doin' amazin'.!
    sorry for not bein' around. I really have no excuse.. I guess for the last couple of days I haven't felt like addressin' the "100lbs" I need/want to lose. Truth be told it has been botherin' me a lot more than usual. ._.

    Anywho.. my wish is that my scale wasn't bein' a spazz. and that I can get myself out of this "funky" mood.

    BTW.. me and my ex have decided to give us another go, so there is somethin' positive in my life right now.

    Always, Diana.
  • feeling good that im under my calorie goal!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grandmakaye - "Just keep walking" - you inspire me. And I hope that shiny new bathroom floor thrills you. So great that all the family members contributed to it.

    MowMow - I LOVE your idea of storing your fruit at work, and taking home what you need. How clever!

    drojen - hope you're over your cold soon.

    Des - congrats on your insulin levels - WOOT!

    ebailey - I don't drink anything for a few hours before I go to no interruptions....

    shrink - what WAS your favorite high end chocolate - I'm looking for something to reward myself with and I don't like tea and I don't like peppermint anything. I usually drink skim milk and water mixed (I know, ugh) with decaf coffee and choc syrup as a treat and its so ORDINARY.

    Gorilla - I agree, a binge is healthy! :smokin: ho, ho, ho! Hell, no! But that was a decent run on the treadmill, so good for you!
    I can sympathize with you and the issue of the location of the treadmills, but its hard to believe you're still shy about your "looks" thanks for reminding me that people are still self-conscious no matter how much weight they have lost.

    jtconst - I agree with you that something in your food plan needs tweaking. Maybe re-calculate your calories downward a bit, as maybe you've overestimated your exercise for the week?

    Boho - hope the house fairy does her work while you rest your knee.

    Helena - hope you get your wish about getting your glasses. That's such a permanent purchase and you have to live with them on your face for a couple of years, so you want to make a great decision when you pick them out. Can you take someone with you to help you decide? If not, go with your heart not what the salesperson tries to talk you into...

    ClosedMouth - welcome to our thread! Come often and you'll meet lots of supportive people.

    I am still moving forward and accomplished my goal of cleaning the condo. I vacuumed and cleaned the bathrooms, so didn't get everything done, so more to do tomorrow, but I'm happy with what I did do today. I also turned my eating around, and although I am going to be over calories, I ate more protein and less carbs today than I have been doing. Eggs for brunch and fish for dinner. I'm still doing my March challenge which is to get in touch with my abdominal muscles - the other day I had a stomach ache and couldn't understand why - I hadn't eaten anything unusual. Finally I realized it was my stomach muscles hurting (just a little) on the outside - not my actual stomach hurting. What a "doh" moment for me! :laugh:

    WEDS WISH: that I control my spending better. Late nite internet urges are going to be the ruination of me!!!!!:sad: