How young is too young?



  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    Aaah, I hate to do this and I genarally disapprove of negative comments but.... I checked out this guy's profile, and judging by his reason's for being on MFP, I'm not surprised he considers this a dilema. His attitude is just a little off. He's completely okay with offending you, per his profile, but another poster commented......below......and he's whining. He asked for feedback and it was given. This was her opinion, and it really wasn't that insensitive-a simple opinion. Honestly, I don't know how he keep friends, especially the ones that are in better shape than he is and have awesome personalities!
    Whining about your age? 29/30 it's about the same.

    And just in case you still have doubts, if you really want to go at this uphill battle, go for it! But it really isn't the decent thing to do.

    Nope. Creepy.

    That was rude. If you don't have anything nice to say why bother commenting!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Seventeen is a very mature age. Most girls know what they're doing by that age. Sounds like she clearly has you wrapped around her finger, but be warned: the young ones can be manipulative.

    Please be careful with your heart and tread lightly. When the lacrosse captain at her high school decides he likes her again, she's going to dump you. I care about your feelings. I really do. If you think you can handle the inevitable rejection that is likely to follow, then I say go for it. If you think it's going to leave you crying in your ale, then maybe let this one go.
    What in the 1940's bull**** hell?
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    So you can join the military at 17/18 and die in a war but you can't date someone older ???

  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Just do it. Don't listen to the haters on here. They're just being BITTER.

    Thanks man!

    It's nice to meet someone that isn't so close minded.
    now you just sound like you posted because you wanted everyone to pat you on the head, assure you you're a good guy and tell you to go for it.

    i had an open mind about it when this thread started but it's narrowing rapidly!

    lol you had a narrow mind from the begining. Even before you came to this thread. Anyone talking about low and high class is a narrow minded ignorant person. Shame on you
    you're taking that one very personally. how telling.

    i apologise for my total failure to feel any shame in causing you to feel insulted xx
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    No. She is not mature enough no matter how she acts. I don't know how you would even think that this is okay. I am 33 and when I see kids in their teens they look sooo young to me. Almost like kids in high school look like they are in middle school.

    I truly believe after 25 years old age stops mattering. If she were 21 Id still be skeptical but more accepting. She cant drink for 4 years. You are at very different stages in your life. You are in the stage of your life when you start settling down, she should be focused on college and finding herself. You'd be doing a disadvantage to her by dating her. The last thing she needs is someone holding her back. Stay away because this is creepy

    Again with the creepy . . .

    But she doesn't even look young! I never would've approached her if I thought she was 17!

    I thought she was 22 or 21.

    It was a school day for Pete's sake!!
    I find it telling that you think at the age of 29, you have anything in common with a teenager, let alone the ability to hold a conversation with one. Nuff said.

    I agree. He should at least wait until his mid-30s to start dating teenagers. It's a much better age to be a daddy.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    If she can cut her own food she's fair game!
  • scubasara1
    scubasara1 Posts: 3 Member
    I would say no,
    and here's why.

    I have worked with young women for a good amount of my life volunteering in group homes and working in High schools. I know how they act and how their minds work. I know that while there may seem to be some fairly mature 17 year olds, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM have a childish side. They are not done growing up. Hell, I know women my age (26) who still are not finished growing up.

    I know this isn't going to change your mind since it seems to already be made up, but I want you to go into this knowing that there is a HUGE chance this is going to be a crash and burn situation.

    Good luck.
  • Personally, age is just a number BUT other people will not think so. You will probably be judged more than she will.

    I'd say leave it, less hassle x
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.
  • Nope. Creepy.

    That was rude. If you don't have anything nice to say why bother commenting!

    Not did ask for opions. It's may not be illegal there, but she is technically still a child. And you are almost 30. It is a little creepy. And if it were my daughter...look out man!
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    The "age is nothing but a number" camp consists of young people sleeping with guys that are too old, and guys that are too old who wants to sleep with girls that are too young.

    Seriously, I would have to say that in order for a 29-year old to WANT to date a 17-year old, he'd have to be functioning at a very low level, considering no 17-yearolds would function at a very high level and want to date a 29-year old...
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Nope. Try again. Not North America.
  • scubasara1
    scubasara1 Posts: 3 Member
    Let's see.. people who are against this:
    -older women
    -married women
    -women who don't get any play

    Who's for it.
    -Every decent man who has a pulse!

    Every "decent" man probably wouldn't have to resort to misogynistic comments to make a point, though. lol
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152 Member
    its fine as long as you tell her your 18.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Personally, age is just a number BUT other people will not think so. You will probably be judged more than she will.

    I'd say leave it, less hassle x

    I'm seeing some of that now.

    Thank you.

    I just wish people weren't so close minded.

    People have been dating "teenagers" since time began. It's no more unnatural than homosexuality.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    29 and 16!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO ASK????????
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    What in God's heaven are you feeding those kids?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    29 and 16!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO ASK????????

    Judging by the mixed responses I'm getting I'd say it's a very valid question.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Personally, age is just a number BUT other people will not think so. You will probably be judged more than she will.

    I'd say leave it, less hassle x

    I'm seeing some of that now.

    Thank you.

    I just wish people weren't so close minded.

    People have been dating "teenagers" since time began. It's no more unnatural than homosexuality.

    Neither is running around naked all the time with your **** in your hands, but it's still frowned upon.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Well, we don't drink and eat food filled with artificial hormones. Girls here typically have their periods around 13+ years.