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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hey chaps, I'm back from my holiday, and I'm waiting for Monday to formally check in my weight but I think I've stayed the same or maybe even dropped a pound. So that's ok. Not enough exercise so I might be a bit flabby, but getting back on track today. I did manage to log my calories but I didn't get to sync my Fitbit until I got home, at which point it's put garbage in for all the calorie burns while I was away. Oh well.

    I met up with my pals over Easter and we had a clothes swap, so I've got some new things to wear! They were scathing about the state of my undies though, so I'd better invest in some new stuff that fits properly.

    Friday fitness -- well, last week was all a mess. A couple of short walks, a trip to the gym, a swim. Still not running (my knee isn't quite right yet) though I did ten minutes on the treadmill and that was ok. And today I played badminton with my family which was good fun.

    Next week:
    Saturday: parkrun
    Sunday: badminton
    Monday: morris dancing
    Tuesday: running maybe?
    Wednesday: badminton
    Thursday: running I hope
    Friday: badminton

    OK. Let's see how it goes.

    A few quick personals. Sorry to hear that so many of you are struggling at the moment. Just a day a time! And do please keep remembering the success so far, because it's just awesome.
    @Lin -- such good news about the doctor's report! And it's so great to see you just at the very end of your journey.
    @Laurie -- I love beer, but I had exactly one long run where I stopped at a pub after 8 miles and had a beer, and I couldn't run *any more* after that. So I learnt my lesson! You honestly don't need a water break in a 5k unless it's amazingly hot so I'm not sure it matters if there's only beer.
    To all the newlings; welcome to this lovely, supportive corner of the site.
    @Karen -- good luck with the e-cigs, and I would have thought that was quite enough for one month.
    @tlh0407 -- I think c25k can be quite hard when you start, and it's worth just plugging away at the first week, running a bit more each time, until you can do the whole thing, and then move on to week two.
    @Jsnuggles -- the jeans I was hoping I'd get back into are just a bit big now. I'm mostly wearing some that a friend slimmed out of, but soon I'll need to get some new ones.
    @Kaye -- that must be so scary about your husband. I do hope it settles down.
    @Holly -- I love your new pic too!

    Have a super weekend everyone!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Skinny - Christine is on MFP from time to time but I've not seen her post on her newsfeed. I am worried about her but don't want to *bug* her if she's not feeling well.


  • Ok I started MFP almost 2 years ago and promptly fell off the wagon. I didn't remember how much I weighed when I first started, but was SURE I must have gained during that time. Weighed & logged in today and I'm down 12 pounds. Definitely NOT what I would have like to have accomplished had I stayed on track, but better than my fears! I have some family members on now, so hopefully positive peer pressure will help!
    It's cool out today so I'm throwing on a sweater and taking a walk!
  • Like this thread!! Best of luck to everyone!!! You CAN and WILL do this!! :D:D:D
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Friday Fitness: Having tummy troubles today so thinking I will be taking it easy. I totally bombed yesterday, so I am guessing I just need to get back on track.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Well, I only lost .2 pounds today. friends at the lunch table were laughing about the .2 and saying maybe I wore the wrong shirt or drank an ounce too much water. Oh well, a loss is a loss, and I had lost a pound last Friday and another pound on Monday, so it all balances out in the end.

    Friday fitness:

    I did a good job (for me) on my fitness/exercise this week. Last Saturday, I did my walk video and a good walk outside. Sunday, I wanted to burn those Easter breakfast calories so I took an hour walk outside and also did my video twice. Monday I was tired so only did my video once. Tuesday, I took a three mile walk outside (walked to the beauty shop and back afterwards). Wednesday I did the video once, Thursday, I did the video before work and again afterward, and today was just a short walk.

    Next weeks goals

    Saturday long walk outside (weather permitting) and video
    Sunday walk outside (weather permitting) and video
    Monday video
    Tuesday busy day probably will not get any exercising in
    Wednesday walk outside or video
    Thursday video before and after work
    Friday 12 hour day at work, probably no extra exercise.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    DING DONG THE PLATEAU IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL needless to say I am happy about this. I know it is not my official weigh in day but I finally have a loss and I am taking it. The scale showed a 3.2 pound loss this morning from Monday and the entire month of March. I was doing all kinds of happy dances around the house. I have been very happy wiht the level of fitness I have been getting the last couple of weeks. I didnt get to the gym today because it is the hubbys last day home but I will be back and going strong tomorrow. I probably still got a nice little burn as we were running errands and shopping for about 3 hours this afternoon getting everyhting he needed but I am not going to try to log any of it. I am trying to figure out dinner. He doesnt have any preference and I still have 1400 cals for the day so it can be pretty much anything. I am leaning towards pizza for its simplicity. We will see. Well got to run everyone have a great weekend.
  • legallyheidi87
    legallyheidi87 Posts: 19 Member
    I Zumba-ed for 45 minutes. I like it...it's something that I find fun and can stick with. Sometimes I mute the tv and play whatever music I want in the background. Since it's warming up, I'll start gardening soon, so that'll help with burning some calories.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    @jtconst Woo hoo! congratulations. I hoped you logged your exercise for your celebration. When one of my friends has a loss, she will have a post for "burning ____calories jumping for joy for two minutes". It always gets a chuckle out of me.

    @legallyheidi I just saw a post from you on another thread. Small worlid--this forum
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Friday Fitness ! I went shopping this evening and i had a wonderful time ! Got some clothes in aeropostle though and american eagle that i could not wear they are more for teenagers and i will be 40 this year !
    Got me a pretty dress fron New York and Company and another top from there! Shopping is so much fun now that i am losing weight ! I have lost some but i have along ways to go !
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen and Kah- I took the day off yesterday due to the funeral and I completed all those activities by 5:30 pm. Thanks for putting in perspective for me.

    Karen- Hope you had fun tonight.

    jt- Congrats on breaking the plateau.

    Kris- Glad you found some new clothes. I also went shopping today but did not find anything that I loved. I realized I still have more work to do in the middle of my body. I asked one of the sales associates for an opinion on a pair of Capri's that I was undecided about- they fit the best out of everything. She told me "no and that I should look at a larger size because it makes you look slimmer." Needless to say, I did not want to go back to the 18 because they would have been to big. When I mention that I was in the process of losing weight she said "Oh you are one of those people" Then I replied I have already lost 67 lbs. Her jaw dropped and then she was like WOW. It was fun shocking the sales clerk. It is fun when we can shop at New York and Company and other trendy stores.

    Allison- I don't like beer, so skipping it will not be a problem for me. Thanks for the advice. Right now we are still having cool temperatures so hopefully, it doesn't turn hot to quickly and the weather stays nice.

    Fitness- I worked hard tonight while climbing. I tackled two of the hardest wall back to back tonight and my arms were not happy with me. I went over the ceiling and I still get hung up as I figure out how to climb over top of it. Then the second wall had me going one way then other and out towards the edge. It took a lot of energy, balance and determination to get up the wall. The next couple of climbs I focused on using my legs and activating my glutes, which made it easier but I really had to concentrate on waking them up tonight. It is better than pulling with the arms and you don't stress the biceps and triceps as much. I enjoyed being active again tonight.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    vickie- A couple of my co-workers belong to planet Fitness. It is reasonably priced (cheap) but they don't have classes. I have been a couple of times with them and enjoyed the place so take the time to check it out.

    Kaye you earned those calories that was a a lot of work. You deserve a quiet day.

    kah- Best wishes for the results on your exam. Studying is always tough mentally.

    Robin- Thanks for the comments, I do need to accommodate that natural cycle.

    Good Night everyone. Hope you have a great weekend.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Had a fabulous dinner out with friends, and went way over calories in the process, but I will make up for it at the gym tomorrow..

    @laurie--sounds like you had a great climb, and I love that you put that sales clerk in her place! :tongue:

    @kris--new clothes are so fun! :flowerforyou: I have some pants from American Eagle (and I'm over 40)--they're pretty basic in cut and style, so not really too "young." However, I can see how some of their clothing wouldn't be age-appropriate. :wink:

    @robin & lin--thanks for the updates on angelika & christine.

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Avoid the Red Robin cocktails. Just saying :laugh: I gave in and then went over for the day by almost 500 calories all in one drink sheesh.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Here's another motivator to lose weight.....I own a king sized bed, but this is all the space I'm allowed at night. Need to be thinner!

    my spot by KrisMowBook, on Flickr
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Saturday Success: Even though I bombed the rest of this week with exercise as well as eating, I showed a 1.5 pound loss this morning!

    Tummy troubles are persistent, hope I am not getting sick.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good morning. Friday fitness consisted of LOTS of housework. I did about 4 hours (and still more today), but only counted part of it because it seems like high calories. Between spring cleaning and my best friend coming for her first visit to my new home, I went to town with cleaning. She has a 6 hour drive today so I'm really looking forward to approximately 3:00 today (although she's notoriously late so I won't believe she's here until I see the whites of her eyes!).

    Saturday Success - the scale finally moved -- 1/2 pound and I'm very excited. Also, I bought a watermelon at the store and it actually tastes good :bigsmile: I know all about the "rules" of picking a good watermelon and it's still a crap shot as far as I'm concerned. But I got all my fruits cut up so it'll be easy to snack on for the kids -- pineapple and watermelon this week. Just gotta do the vegetables and we're good to go.

    @GrandmaKaye -- family is great to have around, but its fun to see them go too :heart: Hosting is tiring, especially for that many people. Glad you enjoyed your time and now enjoy your quiet time :laugh: Glad to hear your husband is doing better.

    @kah68 -- have fun shopping for smaller clothes!

    @ recreatingme -- Welcome back to the wagon

    @ whitecapwendy -- a loss is a loss is a loss

    @jtconst -- YEA!!!

    @skinnyjeans -- it's fun getting together with friends and worth the extra calories. I've got dinner and drinks tonight so my only plan is to go low this morning and afternoon and not worry about what happens tonight.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone.
    I started the day right by going to the gym and for once they did not have a basketball tournament. They did have a She-sale but I was not in the the mood to shop for 2nd hand clothes. I was able to climb again this morning so that felt good and I did stretch and walk a little. Not to mention crunches and sit ups and flutter kicks. I am trying to work on losing my stomach at this point.

    Tomorrow I am hoping to go bike riding or the pool.

    Goals for this week:
    Sunday- Bike or Pool
    Monday- Trainer workout- climb (3rd wall to conquer)
    Tuesday- Rest
    Wednesday- GYM
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Rock Wall
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Saturday Everyone.

    Got to the gym this morning for a long workout - Achilles still giving me grief so stuck to the recumbent elliptical. I don't get a great calorie burn on there, but did ride 10-miles. Housework won over the gym yesterday, just needed to get caught up on some things around here. Have session with trainer tomorrow and I'll go early for extra cardio.

    Saturday SUCCESS~I emphasize success because after a month of searching I finally found some jeans!!! I'm really picky about how they fit, so it took a while. :laugh:

    Next up is grocery store, then laundry.

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    I can't believe today is Sat. Little grandson is in the hospital on IV...he just turned 2 on the weekend. It's been a hellish last 4 days. He's a tiny, little guy and seems to have gotten even smaller. He became dehydrated with an intestinal virus that a lot of kids have here. I hope they keep him one, more night and then send him home as my daughter also has a 2 month old (she's breastfeeding) and it's been tough. On my way back to the hospital tonight. We actually prayed for him.