Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Saturday Success---Well I got up and did a 30min workout from the Nike Training Club app on my phone. It's the same one I did last with with all the different moves. Then my daughter and I went for a walk, well she rode her bike and I walked....trying to keep up with her was face paced lol. But it was great. about a 41min walk! Then we dropped the dogs off at home and ran down the alley to my parents house :) I feel much better after doing that!

    Just got done writing my final paper for my psychology class (1 page minimum 2 maximum oh and double spaced) It didn't take me too long. Now i have to clean because one of my husbands friends is supposed to be coming over tomorrow with his daughter who is like 4months old or something so yeah my house is not baby proof anymore lol

    My best friend is on here now and she has lost 17lbs in a month or a little over! So proud of her! Happy to have her doing it with me too :)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member

    Lin - I really admire how you're working out while wearing your weighted vest. Do you have osteo-penia, or a family history of bone disease? You sure are preventing it in yourself quite well. Sorry if I'm nosy but I'd like to learn about it for my own health improvement. :heart:

    Robin - I have not been diagnosed with osteopenia and do not have a family history of bone disease. It finally hit me over the head that I'm so much weaker than I use to be.:grumble: I think that's called sarcopenia---muscle loss. Accompanying that is bone loss. And I hit menopause a year ago=====adding it all up I didn't need a test. I knew I had to do something. The weight vest is said to be beneficial in strengthening the spine. I'm trying to work on strength, balance and excellent nutrition. :drinker: My doctor wanted me to have the bone density test but I refused. I told him it didn't matter what the test said, I knew what I wanted to do for my bone health and if I had the test and he recommended medication I would *not* take it. (Sort of feisty for me but I felt strongly about it.)

    So there you go, just another facet of trying to be healthy my friend. It's just that time of life for me to really take action on this.:glasses:

    Hope I've not bored everyone with this explanation.:yawn: :yawn:

    Happy weekend my MFP friends.:flowerforyou:


  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well the weekend didn't start off great but it is improving. I took a nap yesterday after I got home from working out and when I woke up the dogs got under my feet and tripped me and my I-phone flew out of my hands and right into the toilet. Yep I am just that lucky:grumble: So I got up this morning and I had arranged to meet one of my team members to workut at 9 so went there and burnt off 40 min worth of mad and then went to the at&t store. Luckily there was a very nice man there who was able to help get me into a new phone right away and it cost less then I was expecting after reading about my insurance coverage last night. Being without a phone with hubby in Alaska and son in Wyoming is just not an option for me.
    On another note I just filled in todays workout and I have worked out every day this week. I am pretty happy about that.
    Robin good luck on switching up the meal sizes. I have never been a morning eater so I dont know how well that would work for me.
    Tina good job on getting in your workout today. You are doing so well at managing everything you have going on. I am just in awe of it all:smile:
    Kaye I hope the knee is feeling better. My first Zumba class reminded me I have had problems with my left hip but I iced it a couple times that day after the class and it was fine the next day.
    MowMow I hope the potluck is fun. I always love those since I use them as a reason to try cooking new things. I can totally understand being on a hardcore budget though.
    To everyone else I hope you are having a great day and dont forget to drink that water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry I've been kind of MIA the past few days. I've been keeping up with your posts, but just have very little time for lengthy ones of my own.

    Friday Fitness:
    Have continued to run and walk gunner of course. It's been sporadic due to yucky weather, but today I walked gunner a mile and a half and then went and ran 4 miles at the gym at an 11 minute mile pace. Didn't lift, but I at least did 5 minutes on the rowing machine for a bit of strength work.

    Went out for my friend's b-day last night and am heading up to her place in Lake Geneva this afternoon. Will try to check back in later--hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Lin - I really admire how you're working out while wearing your weighted vest. Do you have osteo-penia, or a family history of bone disease? You sure are preventing it in yourself quite well. Sorry if I'm nosy but I'd like to learn about it for my own health improvement. :heart:

    Robin - I have not been diagnosed with osteopenia and do not have a family history of bone disease. It finally hit me over the head that I'm so much weaker than I use to be.:grumble: I think that's called sarcopenia---muscle loss. Accompanying that is bone loss. And I hit menopause a year ago=====adding it all up I didn't need a test. I knew I had to do something. The weight vest is said to be beneficial in strengthening the spine. I'm trying to work on strength, balance and excellent nutrition. :drinker: My doctor wanted me to have the bone density test but I refused. I told him it didn't matter what the test said, I knew what I wanted to do for my bone health and if I had the test and he recommended medication I would *not* take it. (Sort of feisty for me but I felt strongly about it.)

    So there you go, just another facet of trying to be healthy my friend. It's just that time of life for me to really take action on this.:glasses:

    Hope I've not bored everyone with this explanation.:yawn: :yawn:

    Happy weekend my MFP friends.:flowerforyou:



    I totally get how you want to be proactive and fight for your health before paying for god-awful expensive tests and drugs. Since the docs put me on prednisone they also put me on Foxamax (a bone-buidling drug) that I am SUPPOSED to be taking once a week. Only I cannot stomach it - it gives me diarrhea and nausea, so I have failed at it. I see the Doc next Tues and I am going to discuss your regimen with him - and see what he thinks of it for me in my situation. I wish I had taken better care of my bones because I do have a bone scan that shows osteopenia and I want to improve my bone health. And I am a wuss when it comes to walking or weight bearing exercise. Seriously, Lin, I will need to be hit with an ANVIL many, many times, and consitently hear about your success before I start practicing it myself. Don't EVER stop talking about it!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Let me try this again, I tried to post twice this morning and Zoe deleted my posts both times! That cat is lucky she is so darn cute!

    I'm just getting back from the gym, long but not very high energy workout - their WiFi wasn't working right so both Pandora and Netflix wouldn't work on my phone, not even my own music was working right. I have no idea why, but I must have motivational music or something to watch when working out. :grumble: One of these days I need to invest in a tablet, but just can't decide what I want.

    Saturday Success~I'm down 2.8# this week, a total of 114# - I'm averaging 5-7# month, so am happy with the progress I'm making right now.

    @Tammy~Are you wearing your HRM all day? I would just wear it when you are doing activity and count that. I only count exercise calories when I am actually working out. Sorry about the phone, I hate it when stuff like that happens - did you try salvaging it before going to the store? Usually you can put the phone in rice overnight and it will absorb all of the water.
    @Kaye~I hope your knees are feeling better today.
    @Karen~Enjoy celebrating your friends birthday.

    Will try to check back later.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jt - so sorry your phone ended up in the porcelain throne! How sad you had to get a new one! :sad: I do like your turn of phrase on burning up your "mad" though, made me laugh!

    Kah - its like having a sprite or imp named Zoe, rather than a cat, isn't it?

    My car was beat up by the hail we had last week and I had it inspected yesterday. The insurance adjusters just totalled out my car since its a 1999, and I am taking the cash and buying back the car and not fixing it. Its white and the hail damage is not that noticable. They gave me $3600 for my car after the buy-back, which is pretty respectable for a car that age, (it had very low miles) and I am going to put it iinto a separate savings account and start saving for another car when this one does wear out. I was pleasantly surprised that I get money and get to keep my car! I feel I can get another 4-5 years out of it as it only has 74K miles on it and I only put about 2500 miles a year on it. So bad fortune has turned out OK.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for your concern about my knees. Knee pain is pretty much a part of my life. I don't know why I still have some pain and stiffness in my right leg from my new knee. The dr. that did my right knee told me that I had a lot of arthritis in my left knee. I guess it hadn't been hurting because my right knee was so bad that I wasn't working either of them. Now that I am more active, my left knee is bothering me quite a bit. At least, most nights they don't keep me awake. Pain meds don't work for me. Most of them make me sick, and none of them are strong enough. I have a cousin who is a dentist. He said that his relatives take twice as much Novocaine as any of his other patients. I guess we are just resistant to pain meds.
    Today I was able to weed in the flowers for an hour, including using the shovel to dig dandelions and grass. I haven't had enough strength in my right leg to use a shovel for several years. The rain yesterday dampened the soil enough that it wasn't too hard to weed.
    I also was able to share some of my "too big" clothes with a young friend. She works part time at a minimum wage job, her husband is on disability, and they have 2 little girls. She has lost 45# and is just enough behind me in her journey that she was able to use some of my old pants and shirts. I love being able to share with someone I know. I will take the rest with me to UT next week to see if my sisters can use any of them. The rest will go to charity.
    I took my daughter and her 3 girls shopping for yarn for the graduation afghan this morning. DD got some things to sew for the girls. We all had a lot of fun at JoAnn Fabrics.
    Hope you are having a good weekend. Kaye
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Quick Saturday update, after my 2 workouts my daughter and I came home and had lunch...then she laid down for a nap and then I got my final paper done for my psychology class. I ended up laying down and taking a tiny nap myself :)

    Then I got up and started cleaning. House is mostly clean. Going to relax for the rest of day I believe :)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My car was beat up by the hail we had last week and I had it inspected yesterday. The insurance adjusters just totalled out my car since its a 1999, and I am taking the cash and buying back the car and not fixing it. Its white and the hail damage is not that noticable. They gave me $3600 for my car after the buy-back, which is pretty respectable for a car that age, (it had very low miles) and I am going to put it iinto a separate savings account and start saving for another car when this one does wear out. I was pleasantly surprised that I get money and get to keep my car! I feel I can get another 4-5 years out of it as it only has 74K miles on it and I only put about 2500 miles a year on it. So bad fortune has turned out OK.

    Robin - I guess it's bad about the hail, but good that you can keep the car. You're making a very smart decision. I can't imagine only putting 2,500 miles on a car. When I lived in Atlanta, I was averaging 15,000 easily. I've got a 2000 Toyota 4Runner and it has 180,000 miles and it's been an AWESOME car. I haven't put a dime into minus the normal stuff. My experience with Toyota has been great!! Some times a bad does open a good. It just never goes in my favor it seems. LOL!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I'm doing OK. I know on Thursday I posted about this mental game of weight loss and changing my way of life. It is slowly taking place, but I do have that Wednesday Wish quite often that it would come off sooner. I really struggle with patience, but I know I have to do it the right way or I will not have learned a thing for the long term. I have made good choices so far today. No exercise, but we were at the ball field by 8 a.m. for Cyrus' baseball game and it's really too hot. Sorry for all those fighting snow, hail, cold, etc. . . I think it's 88 and blue skies. I decided to sit by the pool and read my Fitness magazine instead. I'm getting up early tomorrow though to get in my walk. One day at a time.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- You are right that I do enjoy rock climbing more that the normal workouts. It provides a sense of accomplishment and I love the challenge of going up each wall for a total body workout. There are times that I get frustrated with the pace during the trainer workouts but they are just as important for the core work and cardio all at one time. I usually like the trainer workouts and most of the time they are hard core which I consider a good thing.

    Kaye- I can relate to you about knee pain. I am now trying Glosamine (spelling) to help with the joint lubrication. It seems to be working but I still need to give it some more time to see if there are any noticeable differences.

    Susan- I am sure you will be experiencing the hotter temps for Las Vegas by the time most of us are dealing with true Spring like temperatures. Glad you could enjoy the pool.

    Today, my friend actually tried rock climbing and did well. she made it about halfway up. That is a great accomplishment and she is willing to try it again. I did attempt to climb today but my arms were too tired from last night's climb. I made it up 2/3 of the way before my arms gave out and I had to come down. They just needed more time to recover which I am not surprised. I usually don't climb two days in a row because of that.

    Goals for the week-
    Saturday-Rock Wall/ walking and stretching
    Sunday- Swim
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday-Not sure--might need to attend a training session for work not looking forward to it.
    Wednesday- I might walk at Kinder Park or take a rest day
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Rock wall
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! Got sidetracked this week with logging (missed a day last weekend) and reading. Overall, not a great week, and a particularly bad day or two yesterday and today. Lots of travel and other temptations in the next two months. Just trying not to gain any more!
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well I totally tanked saturday. I will regroup and start again tomorrow.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    I need to catch up, so...

    Friday fitness: two twenty-somethings joined me for workout and could not finish the hour. Both even commented that, "Mrs. Susan really gets into it and goes all out.". :) I do, indeed. I am 43. I do it for the exercise and I give it my all. If not, I might as well lay on the couch.
    Saturday Success: We had a crawfish boil with family yesterday. I served Honey Bun cake to everybody, but did not have any! I have also given up creamer in my morning coffee. I actually have found that black coffee is quite delicious! I still love syrupy sweet iced tea, but I don't have it.

    I glanced through and it looks like everyone is doing pretty well! You guys ROCK! Have a happy, healthy, beautiful Sunday!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes, he's getting better and my knee is fine. My rest day from Insanity is Tuesday, just one more workout to go! It really is crazy, but even the people in the video (who are arguably more fit than I) have to take breaks and rest and get water and such, so I know I'm not alone.

    I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be. I'm not caring about calorie counting so much right now, just listening to when my body gets hungry or thirsty and having smaller, healthier meals. It's getting easier now with all I've learned from MFP, but I still think my calories are set too low on MFP, Insanity has a completely different calculation.

    Thinking of starting back up c25k tomorrow, but I don't know if my body is ready to handle both. I get really tired through both exercises, but I need to be ready for the race in July since I've paid and registered already. What would you do?
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Well, arrived at a resort and I had family over for dinner last night. Made a healthy, salmon pie,(kind of like a shepherd's pie, but I use salmon instead of beef and add organic spinach and onions). It was healthy and made enough for 9 people. It has snowed the first 2 days here, but today is sunny and gorgeous. Going for a walk to get some exercise. I love it!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK - there's room for 20 more posts on this page before the roll-over, so don't be shy. (OK, 19 now subtracting this one!)

    Shrink - how does your hubby like being a stay-at-home husband? Are you starting to notice the benefits?

    Suzee - thats the spirit! Just start over, don't give up!

    SusanThin - wow - working out for a whole hour - you DO ROCK! And holding back while serving seafood would be hard for me so kudos to you, Susan. You're doing awesome!

    ebailey - since you've already paid for the race I'd concentrate on C25K more than the Insanity so you'll be ready to participate. I think it will be extremely hard on your body to do both, but, only you can decide.

    Mel - your salmon pie sounds really tasty! How ingenious of you, you must be quite the cook! Glad you're enjoying the resort. Hope you can kick back and relax! Enjoy your walks.

    I haven't decided what yet, but I will get some exercise in today. THats a promise.