Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    Starting Weight for July: 282

    Current Weekending 7/10 - 280.00

    I will clock the other numbers later!!! I am definitely in!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I do 5 veggies everyday anyway and most days I do 1-3 fruits so that is in the bag, but I am having a hard time with workout this week being so busy at work. I am going to walk with my kids after work today and that will be my 2nd 90 min workout. When I was going to Curves (before mine closed) I did jumping jacks 5 days a week, so I will try to catch up tonight by doing 100 then keep up the rest of this week.
    I did really well eating on Saturday but Sunday I had a Nutella mishap! So... my daughter was not really in the mood to eat on Sunday morning, I let it slide until about 11 am but then I wanted her to eat so we could go for a walk to the park. We walk (well I walk, they ride in the double stroller) about 45 min each way with 30 min of park play in the middle, so I know that she will be a hungry crying crazy mess before we get home if she doesn't eat first. So on days I can't get her to eat I spread Nutella on whole wheat bread and make her a chocolate sandwich (what kid wont eat Nutella!). She did eat, great, but then I licked my finger clean and once I realized what I was doing I had finished 3-4 scoops of the stuff myself! Oh my, I looked at the back label and it is 200 calories per 1 Tbps, oops! Then of course my dear sweet honey came home from work with a huge slice of chocolate cake that we shared. Monday morning I had gained back 4lbs, today I had lost 2 of that. So I am 142 and hoping to be less than 140 on Friday so I don't have to move my ticker back up!

    Oh Nutella I hate you! Even tho I really LOVE you! :cry:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Jenn, I can seriously feel the nutella pain. I can scoop it out way to easily too.

    So all I eat plenty of vegies but I try to watch my carbs so 1-2 fruits is it for me a day. I don't do jumping jacks, when I do my knees kill me for days and I can't run or skate or anything so i will back out on that challenge. I do exercise more tha 1.5 hours at a time though 5 days a week so I got that covered. Good luck to everyone and the scale is moving down for me, I just hope it stays there Friday so I can finally move my ticker after a month.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Did a whopping 225 jumping jacks today...I think these are my new love.....and had my 3 fruits and 2 veggies today.....did my 90 min workout (walk/run) and burned over 1100 calories today....now I think I deserve a snack....talk to you all tomorrow.....have a nice evening ladies!!......:bigsmile:
  • WOW!!!! You are my hero!!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Terri, I feel your pain (literally) with the jumping jacks.

    I did about 5 jumping jacks today before cheating by putting an arm over my chest to hold the girls down. Apart from those first 5, I had a great experience! I was in the kitchen when I suddenly decided to just do them. My boyfriend was sitting at the kitchen table, and there I was doing jumping jacks without any explanation. He gave me a funny look, laughed (which made my darling nephew laugh which made me laugh!) and told me I was crazy. I love how convenient this little exercise is! Also, I was really surprised when I was able to do 100 jumping jacks rather easily instead of 50. Several months ago, I was gasping for air after only a few jumping jacks and was certain I would bomb this challenge. I credit C25K for this improvement. It is really neat to see results like that, and I definitely wasn't expecting it either.

    As for the food challenge, I also stick to 1-2 servings of fruit a day because they are so sugary but I was still able to eat 3 types. I had a berry smoothie with blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries for breakfast. I also got my veggies in. I had a salad for lunch (spring mix, cucumbers, carrots) and curry with almonds for dinner (sweet potatoes, peppers, onions.)

    I hope everybody is doing well! Good luck on Friday, rj! I hope the scale shows you (and the rest of us) what we want to see!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Oh yes, and I saw on Dr. Oz the other day that women who eat broccoli and cabbage 3x a week are 70-something% less likely to get breast cancer! There's some good motivation to get those greens in.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Oh yes, and I saw on Dr. Oz the other day that women who eat broccoli and cabbage 3x a week are 70-something% less likely to get breast cancer! There's some good motivation to get those greens in.

    yay! I love broccoli and cabbage.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow Timbotina & Amanda! You girls are rockin it on the Jumping Jacks! Great job! I only got 25 in this morning before I had to belly dance & get ready for work. I know I could have done a lot more, but time crunch! I'm gonna try to do at least 100 in the next few days at one time! You girls are inspiring me! And I'm the one that came up with that idea for the challenge! :laugh: :laugh: I'd do more right now, but I'm pooped after my Zumba class tonight! :ohwell:

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Kelly-- what exactly is zumba? I have heard so many people talking about it. I just found out that a park downtown offers free zumba classes once a week (as well as free yoga on Saturdays!) I am thinking about giving it a shot.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Its aerobic style/dancing! Its to Hispanic music & its a GREAT workout! I sweat my butt off, and then some! If you have free classes to go to - DO IT! I just started about 6 weeks ago & only do it once a week but I have to pay unfortunately. However I LOVE IT! Go try it out, I'm sure you will like it! Its fun! :happy: Kelly
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone.. great news thismorning i stepped on the scale and saw 170 for the first time since i had my baby 10 months ago : ) I started at 152 and got to 192 had her and weighed 182 so to see 170 was awesome halfway there to my pre-pregnancy weight and the weight i have been struggling to get under for the past 5 years! lets just wish me luck that it will be really close or under 170 by sunday :).. 20 more lbs and i will officially be the lightest iv been since 2006 when i stopped gaining and started not losing. lol... HALF WAY TO MY FIRST GOAL!!! HORAY Wish me the BEST LUCK for sunday ;) !!!

    As for the bmk challenge I have not had any fruit or vegies today... it was my brothers wedding and i had wic to go to and just didn't have time for much lol. but I did forget about the jumping jacks yesterday and today but its not to late i will do 50 right after im done here.

    basically i ran out of grocery money as i use a portion of the paycheck every two weeks i go grocery shopping then thats it till pay day lol so ya i didn't buy any fruits and vegies but have been grabbing an apple or bananna for a snack at work lately so thats good.

    well see you sunday and good luck to all
    GVMARY Posts: 1
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning one and all challangers...heading off to work.....have 50 jumping jacks in.....were busy at work today but hope to get some stair climbing done today at work.....hopefully get my 2nd 90 min. workout in too after work.....talk to you all later.......happy challange!!!!
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    July 01st - 157.8
    July 08th - 157.2
    July 15th - 156.6 :bigsmile:

    Aug 1st - 152.8 GW
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope your day is off to an awesome start!

    Today is my running day. I woke up with a pounding headache...hormones??? or allergies??? Anyway, I took some excedrin and sat around for a few minutes thinking about running or doing nothing. I decided to take an easy walk on the treadmill. 48 minutes, 3.5 miles and 400 calories burned later I got off the treadmill. My head still hurts a little but I feel great. I love how I feel about what my body can accomplish.

    Have a super healthy day!

  • 4mcm
    4mcm Posts: 4
    Not as good this past 5 days. No loss to report. Maybe updating my goal was premature!

    07/01.......... 169
    07/05.......... 167
    07/10.......... 165
    07/15.......... 165
    08/01.......... 160 (new goal)
  • July 1- 168 lbs

    July 12- 166 lbs

    2 down 3 to go!!
  • I'm in!!!
  • drlmnh
    drlmnh Posts: 4
    I'm in!
    On target so far:

    (weigh in weekly on Weds!)

    30th June 257lbs
    7th July 254 lbs
    14th July 251 lbs

    Keep going everyone! I love this place - such a motivator! :-)
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