Why are people so negative regarding clean eating?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    If in the future I feel I am served by keeping ignorant comments by other groups I may do that as well. Thank you for you helpful suggestion though.

    You are very welcome! There's no more efficient way to create bias than by picking a comments of a few and attributing them to the whole group.

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member


    If you aren't going to post a cat GIF, Dean Winchester is the way to go.
  • gottalose55
    gottalose55 Posts: 44 Member
    People are negative on other things too, like weight lifting and crossfit. I got emails about the evils of crossfit after I expressed interest.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    People are negative on other things too, like weight lifting and crossfit. I got emails about the evils of crossfit after I expressed interest.

    there is one lady on here who has made it her mission in life to prevent people from crossfitting ...not that there's anything wrong with that!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Both sides shove **** down the other sides' throats and it's just a perpetual battle of stupidity.

    What do those who don't eat clean shove downs people's throats, exactly? No one has ever said 'don't eat clean' but rather 'you don't have to eat clean'/'clean eating doesn't exist cause no foods are dirty/bad'. No one wants clean eaters to change or subscribe to a different diet.

    This DOES happen all the time. I was on a thread the other day where someone posted that they were interested in making other friends who were into clean eating. Tons of posts ensued where people, unsolicited, pretty much stated that all clean eaters are preachy, pushy, misguided people. One poster suggested that people who eat clean just don't have self control (like she did) and should focus more on eating junk food in moderation (like she does) It happens ALL the time, here and in the real world. I'm paleo for a myriad of health reasons, but I try not to tell people because I get so tired of being told that doing so is wrong for whatever reason, and then I am either forced to go into my medical history to justify my choices or just nod and agree. I am sure that there are clean eaters who are preachy and judgmental, just like there are those in every group, but it seems that a lot of them venom gets spewed at clean eating as a lifestyle. I just don't get it. No worries, everybody, I won't offer you ANY suggestions or relate what has been helpful to me!

    Do you have a link to this thread so we may check it out to verify your claims?

    I can't get the thread to link correctly, and I can't figure out why. The title of the thread was "Anyone doing whole/real/clean eating out there?" Perhaps someone else will have better luck linking to it than I did. BTW, I really appreciate your thoughtful discussion style. You are having a conversation, not a shouting match, and I really appreciate that. I think I'm not cut out for the boards and all the attack. It makes me want to leave the site. Fortunately, I have fantastic MFP friends and wouldn't want to let them down.

    The thread has been locked/purged so you can't link to it. But from what I can glean from what's left, it looks like OP opened with something disparging about those who don't eat clean (as the first post I see from a 'non clean' eater is "Sanctimony is unattractive whichever way it goes, OP.", suggesting the OP had been sanctimonious in their OP.

    Note that the first 'negative' comment is about how the OP eats, but how the OP put their message across. Next I see some things about how food is neither inherently healthy or unhealthy, which isn't bullying at all. Then, and this made me chuckle, someone saying that they don't feel the OP really eats clean cause artificial sugars. Shortly after this it does break down into your typical shoving match.

    My honest assessment is the OP probably said something about those who don't eat clean, perhaps without even realizing it, and that's what started the debate.
  • KikiODonoghue
    To be honest, I used to be one of those people who claimed that it didn't matter what I ate as long as I kept my weight down and remained toned through exercising. That all changed when a person very close to me got very ill and I started doing research on how much food had to do with it and realised I could at least try to prevent that from happening to me. To be clear: that doesn't mean people who eat clean are always a 100% healthy and have no problems, but they usually feel better. FYI I have my bad days and I eat chocolate and sweets for example because I LOVE IT, but when it comes to lunch, for example, instead of eating mash potatos like I used to, I choose a Greek salad or smth like that. So, it's about making small changes and gradually your body gets used to that good feeling you get when you consume fresh fruit and vegetables instead of processed foods.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.
    Unless you're Asian cause we eat lots of processed foods. Fact refuted.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    To be honest, I used to be one of those people who claimed that it didn't matter what I ate as long as I kept my weight down and remained toned through exercising. That all changed when a person very close to me got very ill and I started doing research on how much food had to do with it and realised I could at least try to prevent that from happening to me. To be clear: that doesn't mean people who eat clean are always a 100% healthy and have no problems, but they usually feel better. FYI I have my bad days and I eat chocolate and sweets for example because I LOVE IT, but when it comes to lunch, for example, instead of eating mash potatos like I used to, I choose a Greek salad or smth like that. So, it's about making small changes and gradually your body gets used to that good feeling you get when you consume fresh fruit and vegetables instead of processed foods.

    Just because someone doesn't eat 'clean' doesn't mean they don't eat fresh fruit or veg.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    From my memory, the first post was a pretty innocuous statement from OP saying she didn't know much about clean eating and what it was all about, was looking for advice/friends. The next several posts were mostly from people saying something brief but disparaging about what they didn't like about clean eaters. THe OP could very have gotten sanctimonious, I truly have no idea and wouldn't dispute it, but I am pretty sure what you're reading was not near the beginning of the post. It was a shoving match from the second post on.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    People are negative on other things too, like weight lifting and crossfit. I got emails about the evils of crossfit after I expressed interest.

    I'm interested in what kind of people feel the need to get angry over crossfit...
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Both sides shove **** down the other sides' throats and it's just a perpetual battle of stupidity.

    What do those who don't eat clean shove downs people's throats, exactly? No one has ever said 'don't eat clean' but rather 'you don't have to eat clean'/'clean eating doesn't exist cause no foods are dirty/bad'. No one wants clean eaters to change or subscribe to a different diet.

    This DOES happen all the time. I was on a thread the other day where someone posted that they were interested in making other friends who were into clean eating. Tons of posts ensued where people, unsolicited, pretty much stated that all clean eaters are preachy, pushy, misguided people. One poster suggested that people who eat clean just don't have self control (like she did) and should focus more on eating junk food in moderation (like she does) It happens ALL the time, here and in the real world. I'm paleo for a myriad of health reasons, but I try not to tell people because I get so tired of being told that doing so is wrong for whatever reason, and then I am either forced to go into my medical history to justify my choices or just nod and agree. I am sure that there are clean eaters who are preachy and judgmental, just like there are those in every group, but it seems that a lot of them venom gets spewed at clean eating as a lifestyle. I just don't get it. No worries, everybody, I won't offer you ANY suggestions or relate what has been helpful to me!

    Do you have a link to this thread so we may check it out to verify your claims?

    I can't get the thread to link correctly, and I can't figure out why. The title of the thread was "Anyone doing whole/real/clean eating out there?" Perhaps someone else will have better luck linking to it than I did. BTW, I really appreciate your thoughtful discussion style. You are having a conversation, not a shouting match, and I really appreciate that. I think I'm not cut out for the boards and all the attack. It makes me want to leave the site. Fortunately, I have fantastic MFP friends and wouldn't want to let them down.

    The thread has been locked/purged so you can't link to it. But from what I can glean from what's left, it looks like OP opened with something disparging about those who don't eat clean (as the first post I see from a 'non clean' eater is "Sanctimony is unattractive whichever way it goes, OP.", suggesting the OP had been sanctimonious in their OP.

    Note that the first 'negative' comment is about how the OP eats, but how the OP put their message across. Next I see some things about how food is neither inherently healthy or unhealthy, which isn't bullying at all. Then, and this made me chuckle, someone saying that they don't feel the OP really eats clean cause artificial sugars. Shortly after this it does break down into your typical shoving match.

    My honest assessment is the OP probably said something about those who don't eat clean, perhaps without even realizing it, and that's what started the debate.

    From my memory, the first post was a pretty innocuous statement from OP saying she didn't know much about clean eating and what it was all about, was looking for advice/friends. The next several posts were mostly from people saying something brief but disparaging about what they didn't like about clean eaters. THe OP could very have gotten sanctimonious, I truly have no idea and wouldn't dispute it, but I am pretty sure what you're reading was not near the beginning of the post. It was a shoving match from the second post on.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    From my memory, the first post was a pretty innocuous statement from OP saying she didn't know much about clean eating and what it was all about, was looking for advice/friends. The next several posts were mostly from people saying something brief but disparaging about what they didn't like about clean eaters. THe OP could very have gotten sanctimonious, I truly have no idea and wouldn't dispute it, but I am pretty sure what you're reading was not near the beginning of the post. It was a shoving match from the second post on.

    I can only comment on what I can see. The first 'negative' post is what I quoted, all the ones before that are from people who also eat clean for various reasons.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member


    If you aren't going to post a cat GIF, Dean Winchester is the way to go.

    He really has the best facial expressions. He conveys so much without a word. It's an artform, truly.

    Also all kinds of hot. I'm watching supernatural while I bake cupcakes and I'm honestly not sure what's more appealing, the cupcakes or Dean.

    Also I've given the matter some thought and I think I'll also keep a record of all anti-lifting posts. That way I can be a little more well rounded. Your suggestion was a very good one.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    People are biased toward the first things they hear and things that support what they already believe, and they tend to remember negative things and things that are unusual to them. If the first thing someone encounters on this forums is on the rabid side and they've been exposed to the thin=snobby stereotype, you've got all four of these things at the same time, which combined with being relatively anonymous around here is a recipe for forum wars.

    Just sayin'.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Also I've given the matter some thought and I think I'll also keep a record of all anti-lifting posts. That way I can be a little more well rounded. Your suggestion was a very good one.

    The anti-lifting comments are the most entertaining of all the anti- comments, so I would greatly appreciate it if you would. I hope that's next weekend's drama. I'm not even a clean eater, and anti-vegan generalizations are too personal for me to usually participate, but I do like lifting and have no ethical beliefs behind it, so that should be fun for me, assuming my doctor doesn't lift my rest sentence by then.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    From my memory, the first post was a pretty innocuous statement from OP saying she didn't know much about clean eating and what it was all about, was looking for advice/friends. The next several posts were mostly from people saying something brief but disparaging about what they didn't like about clean eaters. THe OP could very have gotten sanctimonious, I truly have no idea and wouldn't dispute it, but I am pretty sure what you're reading was not near the beginning of the post. It was a shoving match from the second post on.

    I'm reading a cached version of that thread now. The original post was bland enough in a TL;DR way, but the third post was someone talking smack about someone who follows IIFYM. A few posts later, the OP joins in on the smack talk. There's nothing negative said about clean eating or clean eaters on the first page.

    Moderation gets mentioned a few times on the second page. Still no drama, until... Chelsifina get offended and calls someone "aggressive, judgmental, and arrogant" for saying that "there's something to be said for not fearing food and for being able to learn self-control."

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Plus, the anti-lifting always results in inspiring pictures. A win-win.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Also I've given the matter some thought and I think I'll also keep a record of all anti-lifting posts. That way I can be a little more well rounded. Your suggestion was a very good one.

    The anti-lifting comments are the most entertaining of all the anti- comments, so I would greatly appreciate it if you would. I hope that's next weekend's drama. I'm not even a clean eater, and anti-vegan generalizations are too personal for me to usually participate, but I do like lifting and have no ethical beliefs behind it, so that should be fun for me, assuming my doctor doesn't lift my rest sentence by then.

    Anti-lifting threads are actually my favorite as well. Clean eating/IIFYM is a little too 'personal' because really everyone should eat what they enjoy in moderation and we should all STFU from there. I'm fine with clean eating (I eat mostly clean, I've got clean eaters, people on Paleo, people doing keto, veggies, and so on on my FL. I like them all and they all eat lots of tasty food I would eat.)

    But lifting! People angry about lifting are just funny. I feel like for the most part everyone can get together and chuckle at those people.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    From my memory, the first post was a pretty innocuous statement from OP saying she didn't know much about clean eating and what it was all about, was looking for advice/friends. The next several posts were mostly from people saying something brief but disparaging about what they didn't like about clean eaters. THe OP could very have gotten sanctimonious, I truly have no idea and wouldn't dispute it, but I am pretty sure what you're reading was not near the beginning of the post. It was a shoving match from the second post on.

    I'm reading a cached version of that thread now. The original post was bland enough in a TL;DR way, but the third post was someone talking smack about someone who follows IIFYM. A few posts later, the OP joins in on the smack talk. There's nothing negative said about clean eating or clean eaters on the first page.

    Moderation gets mentioned a few times on the second page. Still no drama, until... Chelsifina get offended and calls someone "aggressive, judgmental, and arrogant" for saying that "there's something to be said for not fearing food and for being able to learn self-control."


    as i recall, it was the "cleaners" who got all pissy in that thread first.

    and the previous thread.

    and the previous thread.

    and the one before that.

    and now i'm noticing a pattern.

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Anti-lifting threads are actually my favorite as well. Clean eating/IIFYM is a little too 'personal' because really everyone should eat what they enjoy in moderation and we should all STFU from there. I'm fine with clean eating (I eat mostly clean, I've got clean eaters, people on Paleo, people doing keto, veggies, and so on on my FL. I like them all and they all eat lots of tasty food I would eat.)

    But lifting! People angry about lifting are just funny. I feel like for the most part everyone can get together and chuckle at those people.

    Yes, I agree 100% with you on this entire post.

    You can probably spot who was told they should be lawyers growing up when they can agree 100% on the final message and argue with one another all the way getting there.
