Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was good! Saturday I got up early to take the dogs for a walk while it was cool and then cleaned and did laundry before I met the bike group from the gym. Only 5 of us went for a ride but it was a long one :happy: We rode nearly 70 miles! I couldn’t believe we went that far. :noway: Parts were very hilly which was challenging but it was a beautiful ride and we stopped late into the afternoon in Spokane and had something to eat . . . beyond our threshold of hunger and thirst let me tell you! We ran out of water so I was a little bit dehydrated but not painfully, just really thirsty! Really noticed it yesterday when I couldn’t get enough liquids into me! :laugh: It was great though. Yesterday was errands and mowing along with another dog walk in the a.m. so no workout. Today is BootCamp and “rumor has it” we are running stairs and on top of the hospital. Not overly hot today so it should be fine.

    Hope you all are well!
    Talk to you tomorrow ….. Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    A great weekend with the family, Pacific Rim with the girls, dinner with hubby's boss and co-workers, then Karaoke with the girls late Saturday night..awesome! On Sunday we relaxed and then headed to Auburn for our drop-off point for Jezz, after a sad goodbye we headed home to torrential downpours, foggy back roads and a rough ride along our curvy road. This morning it was Muscle Mania and then Zumba, today the focus was on the Bi's with tons of Push-ups and eventually muscle failure.:noway: My arms will feel it tomorrow for sure.

    Tami- Yowszer...70 miles..did you cross County lines?:tongue: Happy to hear that you found a small group to get out and enjoy the new bike.:bigsmile:

    Erika, Laurel, & Laurie- Hello Ladies:flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow we head out to Florida if I'm not too exhausted so check-ins may be sporadic for a few days.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Just thought I'd check to see if anyone was here :wink: Hope you have a great trip Michelle :wink: Nice job with the workouts right up to the departure it sounds. :bigsmile: Workouts have been good for me. Missed an a.m. but otherwise BootCamp was just as I mentioned it would be ... running a hill up and down for warm-up, then lines, then over to the hospital and ran lots of stairs, did jump rope drills, lunges on the top, burpees, etc. Ended with abwork. Last night was the Insane-X with the same type of obstacle course as last week, just a few different drills. I did the taller box jump this week. I was proud of myself! :bigsmile: Tonight is Spinning. Looking to do a Total Body weight workout tomorrow a.m. Either STS or Tri-Sets :wink:

    Hope everyone is good :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! I have missed you all, but it looks like you are all doing well. We had a great trip through the Southwestern part of the US. Lots of time in the car, unfortunately, but we saw some great places, met some great people, and had some good fun. But because of all of the time in the car, I wasn't nearly as active as I would have liked but :ohwell: . I did do a few Cathe workouts on the road, and we were able to hike/walk a few days as well, so that helped. But, boy, did it feel good to get up today and workout! ::drinker: I started with CTX Upper Body and followed it with Cross Fire Extreme premix. Good stuff! I am also looking forward to getting back to regular eating. Restaurant food for nearly two weeks........:noway: . I made smart choices, but even with that, I feel like I've put on ten pounds of sodium weight! I am drinking lots of water and plan for light meals the next few days and that should have me feeling like myself again soon. I hope! :laugh:

    Michelle, I hope you enjoy your trip to Florida! Sure sounds like you have been killing it with the workouts! Great job!

    Laurie, I am glad you enjoyed your time at the cabin, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation this week. CTX is still fun, isn't it? Never seems to get old for me.

    Erika, what a precious pup! I really admire you for taking him in. I hope all is going well with you and that your DH is continuing to feel better.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your time with your mom and sister. I hear you on the workouts and eating! I am glad you were able to get some activity in while you were away. Great job getting back into the swing of things! That bike ride you took sounds amazing! And amazingly long! :tongue: Congrats on doing it!

    Off to do more laundry!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Not sure where my post went from the other day, but it is missing! :grumble: Things are good at our house...our foster dog Freddie found a new home already (my SIL and BIL!), and goes there tomorrow. He has been the best dog we've had to date, so we'll miss him, but we get to dog sit so we'll see him lots.

    Our newest foster arrived last night, and man are some of these puppy mill rescue dogs in bad shape! Hershel had to have all his bottom teeth removed so there is nothing to hold his tongue in, so he's always got his tongue sticking out about a 1/2". But, he is sweet as can be, and will be fun to have. The whole idea of fostering is to teach the boys added responsibility, and also that anyone with special needs (dogs or people) deserved to be loved, appreciated and respected. I wish I could have caught the excitement of the boys when I brought Hershel home! I didn't know what they would think, because of his missing teeth, he's terribly skinny, needs a haircut and suffers from dry eye, so looks a little different than our pups. They were SO very excited to have him and he has taken to them! :bigsmile:

    Workouts have been good, despite our extra visitors, soccer, hockey and juggling the boys between daycare, nanny, family, etc. I will be really happy when school starts, just to have a good solid routine again.

    Laurel--I love your new picture, and sounds like you had a good time on your trip! :bigsmile: I hear ya on the restaurant food! I am not a fan of eating out, but with my job, most of my meetings occur during lunch. I always feel so bloated and icky afterwards, even with a salad. I'm sure it felt great to get the eating back on schedule and get in some nice, tough workouts!

    Michelle--Have fun in Florida! I bed your body is ready to show off with all the hard work you've been doing leading up to your trip! :bigsmile:

    Tami--You've been putting on some miles on that new bike, wow!!! :bigsmile: Biking really is so much fun, and a great way to see a lot of area in a fun way. I'm glad you are enjoying it! :bigsmile: I have been meaning to tell you that I am joining a club by my work so I can workout at lunch once our crazy hockey schedule starts up, and they have a bootcamp and spinning class. I'm excited to try them out!

    Laurie--Hi! :bigsmile:

    Time to get back to work. Chat with you all later.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had to kind of split my workout today into two sessions because of an early morning meeting, but that was okay. In the early 'session' I did Cardio Leg Blast Extreme premix. After my meeting, I did 4DS Kickbox. So I got a double leg and cardio workout in today, which is good. I needed it as I feel like I lost some conditioning, especially in my lower body, with the trip. All that sitting I suppose!

    Erika, super info on the new pup and what you are doing! I am so glad you found the first pup a home and, hopefully, you will have similar luck with this new one. He sounds like he needs lots and lots of love! Poor thing. I am just so happy he found a family like yours to help him out. Great job keeping up with the workouts despite the hectic schedule. Thanks for the compliment on the new photo--half me, half Grand Canyon! :wink:

    Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great spin class last night. Not sure what it is, I guess all the summer heat but that room is HOT and everyone is so sweaty when we are done, including me. :noway: Yowsa! Even one of the managers walked by as we were leaving and she said, man it’s hot in there. Good stuff though :wink: This a.m. was Tri-Sets Upper Body & tonight if it isn't raining (rained for the first time in a long time today) I will take the kids for a walk.

    Laurel: Yay! :bigsmile: Welcome Back & your new pic is great! I wondered if that was the Grand Canyon, very nice. Sounds like you had a great trip & nice job getting in a couple workouts. Yes, I can completely relate just from my trip to see my mom or even fishing and the eating being off a bit. Just not our same usual foods that our bodies get used too. Great job getting right back into some workouts, that always feels so good & you hit it pretty hard right out of the gate! :drinker: Way to go lady. Not that I’m surprised. Thanks for the congrats on the bike ride. I felt pretty good about that. 70 miles is definitely a ride forsure! I looked for my STS sheets for the regular rotation (found my undulating ones) but didn’t find the others.:ohwell: I will look again this evening / weekend as well though. Maybe I just put them somewhere I’m not thinking of. I’m getting excited for STS. :bigsmile:

    Erika: Great to hear from you! :smile: That is so great you are doing the dog fostering and what a valuable life lesson for your boys. Not only towards people but animals too. I LOVE it. So special. Great job with keeping up on some workouts when you can, that is great. You are a full time everything so whatever you can fit in is a bonus. :wink: :drinker: That’s great to hear you will be able to do some BootCamp and Spinning on your lunch hour soon. You’ll have to keep me posted but I bet you will love both! How’s your hubby doing? Good I hope . Yes, I have been getting some nice miles in on my bike. Really happy about my purchase and the fun rides I have had in such a short time.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am beginning to feel more like myself again post-vacation. I had a great workout this morning, and that helps! I started with XTrain Burn Sets and did the upper body premix with core #1. I followed it with Intensity. Good stuff!

    Tami, sounds like a mess in Spin class with all the sweat! :wink: I bet that leaves you feeling great after. I love getting a good sweat on! Thanks for the compliment on the photo! It was a fun day out, that's for sure. I found our STS rotation! :drinker: Can you believe it has nearly been two years since we started it? :noway: The email I sent you is dated Oct 26, 2011. Really? Anyhow, I can send it to you again if you can't locate yours. However, I want to bounce an idea off you. Last time, our weeks in those first two Mesocycles went: upper body, lower body, cardio, upper body, cardio, total body. Because of Cathe's new workout series including those new leg workouts, I am wondering if we might want to revise it a bit and at least do some weeks that look like: upper body, lower body (STS), cardio, upper body, lower body (new series), upper body (not STS). I need to look at the new workouts again to see how that would work, but I'd really like to be able to incorporate those leg workouts into this rotation. What do you think? Let me know and I will play with the rotation a bit. I am getting excited about it!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I am thinking of getting my second Cathe DVD. The first I purchased, "Plateau buster" was okay, I liked it but thought she didn't show form very often..I"m used to instructors that walk around more.I've done enough not to need it, but I always think it's a good thing to go over. I also didn't notice someone was doing a lower impact in the back, I might have missed it, but she didn't seem to mention it until later in the DVD.
    That said, she seems very good and her low impact series is intriguing. I don't want to pay money for "sliders' for one DVD and was told paper plates in a review was adequate. Has anyone just used those?

    Thanks for any feedback.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed ya Friday. I took the day off to head over to Lake Chelan for our family reunion. I did To The Max before I left which felt great. :wink: Went for a walk with my Aunt and her two dogs along the lake road there Sat a.m. and then yesterday when I got home I did STS Total Body. So don’t really feel like I missed much on my workouts, which was GREAT for me! Today will be BootCamp.

    Laurel: Good to hear you are feeling back to normal after your week+ vacation and all the driving. Yay!!! I have Intensity on the lineup for this week and DrillMax too.:wink: Looking forward to both. I feel like I need to step it up a little bit, kind of been "coasting"is how I have felt. Not sure why, maybe it's the day off here and there out of town, etc. I’m so glad you found it. I cannot believe it has been two years. :noway: I see an e-mail that I still have from you on the 19th & the 26th and we are talking about the rotation & modifications but not the one with the attachment of course. Would you mind sending it again?!?! :ohwell: Sorry. I LOVE the idea! :bigsmile: Let’s do it. I was hoping to incorporate the new ones in there as well and I never mind working the legs more than once a week! :drinker: Yes, I am too and I’m glad you are excited for STS.

    Debra: Hi there! Cathe is amazing! :smile: What style of workout are you looking for? If you are looking for Low Impact her series of Low Impact videos are great! One of her newest series as well which is called XTrain. I can be a little more specific on which one workout you might want to try next if I know the style (ie: weight training, cardio, kick boxing, etc.) Just let us know, you've come to the right spot. Laurel has every one of her workouts, I have almost every one of them. We can help!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Talk to you tomorrow ………. Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. I worked out both days this weekend, which is unusual for me. But with coming back after so much time away, I felt I really wanted to keep on track, and I am glad I did. Saturday was To The Max. Yesterday was Drill Max cardio/leg premix and the lower body work from High Reps. Today was XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulder Double Trouble premix :heart: followed by with Bonus Cardio premix of All Out Low Impact HiiT. Good stuff!

    Tami, looks like we are on the same wavelength with workouts again! It is hard for me to imagine you 'coasting', but that being said, I know how a couple days off here and there can make you feel that way. I am so glad you agree on the rotation. I am interested in trying as many of Cathe's new workouts as we can while doing STS. If you can bear with me a bit.....I have a pretty busy week this week, so I might not be able to revise the rotation and get it to you until next week. Is that all right?

    debraran, welcome! Regarding the discs, I got mine with the Low Impact series, so I haven't used paper plates for that series or any series since. But I think you will be fine with paper plates for most, if not all, moves, especially if you find the right paper plates for your flooring. I actually found plastic plates worked a little better for me when I was using 'paper' plates. If you have questions about specific workouts you might be interested in, please ask! Yes, Cathe is a 'doer' and not a 'shower' in her workouts. That being said, she does give a lot of excellent form pointers, especially in her strength training workouts. I find that, along with her good form, is usually effective. Again, please ask any questions you have. I have been working out to Cathe DVD's for over 15 years :noway: and find she can still challenge me!

    Until tomorrow!

  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hi, I am looking for low impact, i do some high, but my knees are not that strong with a lot of jumping. I have no trouble with jumping jacks though or "jump rope" without going too high. I can jog too, but jumping and deep lunges hurt.
    Now, I am using Jillian's 30 DS, Biggest Loser Last Chance workout, Jillian's boost your metabolism, Kelly Coffey, plateau buster,(least favorite) pilates and a Jessica Smith Power Walk (cardio intervals)
    I've lost 30 pounds and have 15-20 more to go, but need to keep variety or I stall. I definitely would have some new moves judging from the clip I saw of Cathe's DVD. Seems very fast paced...not as used to that.

    I am looking for cardio or cardio with some strength. I have all strength DVD's and have done it for so long, I can do a lot of that on my own.
    I will invest in the sliders if she has other DVD's using them but I wanted to try it out should be here tomorrow I hope. I bought it because the video clip looked good. I've sold older ones I didn't like at a consignment shop to make room for some new blood. : )
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I am looking for Cathe fans....Just ordered STS set and have several of her other ones. Looking for friends for motivation and support
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I feel like I never get a chance to get on here anymore, but for good reason! :bigsmile: Fred has moved on to his new home with my BIL and SIL and now Hershel is settling in (1 week at our home tomorrow) and FINALLY starting to get comfortable. A local grooming facility offered to groom him for free (and post his pic/info on their website to find him a forever home) and he looks absolutely adorable! We've been getting some weight on him too, which will help his overall appearance. I just can't get over how good of dogs these puppy mill rescues are...they are just so grateful to be out of the situation they were in, that they are just the most well mannered pups. No accidents, chewing things up, barking, etc. Just surprises me. I'm going on my first puppy mill rescue trip down to Iowa on the 25th (Underdog Rescue, MN goes every Sunday to get about 10 dogs), which I'm excited for. Just the idea of bringing these pups to a place where they can be loved will be awesome!

    I took Carter (my youngest) to Hershel's first adoption event with me on Saturday, and he was in love. 30 rescue pups starving for attention (most are normally very afraid of any human) and they were all over him, giving him kisses. He is AMAZING with dogs...very gentle, loving, helpful and it's just so awesome to see. Both my boys were extended invitations to any of their events to help with showing the dogs to potential adopters, and helping keep the pups entertained. Melts my heart! :heart:

    On to the workouts...they have been there, but I'm once again purging stuff I don't use. I'm trying to keep to 20-30 minute workouts, and get the most bang for my buck in that time. So far, so good! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Nice work on the workouts and that spin class sounds HOT! :bigsmile: I am glad you got to get away to the reunion, I bet that was fun! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Good job getting back into the swing of your workouts again, after the nice vacation time off! :happy: It always takes me a little time to get back into it, but once I do, it is so nice to be back!

    Michelle and Laurie--Hello! :bigsmile:

    Debraran1--Cathe's Total Body Tri-sets is a good one for Low Impact strength, and Cardio Supersets is good for low impact cardio/strength. I actually don't own discs (and paper plates don't work super good on my workout flooring), but I do the moves still and just pretend like I'm pushing a weight with my leg. It seems to work well! Those are the only low impact ones I've tried of Cathe's. I love Jessica Smith workouts for cardio and weights, and she has a lot of workouts on her YouTube page.

    Ok, back to work! Talk to you all later!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Cathe's Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix followed by Cathe's Lower Body Blast. Lots of fun.

    debraran, I think you would probably like much of Cathe's Low Impact series. The great thing about it is that it is low impact, but it isn't low intensity. Erika recommended some great workouts from that series. Regarding the Tri-sets Lower Body workout.....few leg workouts make me sore as consistently as that one. It really challenges the legs in a different way, and I like that. One of the benefits to the Low Impact series is that you can, by and large, control the intensity because Cathe incorporates a lot of weights into the series to ramp up the cardio factor. But you can go lighter or heavier than she recommends with the workouts to control it yourself. I was a complete skeptic about the Low Impact series when it first came out because I am an intensity junkie. :blushing: But after pulling out some of those low impact series workouts on days when I wanted to go 'light' and then feeling like Cathe kicked my behind :laugh: , I really learned to appreciate them. Another good stand-alone workout that barely uses the discs is 'All Out Low Impact HiiT' from Cathe's XTrain series. It is pure cardio but there are a lot of premixes that add some strength as well. Let us know if you have more questions. I am curious how you like your new workout. Let us know!

    jlhill, welcome!! I hope you love STS as much as I do! I did my first rotation of it right after it came out, and, 4 1/2 years later, still think it is one of the best things to ever be produced in the workout DVD world. Tami (2BLean) and I are actually starting a six month rotation of STS in a couple of weeks. So, please, let us know if you have questions or, as you said, just need a word of encouragement. STS completely transformed how I workout, and I credit it (along with good eating) to my weight loss when I first joined MFP. And it still keeps me motivated to push hard. Can you tell I like this series?:laugh:

    Erika, great to see you!! Sounds like life with the pups is going well. I am so glad your boys are enjoying it. What a great lesson this is teaching them. I am curious to hear about the puppy mill trip. I imagine that will be both difficult and gratifying at the same time.

    Laurie, Tami, and Michelle, hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was good & tough, as usual! :wink: I was wondering if we would be outside the whole time or not. The “runners” in our class always vote for running the whole time. So we did 3 minute drills inside and then she would send us outside to run around the bldg, then inside for 3 min drill then outside, etc. I don’t know what it is about all this running, you would think I would get better at it, translation: enjoy it more:grumble: :laugh: Glad I complete it I will say. This a.m. was DrillMax which was lots of fun & tough stuff all in one. :smile: Sure like this one! Tonight will be Insane-X. We are doing a typical Insanity style workout from what she mentioned last week.

    Laurel: Looks like we are absolutely on the same wave length!:bigsmile: :laugh: Your combo with Drill Max sounds like a great one! YOWSA. The Tri-sets Legs is such a quick workout, would be good with lots of them. You have done some great workouts, way to work!!!! Next week or whenever you have time is absolutely fine …. Of course! :wink: Thanks so much in advance:flowerforyou:

    Debra: Huge CONGRATS on the 30 lbs!!!!! :drinker: That is so great and I love it that you’re setting your goals for more variety so you can keep at it …… I think variety is the key to motivation with workouts! Here are just a few thoughts off the top of my head for suggestions just from what you said. . . .
    AfterBurn is a great low impact workout from her Low Impact Series. This is cardio and some light weights mixed in. Also Total Body Tri-Sets is a super fun full body workout that can be split into upper only or lower only. The cardio factor is there on this one because it moves along quickly! It’s one of my favorite total body workouts.

    XTrain Supercuts or Xtrain All Out Low Impact HiiT – this one is a great HiiT workout that is low impact. If you’re looking for cardio and want to try some HiiT training this would be a good one to look into. You can do as many of the HiiT’s that you want for your time frame or how you feel that day.

    XTrain Hard Strikes has a 30 min cardio section and a 30 min strength session. If you are maybe thinking of trying out any kind of kicking/punching type DVD this would be a great one to start with. It isn’t complicated punching at all and has a great cardio factor. Hardly any kicking. Jumping jacks are probably the highest impact move you do in this one and a few plyo squat jumps near the end.

    Circuit Blast – This one comes to mind because I just did it recently and it’s a good combo as well of cardio and cardio with weights.

    Forgot to answer you earlier about the discs. I have wood floors and use the discs just fine on there. Before I had those though and she would say “get out your paper plates” I used wash cloths (because of the wood floors). Plastic plates on carpet would work great I think. You would be just fine and not need to order the discs.

    jlhill: Hello & Welcome!! :flowerforyou: I hope you love STS. As Laurel mentioned, we have done a few rounds and startng another very soon! Join us here for questions, encouragment, etc... :wink:

    Erika: Great to hear from you again! Sounds like you are doing some amazing things with the pups and teaching the boys! So great. :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks so much ladies for all the tips! After Burn is on it's ways and I will pick one of the others mentioned for low impact next. I am looking on collagevideo tonight at the clips to see which one.
    I am excited to try new things and reenergize with Cathe. You can get too used to a DVD no matter how good and start to go through the motions or just get bored. I am excited to use different exercises and keep my body guessing.

    Thanks again, for now I'll use plates on my carpet and report back (after catching my breath) how it goes. :smile:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was XTrain Bi's and Tri's, and I double troubled it! I followed it with Kick, Punch and Crunch. Lots of fun!

    Tami, I am with you on running. For whatever reason, it is just a form of exercise I have never warmed up to. So you are definitely not alone. But kudos to you for keeping up with the class despite the running. Sounds like this was a challenging session. Love your recommendations for debraran! You are wise! I will get to the STS rotation early next week. I am going to be overwhelmed the next few days with stuff here AND the fact I am having 30 for dinner on Sunday! :noway: Really wish I was a confident cook and hostess! :blushing:

    debraran, I hope you enjoy Afterburn! It is probably my favorite in that series. Let us know how it goes.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was really great last night. :smile: She did the 4 moves @ 1 min each - 3 rounds. Plus a bonus round adding on each time. It felt extra good last night for some reason. I think because each round went up in difficulty and evenly matched for body parts as we went. Upper body, lower body, etc. :smile: She is trying to go over some “basics” for the next few weeks before her surgery so she will be able to call out a move and we will be familiar to show any “newbies”. We also did 5 min of Abs at the end. Felt like the longest 5 min ever! :laugh: Tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurel: Nice work again on the DBL Trouble action plus KPC, must have felt great! :bigsmile: Thanks for the kudos, yes not sure why but I’m glad I’m not alone. At one point we did a set of lines in the gym and I feel fine with that. Sprints ok, distance not so much! :frown: I would be overwhelmed with 30 people for dinner too. I know from various dinners you have hosted you will do great though! Nobody will even know you stressed over it. :flowerforyou:

    Debraran: Enjoy AfterBurn :flowerforyou: It's a great one. Also one of my favs!!!

    Hope you are all doing well! Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hi everyone, I was tired, but couldn't resist trying After Burn when it came. I liked it a lot, but being the first time, I was a bit disjointed so to speak doing new moves and anticipating what was next. The plates worked out fine, the burpees were harder with them, but my dog was trying to steal them at one point. lol (must have thought I was strange walking on food plates)
    My HRM was not acting correctly, it's a Polar F4, I know I was working hard and it was dropping a lot. I used gel the last 2 times instead of water, maybe I was supposed to use both? It's only 2 months old but has been fine except this week.

    I like that she is encouraging and would like to try another low impact DVD in a few weeks...any suggestions?