Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Andrezia
    Andrezia Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there, sharing a little about me, I want to lose 100+ pounds. I've tried and tried before but never really stuck to it. Well this time around I feel more determined to continue and complete this journey. I recently went to a theme park and I was too big to fit on the roller coaster. That was it, the last straw. I'm here, I'm counting calories, making new friends and exercising. I love MFP, it's my new healthy addiction!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. We spent the day at Carowinds Amusement Park yesterday and I actually impressed myself :) I was able to stand the heat for 6 hours!!!! I know it's because of the weight I've lost and the changes that I've made. Typically I'd have been ready to die after about 2 hours. My kids had a good time and I MADE IT! We take every little victory we can get, right? Speaking of victories, I must have done something right with dinner tonight because my kids (8 and 9 year old boys) ate broccoli and cauliflower without complaining! They even said it was good! The whole meal was very low fat and low calorie and they liked it...I'm just full of surprises this weekend. :laugh: I'm really hoping for good results on the scale in the morning - I've been pretty diligent this week and I have to give props to this thread for that. You guys are amazing and giving advice, at encouraging people and sharing what works for you all. That does wonders for people whether you realize it or not - so thank you all! I will be back tomorrow, hopefully with good news! :smile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Lin!!!! :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    @bj--so happy to hear you are reaping the rewards of all that lost weight. As much as looking better is great, being able to actually do things we couldn't (or were afraid to) is the real reward! You'll have to share that recipe--I already love broccoli and cauliflower, so I can't wait to try it!

    @andrezia--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I got some yard work done today. Cleared a brush-pile from behind our shed, then mowed the backyard. Finally, laid some pavers next to the shed using sand to level them.

    Gunner's eyes are all puffy again--poor boy looks like he's really uncomfortable. I thought the problem was gone, but it seems to have returned with a vengeance. I bought some eye-wash at the pet store, but it looks like we will be visiting the vet tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    BJ- That is a great NSV and Karen is right the biggest reward is being able to do things that we could not do before.

    Karen what busy day you had and what a great success in clearing the brush-pile. Hope Gunner's eyes get better soon.

    Linder-Hi. :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Come back and visit with us.

    andrezia-Welcome. You have found a wonderful group of people.

    Workout plan 8/11 to 8/17
    Sunday- Bike DONE 23 miles
    Monday- rmile run for time per trainer
    Tuesday- 5K drills with Trainer
    Wednesday- Swim
    Thursday- Trainer
    Friday- Rest Day
    Saturday- 2 Mile race

    Robin you are beast with those squats.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Vicki - Happy Dance!!!! I'm so proud of you for hitting your 100 lbs lost mark. You've worked so hard and deserve to celebrate. This is such a huge accomplishment and I know there are so many of us that hope to follow in your footsteps. I know you've got a bit more to go, but I know you're going to do it!!! So happy for you.

    @ Laurie - Awesome ride!! The bike looks really nice. I have done any cycling in so long except a stationary bike. I think having your own bike is like having your own set of golf clubs. Sure you can use whatever clubs, but once you start hitting with the same one you get use to the grip, swing, weight, etc. . . I bet having your bike will be the same since you'll be riding the same thing each time. Super excited for you and 23 miles? Wow!!!

    @ Robin - I'm so proud of you too. I think when you told us about going on this outing with your ex-BF and his new GF many of us thought we could never do that, but it sounded like the day went OK. I've never been to one of the balloon events, but heard it's quite a sight to see. Definitely something on my list to do. Also, regarding the Body by Vi, I actually started on them this week. I never thought I would go the shake route, but I actually like that its quick to prepare and so many flavors to create. I'm going to stick with it through the 90-day challenge, but I like that I'm eating snacks and my regular food too. So far so good for me and I actually love the powder. To me, it taste just like yellow cake mix. Now I'm not interested in being a distributor or selling like some of the craze, but I'm actually liking it.

    @ BJ - I know I"ve already told you, but I am so happy you enjoyed Calloway. I know when I went with Cyrus to Knotts Berry Farms over the Easter weekend I was a little nervous. I'm not a big fan of rides, but he really wanted to get on some. I'm nervous because I"m afraid I will not fit. Well, sure enough the bar come down and locked in place. Now it was still pretty tight against the twins, but I fit!!! I did feel really bad because a guy a few seats down it would not close and he couldn't ride. I was so afraid that would happen to me too. It's these little NSV's we have to hold onto and constantly celebrate!!

    @ Skinny - I'll have to say this is another thing I do not miss about my yard in Atlanta versus Vegas - there is no yard! In Atlanta last winter, I filled 150 lawn bags. It was awful!! In Vegas, its just desert landscape so basically rocks, little patches of grass and some palms trees. Love it!

    Sunday Share: I've been on MFP since August 2012. It's been quite a roller coaster this past year with many ups and downs, but this week I seem to be back on track. My name is Susan and I live in Henderson, NV, which is a suburb of Las Vegas. I'm a single parent to a wonderful son Cyrus whose 11 and starting middle school in a few weeks. After living in Atlanta for 18 years, I moved to Vegas last April to work for Caesars Entertainment. Unfortunately, the job just wasn't what I thought it would be and I was fortunate to move with a company I love, Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. I'm the Director of Supply Chain & Quality Assurance and unfortunately around food ALL the time. It's been tough at times, but I do a lot of tasting and spitting when we have to sample products. Weight has always been a challenge, but I'm just trying to take this journey day by day. When I have a rough day (and there are plenty), I try to get back on track ASAP. This group is wonderful and helped me get through many of those down times. Thanks guys!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    trying hard to get back on track
  • KellyLyn4
    KellyLyn4 Posts: 63 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick post to find this thread again. Will try and participate as much as I can. I was a member (over a year ago) when I was a SAHM. Since then, I started working part time, and now am adding full time school. I have also began going to the gym 4x a week as well as jogging 3 mornings a week (currently on week 3 of c25k.) My losses are happening (slowly at times) but I am committed to this journey.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Andrezia - welcome! Well with 15 lbs lost, it looks like you're off to a great start - great commitment. MFP is a great website - I love it here and you will too. Be faithful logging your food intake is the best advice I can give you! :drinker:

    BJ - Oooh - 6 hrs is a looong day! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Skinny - did Gunner's eyes get nasty because he was outside while you were doing yardwork? Is there a correlation? Good call on the eye wash!

    Susan - I'm interested in how well you do - the typical results on Body by Vi are very steady and 2 plus pounds a week from the testimonials I heard, and my boss, her husband and her daughter were all losing weight on it, I just found something about the texture I didn't like, the taste was good. I did Nutri Fast in the 80's and lost 65 lbs - on liquid for 8 or 10 weeks I can't remember, but I gained it ALL back. It was a bad program.

    Karen - atta girl - you can do it! :flowerforyou:

    KellyLyn - wow - what a full schedule you've got! Incredible - you need a nickname! ummm...Superwoman???:drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Skinny - did Gunner's eyes get nasty because he was outside while you were doing yardwork? Is there a correlation? Good call on the eye wash!

    No, his eyes were already getting red again yesterday. I don't think it's anything in the yard. When I 1st got home from the trip, I noticed a lot of mushrooms in the lawn and thought maybe they were the cause. However, I removed all of them and today there were no traces of any new growth, so I doubt that's it.

    While I was gone, DH polished our hardwoods, so I'm wondering if it is something in the floor cleaner. DH has used it before, but that was years ago, so maybe gunner is more sensitive in his old age or it's possible the concentration was stronger this time.

    I will see what the vet says. If she agrees about the floors, I will have to re-wash them while gunner is at the salon on tuesday. :ohwell:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Sunday share - (I'd post personals, but the rollover always messes me up on those :grumble: )

    Spent most of today in a class with the DH, so didn't do as much exercising as I would like... plus restaurant for lunch messed up the numbers - bah! :grumble:

    Thanks for everyone's good wishes on the milestone - I really feel privileged to be going down this road with all of you. You will get there!

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm back. will try to catch up on the posts and comment more tomorrow.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    BUMPity bump bump :drinker:
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    So Monday morning Check In, I am back from Cropredy Folk Festival. I go to this festival each year and it gives me time to reflect on my life and it has given me 2 goals, one to get my Etsy Shop running again and the other to lose my excess weight. I realised that although I hate being overweight I use it as protection and suppress my feelings about it by eating and drinking too much. It is difficult for me to believe that I am worth the effort and I do not need to hide, but I am worth it and I can shine.

    So I have devised a simple plan this morning. I have weighed myself (which has given me a boot up the backside as I Have gained more weight and gone back over 16 stone). I am also now back to exercising. Let's see how this week goes.

    August Challenges:
    1. Try to lose 4 lbs: 1st August I was 15st 7lbs, Currently 16st 3lbs but starting the challenge today (12th August)
    2. Try to incorporate an exercise routine 3 times a week: Starting at Gym again this week, after review last week.
    3. Share an NSV (non-scale victory) once a week on the thread: Let's see what happens this week.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:

    The weekend was nice. We made chicken kabobs and they were delicious. Quite the hit in my household. I reset my weight loss ticker for the first 80 pounds. I had previously 180 pounds to lose but that seem so much. Losing 80 pounds will take me down 250 pounds. After I reach that goal I will go for another 80 pounds. Looking at such a high number as 180 pounds is quite frightening.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    Quote of the day: - “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” ~Chinese Proverb
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Another weekend, gone in a whirlwind – I don’t know where the time goes.

    @Laurie~I :heart: the bike! Awesome ride yesterday.

    @BJ~Great NSV this weekend. :flowerforyou:

    @Robin~Sounds like the day spent with the ex and his new GF worked out, I’m glad a good time was had by all. I haven’t been to a balloon festival in years – I used to love to go to the sunrise launches, so pretty.

    @Celtic~I can totally relate! I gained weight as a way to put up a wall and I used it for a crutch for years, it’s scary to lose the weight and allow yourself to become vulnerable again. You’re right, we’re worth it – you can do this!

    @luster~Its much easier to set smaller goals for yourself, it seems less daunting. Good idea to reset your ticker, that is how I have mine set also.

    @Karen~Poor Gunner, I hope his eye problem is an easy fix. Terrific job with the yard work – one of the perks of having a townhome is I don’t have to do yard work beyond my flower garden (which is lacking this year). Of course, I have to pay for that perk! :wink:

    Monday Check-in~I had a frustrating weekend, the scale didn’t cooperate the way I had hoped. I gave my trainer an earful yesterday, it can really set me off sometimes when I know that I have done everything in my power to lose weight – I should be happy with the pound I lost but I wasn’t, it actually made me really angry. :explode: I’m familiar with the ups and downs by now so know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I did. :ohwell: So I spent the weekend obsessing and trying to figure out what I need to change – looking at MFP reports I need to cut back on fat a bit and increase my protein – trainer really thinks it’s because I’m short on calories by 150-200 each day, just not eating enough to fuel my body. Today I am armed with two protein drinks that hopefully will help some. I hope it was a fluke or something & that this will be a better week.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Arc Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day or Yoga
    Saturday~Going out of town, but hope to get to gym early

    Cheers to a good day (and week)! :drinker:
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Andrezia – You took the first step towards a new lifestyle – good luck in reaching your goal

    Skinny – I didn’t really use a recipe…lol What I did was used boneless/skineless chicken in a 9x13 casserole dish and sprinkle a pack of ranch seasoning over the chicken..then I put the cauliflower and broccoli on top of the chicken and sprinkled another pack of ranch seasoning over the veggies…use some fat free butter or spray – use generously. Bake at 400 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until chicken is done. It was yummy! Looks like you got a lot of yard work done – want to come to my house and do some? Hope Gunner is feeling better today.

    Welcome, Linder

    Laurie – Wish I could ride that far – WOW! Maybe some day I will get there. I’m sure my kids wish I could go farther than I do without stopping! Hahahaha

    Susan – You’ve motivated me more than you could possibly know and I thank you! That’s a pretty big move from Atlanta to Vegas. I really want to visit Vegas. I didn’t even try to get on any rides – was still pretty scared of that rejection, but I am getting there.

    Karenleona – You just took the first step and there are lots of awesome people here to support you!

    Kelllylyn4 – Busy schedule, but you’ve got this 

    Vicki – CONGRATS! That’s absolutely amazing

    Kaye – Welcome back, hope you had a great trip

    CelticHippo – Everyone backslides – you’ve got this – don’t worry

    Lustergirl – take it in small bites – smaller goals make it easier to obtain and you’re less likely to get frustrated

    Morgori – I really enjoy your quotes – thank you!

    Kah68 - I know how you feel, but you didn't gain, so that's a win within itself! You're going to have an amazing week this week!

    Well, I weighed this morning and I lost 1 pound, which is better than gaining, but I was a little disappointed. But after taking my measurements, I got over that disappointment fast! At our family fun day for work Saturday there were two of the wives that I haven’t seen in quite a while that came up to me and made positive comments about my weight loss. That’s a great feeling. My mom is still out of work due to her surgery and her short term disability payments still haven’t started  I convinced her to keep my boys this week instead of me sending them to daycare and I’d pay her. When I dropped them off this morning, she had French toast fixed for breakfast (MY FAVORITE)!!! It was yummy! So all in all, this has been a great day – so what if it’s only 9:30am – we’ve got to keep the positive thinking going!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
  • Helenavee42
    Monday check-in: I started again last week and then I got sick so now that I am feeling better I will be full force on this. My sister leaves Wednesday and I'm not sure If I'll see her before Christmas again. My grandma is staying til my mom recovers from her mastectomy. The doctors decide the date on Thursday. I love my grandma and I am thankful for her help but her and I butt heads like crazy. Our relationship has been better since we don't see each other much but things between her and I have become strained once again.

    That's all for now. I will catch up in a bit once I have proven to myself that I can stay awake at work and get something done.

    Have a good day,