Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Morning All,

    Catching up from a busy weekend.

    Last week's success would be that I walked 3 miles everyday!!!! At first, I thought walking 3 miles was SOOOO LONG, but now, it is done in now time. Of course that means, it is time to add another 1/2 mile to each day.

    While the weekend was busy with volunteering, going to the movies, visiting with friends, and erands, I am still struggling with cravings and feeling hungry on weekends. I just dont get it. I caved bad on saturday. I had half of a thin crust veggie pizza. I know I made a conscious choice to get the thin and veggie vs all the fatty meats but I still ate half of the whole pizza. While I felt bad, part of me almost felt satisfied in the sense of I just needed that type of nutrition in my body. I have been staying way from rice, breads, potatoes as they are my weakness. Is my body telling me I need some? It is not the end of the world. I still exercised and ate back on my plan all day sunday. Any ideas anyone?

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @John~Its entirely possible that your body did need the carbs, or you could have been feeling deprived at the same time. Sometimes when we deprive ourselves of the things we love (and miss) it’s easy to stray and give in to those cravings. Also, if you have been lacking in protein, your body can crave carbs. Maybe instead of removing those foods completely, you could find a substitute. Try making your own healthy pizza at home when the craving for pizza hits. For the other foods try having 1/2 of a sweet potato once or twice a week instead of a regular potato (or make sweet potato “fries”), brown rice instead of white, whole wheat (or even Ezekiel since it’s a perfect protein) bread instead of white bread (if that’s what you’ve eaten in the past). At first it’s hard to make these changes, but eventually you get used to the different tastes/textures and find they keep you satisfied and fuller longer – cravings can go away too. Try a new grain too, like quinoa – which is also a perfect protein.

    @Helena~I’m sorry the relationship with your grandmother is strained, she may be a little on edge with everything that your mom is going through. Grandmothers and granddaughters can sometimes butt heads, it’s just natural – they tend to “mother” us, we just have to look past it. Just try and go with the flow. Best wishes for your mom as she goes through these next stages.

    @Kaye~Welcome back!

    @BJ~Thanks and great job on your loss this week!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Its good to be back. I'm impressed and motivated by all of the good vibes I find here. Vicki, Congratulatins on the 100# goal.
    I have had 3 weeks of lots of car riding and only being able to log in sporadically. It has cost me 4.5# on the scale, but I know that I haven't been going over maintainence, so I'm going to give myself a week of consistent logging and adequate water before I readjust my ticker.
    The reunion was wonderful. My nephew is home. He is still in tremendous pain, but my experience tells me that that will last for a long time. The blood clot is dissolving and he has circulation in his foot again.
    I have a busy calorie burning day ahead of me today. My daughter and her family from Vancouver, WA are coming tomorrow, so the rest of the family will be coming, too. We'll have a big crowd all week. Today I have to get the house cleaned up and beds ready. It will be a hard food week, but at least I will be able to keep logging. I know that will help.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry to be MIA again... I really HAVE been trying to keep up with posts on here!!! But then I got hit with the flu... good news is that my weight this AM actually matched Zoltar's 5 week prediction!!! Bad news is that at least part of that is from the flu:sick: !!!

    So, I am going to be hitting the training of C25K hard these next few weeks.... I am doing my first 5K on Sat. Sept. 14 (a color run that my daughter and nieces DESPERATELY want to do) .......and my second on Sept 15, a Patriot Day 5K that our whole family is doing in honor of many friends who gave the ultimate sacrifice.... especially the one lost his life because he was sitting in the seat where my husband usually sat.

    So!!! Yes, I am crazy :bigsmile: (I think I will walk most of the color run to survive), and yes I need lots of prayers and cheer leaders to get me prepared and to get me through the Patriot Day run without emotions getting the better of me. :cry:

    No run today though.... off to a funeral for my cousin's husband. :frown: I will try to catch up again tomorrow!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick post to find this thread again. Will try and participate as much as I can. I was a member (over a year ago) when I was a SAHM. Since then, I started working part time, and now am adding full time school. I have also began going to the gym 4x a week as well as jogging 3 mornings a week (currently on week 3 of c25k.) My losses are happening (slowly at times) but I am committed to this journey.

    hey you! i see you all the time on FB. i wondered where you'd got off to on here, though
  • TexasNurseSteph
    TexasNurseSteph Posts: 5 Member
    I gave birth to my daughter 3 years ago this November. I have not lost any of the 100+ pounds I gained! My weight is out of control and I find myself avoiding social situations at all costs because I feel so uncomfortable with the way I look now. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I need more friends on here too! I'm definitely an emotional eater! Thanks everyone and please add me :)!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--welcome back and glad to hear your nephew is doing better. Wow, your family visits seem never-ending! How wonderful to have such a large, close-knit clan!

    @john--I agree with kelley--try to incorporate some "good" carbs like the sweet potato and quinoa, so your body doesn't go into that "carb-craving" mode. I think you did a good job altering the pizza choice even if you did end up eating more of it that planned. Baby steps.

    @helena--glad you are feeling better and sending good thoughts for your mom's surgery. :flowerforyou:

    @bj--the chicken dish sounds yummy--thanks for sharing. :smile:

    @kelley--been there--in fact, I'm there right now. After a week of 2 races and eating within or close to calorie goal, my scale is UP a few pounds. :grumble: I didn't expect a loss, but I KNOW I didn't eat over maintenance. Like you, I've been doing this long enough that I shouldn't let it bother me, but it's still frustrating. Now I wish I had a trainer I could yell at...:tongue:

    @lisa--I also broke down my initial goal. I set my original ticker to get me out of the "obese" range on BMI and now it's reset to get me out of the "overweight" range. It does help to have smaller, more manageable goals.

    @celtic, liner, & karenleona--I'm so happy to see you guys back on the thread--you've been sorely missed!! :flowerforyou:

    @kellylyn--I absolutely remember you as SAHM--welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    Took gunner to the vet and $116 later, I've been told he has allergies and was given some ointment to put on his eyes. :ohwell: We still don't know what's causing the allergic response, but I'm hopeful the meds will help make him more comfortable.

    I had planned to hit the gym today, but not sure if I will make it. Our new dishwasher is being delivered between 1 and 4, so it will depend upon what time the delivery truck shows up and whether I'm still motivated to go afterwards.

    Tomorrow is dress shopping with my sister.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi - its so good to see so many old friends return !

    Welcome also to all the newcomers who are both posting here and who are lurking and writing to me. When you get the courage please feel free to post your thoughts on this thread and make some friends!

    I am adding to my squats routine with the easiest set of upper arm exercises I have found using dumb-bells. There is only one exercise I can't do and that is because it is done on your knees - its a modified push up. But I can do it against a wall - so I've modified it that way for myself. This is called the Ten Minute Upper Body Workout and is specifically designed to tone the arms.
    Here is the link:
    I have, unfortunately, very heavy and massive upper arms. I'd be fitting into a much smaller blouse if it weren't for my fat upper arms that won't fit into a smaller sleeve, darn it. I've taken measurements and starting these exercises and will measure in a month and see how I progress. I also have a T-shirt that will be a good judge to go by.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    This is a great post. I need to lose about 78 more pounds but I've lost 83 so far. Still can't believe I allowed myself to get SO big but you live and learn, right? I am feeling great now though. At my highest weight I could barely walk, and now I run for fun and enjoyment. The human body is amazing and adapts so well doesn't it?

    Anyway, I'll try to follow along, this is a great thread!
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Monday Check-In.... I miscalculated Aunt flo.. I felt awful the last two weeks and didn't know why and then I found out... I mean I was starving and bloated and just feeling awful couldn't exercise/no energy..super awful.... I've been back on track the last couple of days now that aunt flow is just about gone....I cant keep going strong for a week and then falling right back into old habits and gaining the little I lost back.... I've been on here 40 days and I weigh more than when I started WTF!... i'm not going to worry about tracking, calories, etc... my only focus is going to be making the right food choices and being aware of what that means and exercising as long as I do that I should be good.. I don't need the added stress... i'll weigh every two weeks. Its going to be super hard with the work week but so what i'm miserable this big.
  • Helenavee42
    Kah- Oh how I wish the relationship with my grandma was strained because of everything with my mom and us just being related. Her and I have never really gotten along. I think a big reason that I've always been a bigger girl is because of her. I wish all of her lectures and everything were because I was the oldest of my siblings. I've never been anything near what she wants/wanted me to be. After my grandfathers funeral she apologized that her and him never loved me or treated me the same as my sisters.

    Robin- I know the feeling of having big upper arms. I have had to add a little cut in some of my shirts sleeves so that they'd fit better.

    Skinny- Did you try giving Gunner some benadryl? I have to give Deputy benadryl every night because he has allergies and if i don't he wakes up with massive eye-goo on the inside corners and red eyes. His vet said it was fine to give him. 25mg per 1lb of body weight up to 3 times a day. I give Deputy 1 pill in the morning and 2 at night. He also had a problem a while back with getting blisters on his 3rd eyelid but the benadryl seems to help keep those away.

    I am thinking of starting C25K. I figure I can do it on the days that I walk Deputy. I have really been in the mood to run lately. I'm not sure why. :laugh:

    Have a great day.

    Monday-Off my sister leaves on Wednesday so spending time with her
    Tuesday-Early gym
    Wednesday-Early gym Weights, walk with Deputy in the evening
    Thursday- Off
    Friday- Early Gym
    Saturday-Walk with Deputy
    Sunday-Gym weights, walk with Deputy in the evening
  • teamjojo1971
    teamjojo1971 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi new to sites. Did this site a few years ago, but did not know what the heck I was doing, but am now back and figuring out what to do. Looking for a group that I fit in. I have 100lbs to lose and need the motivation. Looking for a kick in the bottom at times when I need it. :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Top--I am so impressed 2 5K runs in two days. I will be thrilled just to finish 1 run on Sept. 29. Keep up the good work.
    BJ- Keep biking with your kids and you will go farther each time you ride. It does get easier. When I started biking I did short trails and would stop frequently to catch my breath. A year later I can handle the longer rides without stopping (I do take water breaks and stop for those). A lighter weight bike also helps.
    Kellylyn- welcome back- You are "Rock Star" in my book when it comes to all your activities.
    Karen- Hope the dishwasher arrives early so you can go to the gym today. Hope Gunner's allergies go away soon.
    John- You can also try whole grains breads instead of avoiding them all together. Great job on walking the three miles.
    Kelly and Karen- I can also relate to doing everything right and having the scale go up. I would yell at my trainer as well but she would tell me to eat a very small dinner and large breakfast.
    Robin- I can feel your pain when it comes to push up on your knees. My knees rebel every time I do push ups on them so the wall or railing works well me. Great job on establishing a toning routine for the arms. You can also put something under your knees to provide some additional padding.
    Welcome to our new members-DoingThiiisFor, Astralweeks82 and teamJoJo.

    Check in - Today did not start off as planned and my goal will not be met today. When I woke up my left knee was really hurting and it was difficult to put pressure on it- not a good thing. Needless to say I avoided my planned 1 mile run today and took a trip my chiropractor. On the way, I remembered that I found and stepped in a hole in the yard not once but twice. Hence the pain in the knee, we think that drop with a slight rotation may have twisted the knee just enough for the tendons and ligaments to swell slightly. Therefore, I am not allowed to run today but I can walk later if I feel like it. Now I am sitting on the couch with ice on the knee. I am hoping that it will be better by tomorrow so I can have a great workout with my trainer. But I will see the chiropractor again after my workout. Needless to say, this doc knows me very well and when he said to come back tomorrow, I better listen.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Well, I had another overboard weekend. I somehow justified it as a celebration... fried pickles and fried cheese.... honestly, I didn't even log Saturday's gorging. Sunday was all about comfort food (ok, fast food)... I logged all of that and was still under calories, but man do I feel like doo doo.

    So today is a NEW day. I started out with steel cut oats with fruit, honey, and coconut milk. Lunch was mostly vegetables... with some fish thrown in for protein. I will wash that binge away with a TON of water. I am disappointed in my choices over the weekend (again), but I will not go down without a fight!

    Regarding pets and allergies.. Buddy is a shih tzu (we think- he's a rescue) and he gets really bad goopy eyes, in addition to some really bad skin stuff. More recently, the vet gave him a cortizone shot for the skin, ointment for the eyes, which she said he will need the rest of his life. Poor guy. I do give him benydril when it is really bad, but the vet now has me giving him half a Zyrtec every day. He seems to do much better. Skinnyjeanz - I hope Gunner's stuff clears up fast. :flowerforyou:

    Kelley- I'm sorry you are frustrated. I am sure you will find your solution.. you always do! Look at where you have been, and how much you have accomplished. You are an amazing woman. :drinker:

    RobinsEgg- I gots da big arm syndrome as well... I am down to a 16 in pants (from 22, two yrs ago), but still in a size 18/20 or 2x top... I bought a kettle ball and am doing lifts over my head, hoping for some improvement. It's a challenge for me, because of the bursitis in my shoulders, so I have to go slow... but hey, slow and steady wins the race, right?
  • Andrezia
    Andrezia Posts: 33 Member
    Happy Monday! So my little brother got engaged yesterday. I'm truely happy for them. With that said so far I am having a good Monday and I had a great weekend of healthy eating and calorie counting. I tell you it is so much easier when everyone in the house is on the same page. However, my normal weigh in date is Sundays and I did not see a budge in the scale. Granted I'm not discouraged but I like to see progress. Anyways, I'm going to keep at it and not let that be a deterrent to sucess.
  • LiLi914
    LiLi914 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! So happy to have found this thread. I don't usually find my way to the message boards, but I love all the support that you can find here. I'm also part of another site that is very supportive and with their support and logging my calories here I am down 36 pounds and now I have a little less than 100 pounds to lose. It frustrates me that I allowed myself to get to this point, but I can't live in the past. I'm looking towards the future and feeling better about myself each and every day.

    Please do not hesitate to add me. I love new supportive friends.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: GOOD!! I'm so excited to say my first week back on track went very well. Food log, exercise, water, posting here, etc. . . all on track. The scale was good to me. I know it will slow down again, but this gave me that little nudge I needed. I know I can do this and just have to take baby steps - one step at a time.

    @ celtic, liner, & karenleona - It's GREAT to see you. I've been in a funk for months (or pretty much all of 2013), but I kept checking in with our friends and they really helped push me through. I gained, but I also kept some off too. I know without their support I would have gained ALL of it back and then some. Stay with us even through those rough times. We're here for you!!

    @ Lisa - I've been thinking about doing the same. It's very daunting to see this triple digit number and the amount of weight I want to lose. Perhaps I'll do 50 lb increments 3 times. I"ll have to think about it. Everyone likes to track their own way and whatever works for you - go for it!!

    @ kelley - While I know you were disappointed, you just do not know how much this helps so many of us when you share. Many of us can't wait to say we've lost 100 lbs lost, but it doesn't mean so many of these same battles, frustrations will go away. I know this is just as much a mental challenge as it is a food challenge. You've worked so hard and I know you're pushing forward. You're too strong now.

    @ John - NIce walking last week. Exercise is key. I think it's great you picked the thin veggie crust. Imagine the amount of calories if you would have gotten the meat lovers? You ate it, logged it and now you move on. Just don't do it next weekend!! I'm not sure if you like mushrooms, but I'll use portobello's as my base and sauce, turkey pep or sausage, black olives, or any other toppings. You save a TON of calories and carbs with no crust.

    @ BJ - Thanks for sharing. How are those packets on sodium? I've never had high blood pressure, but I do try to keep my sodium in check. It caught my attention when you said your boys ate it. I'm thinking with the Ranch my son may give it a try too. Anything with Ranch and he's happy. LOL!!

    @ Kaye - Glad you made it back safe and sound. I'm sure that gain will be off before you know it. You've got this!!!

    @ Naceto - Fried pickles? Say it isn't so? I love those things. Weekend is over and like you said today is your NEW day. I love Steel Cut Oats, which are so filling for me. I know you can stay on track this week.

    @helena - Get better soon and hope everything goes well with your mom's surgery.

    @ Laurie - Sorry about your knee. It probably didn't help riding 23 miles either, but you have the bright, shiny new bike. You're like a kid in a candy store and had to play with your new toy. I hope you can heal quickly.

    @ LiLi - Congrats on the 36 lbs down - good for you!! Welcome to our little gem of a thread. We love it here!!!

    @ Andrezia - Congrats on your brothers engagement. As far as the scale, remember baby steps. We didn't put this weight on overnight and it's not going away overnight either. During our Wednesday Wish, there's so many of us that just want to blink and the fat be sucked away. It's not happening and I have to be patient, fight through the plateaus, and get back on track when I fail. Lord knows I failed a lot this year. Glad you're on board.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--glad the scale was kind to you and gave you the positive reinforcement for such a great 1st week back!

    @astral, lili & jojo--welcome!:flowerforyou:

    @naceto & helena--thanks for the info about dog allergies. My vet mentioned the possibility of giving gunner something like benadryl, but would like to see if the topical treatment alone will work before treating him systemically. I think she's concerned that if we give him the meds, he will become dependent on them. So far, the ointment seems to be helping reduce the swelling and redness.

    @laurie--ugh--knee injuries suck! Sorry you are hurting. I recommend RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)--hope it mends quickly.

    @robin--that upper body routine sounds great, and your talk about big arms motivated me to do some arm work at the gym--so thanks for that! :wink: My arms are still one of my biggest "problem areas"--along with my belly. Two areas I really need to reduce and tone by next summer.

    AFM--Our dishwasher arrived around 3:30. All looked fine and then my DH pulled out the fill/drain hose and water spilled out of it! Kind of odd considering it's suppose to be a brand new dishwasher. :huh: I called the store and left a message with our salesperson, but she has yet to return my call. Perhaps there's some logical explanation, but if not, I expect a discount. We paid over $600 so if it's a floor model or returned machine, we should get some sort of compensation for that.

    Even though it was getting kind of late, I had zero excuse not to go to the gym--my other choice was to continue to sit on my @ss on the computer. :laugh: I went and did 20 minutes of arm and core work, then 3 miles on the elliptical. I also got another hydro-massage. I can already tell that machine is going to be a great lure to get me to the gym.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Last week's NSV was being able to go to an adventure park near my house with my niece and sister-in-law and successfully navigating (with one minor hitch) the first three ropes courses and zip lines. Never could have done that a year (or even 6 months) ago!!!! This week's happened already (and it's only Monday :smile: )... at the doc today, my pulse was 59. The woman who took it said I must exercise a lot because "only athletes - real athletes - have pulse rates like that." Whoot-whoot!!! They hadn't seen me since before I started this journey so were quite pleased with my loss. Tomorrow, I leave for a week's vacation in Colorado, then back to reality - start new job the week after. I'll be happy to have money again, but so sad to see summer and swimming end. :sad: Still have some packing to do and my ride to the airport gets here in 5 and a half hours, so I will check in with personals next time around. Hope everyone has a great week!!!