P90X/Insanity Hybrid... Join In @ Anytime!



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm slowly but surely creating my next P90X/Insanity "Max" hybrid which should start around November 13th. This is going to be ridiculous. So much so that I won't be able to use the P90X dvd's for my weight workouts.

    This will include drop and double drop sets on ALL weight/weighted vest exercises so I won't have enough time to complete all of my reps to keep up with the dvd cadence. Insanity dvd's will start at the "MAX" dvd's from Day 1.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm slowly but surely creating my next P90X/Insanity "Max" hybrid which should start around November 13th. This is going to be ridiculous. So much so that I won't be able to use the P90X dvd's for my weight workouts.

    This will include drop and double drop sets on ALL weight/weighted vest exercises so I won't have enough time to complete all of my reps to keep up with the dvd cadence. Insanity dvd's will start at the "MAX" dvd's from Day 1.

    Wow, that's going to be a crazy schedule with the drop sets. Max Insanity won't be tough, but the drop sets and weighted vest?! Man! What will be done on the rest days?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm slowly but surely creating my next P90X/Insanity "Max" hybrid which should start around November 13th. This is going to be ridiculous. So much so that I won't be able to use the P90X dvd's for my weight workouts.

    This will include drop and double drop sets on ALL weight/weighted vest exercises so I won't have enough time to complete all of my reps to keep up with the dvd cadence. Insanity dvd's will start at the "MAX" dvd's from Day 1.

    Wow, that's going to be a crazy schedule with the drop sets. Max Insanity won't be tough, but the drop sets and weighted vest?! Man! What will be done on the rest days?

    I've already started doing drops with the weighted vest. I won't be able to use the dvd's when I do P90X weight workouts because let's say I'm doing standard pushups with the weighted vest. As an arbitrary figure let's say I do 50 pushups. By the time I get the vest off to do the drop/double drop (which is immediately dropping to knees to do traditional ladies pushups after doing weighted vest then no vest) set it will be time to move on to front pullups. I won't have time to do both sets.

    I haven't worked out recovery week for this program yet but it will probably be similar to my current hybrid with a couple of days of the max recovery dvd's versus the regular recovery dvd's. As far as the workouts in this hybrid, it will still be 2 days of P90X weight workout, one day of Fountain of Youth yoga with the remaining 3 days being Max Insanity dvd's with Friday being an off day.

    The goal is to get ultra-sliced at about 225-230 lbs.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Great goal! I guess you could hit pause like crazy through the entire workout.

    I haven't picked up Body Fortress yet. I've read around that the only one that tastes decent is the vanilla flavor. What say you?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member

    I haven't picked up Body Fortress yet. I've read around that the only one that tastes decent is the vanilla flavor. What say you?

    I like the strawberry, vanilla & chocolate. Just don't get the cookies & cream...blech. I mix it with almond milk which makes it taste much better than with water.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Aw ok! Thanks for the heads up. I got tired of cookies and cream flavored everything since Muscle Milk.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Burned 1003 calories doing 59 minutes of " P90X plyometrics"
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Started our hybrid this morning. Chest and Back killed! Divebombers rock!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    After doing plyo yesterday I still can't get over how much better shape I am in cardiovascularly with Insanity than I was with P90X. Doing the "jump knee tuck" and "Rockstar hops" at full speed to keep up with Dom used to be impossible. Now it's easy.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    BR - great job. Yeah P90X plyo is a freaking piece of cake now. LOVE IT!!!

    BOG - how is your hybrid going to be laid out. I don't know if you mentioned it before. I just finished my exercise, so I thought I'd stop in before hitting the shower and head to work.

    This morning kicked off 2nd phase of our hybrid. Chest, Shoulders, and triceps done. This morning I did six plyometric push-ups. At the most, I could only do two. Then I did another six on video. I feel great about that. Now I gotta master one arm push-ups.

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Elaine - we're following the P90X schedule, just subbing in Insanity cardio workouts. So this morning was Plyo Cardio Circuit. Holy hell! I did my best, but that rocked me this morning. Can't wait to do it again next week. LOL I'm hoping that hubby's Fountain of Youth will come by Wednesday so we can sub that in for Yoga X. I think Friday is Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I like the mix of the two (it will be 3 with the One on Ones once they get over to my side of the country, but I think the OoO might be more for our fit clubs actually). Insanity cardio is rockin' but I like Tony's strength training. I did take Kenpo X to my fit club last night because it is one of my faves. They had a hard time though and thought I was pretty crazy for liking it. Definitely not ready for Insanity. LOL
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That's cool. Have you done Cardio X with your fit club? I suppose that would be the easiest one to do.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Actually, I figured Kenpo would be. Cardio X has Dreya rolls and Superman Banana and Swing Kicks. For technicality and form, it may be easier (I was having to pause a lot last night to demonstrate), but with 4 different DVDs being mixed up in there, Cardio X wasn't going to be my first one. LOL I am thinking I may do some Power 90 stuff. The Cardio Intervals and UML workouts on the Bring It! DVD of P90X might be good ones. Hahaha. A couple of days ago was the first time I ever looked at those workouts on that DVD. Do you guys have he showcase pack? If it weren't at church, I would do YBB and Hip Hop Abs and Turbo Jam, but the New Age-y feeling of YBB and the music in the other 2 won't really work with the church ladies.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hahaha, yeah I guess Power 90 would work. My daughters did that over the summer.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Didn't get to log in last night. Our new kitten chewed through my mouse cord. Oh the irony.....core synergistics tonight.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Didn't get to log in last night. Our new kitten chewed through my mouse cord. Oh the irony.....core synergistics tonight.

    That's kind of funny. LOL

    We did P90X plyo this morning. I burned 826 calories. Great workout.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Didn't get to log in last night. Our new kitten chewed through my mouse cord. Oh the irony.....core synergistics tonight.

    That's kind of funny. LOL

    We did P90X plyo this morning. I burned 826 calories. Great workout.

    We think she's part dog. In the last two weeks she's wiped out 2 computer mouse cords, a cell phone charger cord, an Iphone charger cord and a regular home phone cord....if she wasn't so darn cute. Girlfriend says she needs a rawhide chew toy.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yeah, the kitten needs a room full of chew toys!
  • ermommy08
    Quick question what do you log your insanity workouts under and how many calories do these workouts burn, I am on day 2 plyo cardio... I would like to know the same about p90x workouts also thanks :-)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You need to purchase an inexpensive heart rate monitor soon. I found mine at Wal-mart. It tracks calories burned. Each body is different and everybody is going to burn calories differently. I burn between 300-400 calories lifting with P90X. I burn up to 700 calories on leg/back day. I can burn 800-980 calories 2nd month of Insanity. I burn 700-900 calories P90X plyo. I'm 219 lbs, 5'7, 40 year old Black female with 25% body fat. I'm going to burn calories differently than others.