"the Daniel fast"... and what it did for me...



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    In Biblical times, once you had sex with the person you were espoused to (engaged to) that was how you became married in God's eyes. There were no licenses, elaborate ceremonies or anything like today's traditions. Today it is the same. When you have sex with somebody you are spiritually marrying them.

    Nowadays I do believe it wise for couples to make the commitment to abstain only because if things don't go well during an engagement at least you can leave the relationship without having had that "next level bond" so to speak.

    Anyways, I applaud the Daniel Fast and I am going to try it. All technicalities aside, if it worked it worked!

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    Do I get spiritual alimony from all those partners, then?

    You must be spiritually wealthy!

    Can I spiritually pay off my credit card?

    With your past, I bet you could pay off everyone's!

    Are you calling her a harlot?

    Only spiritually, though. I need to figure out how to get my spiritual prostitution payments to be actual. Would going to church help?

    Start going to church and stop consuming alcohol. It is all about sacrifice.

    Don't get crazy, here. There's wine at Catholic churches.

    It is spiritually transmuted into blood.

    If I spill wine does that mean I have blood on my hands?

    It means i'm not sharing any expensive wine with you for sure...
  • slimmer1972
    slimmer1972 Posts: 6 Member
    If everyone abstained from sex before marriage then the 20 million slaves used in the sex trade could be free. There wouldn't be rapings all over the world.

    Whaaaaah?! <walking away now>
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Well done on the Fast!!

    All these post about religion makes me quite please that I'm not a Christian. I'm glad that I have an easy and simple relationship with my higher power.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It would lower teen pregnancy rate as well as lower the amount of tax dollars going into helping this teen. It would also prevent STDs from spreading.... The only way their personal life would affect the community is through the amount of governmental support (tax dollars)

    No it wouldnt, lol.

    Sex education is a better way to prevent those things, along with more readily available sexual health services.

    pass out condoms in schools and let's see what happens to the teen pregnancy rate
    'Cause teen boys are SO on board with using condoms ...

    Teenagers are idiots. We were allidiots when we were teenagers. They do dumb things. Some get lucky and come out unscathed. But teens have been having sex since the first one crawled out of the ooze.

    unfortunately they are not, but what I'm saying is if sex is more acceptable and taught how to be done safely with less risk of disease or pregnancy there will be a positive correlation in the teen pregnancy rate. unfortunately teenagers are idiots and they will continue to have sex and be stupid.
    I'm not against it at all. I just think whatever we do is ineffective. It seems like the teen prgnancy rate falls for a while, then rises again, then falls, then rises.

    We had sex ed in my school. We learned all the stuff about BC and STDs and everything. Yet there was a VERY high rate of pregnancy there during my time (including me).

    My mother even kept offering to take me to get on the pill and I repeatedly refused. I was an idiot. I had the mentality that an honor-roll student from a middle-class family wasn't going to end up pregnant young.

    Logically, I knew it was possible. But teenage brain ruled.

    I think, though, if we reach one kid, it's probably worth it.
  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    But... Daniel ate this way for 3 years or more, didn't he (Daniel 1)? His second fast (Daniel 10) was only 21 days. Don't you need to do the 3 year one before the 21 day one???

    PS - love that the Daniel Fast website is selling a program called the "Daniel Fast for Financial Breakthrough". Yeah, fasting to make money makes sense to me.
    So I can fast, make money and make God happy all at the same time. But, this may or may not cause slavery and rape if I do it? I am getting lost in this thread!

    (sarcastic post is sarcastic)
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    But... Daniel ate this way for 3 years or more, didn't he (Daniel 1)? His second fast (Daniel 10) was only 21 days. Don't you need to do the 3 year one before the 21 day one???

    PS - love that the Daniel Fast website is selling a program called the "Daniel Fast for Financial Breakthrough". Yeah, fasting to make money makes sense to me.
    So I can fast, make money and make God happy all at the same time. But, this may or may not cause slavery and rape if I do it? I am getting lost in this thread!

    (sarcastic post is sarcastic)

    Don't forget, also could potentially decrease unwanted pregnancy!! Christianity is the obvious answer to our population problem.....(said no one ever.)
  • HKHAN1982
    HKHAN1982 Posts: 89 Member
    Back to the topic of fasting, I do believe it has its spiritual as well as nutritional benefits. We fast one month a year and it's called Ramadan. We don't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset (this year that was about 17 hours fast in the US). Also we increase good deeds, abstain from bad deeds and smoking, pray more and give more charity to the needy during this month. I didn't lose much, but the goal of it is to enhance spirituality. Daniel fast sounds very interesting as I hadn't heard about it before. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I completely hate it when I'm late to a good party...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's ok...ignorant people say stupid things. If you believe in God and the bible (and you can't say you believe in God if you dont believe his word), then you know what happened to Daniel in the Lions Den and why, you know what fasting means and why we do it, you know what sexual impurity is and what it means, you know what Gd says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you dont know, then you're ignorant. If you want to know, go read the WORD!

  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It would lower teen pregnancy rate as well as lower the amount of tax dollars going into helping this teen. It would also prevent STDs from spreading.... The only way their personal life would affect the community is through the amount of governmental support (tax dollars)

    No it wouldnt, lol.

    Sex education is a better way to prevent those things, along with more readily available sexual health services.

    pass out condoms in schools and let's see what happens to the teen pregnancy rate
    'Cause teen boys are SO on board with using condoms ...

    Teenagers are idiots. We were allidiots when we were teenagers. They do dumb things. Some get lucky and come out unscathed. But teens have been having sex since the first one crawled out of the ooze.

    unfortunately they are not, but what I'm saying is if sex is more acceptable and taught how to be done safely with less risk of disease or pregnancy there will be a positive correlation in the teen pregnancy rate. unfortunately teenagers are idiots and they will continue to have sex and be stupid.
    I'm not against it at all. I just think whatever we do is ineffective. It seems like the teen prgnancy rate falls for a while, then rises again, then falls, then rises.

    We had sex ed in my school. We learned all the stuff about BC and STDs and everything. Yet there was a VERY high rate of pregnancy there during my time (including me).

    My mother even kept offering to take me to get on the pill and I repeatedly refused. I was an idiot. I had the mentality that an honor-roll student from a middle-class family wasn't going to end up pregnant young.

    Logically, I knew it was possible. But teenage brain ruled.

    I think, though, if we reach one kid, it's probably worth it.

    I think that's actually a great point. from what I understand, as an adolescent and teen the part of the brain that weighs out consequences is not fully formed. after I learned that, the stupid **** I and other kids did made a lot more sense.

    I used to work at a group home with delinquent teen boys. the derp there was unmeasurable. I loved the kids but I'm sure you can imagine. my favorite part of my job was, after they did something REALLY stupid, asking, "how, when, and why did you think that was even remotely a good idea?" the blank look on their faces every time was priceless.
  • ladypitek
    ladypitek Posts: 91 Member
    It's ok...ignorant people say stupid things. If you believe in God and the bible (and you can't say you believe in God if you dont believe his word), then you know what happened to Daniel in the Lions Den and why, you know what fasting means and why we do it, you know what sexual impurity is and what it means, you know what Gd says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you dont know, then you're ignorant. If you want to know, go read the WORD! If you don't want to know, then don't ask. The sad thing is that you want to know, but you don't like the answer because it doesnt sit well with your soul, and it means having to raise your standards and be responsible with the truth you've been given (God's word), but that would just be too much for you and so you take to sarcasm and slander in order to make yourself feel better. Good luck with that.

    OP - Obviously, you did something right! It worked and praise God for it!

    The Bible also says that if I get raped I am required to marry my rapist or be put to death, and if I'm married and my husband dies I have to marry his brother. GOD'S WORD!!! I don't think you should be calling other people ignorant when your book is FULL of inconsistencies and you've only bothered to read the selected sections that fit with your world view. Also, I hope you don't eat swine or wear cotton and linen together, you might be smote.

    Isn't there something about eating seafood aswell in the 10 commandments? I'll be checking diaries!!!!
    That's not in the 10 Commandments. :-)

    But the 10 Commandments are the only pasrt of the Old Testament Christians have to follow, I'm told. They ignore the rest. Something about a new covenent.

    The New Covenant effectively invalidated the entire Old Testament.
    EXCEPT for Adam and Eve and the Ten Commandments.

    And Noah and the flood, and the story of Lot and his wife, and Moses and the golden calf...again, picking and choosing which stories fit best with your world view and ignoring all the rest. Makes sense.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    What the hell is going on in here?

    Got it. Carry on.

    It looks like popcorn is needed for this one......:tongue:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I used to work at a group home with delinquent teen boys.

    I had that job! But it was girls.

    Oh, the stories I have.

    But then, a lot of adults behaved idiotically, too. It was lovely the night cops came by at 10 p.m. and served a warrant on one of our mist difficult (and LARGE) girls on one of the very few nights she actually went easily and qiestly to bed and was asleep. And we couldn't lock them in anywhere, either.

    Then the cops sat in their cars with the lights going right behind her bedroom for a good hour.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It's ok...ignorant people say stupid things. If you believe in God and the bible (and you can't say you believe in God if you dont believe his word), then you know what happened to Daniel in the Lions Den and why, you know what fasting means and why we do it, you know what sexual impurity is and what it means, you know what Gd says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you dont know, then you're ignorant. If you want to know, go read the WORD!







    Would someone please clue me in on this word? Please???? :sad:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's ok...ignorant people say stupid things. If you believe in God and the bible (and you can't say you believe in God if you dont believe his word), then you know what happened to Daniel in the Lions Den and why, you know what fasting means and why we do it, you know what sexual impurity is and what it means, you know what Gd says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you dont know, then you're ignorant. If you want to know, go read the WORD! If you don't want to know, then don't ask. The sad thing is that you want to know, but you don't like the answer because it doesnt sit well with your soul, and it means having to raise your standards and be responsible with the truth you've been given (God's word), but that would just be too much for you and so you take to sarcasm and slander in order to make yourself feel better. Good luck with that.

    OP - Obviously, you did something right! It worked and praise God for it!

    The Bible also says that if I get raped I am required to marry my rapist or be put to death, and if I'm married and my husband dies I have to marry his brother. GOD'S WORD!!! I don't think you should be calling other people ignorant when your book is FULL of inconsistencies and you've only bothered to read the selected sections that fit with your world view. Also, I hope you don't eat swine or wear cotton and linen together, you might be smote.

    That's incredibly ignorant and insulting of you to say. The "word of god" was written by men. Also, there are plenty of religions that have a deity, but not a "bible" of some sort. Unless you're basically saying that your god is the only one that exists, therefore once again being very insulting towards those who have a different belief system than you do.


    ....in the hi5 kind of way, just to be clear :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It would lower teen pregnancy rate as well as lower the amount of tax dollars going into helping this teen. It would also prevent STDs from spreading.... The only way their personal life would affect the community is through the amount of governmental support (tax dollars)

    No it wouldnt, lol.

    Sex education is a better way to prevent those things, along with more readily available sexual health services.

    pass out condoms in schools and let's see what happens to the teen pregnancy rate

    They did that in a few places and it lowered. I will search for the links to it later. Too much fun reading the other posts right now.

    Edited to clarify - not passed out but made them easily available and free

    and to add this:
    I'm not against it at all. I just think whatever we do is ineffective. It seems like the teen prgnancy rate falls for a while, then rises again, then falls, then rises.

    We had sex ed in my school. We learned all the stuff about BC and STDs and everything. Yet there was a VERY high rate of pregnancy there during my time (including me).

    My mother even kept offering to take me to get on the pill and I repeatedly refused. I was an idiot. I had the mentality that an honor-roll student from a middle-class family wasn't going to end up pregnant young.

    Logically, I knew it was possible. But teenage brain ruled.

    I think, though, if we reach one kid, it's probably worth it.

    ^very true
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    It's ok...ignorant people say stupid things. If you believe in God and the bible (and you can't say you believe in God if you dont believe his word), then you know what happened to Daniel in the Lions Den and why, you know what fasting means and why we do it, you know what sexual impurity is and what it means, you know what Gd says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you dont know, then you're ignorant. If you want to know, go read the WORD!







    Would someone please clue me in on this word? Please???? :sad:

  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    If everyone abstained from sex before marriage then the 20 million slaves used in the sex trade could be free. There wouldn't be rapings all over the world.
    It might not make much of a difference individually, but I personally believe the world would be a better place if everyone just had one sexual partner.

    Riiiiiight. Because abstaining from sex cures mental disorders. Just check out what abstinence has done for the Catholic church! Also, have you never heard of husbands raping their wives? It IS possible! Is my sarcasm font working?
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I did not read all the replies. But I know I would never do this. The Good Lord made food for me to eat. Thus why I almost die when I don't.

    P'S when I want to be close to God I use my bible app and read bumper stickers on the cars of Christians.
This discussion has been closed.
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