Motivation or "hate speech"?



  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Yeah. Seems like she likes the notoriety. We're probably doing her a favour even discussing it. :ohwell:

    I agree

    I agree as well, but I still think that it is a worthy topic to discuss.

    Me too, it does get me annoyed though unfortunately.

    Not so much at her in general, because I think a lot of people in the fitness community (and the media) perpetuate the kind of things she has to say. She's not saying anything original. It just hits a nerve with me on a personal level because I hate body policing of any sort and know how bad it has made me feel over the years. It's just unacceptable and I have no tolerance for it.

    I do think she tends to lean a little strong in her direction, but what she said does have some merit. Obesity is growing in acceptance these days and could potentially be a bad thing. I don't mean acceptance in terms of obese people not being bullied or made to feel horrible about themselves, because I agree this is a bad thing. But rather I think that the whole Fat Acceptance movement could normalize obesity on a cultural level and cause complacency.

    I think it is already normalized and the culture is already complacent and being a meanie does nothing to correct that. Education however does. Also accessibility. This site provides both. Shaming and name calling on social media or ads do not.

    I agree. Body shaming in either direction is wrong.

    One direction is just apparently less wrong than the other...

    I dunno' Jof. It's pretty ugly in all directions. People are people, and there is probably an equal number of *kitten* in every body type, ready to shame someone and feel morally justified in doing so.

    I'm going to have to agree with Otter... There are plenty of people on both sides of this who feel like they need to demean someone else to feel good about themselves.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    I agree. Body shaming in either direction is wrong.

    One direction is just apparently less wrong than the other...

    One direction is just so wrong. one-direction-free-cookies-650.jpg I mean look at their habits!

    :laugh: It's the hair.

    STAHP BOYBAND SHAMING!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


    I'm putting this gif here, assuming that it's one of those One Direction kids. Really, I have no idea, because in my time boy bands had real names like "Menudo" and "New Kids on the Block". GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!

    Charlie was my favorite. I think he did squats. menudo1.jpg?w=490
  • pinktac0
    i dont have to agree OR disagree. Anyone ever hear of The First Amendment of the United States Constitution? It protects the right to freedom of expression.

    LET IT BE!
  • copselily
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I thought the first photograph she posted (the "What's your excuse?" one) was body shaming, but perhaps well intentioned on her part. However, reading her recent comments in this article confirms to me she is a fat phobic, especially this sentence:
    "Start celebrating people who are a result of hard work, dedication and discipline."

    She's now equating being thin and/or fit with positive attributes (discipline, dedication, etc) and implying that fat people aren't any of those things. It's not okay, and I'm surprised she's still continuing to dig herself an even bigger hole than last time. Smh.

    Equating fit with discipline, dedication, etc is correct.

    Yes, it does take discipline and dedication to become fit, but that doesn't mean that fat people don't have discipline or dedication either. There is more to being disciplined than having a fit body.

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc

    Can't be fit without discipline. But discipline doesn't not necessarily result in fitness. Discipline is a tool not a magic wand.

    I haven't said that. You need to read what I AM saying rather than assuming things that I actually HAVEN'T said. Fitness requires discipline, yes. But that doesn't mean people who don't look like Maria Kang don't have discipline.

    Sure. So? No one has said otherwise. You are assuming the post hoc ergo propter hoc of other people in your mind. You need discipline and exercise to be fit. Having discipline isn't enough. If you are not disciplined you won't succeed, so yes, some people not succeeding aren't disciplined. Not all.

    I think we should end this little back-and-forth dialogue now... your comprehension skills are pretty low.

    Umm, No. You are twisting words to make it mean what you want it to mean. Stop, just stop please.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.
  • copselily
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    "Whats your excuse?" is body shaming because it assumes that if you don't look like her, you must WANT to and are therefore not trying hard enough.

    However, if she just went from being very fat to just being marginally fat, I doubt people would have the same reaction, because having a fat body isn't something that people aspire to.

    ETA: That doesn't make one better than the other. I think "Whats your excuse?" is a pretty crappy thing to say no matter what you starting and finishing point is. :smile: Not everyone gives a $$$ about losing weight.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Most people can probably never look like her, because they have more important things to do in their lives.

    It takes an hour a day. Anybody who wants to, can.
    Anybody can!?! Now that is a lie. We are not all meant to look like that. Get healthier by eating right and exercising, yes but there are too many body types to classify by an hour a day!!!!! I personally think she looks great but according to that comment the plus size model who was 6'2" and wore a size 14 will never look like that and she looked fabulous, too. Some of us will have to be imperfect and be happy with who we are.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I have to say that the whine in this thread is going lovely with my Chardonnay
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    "Whats your excuse?" is body shaming because it assumes that if you don't look like her, you must WANT to and are therefore not trying hard enough.

    However, if she just went from being very fat to just being marginally fat, I doubt people would have the same reaction, because having a fat body isn't something that people aspire to.

    Reread everything, You're saying that "what's your excuse" coming from a slightly overweight woman will not perceived as body shaming, but coming from a fit person it will be seen as so.

    The difference being that people aspire to the "fit" body. What happened to your argument that not everyone wants to look like her and THAT is why her statements are offensive?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    "Whats your excuse?" is body shaming because it assumes that if you don't look like her, you must WANT to and are therefore not trying hard enough.

    However, if she just went from being very fat to just being marginally fat, I doubt people would have the same reaction, because having a fat body isn't something that people aspire to.

    ETA: That doesn't make one better than the other. I think "Whats your excuse?" is a pretty crappy thing to say no matter what you starting and finishing point is. :smile: Not everyone gives a $$$ about losing weight.


    ...what's your excuse?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    ...and you forgot never overweight...
    "Hey, you too can stay at normal weight after a baby!" -_______________________<====fill in the blank.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    "Whats your excuse?" is body shaming because it assumes that if you don't look like her, you must WANT to and are therefore not trying hard enough.

    However, if she just went from being very fat to just being marginally fat, I doubt people would have the same reaction, because having a fat body isn't something that people aspire to.

    Ummm..... No. That's the way you choose to read it. She went from unhappy with herself to satisfied with her achievements. Anyone can do the same. Her personal goals don't have to be yours.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    And there's nothing wrong with making that choice, but it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with this woman's message. I've chosen not to try to get my body fat percentage that low, and to focus instead on gaining strength, because that's what my priorities are (so I do spend an hour or so 3x a week lifting heavy weights, just not so much for aesthetics). However that doesn't mean that anyone who achieves a lower body fat percentage than I'm prepared to attempt to get to is doing something bad or wrong when they celebrate their achievement. She's not promoting dangerously low body fat percentages, she clearly looks fit and healthy. She's getting the message out there that most people *CAN* achieve their fitness goals even if they have other things in life getting in the way. It's not saying that everyone has to have the exact same goal as her or has to look like her. I'd rather have a 300lb+ deadlift and squat (my long term goals, not there yet) than look like her. (Not that she looks bad, it's just it's not where my priorities lie.) But, everyone should make time to be healthy. what's that quote again: "what's more inconvenient for your busy schedule.... 45 mins of exercise 3x a week and planning balanced meals, or being dead 24 hours a day?" And almost everyone can find time to succeed at their fitness goals, if they give it the priority it deserves.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I find her annoying and smug. But I don't find her that "unrealistic". I also have 3 kids and am fit. It really doesn't take that much time and effort.

    But yeah the comments about the obesity group were dumb and uncalled for. Good for those larger ladies being happy with themselves. Their happiness doesn't effect me at all.

    While its good that those women can celebrate being fat and be okay with it...........

    I for one am not ok with myself being fat and I am doing something about it. I used to be a body builder and was fit. Undiagnosed medical issues and then a bad car accident and I gained a significant amount of weight that I disgust myself when I look at myself in the mirror.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have to say that the whine in this thread is going lovely with my Chardonnay

    My cheese has lots of fat. And goes better with your wine.
  • copselily
    Yeah, she posted something on her own personal facebook page that went viral, was picked up by the news agencies, and then people lined up to call her names and belittle her parenting skills.

    How dare she ever post anything on facebook again!!! Hasn't she learned her lesson? Does she need to get put back in her place again? I am certain that from reading the 26 words from both of her posts we can ascertain everything that she is, along with all the animus in her soul. She's a black hearted villian with no redeeming value. Let's line up to check her again.

    Because everyone that posts on Facebook is an attention seeking *kitten*, right?

    If she was a woman who let's say went from 210 pounds to 170, posting a pic with her 3 kids captioned with "what's your excuse", I have a feeling that the public's reaction wouldn't have been anything like this.

    No, you're right, because at 170lb she may still be considered 'fat' and people wouldn't think she was body shaming, because they wouldn't aspire to be fat anyway.

    Wait! So her "what's your excuse?" line is only body shaming because of the way she looks?

    "Hey. you too can go from overweight to normal weight!" - Body shaming, burn the witch!
    "Hey, you too can go from overweight to less overweight!" - Yay, motivation.

    "Whats your excuse?" is body shaming because it assumes that if you don't look like her, you must WANT to and are therefore not trying hard enough.

    However, if she just went from being very fat to just being marginally fat, I doubt people would have the same reaction, because having a fat body isn't something that people aspire to.

    Reread everything, You're saying that "what's your excuse" coming from a slightly overweight woman will not perceived as body shaming, but coming from a fit person it will be seen as so.

    The difference being that people aspire to the "fit" body. What happened to your argument that not everyone wants to look like her and THAT is why her statements are offensive?

    I edited my last message earlier to clarify. I'm saying that you are RIGHT, people wouldn't have the same reaction, but I am not saying they are right in reacting differently. I am actually agreeing with you.

    Eta: "Reread everything, You're saying that "what's your excuse" coming from a slightly overweight woman will not perceived as body shaming, but coming from a fit person it will be seen as so. " Yep, that's totally what I'm saying! But I'm not saying I AGREE with it. I think it's a complete double standard.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I now find anyone who doesn't look after themselves exceptionally unattractive, especially when they think it's normal to be fat. I think it's disgusting people posting pictures saying this is what normal people look like, no it isn't, it's what unhealthy people look like. (extremely controversial post)

    I agree with you. The normal human body is not covered in way extra fluffy fat.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Was it hate speech when she posted her opinion? No.
    It wasn't hate speech when Kanye West gave his opinion about Taylor Swift / Beyonce, either.

    Pretty much the same thing.
This discussion has been closed.