Anybody still feel ugly after losing weight?



  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I think I would have felt that way if it weren't for weight training.....what is your choice for exercise?
    Weight training helps avoid a "dieted" look, IMO, makes you look younger.

    My exercise is an Upper/Lower split four times a week, centred around compound lifts. I also run 10km twice a week as I've just started raising for charity by running for a local children's hospice.

    Around 2006/2007 I was quite muscular, but a road accident in 2008 meant that I couldn't train and that's when the flab piled on.

    I'm maintaining on 2000 cals a day at the moment after dropping 15lbs from October 12th to November 29th. I want to get a bit more body fat off so that all of my abs (not just this 'four-pack') are visible, using that as the trigger point to start bulking again (aiming for a gain of 0.5lbs a week.)
  • garciabnm
    I totally feel this way. Even though I've had a pretty succesful time. I still look in the mirrior and see that 318 lb man starring back at me. I thought it was something that would pass, but it really hasnt. Don;t get me wrong, I feel great , and am in proably the best shape of my life, but its that litlle once in a while, when i feel like i look like i used too.
  • Blessed9jaBeauty
    Blessed9jaBeauty Posts: 504 Member
    The thread title says it all. All that work trying to get in shape and your life is still a tale of brutal rejection and wondering what is wrong with you?

    Am I the only one who can only see the 'old' me in the mirror?

    Well as an outsider looking in I must tell you that you LOOK AMAZING! I checked out your profile and pic#2 (the side be side comparison) LITERALLY looked like two completely different people. You have shaved a DECADE off of your age in looks, and I for one am sincerely INSPIRED. Sorry pal, but I think you Look BEAUTIFUL! ***NO BS***
  • Carolhughes6
    I just read an article about how mentally strong people's called what are the 13 things mentally strong people do not do. I bet you could find it if you google that title. Anyway it has helped me change how I view myself and I am now working consciously to rethink how I have thought about myself for the last 50 years. It's working slowly; I do still relapse - it's early days, , but I now am thinking carefully about everything I say, think and do. I have had body image issues for my whole life.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    There's always hope. Just get rich and somehow ugly doesn't matter much.

    IMO, it's more about attitude than looks.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Well I notice the improvement WHEN I'M IN CLOTHES. But when i go naked, I can still see my old self on the mirror :( the evil belly fat is still here
  • ksmithnh
    ksmithnh Posts: 68 Member
    I havent lost enough this time around to really comment, but I can tell you that when I originally lost my weight and got to goal I had the same issue. It is amazing how much your mind can mess with you, and how distorted your body image can be. I had lost 68 lbs on WW about 10 years ago, going from size 24 to size 10/12. I still saw myself as disgustingly fat. Regardless of the new clothes, the photos... it didnt match what I saw. I should have felt like a million dollars and been so confident. I look back at the clothes I was wearing then and I cant believe I ever fit in them! Unfortunately, I gained it all back plus. Now the body image is working against me in the opposite direction. I still see myself where I was about 50-60 lbs ago and much smaller and more fit. When I see photos now I cant believe I'm as big as I am. Its a constant battle.

    One trick I saw on TV once that I thought was interesting was to actually trace yourself on a big piece of paper (like the big rolled paper or a few flip chart sheets taped together). It really gives you perspective. You could even do a before and after tracing some of your old clothes. Not sure why but I think it would be more powerful than looking at photos.

    Good luck - I agree with all the posts so far. If your mind hasnt yet caught up in terms of pounds or size, focus on all the other wonderful victories you've no doubt accomplished!
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    The thread title says it all. All that work trying to get in shape and your life is still a tale of brutal rejection and wondering what is wrong with you?

    Am I the only one who can only see the 'old' me in the mirror?

    Well as an outsider looking in I must tell you that you LOOK AMAZING! I checked out your profile and pic#2 (the side be side comparison) LITERALLY looked like two completely different people. You have shaved a DECADE off of your age in looks, and I for one am sincerely INSPIRED. Sorry pal, but I think you Look BEAUTIFUL! ***NO BS***

    Thank you so much, that was a lovely thing to say. I'm going to frame your post!!!! I wish I could actually believe it, though. And no, I'm not on here fishing for compliments - we're ALL too busy banishing the flab for any of that!
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    The thread title says it all. All that work trying to get in shape and your life is still a tale of brutal rejection and wondering what is wrong with you?

    Am I the only one who can only see the 'old' me in the mirror?

    You're trippin. You look like a beast. Congrats on your awesome transformation.

    Let that lack of self confidennce go and really enjoy this new you.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    If you find yourself feeling ugly now then you should talk to a doctor or counsellor because it is a warning sign of several mood problems that could lead to major problems that effect your family and career. Just for informational purposes:

    Depression is short for major depressive disorder (MDE). It is defined using a diagnostic criteria. At least one of the following three abnormal moods significantly interfered with a person’s life (from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association):
    1. Abnormal depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks (dysphoria)
    2. Abnormal loss of all interest and pleasure most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks (anhedonia)
    3. If 18 or younger, abnormal irritable mood most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks.
    At least five of the following symptoms have been present during the same two week depressed period:
    1. Depressed mood (criterion A, above)
    2. Loss of all interest and pleasure (criterion B, above)
    3. Appetite or weight disturbance
    4. Sleep disturbance
    5. Agitation or slowing
    6. Fatigue or loss of energy
    7. Abnormal inappropriate guilt (WSG, worthless, sinful, guilty)
    8. Poor concentration
    9. Thoughts of death or suicide
    Note that some of these are physical while others are mental

    If you think you have even a few of these then I highly suggest talking to a professional about it I've seen too many people life's slow down because they are too afraid to talk to a doctor about a problem they think is either temporary or effecting them only and no one else.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I think everyone, even supermodels, feel ugly sometimes. It's about impossible to always feel great.
  • lolothedragon
    lolothedragon Posts: 39 Member
    I don't normally post in the forums, but I saw this it really hit home for me. About a year and a half ago I used this website to lose over 50lbs. I spent the whole summer strutting around in cute swim suits and crop tops. I felt amazing and thin for the first time in my life. Then I saw a picture of myself with some girl friends taken at the beach, and all I saw was that stomach still wasn't as flat I would like, fat thighs, and several other things. I started to notice every flaw from that point, became depressed that I couldn't get any smaller and gave up. In the past 6 months I've gained 20lbs back and feel worse than ever. Despite that people still telling me how good I looked, I refused to believe it. I'm my enemy in this situation. I'm still trying to grab a hold of hat motivation again, but it's hard. Weight issues are a common cause of depression and having depression often causes weight issues, so it's a tough cycle to break I feel like. Anyways, the moral of the story is to keep your head up and look at your accomplishments. We're not made up of our outsides, its the courage and strength we find inside that build us. Regardless of how ugly you might FEEL, know that you aren't and that you're doing amazing things everyday that you put forth effort.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I think everyone, even supermodels, feel ugly sometimes. It's about impossible to always feel great.

    I had a friend who was a fashion photographer and she said that models are often a seething mass of low self esteem due to having been tall gawky children who never felt dainty or pretty. Not sure about supermodels, I think that the huge salaries probably make them feel better about themselves!
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Oh, yes,and it was a shock to me.

    Something which helped me: I started working with a personal shopper at Nordstrom's (she is paid by the store, so no charge to you). I told her that I wouldn't buy anything that wasn't at least 30% off, that I wanted to build a versatile wardrobe. She got me into colors and shapes which I would have never bought myself. I also had my make-up done at the Bobbi Brown counter at Nordie's (and then bought the same colors at the drugstore.)

    Get some help with a new hairdresser, go to a store and get someone to help you select some new clothes....

    Also, don't forget everyone has some aspect of their appearance they don't like. I, e.g., hate my squishy tummy. But, we also have aspects which are beautiful...I'm tall and have long legs/arms. Focus on accentuating those parts of your body and just accept the parts you don't and don't focus on them.
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    I saw an experiment done recently that was very telling. It was one of those man-in-the-street type experiments. They stopped a person and asked them to look in the mirror and describe what they saw. The descriptions they gave were quite self-critical. They thought they looked average or worse, thought they were too fat or too skinny, their nose was too big, their skin was bad, their hair was awful and just generally not appealing as a person.

    Next they took a picture of that person, blew it up to full size, pasted it over the same full-length mirror and asked random passers to describe the person they saw. The descriptions were things such as lovely blond hair, slender, pretty, beautiful, handsome, elegant, nice and so-on.

    When they brought the person back out and showed them the video of how other people saw them, they were stunned. It really changed their image of themselves. This would be a good experiment to do for people who have been through this weight-loss journey. Take a full-body photo of yourself, as you would dress to go out shopping, no bikini shots, and have one of your friends take it out on the street and video average people who look at the photo.

    Take their positive affirmations, type them in big bold letters and tape them around your mirror, along with that picture at top center. Read them every morning and know that you are that wonderful, beautiful, sweet, kind, elegant, pretty, nice person, before you even start your day. Soon you'll see yourself the same way!
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Oh, and check out "What Not to Wear" if you Netflix streaming. It is a great example of how someone looking you objectively can see your great attributes when all you see are your flaws.
  • kiwigal41
    kiwigal41 Posts: 1,059
    anyone still feel ugly after losing weight???......all the time....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The thread title says it all. All that work trying to get in shape and your life is still a tale of brutal rejection and wondering what is wrong with you?

    Am I the only one who can only see the 'old' me in the mirror?

    Looked at your photos and you don't appear ugly before or after.

    And you're British, so it doesn't matter what you look like. Just open your mouth and those words in that accent ...

    Excuse me a moment.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Yep, because losing weight doesn't automatically make me pretty/beautiful/sexy/etc.. The only way to change my ugliness is with surgery.

    Don't you dare! 132lbs lost makes you a damn sight healthier!!

    But it doesn't make me pretty/sexy/beautiful. Healthiness doesn't equal feeling/being pretty. Will being healthy balance out my breasts? Get rid of the moles? Straighten my hair? Regrown the enamel on my teeth? Add 3 inches to my height?

    All that losing weight changed is I'm now a smaller version of the ugly person I've always been.
  • janey2020
    I'm alot more critical of myself now than I ever was when I was heavier :( I have no idea why either.

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