November 360 minutes a week "Move-It" challenge



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Congrats to all who finished the challenge!!! I bet as we move on you are seeing the results. Unfortunately, I did not finish this week.

    Turkey day is next week! Work it off this week...
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Wow, it's great seeing everyone that finished the challenge. Unfortunately I fell short of 40mins last week, but I'm here to make it again this week. Hopefully will do better and make it.

    Mollie & Kim I know you guys are right and I really should get a HRM but they just seem sooo expensive and I can't justify it right now. Maybe when I find a job & have extra cash.

    My workout today was all outside, 60mins blowing / raking leaves, 10 mins stacking wood, 20 mins breaking down the vegie garden. total for today was 90mins.

    90 done 250 left
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Congrats to all who finished the challenge last week!!! Way to make it happen now let's do it again this week!!!

    Last week is but a blur I missed 2 insanity workouts back up and on it this week!

    Mon Insanity fit test 25mins
    Tues Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41mins

    66mins complete so far!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    new week still sick :( i have a 5k planned for saturday so i am hoping that i can get my running up again by the end of the week, but for now i am attempting to stick to walking to let my poor lungs recover (neither the dog nor i are good at taking days off entirely though) :)

    monday: walk 25/120
    tuesday: walk 28/135
    so far: 53 minutes/255 calories
    to go: 307 minutes/2245 calories

    so awesome to see everyone on here doing so well...even if we don't make the goal i think it is fabulous how much effort everyone is putting in :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    new week still sick :( i have a 5k planned for saturday so i am hoping that i can get my running up again by the end of the week, but for now i am attempting to stick to walking to let my poor lungs recover (neither the dog nor i are good at taking days off entirely though) :)

    Maybe call the doc and ask for a 'script for prednisone which will reduce the inflammation in the works quickly, you've been sick too long
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just checking in:

    Monday: 30 minutes of Kettleworx, 30 minutes of stretching, 30 minutes of walking in place...................270 minutes to go!
    Tuesday: 60 minutes of Plyometrics from the P90X program...........................................................................210 minutes to go!

    Great job everyone who was able to knock out last weeks challenge and good luck with this week!

    I must admit I really have not felt like exercising so far this week and have had to really push myself. I'm just wondering how others push themselves to workout when they really truly have no desire? I usually talk myself in to doing at least 10-15 minutes and then by the time i'm 10-15 minutes in I've gotten over the hump.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I must admit I really have not felt like exercising so far this week and have had to really push myself. I'm just wondering how others push themselves to workout when they really truly have no desire? I usually talk myself in to doing at least 10-15 minutes and then by the time i'm 10-15 minutes in I've gotten over the hump.


    Good for you pushing yourself.....:-) I see you are still on your roll this month for doing something every day! Awesome.

    Regarding your question, I just tell myself this is what I do. I had the same issue this morning. After missing the whole weekend and Monday, today I had to PUSH myself off my butt because I have to do my 5 days a week at least. Usually after that 1st day I am good to go.

    Like you once I start I am good, it is just starting. Especially at the gym, once I am in the door I am going to just do it and ususally have a wonderful workout. I usually I feel inspired just by watching and seeing others in there working out too. This is why I would never be one to just always workout at home. For me being around others gets me motivated to do more.

    Just keep pushing forward and be glad and thankful that you can and have the engery to do so!

    I finally did something today and I know tomorrow I am going to the gym since I have a late day at work! I burned 420 calories today and I have 2,080 calories to go! I did a Leslie Sasone DVD.

    Good job Everyone and keep on wiggling and jiggling this week! Tomorrow is hump day!
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Monday 90 mins yard work blowing / raking leaves, stacking wood,
    Tuesday 60min on treadmill 30 mins w/o dvd

    180 done 180 left
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Just dropping in for a quick second. I had not completed the Plyometrics dvd in quite awhile and all I can say is WOW. My legs are still spaghetti after these hours. I did not modify a single move (I have bad knees and a bad back so my ability to exercise hard varies day to day) and these legs are sooooooooooo sore. The crazy thing about it is I absolutely love this feeling because I feel like I really gave it my all.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    these legs are sooooooooooo sore.

    Your legs look like they are 6 ft long in the picture...good job
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last Week:
    Monday- 30 min of Fire 30 & 34 min of Burn Circuit 1/480 calories
    Tuesday- 20 min of HIIT 20, 16 min of Extreme Abs, & 20 min of Recharge/410 calories
    Wednesday- 45 min of Fire 45 EZ/452 calories
    Thursday- 55 min of Fire 55 EZ & 32 min of Burn Circuit 2/610 calories
    Friday- 46 min of Burn Intervals & 10 min of Ab Burner/448 calories
    Saturday- 45 min of Fire 45, 32 min of Burn Circuit 3, & 10 min of Stretch 10/780 calories
    Sunday- Nothing

    395 min/3180 calories

    Was planning on working out Friday after I got home from my hair appointment, but locked my keys in my truck when I went to Costco and got stuck there waiting for my hubby to rescue me for almost 2 and 1/2 hrs. Frustrating, but my own stupid fault.

    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45/491 calories
    Tuesday- 15 min of HIIT 15 & 30 min of Fat Blaster/445 calories

    90 min/ 936 calories

    As of right now, I feel pretty good and want to go home and workout, but I still have 3 hours or more left of work. And it majorly depends on what time I leave, my poor hubby is always waiting on me to get home to have dinner and our nightly stuff... so if its too late then I'm just gonna go home and eat dinner and not get my workout in, cuz I have to go to bed so early since I get up at 4:00am everyday.

    Hope everyone's having a good day today and that you're all able to accomplish what you want for today.
  • Kathy1966
    Kathy1966 Posts: 7 Member
    Not sure how this works...the move-it callenge that is... So we just have to move 360 minutes a week? I know for me I have been thinking about thanksgiving with the meal being 3000-4500 calories... But I am going to stay posivite about the holidays! I know I need HELP!!!!! IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Add me as a freind, email me, post something to me anything!
    This is my new facebook and its been very helpful! Thank you!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    these legs are sooooooooooo sore.

    Your legs look like they are 6 ft long in the picture...good job

    Not bad since I only stand 5'4. I've learned how to elongate the body....... guess i've been watching too much America's Next Top Model. LOL
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    I feels great today! I just finished 4 miles with Leslie Sasone DVD and I have not did 4 miles with her in at least 2 years. I started out with goal to do 3 to 3.5 miles and burn over 700 calories because I wanted the same burn I get @ the gym. I like to burn at least 500 calories with each workout. I have not been in the gym mode this week. I still have 2 more days to try to get to gym but if I don't I am going to do something. I burned 1115 calories with 65 DVD and 25 min walk! With yesterdays 420 cal burned, I have 965 calories left to get to 2500 min!

    You all and watching The Biggest Loser always helps me push myself! Have a wonderful day everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I feel you on liking the feeling of having a good workout....:-) I call it a good soreness! Keep up the good work!

    Congrats on meeting the challenge last week!! Don't you hate locking keys in the car!

    Go back to the very beginning ot the thread to find rules of the challenge! You can do it!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45/491 calories
    Tuesday- 15 min of HIIT 15 & 30 min of Fat Blaster/445 calories
    Wednesday- 55 min of Fire 55 EZ/531 calories

    145 min/1467 calories
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Monday 90 mins yard work blowing / raking leaves, stacking wood,
    Tuesday 60min on treadmill 30 mins w/o dvd
    Wednesday 60mins treadmill 25 mins strength training.

    265 done 95 left
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Just checking in:

    Monday: 30 minutes of Kettleworx, 30 minutes of stretching, 30 minutes of walking in place......270 minutes to go!
    Tuesday: 60 minutes of Plyometrics from the P90X program..............................................................210 minutes to go!
    Wednesday: 60 minutes of Billy Blank's Bootcamp dvd.......................................................................150 minutes to go!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon Insanity fit test 25mins
    Tues Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41mins
    Wed Zumba 60 min and Insanity Pure cardio and Cardio Abs 60

    Down 186 mins and 174 mins to go!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: walk 25/120
    tuesday: walk 28/135
    wednesday: elliptical 58/503
    so far: 111 minutes/758 calories
    to go: 249 minutes/1742 calories

    finally feeling on the mend!!! still not 100% but i'm feeling alive again :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh, boy...I've lost my mojo the past week and haven't done anything...I work Thursday thru Sunday so getting the 360 done is probably not going to happen...great job everyone

    Hoping to hit 180 for the week and make up for lost time