My Experience with Dr. Oz Detox/Cleanse Smoothies



  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you for posting your experience and pictures so that other people who may be interested can read and see your experience.

    If you don't agree with the OP that is fine, but I don't think it's necessary to be rude about it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???


    well because its a public forum, for starters, and why not get some other opinions and maybe a little science in the mix?

    threads like this are a dime a dozen (though never as long-winded), and they typically end the same way.

    start a group.

    ETA: spewing glitter all over every single thread doesn't do anyone any good. this site is NOT to lift each other up and support every word spoken. think of how insanely stupid that would be.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I know everyone has a different opinion but I did a 7 day juice cleanse and I really noticed how my digestive tract responded better afterwards. So I vote yes an occasional break from regular eating is helpful!

    based on anecdotal evidence and a sample of 1.......sounds scientific to me. :noway:

    Exactly how did your digestive tract "respond better", were you diagnosed with a medical condition and tested afterward?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???

    Seriously, the level of snark on this site is incredibly annoying. I swear some people do nothing more than troll through posts all day, looking for the chance to berate someone else. Nobody made you read her post. If it's too long for your wee attention span, or you don't share the share the same view (and aren't able to articulate a constructive counter-viewpoint, it's quite simple really, just move on.
    Oh, the irony . Thanks for the contribution

    What do you mean wee attention...oh another gif...
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    LoL sorry guys I was battling my old slowccomputer and photobucket.

    I tried to fix everything.

    anyways I AM aware it may be water weight, I am aware that it may have just been the workouts. Whatever it was, it was MY experience.

    And NO Inam not going to deprive myself of food. I LOVE to bake and cook. As for my body I am just going to change my eating habits.

    As for what "toxins" did I rid myself, I do not know, I should of done a blood test before and after to see how my body chemistry was affected.
    But I FEEL a lot better, not bloated at all.
    and even if it is just psychological, I feel I got rid of years of chips, sodas, chocolate, and processed foods.

    thanks for all the negative support. I really feel supported here.

    I never said this was magical or the answer but this was just my experience.

    Well thanks for sharing your experience and glad it made you feel better. People here go overboard on sarcastically baiting/attacking people over what they think is true. Not that this is "magical", however if you aren't doing it for the hype over the "detox" part and can afford it, with the ingredients you listed this "detox" its not bad at all, and in fact can help you, despite the most sarcastic "knowledgeable" poster here. :) Most people are probably slightly deficient in some of the vitamins and minerals present in large available quantities in mass quantities of vegetables, and the enzymes that become available in mass quantities of liquified vegetables can aid in digestion and absorption over the the short term, as can the introduction of large amounts of soluble fiber and can also help reduce inflammation, especially if you had any food sensitivities. So yes there is a lot of science over how it can help you feel better. However it IS hard to do, expensive, and next to impossible to keep up. And its not magically "detoxing" you of some specific "toxin" that's "killing you" as commonly advertised. Its also probably true that most of your weight loss is water weight loss (that's what inflammation reduction is primarily ridding you of). But if this is the kind of "detox" you do to kick off your diet, great job!

    I think many people react negatively because of the way these are portrayed, pushed on people, and the ingredients of some of the "detoxes". The very name "detox" is also misleading and many are excuses to sell some expensive powdered formula. There are some really bad ones out there pushed on people as "crucial", this is not one of those, looks like its composed of all fresh fruits and vegetables and you have done none of that. Just remember most of this loss is probably water weight and now you need to do the real work of setting a moderate caloric deficit and keeping with it. If you want to do this "detox" every once in a while that's fine too, just track the calories! If it makes you feel better and doesn't make it hard to keep your deficit, there is absolutely no reason not to, its pretty much the same thing as someone splurging on a pizza and beer one night to make themselves feel better, but with much less calories and some anti inflammatory and digestive benefit! ;)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Every day somewhere on this forum.........

    1. Poster comes here to ask about whatever the magic potion of the day is.
    2. Majority of people respond with "there is no magic potion, just eat at a calorie deficit". Some do it matter of factly, some do it with humor, some even do it with a little bit of sarcasm.
    3. Other people come in and say "that's rude, only post if you have something positive to say".
    4. Anyone who disagrees with whatever magic potion being discussed is labeled "mean" despite the fact that most of the time, real studies and science shows them to be correct.

    Oh, and I almost forgot.... :flowerforyou: This should make you feel better.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    This seems like the appropriate audience for my question...
  • mochakochalatte
    mochakochalatte Posts: 15 Member

    Agreed! lol too funny!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Options before the lock,

    And my first strike...

    Remember, try to stay on topic.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Anybody had any success getting back to your baby weight using Dr. Ooze weight loss supplements? I'd kill to have my baby body back...8lbs. 6oz. Gah I was so thin back in the day
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    I do believe in detox/cleanse juices or smoothies, I personally like the "green juice" but only do it once a day for two weeks to replace snacks,and for those two weeks I cannot drink alcohol because this juice detox colon and bloodstream. If it works for you why try it? I recently watched a documentary called FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, is about an Australian guy that was obese, went to the dr. and asked if he can have nothing but that juice for 60 days, he got the green light from the doctors, he did and lost all the overweight drinking the juice and working out.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Every day somewhere on this forum.........

    1. Poster comes here to ask about whatever the magic potion of the day is.
    2. Majority of people respond with "there is no magic potion, just eat at a calorie deficit". Some do it matter of factly, some do it with humor, some even do it with a little bit of sarcasm.
    3. Other people come in and say "that's rude, only post if you have something positive to say".
    4. Anyone who disagrees with whatever magic potion being discussed is labeled "mean" despite the fact that most of the time, real studies and science shows them to be correct.

    Oh, and I almost forgot.... :flowerforyou: This should make you feel better.

    Winner winner chicken dinner right here^^^^.

    The magic that is the never ending MFP forums....
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    While I don't agree with bashing people for using these "get skinny quick" gimmicks, I think it is probably more harmful to be an enabler. These types of short term dietary fads appeal to the desperate, who think that you can reverse years of bad habits by radically modifying your eating for a few days, thereby "detoxing" yourself and making everything better.

    The best plan is one that won't make anyone any money or provide them with any notoriety - eat a reasonable amount of food with a minimal level of nutritional value every day for an indefinite period of time. Call in a “permanent cleanse” diet, or a “not-so-quick fix”, or the “10,000 day crash diet”, or whatever marketing label makes it appeal to you…
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    thank you for understanding.
    I thought this was a community too. :-\

    I agree. I appreciate hearing a good discussion with differing opinions. We don't learn much when we all agree on everything. My issue is with the delivery of feedback. It's one thing to disagree and voice an honest, thoughtful, alternate opinion. Another to actively choose to challenge, ridicule and demean folks with sarcasm and little respect. I thought your initial post was pretty clear that you knew there'd be folks who'd disagree. I doubt you knew they'd be so rude about it. Anyway, thanks for posting. I learned some new information about this forum through your post. And just as a side note....I occasionally drink veggie juices and blended salads too... because I think they're delicious, and they help me with cravings & weight loss.
  • amtatusko
    amtatusko Posts: 16 Member
    Dr. Oz always seems to have a some sort of strange gimmick so I don't trust him anymore. the supplements he peddles are expensive and no one is really sure how well they work.

    I looked around for a long time and have been using this book not for smoothies, but for juices and how to plan healthy and cheap meals:

    I wanted a plan that could 1) get me started; 2) give a calorie count and nutrition information; 3) have options and different plans to choose from; 4) included actual food! and 3) had good recipes.

    Just so happens this one has it all! I make one juice a day and sometimes two. The problem is that it eats up a ton of produce. When I do the two day weekend detox I break out in acne and get cankersores. I also feel sluggish and nauseous for about three days. Note - I am still eating along with the juice, just switching up my diet to have more fiber.

    Then I start to feel amazing, alert, and less boated than before. I am not sure if it actually works, but it really feels like it does!

    All juice fasts are dangerous and you might not be getting enough calories during the day.

    Here is the secret to everything: hard work and patience:

    1) Manage your calories and learn about appropriate portion sizes. Don't get "stuffed" and learn how to feel just satisfied.
    2) Discipline yourself to healthy snacks like apples or grapes.
    3) Exercise. Do it correctly. If you are not sure, talk to a trainer. You can get that for free at your local YMCA for a very minimal cost.
    4) Be PATIENT! It is far easier to get unhealthy than healthy. Your body takes a while to learn new things and is not used to working.

    If you don't want to work hard, then you are not ready to get in shape. Sorry if that's blunt, but it's the truth. Grandma was right! Eat your vegetables!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Anything that makes you feel better is worth it!!!!
    thank you!

    Yeah people say that our organs work perfectly but, I know people who suffer from liver and kidney disease, and kidney stones. Why not give your body a break and treat it to tons of fruits and veggies?
    Thankd for the support and understanfing though.

    OP - I give my body tons of fruits and veggies! I do this because it is delicious and healthy - not because I subscribe to the phantom idea of needing them for a detox! You feel better and that is great. But why delude people into thinking they need them to have a "healthy start"?

    Time and time again I said this was my experience, not THE answer.
    I've been experimenting with healthy foods for weeks now, and it has been difficult for ME to combine them and prepare meals with them especially Kale.
    You say you give your body tons of fruits and veggies well good for you, I haven't been able to do, which is why im gladnie been able to incorporate a ton of them these last couple of days.

    I did say that this was a landmark experience for me, which marks the beginning and continuation of my journey.


    Hardly anybody here likes kale. Just don't eat it...? :huh:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I do believe in detox/cleanse juices or smoothies, I personally like the "green juice" but only do it once a day for two weeks to replace snacks,and for those two weeks I cannot drink alcohol because this juice detox colon and bloodstream. If it works for you why try it? I recently watched a documentary called FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, is about an Australian guy that was obese, went to the dr. and asked if he can have nothing but that juice for 60 days, he got the green light from the doctors, he did and lost all the overweight drinking the juice and working out.

    He lost weight because he was exercising and had a calorie deficit NOT because of juice cleanses.

    ETA: typo.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    The post I'd like to see is, post "cleanse," what next? What changes has the OP made and stuck to? I feel like I regularly read about someone being so happy about sticking to some horrible-sounding regime and thrilled with the dramatic weight loss, and then there's no follow-up.

    And to the ones complaining about the snark...well, you're in a community full of people who have tried every milkshake, pill and trick in the book, and who KNOW it's all pseudosciencey BS. When I see responses from people who have lost 50, 100, 200 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way...yeah, I'll listen to them over Dr. Oz or any other shill.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    OP, please post another pic of your progress, say 10 days post detox-cleanse. I think many of us would be very interested in the long term effect a 3-day detox has on your weight loss efforts.

    This please.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    When I see responses from people who have lost 50, 100, 200 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way...yeah, I'll listen to them over Dr. Oz or any other shill.

This discussion has been closed.