Pregnancy - December 2010



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    WELCOME!!!! I am very new here too but everyone is sooo nice! I just have to ask what SPD is?

    Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

    What exactly is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?

    During pregnancy or birth, about one in 35 women will experience intense pelvic pain and may find it difficult to walk, climb stairs, and other movements that involve the pelvic bones. This pain is a result of separation of the symphysis pubis which is a joint in the very front part of the pelvic bone structure. There is cartilage that fills the gap in the bones. During pregnancy, hormones such as relaxin soften this cartilage allowing the pelvic bones to be more flexible for delivery. Some women, however, have too much play in the pelvis causing a large gap between the bones. This makes the symphysis pubis area extremely sensitive to touch.

    More info is available at:

    I just learned something too!

    i learned something too. I have pain like this when walking.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I had my first drs appointment today... what a waste of time!! I felt like it was so rushed and like he couldn't wait to get into his next appt. He was not offereing any recommendations at all, I had to specially ask anything I wanted to know, and I forgot to ask him about coffee and deli meats.

    He did not send me for any blood work or do any tests. It is because he does not deliver babies- so he wants to try and get me a dr (I told him I would prefer female) that does. That sucks because I leave for Hawaii on January 3rd and won't be back until I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Isn't that a little late for my pap and blood work?

    Urghh all I know is that I DEFINATELY don't even want him as my family dr anymore. I just felt like this was the most important drs appt I have ever been to but also the least informative.

    I am sad now, and just wish I could have a midwife!

    Most initial OB appts. don't happen until around 12 weeks. Find another doc, you must have just a gyn, you need an OB. Even at your first initial ob appt, around 12 weeks, it won't be that informative, really very basic, with blood work and urine.

    so little can be done in the first trimester unless there is a risk of M/C or ectopic. Those first appts, are almost a non event. I wouldn't eat deli meat if you don't have too, and caffiene should be limited. Drink lots of water, and you can google just about anything you want to know about pregnancy these days.

    Good luck.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Also wanted to mention- he wants me to aim for 1800 calories per day, while when I select maintenance on my fitness pal it puts me at 2300!! Thats quite a difference eh?

    You are a big girl like me, you will likely gain weight quickly at 2300, I have been. My target is around 1800, but I eat too much food. I would back that down. You shouldn't add extra calories really until your second trimester.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The Ultrasound went awesome today!!! We saw a heartbeat! (and surprisingly even heard it during the ultrasound) I'm soooo relieved. My husband was actually the first one to point it out which was rather impressive since he has never sat in at an ultrasound untill a week ago when we had our first one. I got a wee bit emotional considering how hard it has been for us to get to this point. It still seems so surreal though!
    When I talked to the doc about my eating though and what he recommended, He told me to eat 2000-2500 calories... WHAT! If I up my calories that much, I'll be gaining 3 pounds a week for sure. My husband says I'm very stubborn if I don't listen to him, but that is A LOT of food for me right now. I thought I was okay with just adding 100 extra calories (or a little more if I'm hungry) and of course all excercise calories for now and slowly adding more as my pregnancy progresses......... So now I'm going to talk to a nutrionist. :smile:

    You will probably gain weight fast at that 2500 level too. I think you should watch your hunger level and not "diet", eat lots of veggies or whatever you can keep down. Doctor's really don't have or provide that much information on nutrition while pregnant. I guess it all depends on how much you weigh etc. I put my calories at maintenance for my starting weight when I got pregnant. Not my current rate, but I eat way too much, around 2500 and have gained 28 lbs and will be 24 week monday. Way too much weight gain.
  • jezebeliii
    jezebeliii Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. I started using MFP back in September with the goal of losing between 70 - 90 pounds. I've lost 23 pounds to-date and am feeling much better but found out a week ago that I'm pregnant (I'm 6 weeks as of yesterday) with our first baby. I'm over the moon excited about it because we've been trying for over 3 1/2 years to get pregnant. I'm convinced that losing those 23 pounds (and eating healthier) and exercising was they key to finally making it happen. Now, I'm trying to figure out how much I should be eating. I had my goal set at 1 1/2 pounds loss per week but since I found out I changed it to only 1/2 pound per week. I'm wondering if that's ok because I would like to avoid gaining much or possibly even losing a little but, obviously, don't want to endanger the baby in any way. I was thinking that since I'm already considered obese that there is plenty stored up to keep me and the baby healthy and still lose a little bit of weight. I've been eating when I'm hungry and snacking (healthy) between meals because I get hungry a lot faster than I used to. So far I'm meeting my calorie goals or only going a little over. Do you think I need to set it at maintenance and get those extra calories or am I safe with the 1/2 pound a week?

    I'm seeing a new OB (actually the nurse practitioner) at my first appointment on Monday morning so I'll ask her but just wondered what you ladies thought.
  • Hi everyone. I started using MFP back in September with the goal of losing between 70 - 90 pounds. I've lost 23 pounds to-date and am feeling much better but found out a week ago that I'm pregnant (I'm 6 weeks as of yesterday) with our first baby. I'm over the moon excited about it because we've been trying for over 3 1/2 years to get pregnant. I'm convinced that losing those 23 pounds (and eating healthier) and exercising was they key to finally making it happen. Now, I'm trying to figure out how much I should be eating. I had my goal set at 1 1/2 pounds loss per week but since I found out I changed it to only 1/2 pound per week. I'm wondering if that's ok because I would like to avoid gaining much or possibly even losing a little but, obviously, don't want to endanger the baby in any way. I was thinking that since I'm already considered obese that there is plenty stored up to keep me and the baby healthy and still lose a little bit of weight. I've been eating when I'm hungry and snacking (healthy) between meals because I get hungry a lot faster than I used to. So far I'm meeting my calorie goals or only going a little over. Do you think I need to set it at maintenance and get those extra calories or am I safe with the 1/2 pound a week?

    I'm seeing a new OB (actually the nurse practitioner) at my first appointment on Monday morning so I'll ask her but just wondered what you ladies thought.

    Congrats! I kept mine at 1200 and started to eat my exercise calories, I had not been previously. At 11 weeks I set to maintenance and eat my exercise calories, usually. This worked for me. I have gained a few pounds the first tri and haven't gained anything in several weeks.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    The Ultrasound went awesome today!!! We saw a heartbeat! (and surprisingly even heard it during the ultrasound) I'm soooo relieved. My husband was actually the first one to point it out which was rather impressive since he has never sat in at an ultrasound untill a week ago when we had our first one. I got a wee bit emotional considering how hard it has been for us to get to this point. It still seems so surreal though!
    When I talked to the doc about my eating though and what he recommended, He told me to eat 2000-2500 calories... WHAT! If I up my calories that much, I'll be gaining 3 pounds a week for sure. My husband says I'm very stubborn if I don't listen to him, but that is A LOT of food for me right now. I thought I was okay with just adding 100 extra calories (or a little more if I'm hungry) and of course all excercise calories for now and slowly adding more as my pregnancy progresses......... So now I'm going to talk to a nutrionist. :smile:

    You will probably gain weight fast at that 2500 level too. I think you should watch your hunger level and not "diet", eat lots of veggies or whatever you can keep down. Doctor's really don't have or provide that much information on nutrition while pregnant. I guess it all depends on how much you weigh etc. I put my calories at maintenance for my starting weight when I got pregnant. Not my current rate, but I eat way too much, around 2500 and have gained 28 lbs and will be 24 week monday. Way too much weight gain.

    My doc also said 2000-2500 because of my size which was a shock since I was eating 1200 before. I set my goal to maintenance which for me is 2210, I am 23 weeks tomorrow and as of my last appointment gained 12.9 lbs. I did slack off for a while but since I've been keeping my food log again my weight has stopped increasing. I usually have 100-200 calories extra at the end of the day but really go based on how I am feeling and as long as I dont eat a bunch of crap 2000 cals can take you very far.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member

    Thanks :)

    Wow! you have a lot of kids! I would LOVE to have a big family like that! Hubby is done @ 3. lol!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So since my son is in AZ with his dad visiting family for 10 days (!! YAY!!) I could do whatever I wanted at the gym today (usually I have to work around their 2hr day care limit) so, I went to the 8am water aerobics class, then swam a mile, then walked a mile, then went to yoga, then went to zumba! 4 1/2 hours and 1875 calories! Then I went home and had a big piece of cake! :laugh: Ah well, I still have 2300 calories to work with to get some veggies in today. :wink: I'm tired, but don't feel overworked at all. Who says pregnant ladies can't stay active!?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I need to up my veggie intake tomorrow. I was really low with it today and only 2 servings of fruit. AGH.:sick:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Woke up again early this a.m., by a little baby kicking from the inside. So wonderful. Everytime I wake up for my morning potty break, he gets up too :smooched:

    It is such a blessing to be pregnant and expecting again after all these years. I am really thankful for all the support ya'll provide here to. It helps with so much.:smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Is anyone else starving? I have been so hungry the last two weeks I don't even know what is going on... I can eat something and an hour later but hungry again! It makes so sense!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Is anyone else starving? I have been so hungry the last two weeks I don't even know what is going on... I can eat something and an hour later but hungry again! It makes so sense!

    Welcome to pregnancy, LOL. I have days where I have the urge to eat all day. Maybe your having a boy.:smile:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Woke up again early this a.m., by a little baby kicking from the inside. So wonderful. Everytime I wake up for my morning potty break, he gets up too :smooched:

    It is such a blessing to be pregnant and expecting again after all these years. I am really thankful for all the support ya'll provide here to. It helps with so much.:smile:

    I agree, it is such a wonderful feeling. I always miss pregnancy once it is over. It definitely is a blessing!
  • Doddiellie
    Doddiellie Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I just spotted this and thought i would join in if that is ok? :wink:

    I've been on the site a month or so but haven't had a chance either due to ork or just laziness to start it properly.

    I married my hubby back in feb and have started trying for a baby, I came off the pill in June but it took till October for my periods to return fortunately they seem quite regular, but I know I need to be losing weight for me to hopefully concieve. Fingers crossed. So my mission is starting tomorrow morning I'm going to really focus on me and my weight loss and fitness drive and hopefully some thing will happen soon :smile:

  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I need to up my veggie intake tomorrow. I was really low with it today and only 2 servings of fruit. AGH.:sick:

    I'm awful with veggies. I'm usually good with fresh fruit, but I don't have any right now but some canned which is mostly pineapple and all sugar. More of a dessert snack for me than a serving of fruit! I need to get to the grocery after the next paycheck (or after my husband gets back and back to work, since my midmonth paycheck is all rent and elec) and get some more good food and some veggies I actually like. I have been trying to just clear out whatever is in the fridge while my husband and son are gone and my last week has been like totally carbs and protein. I think my only veggies this week have been what I put on yesterday's (super tasty) homemade pizza, and sweet and white potatoes!

    The stupid part is - i actually LIKE veggies... I just don't eat them!!!!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I love them, we just don't buy enough, because they either go bad before we can eat them or we don't buy enough and they are gone in a day or 2, and I can't afford to go to the store every other day. I'd be broke, because I don't come out with just veggies, lol.

    I put them in the pots of soup I made last week and got them that way, but with too much sodium. I am going to the store today, so I will pick up a few for the week and maybe some frozen. I won't eat canned anymore because of the sodium content.

    My fruit kick has kind of wained the last several days.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey you have room for me??

    After 4 positive tests and three negative one (with 2 being positive this morning) I am going to believe I really am pregnant. I am calling the doctor tomorrow and seeing about blood work!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hey you have room for me??

    After 4 positive tests and three negative one (with 2 being positive this morning) I am going to believe I really am pregnant. I am calling the doctor tomorrow and seeing about blood work!

    YEA! Amanda, glad to see you over here! I am sure with 2 positive tests this morning you are preggo!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey you have room for me??

    After 4 positive tests and three negative one (with 2 being positive this morning) I am going to believe I really am pregnant. I am calling the doctor tomorrow and seeing about blood work!

    YEA! Amanda, glad to see you over here! I am sure with 2 positive tests this morning you are preggo!

    Thanks AnnaElise! You have been so hopeful and encouraging to me! I appreciate it! :flowerforyou:
    The afternoon htp were the ones that showed negative while the htp with the FMU showed positive. I think I was just in shock because my IUD only been out a month.
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